989 resultados para migration test
The ingress of chlorides into concrete is predominantly by the mechanism of diffusion and the resistance of concrete to the transport of chlorides is generally represented by its coefficient of diffusion. The determination of this coefficient normally requires long test duration (many months). Therefore, rapid test methods based on the electrical migration of ions have widely been used. The current procedure of chloride ion migration tests involves placing a concrete disc between an ion source solution and a neutral solution and accelerating the transport of ions from the source solution to the neutral solution by the application of a potential difference across the concrete disc. This means that, in order to determine the chloride transport resistance of concrete cover, cores should be extracted from the structure and tested in laboratories. In an attempt to facilitate testing of the concrete cover on site, an in situ ion migration test (hereafter referred to as PERMIT ion migration test for the unique identification of the new test) was developed. The PERMIT ion migration test was validated in the lab by carrying out a comparative investigation and correlating the results with the migration coefficient from the one-dimensional chloride migration test, the effective diffusion coefficient from the normal diffusion test and the apparent diffusion coefficient determined from chloride profiles. A range of concrete mixes made with ordinary Portland cement was used for this purpose. In addition, the effects of preferential flow of ions close to the concrete surface and the proximity of reinforcement within the test area on the in situ migration coefficients were investigated. It was observed that the in situ migration index, found in one working day, correlated well with the chloride diffusion coefficients from other tests. The quality of the surface layer of the cover concrete and the location of the reinforcement within the test area were found to affect the flow of ions through the concrete during the test. Based on the data, a procedure to carry out the PERMIT ion migration test was standardised.
In this paper the current development of the steady state migration test was reviewed. Experiments were carried out for a series of concrete mixes with the steady state migration test in which conductivity sensor technology is applied. With the developed steady state migration test, conductivity in anolyte, loop current and temperature can be monitored in real time. The experimental results are conductive to understand the mechanism of chloride migration during both unsteady state and steady state. The conductivity of anolyte could be used to calculate the chloride concentration in anolyte and the theoretical correlation between them was explained. Over all, the developed steady state migration is an effective, convenient, well-defined in theory and plentiful with information method which could be used to determine the chloride diffusion coefficient of cementitious materials.
This paper reports an approach by which laboratory based testing and numerical modelling can be combined to predict the long term performance of a range of concretes exposed to marine environments. Firstly, a critical review of the test methods for assessing the chloride penetration resistance of concrete is given. The repeatability of the different test results is also included. In addition to the test methods, a numerical simulation model is used to explore the test data further to obtain long-term chloride ingress trends. The combined use of testing and modelling is validated with the help of long-term chloride ingress data from a North Sea exposure site. In summary, the paper outlines a methodology for determining the long term performance of concrete in marine environments.
Inverse analysis for reactive transport of chlorides through concrete in the presence of electric field is presented. The model is solved using MATLAB’s built-in solvers “pdepe.m” and “ode15s.m”. The results from the model are compared with experimental measurements from accelerated migration test and a function representing the lack of fit is formed. This function is optimised with respect to varying amount of key parameters defining the model. Levenberg-Marquardt trust-region optimisation approach is employed. The paper presents a method by which the degree of inter-dependency between parameters and sensitivity (significance) of each parameter towards model predictions can be studied on models with or without clearly defined governing equations. Eigen value analysis of the Hessian matrix was employed to investigate and avoid over-parametrisation in inverse analysis. We investigated simultaneous fitting of parameters for diffusivity, chloride binding as defined by Freundlich isotherm (thermodynamic) and binding rate (kinetic parameter). Fitting of more than 2 parameters, simultaneously, demonstrates a high degree of parameter inter-dependency. This finding is significant as mathematical models for representing chloride transport rely on several parameters for each mode of transport (i.e., diffusivity, binding, etc.), which combined may lead to unreliable simultaneous estimation of parameters.
This paper presents an experimental study to evaluate effect of cumulative lightweight aggregate (LWA) content (including lightweight sand) in concrete [water/cement ratio (w/c) = 0.38] on its water absorption, water permeability, and resistance to chloride-ion penetration. Rapid chloride penetrability test (ASTM C 1202), rapid migration test (NT Build 492), and salt ponding test (AASHTO T 259) were conducted to evaluate the concrete resistance to chloride-ion penetration. The results were compared with those of a cement paste and a control normal weight aggregate concrete (NWAC) with the same w/c and a NWAC (w/c = 0.54) with 28-day compressive strength similar to some of the lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC). Results indicate that although the total charge passed, migration coefficient, and diffusion coefficient of the LWAC were not significantly different from those of NWAC with the