907 resultados para milk replacer
Objective: To assess the impact of feeding different amounts of sorghum ergot to sows before farrowing. Design: Fifty-one pregnant sows from a continually farrowing piggery were sequentially inducted into the experiment each week in groups of four to seven, as they approached within 14 days of farrowing. Diets containing sorghum ergot sclerotia within the range of 0 (control) up to 1.5% w/w (1.5% ergot provided 7 mg alkaloids/kg, including 6 mg dihydroergosine/kg) were randomly allocated and individually fed to sows. Ergot concentrations were varied with each subsequent group until an acceptable level of tolerance was achieved. Diets with ergot were replaced with control diets after farrowing. Post-farrowing milk production was assessed by direct palpation and observation of udders, and by piglet responses and growth. Blood samples were taken from sows on three days each week, for prolactin estimation. Results: Three sows fed 1.5% ergot for 6 to 10 days preceding farrowing produced no milk, and 87% of their piglets died despite supplementary feeding of natural and artificial colostrums, milk replacer, and attempts to foster them onto normally lactating sows. Ergot inclusions of 0.6% to 1.2% caused lesser problems in milk release and neo-natal piglet mortality. Of 23 sows fed either 0.3% or 0.6% ergot, lactation of only two first-litter sows were affected. Ergot caused pronounced reductions in blood prolactin, and first-litter sows had lower plasma prolactin than multiparous sows, increasing their susceptibility to ergot. Conclusion: Sorghum ergot should not exceed 0.3% (1 mg alkaloid/kg) in diets of multiparous sows fed before farrowing, and should be limited to 0.1 % for primiparous sows, or avoided completely.
Setting:White-tailed deer represent the first wildlife reservoir of Mycobacterium bovis in the United States. The behavior of does with nursing fawns provides several potential mechanisms for disease transmission. Little information exists concerning transmission between doe and fawn, specifically transmammary transmission. Objective: Determine if fawns can become infected by ingestion of milk replacer containing M. bovis, thus simulating transmission from doe to fawn through contaminated milk. Design: Seventeen, 21-day-old white-tailed deer fawns were inoculated orally with 2x108 CFU (high dose, n=5), 2.5 x 105 to 2.5 x 106 CFU (medium dose, n=5), and 1x104 CFU (low dose, n=5) of M. bovis in milk replacer. Dosages were divided equally and fed daily over a 5-day period. Positive control fawns (n=2) received 1x105 CFU of M. bovis instilled in the tonsillar crypts. Fawns were euthanized and examined 35-115 days after inoculation and various tissues collected for bacteriologic and microscopic analysis. Results: All fawns in the tonsillar, high oral and medium oral dose groups developed generalized tuberculosis involving numerous organs and tissues by 35-84 days after inoculation. Three of five fawns in the low-dose oral group had tuberculous lesions in the mandibular lymph node, and one of five had lesions in the medial retropharyngeal lymph node when examined 115 days after inoculation. Conclusion: White-tailed deer fawns can become infected through oral exposure to M. bovis. Therefore, the potential exists for fawns to acquire M. bovis while nursing tuberculous does.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the route of administration of mannan-oligosaccharides in the diet of dairy calves and their effects on performance and plasma parameters indicative of rumen development. Following birth, twenty-four male Holstein calves were used in a completely randomized design and assigned to the following treatments: Control; 4 g/d Bio-Mos (R) (Alltech Biotech.) added to starter concentrate; and 4 g/d Bio-Mos (R) mixed into milk replacer. Animals were housed in individual hutches with free access to water, and fed 4L/d of milk replacer until weaning at six weeks. Calves also received 23g/kg crude protein of starter concentrate ad libitum. Fecal scores were evaluated daily. Body weights, growth measurements and blood samples for glucose, urea-N and beta-hidroxibutyrate analyses were taken weekly until 8 weeks of age. There were no significant effects of treatment or treatment x age interactions for mean starter concentrate intake, weight gain or body growth. However, there was a significant age effect for all parameters. Fecal scores were not affected by treatments. Also, plasma concentration of glucose, urea-N or beta-hidroxibutyrate were not affected by treatment or the treatment x age interaction. However, urea-N and beta-hidroxibutyrate concentrations significantly increased with age, suggesting adequate rumen development. Under the conditions of this study, there were no calf performance benefits when mannan-oligosaccharides were incorporated into milk replacer or calf starter concentrate.
Vasikoiden kasvatus yksilökarsinoissa, imemismahdollisuuden puute maitojuoton yhteydessä sekä pienet juomamäärät ovat tekijöitä, jotka mahdollisesti voivat vähentää vasikoiden hyvinvointia. Vasikoiden kasvatukseen etsitäänkin uusia tapoja, joissa eläinten käyttäytymistarpeet ja hyvinvointi otetaan entistä paremmin huomioon. Tässä väitöskirjassa vasikoiden kasvatusta on tarkasteltu sekä tuotannon että vasikoiden käyttäytymisen ja hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Väitöskirja koostuu kolmesta kokeesta, joista ensimmäisessä tutkittiin vasikoiden kasvatusta ryhmäkarsinoissa ulkona tai sisällä ja vasikoiden kasvatusta sisällä ryhmä- tai yksilökarsinoissa. Toisessa kokeessa vasikoiden annettiin imeä emiään rajoitetusti lypsyn jälkeen viiden tai kahdeksan viikon ajan ja kolmannessa selvitettiin vasikoiden veden juontia, kun vasikat saivat juomarehua vapaasti. Lisäksi kokeiden yhdistetystä aineistosta analysoitiin eri rehujen syöntimäärien suhdetta sekä rehujen vaikutusta kasvuun ennen ja jälkeen maidosta vieroituksen. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että vasikoita voi ryhmässä kasvattaa kylmissä ja vaihtelevissa sääoloissa ulkona, kunhan ne hoidetaan ja ruokitaan erittäin huolellisesti. Kylmällä ilmalla vasikat saattavat kuitenkin syödä väkirehua vähemmän varsinkin, jos ruokailupaikka on ulkona ja makuualue sisällä. Ryhmässä kasvaneet vasikat aloittivat sekä kuivien rehujen syönnin että märehtimisen nuorempina kuin yksilökarsinassa kasvaneet. Ryhmissä esiintyvää käyttäytymisongelmaa, toisten vasikoiden imemistä, voidaan vähentää hoito- ja ruokintamenetelmillä. Annettaessa vasikoiden imeä emiään rajoitetusti lypsyn jälkeen vasikat oppivat imemään emiään hyvin nopeasti. Lypsytyö vaikeutui muutamien lehmien kohdalla, sillä ne pidättivät maitoa lypsettäessä. Saadessaan imeä rajoitetusti vasikat imivät suurehkoja maitomääriä kerrallaan. Vieroittaminen suurilta maitomääriltä viiden viikon iässä oli kuitenkin liian aikaista, koska vasikat eivät vielä syöneet riittävästi kuivia rehuja. Vieroitus emästä niin viiden kuin kahdeksankin viikon iässä aiheutti vasikoissa levottomuutta ja ääntelyn lisääntymistä. Saadessaan hapatettua juomarehua vapaasti vasikat joivat keskimäärin vain vähän vettä, olipa vesilähteenä avoin ämpäri tai vesinippa. Vasikoiden välillä oli suurta vaihtelua veden juontimäärissä. Viikkoa ennen maidosta vieroitusta vasikat joivat 0-3 l vettä päivässä. Vasikat joivat nipasta kerrallaan vähemmän vettä kuin ämpäristä, ja käyttivät enemmän aikaa päivässä veden juomiseen kuin vesiämpäristä juoneet vasikat. Suurin osa vasikoista joi vettä juomanipoista erikoisella tavalla esimerkiksi painamalla nippaa otsalla ja juomalla tippuvaa vettä. Vesinipat voivat olla siis vasikoille joko vaikeita tai epämukavia käyttää. Vasikoiden juoman maitomäärän lisääntyessä kasvu lisääntyy selvästi. Runsas maidon juominen vähentää kuitenkin kuivien rehujen syöntiä ja vieroitusvaiheessa kasvu voi hidastua. Vasikat olisikin tärkeää vieroittaa vähitellen, ettei muutoksia kasvuun tulisi. Syönti- ja kasvutulokset eivät aina anna oikeaa kuvaa kasvatusmenetelmien eroista eläinten hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Käyttäytyminen on herkkä hyvinvoinnin mittari ja se tulisikin aina huomioida eri kasvatusmenetelmiä arvioitaessa. .
A exploração caprina de leite tem evoluído no sentido de alguma intensificação, com recurso a raças de elevado potencial produtivo, de que é exemplo a raça Murciana- Granadina. O leite constitui a principal fonte de receita destas explorações. Complementarmente, vendem animais para carne e, as de melhor nível genético, animais para reprodutores. Analisaram-se os pesos de 241 cabritos da raça Murciana-Granadina, numa exploração comercial, com o objectivo de quantificar os pesos e crescimento de cabritos, e identificar os factores que os influenciam. Os cabritos foram aleitados artificialmente, em regime ad libitum, com leite de substituição comercial, dispondo ainda de concentrado comercial, feno de luzerna e palha. Os cabritos foram pesados ao nascimento e, posteriormente, semanalmente, até aos 60 dias de idade. Calcularam-se os respetivos pesos ajustados, bem como os ganhos médios diários, a diferentes idades padrão. Procedeu-se a uma análise de variância com um modelo linear que incluiu os efeitos da época de parto, tipo de parto, sexo e idade da cabra. Foram registados pesos superiores nos partos simples e duplos, relativamente aos triplos, e nos machos, relativamente às fêmeas. Os ganhos médios diários, a partir do mês de idade, registaram valores inferiores na época inverno-primavera, comparativamente com a época primavera-verão. Dairy goat farming has evolved towards intensification, with increased use of high milk-yielding breeds, including the Murciano-Granadina breed. Milk is the main source of farm income. Secondary income sources are the sale of animals for meat and, in genetically superior herds, the sale of breeding animals. The weights of 241 commercial farms artificially reared Murciano-Granadina kids were analyzed with the objective of quantifying weight and growth and identifying variation factors. Kids were artificially reared to weaning, on ad libitum commercial milk replacer, commercial concentrate, lucerne hay and straw. Kids were weighed at birth and at weekly intervals until 60 days of age. Age adjusted weights and growth-rates were calculated. A variance analysis was performed with a model including the effects of season of birth, number of kids per kidding, sex and age of dam. Single and twin-born kids had higher weights than triplets, and males had higher weights than females. Average daily gain after one month of age was lower for kids born in winter-spring than for those born in spring-summer
The objective of this study was to determine the distribution of total selenium (Se) and of the proportion of total Se comprised as the selenized amino acids selenomethionine (SeMet) and selenocysteine (SeCys) within the post mortem tissues of lambs that were fed high dose selenized enriched yeast (SY), derived from a specific strain of Saccharomyces cerevisae CNCM (Collection Nationale de Culture de Micro-organism) I-3060. Thirty two Texel X Suffolk lambs (6.87 ± 0.23 kg BW) were offered both reconstituted milk replacer and a pelleted diet, both of which had been either supplemented with high SY (6.30 ± 0.18 mg Se/kg DM) or unsupplemented (0.13 ± 0.01 mg Se/kg of DM), depending on treatment designation, for a continuous period of 91 d. At enrollment and 28, 56 and 91 d following enrollment lambs were blood sampled. At the completion of the treatment period, five lambs from each treatment group were euthanased and samples of heart, liver, kidney and skeletal muscle (Longissimus Dorsi and Psoas Major) were retained for Se analysis. The inclusion of high SY increased (P < 0.001) whole blood Se concentration, reaching a maximum mean value of 815.2 ± 19.1 ng Se/mL compared with 217.8 ± 9.1 ng Se/mL in control animals. Tissue total Se concentrations were significantly (P < 0.001) higher in SY supplemented animals than in controls irrespective of tissue type; values were 26, 16, 8 and 3 times higher in skeletal muscle, liver, heart and kidney tissue of HSY lambs when compared to controls. however, the distribution of total Se and the proportions of total Se comprised as either SeMet or SeCys differed between tissue types. Selenocysteine was the predominant selenized amino acid in glandular tissues, such the liver and kidney. irrespective of treatment, although absolute values were markedly higher in HSY lambs. Conversely selenomethionine was the predominat selenized amino acid in cardiac and skeletal muscle (Longissimus Dorsi, and Psoas Major) tissues in HSY animals, although the same trend was not apparent for control lambs in which SeCys was the predominant selenized amino acid. It was concluded that there were increases in both whole blood and tissue total Se concentrations as a result of dietary supplementation with high dose of SY. Furthermore, distribution of total Se and Se species differed between both treatment designation and tissue type.
Six colostrum-deprived, hysterotomy-derived calves were maintained under sterile conditions and fed a milk replacer diet. At five days of age, five of the calves were dosed orally with 10(9)cfu of Escherichia coli O157: H7 strain A84. They were killed after, one, two, six, 12 and 24 days, and samples were taken for bacteriological and pathological examination. The sixth uninfected control calf was killed at seven days of age and matched samples were taken for pathological comparison. The animals remained normal throughout the observation period. Bacteriological data indicated a heavy bacterial load of strain A84 throughout the gastrointestinal tract but the bacterium was not found in liver, kidney or muscle. No evidence of attaching and effacing' lesions in the small or large intestine was found although there was a mild inflammatory response in the intestinal tract, consisting mainly of infiltrating eosinophils.
The aim of the present study was to determine feed intake and average weight gain and to evaluate the ruminal morphologic characteristics of Saanen kids slaughtered at 30, 45 and 60 days of age, according to a completely randomized design. Thirty-six non-castrated male Saanen kids were fed ground total ration, pelleted total ration, or extruded total ration. Feed intake and refusals were controlled daily and the animals were weighed at birth and then once a week. Newborn kids received a milk replacer and were weaned at 45 days. Immediately after slaughter, the animals were eviscerated, the entire digestive apparatus was removed from the carcass. The reticulo-rumen was separated, emptied, washed and weighed. Samples were collected from the dorsal sac, pillar area and ventral sac of the rumen, fixed for about 24h in Bouin's solution, dehydrated, embedded in Histosec and cut into 5 mu m sections. Results showed that dry matter intake (DMI) at weaning and post-weaning and weight gain were higher (P < 0.05) in animals that received the pelleted total ration. The weight of the reticulo-rumen accompanied body development and was heavier in these animals. Histologically, after weaning ruminal papillae were more developed in animals that received pelleted total ration. Length of papillae increased with increase of age. The ratio of papillary height to papillary width increased with age in the ventral sac and until weaning (P > 0.05). We conclude that the pelleting process of the total ration favored increased intake, with a 46.7% increase in weight gain and increase in rumen weight and papillae length, suggesting that best results are obtained with this processing. In general, no difference was observed between the results obtained with extruded and ground total ration, although animals fed extruded total ration showed an increase in rumen weight and papillae width. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Foram utilizados 24 bezerros da raça Holandesa distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com oito repetições e três tratamentos: leite integral (LI) e dois tipos de sucedâneos, DestetorÒ (DES) e LactalÒ (LAC), durante o período de aleitamento (60 dias), sendo avaliados: ganho de peso, consumo de matéria seca e mensurações corporais (altura na cernelha, circunferência toráxica e ventral). Os ganhos médios diários de peso, a altura na cernelha e a circunferência torácica e ventral dos bezerros não diferiram (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos. Foram obtidas as médias de ganho de peso de 0,32, 0,41 e 0,26 kg/bezerro/dia nos tratamentos LI, DES e LAC, respectivamente. O consumo de matéria seca total na fase de aleitamento, durante 60 dias, diferiu entre os tratamentos, sendo que os bezerros que receberam o sucedâneo DES consumiram mais matéria seca total, comparados àqueles que receberam o sucedâneo LAC (P<0,05). As médias de consumo diário de matéria seca foram: 0,79; 0,94 e 0,68kg/bezerro respectivamente para os tratamentos LI, DES e LAC.
Avaliou-se o desempenho de bezerros alimentados até o desaleitamento com silagem de grãos úmidos ou grãos secos de milho ou sorgo para posterior produção de vitelos de carne rosa. Trinta bezerros holandeses foram distribuídos em delineamento em blocos casualizados, com cinco blocos e seis tratamentos, e alimentados com seis rações concentradas com teores similares de proteína (22,5% PB) e de energia (3,2 Mcal EM/kg MS), formuladas com: milho seco moído (MM); silagem de grãos úmidos de milho (SGUM); sorgo seco com tanino moído (SCTM); silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo com tanino (SGUSCT); sorgo seco sem tanino moído (SSTM); e silagem de grãos úmidos de sorgo sem tanino (SGUSST). Os animais receberam sucedâneo de leite até atingirem o peso pré-estabelecido para desaleitamento (60 ± 5 kg). Não houve efeito das rações concentradas sobre a altura de cernelha, a idade ao desaleitamento, os consumos diários de MS diários e totais das rações concentradas, os ganhos de peso diários e totais e a conversão alimentar. Os custos por kg de ganho de peso das rações concentradas contendo sorgo foram mais baixos que o das rações concentradas formuladas com milho. Todos os alimentos avaliados podem ser usados em rações concentradas para bezerros em fase de aleitamento, pois não comprometem o desempenho e conferem resultados similares.
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FMVZ
Colostrum intake in newborn goat kids is essential for the acquisition of immunoglobulins (Ig) and influencing development of gastrointestinal mucosa. The present study investigated small intestine structure in the postnatal goat kid fed lyophilized bovine colostrum, an alternative source of antibodies to small ruminants, or goat colostrum using scanning electron microscopy technique. At 0,7 and 14 h of life 15 male newborns received 5% of body weight of lyophilized bovine colostrum (LBC) and 14 goat colostrum (GC), both with 55 mg/mL of IgG. Samples of duodenum, medium jejunum and ileum were collected at 18, 36 and 96 h of life. Three animals were sampled at birth without colostrum intake (0 h). The enteric tissues were analyzed for villi density (villi/cm(2)) and morphological characteristics. The villi density did not differ between treatment, sampling time and intestinal segments (P>0.05). The morphological characteristics were not different between LBC and GC in all segments. Duodenal villi were fingerlike, thick and short, and with different heights. Duodenal folds could also be verified. Frequent anastomoses in all sampling times were observed in this segment. In the jejunum, fingerlike villi, thin and thick, of different heights were observed in all sampling times as well as leaf-shaped villi. Vacuoles with colostrum were observed in the jejunum of goats sampled at 18 h of life. In ileum, fingerlike villi were observed in all sampling times. At 0 and 96 h of life, thick and low villi were verified while at 18 and 36 h the villi showed different heights and widths. At all sampling times, regularly cell extrusion processes were observed with grouped cells at the apex of the ileum villi and with isolated cells along the villi. In the first 4 days of goat kids' life the small intestine structure was unaffected by different sources of colostrum, goat or lyophilized bovine, and by the replacement of fetal enterocytes, which are able to absorb macromolecules, by adult-type ones. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Colostrum (COL) contains cytokines and growth factors that may enhance intestinal development in neonates. The hypothesis of this study was that besides providing immunoglobulins, COL is important for intestinal function and meconium release in foals. Newborn foals were either fed COL (n = 5) or an equal amount of milk replacer (MR, n = 7) during the first 24 hours of life. To ensure passive immunity, all foals received 1 L plasma. Postnatal development, meconium release, intestinal motility, white blood cell count, insulin-like growth factor 1, and intestinal absorptive function (xylose absorption test) were evaluated. Clinical findings and meconium release were not affected by feeding of COL or MR. Ultrasonography revealed a slightly larger jejunum and stomach in group COL versus MR (P < 0.05). The percentage of polymorphonuclear leucocytes was higher in foals of group MR versus group COL (P < 0.05) and the percentage of lymphocytes was lower in MR compared with COL foals (P < 0.05). Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 concentration increased during the first 14 days after birth in both groups. A xylose absorption test on Day 5 revealed similar increases in plasma xylose concentrations after oral intake. In conclusion, feeding of COL versus MR was without effect on meconium release and intestinal absorptive function. Differences between foals fed COL and MR with regard to intestinal function are apparently without clinical relevance. In foals that have not received maternal COL, there is no major risk of intestinal problems if they are fed MR and provided with immunoglobulins by transfusion of plasma.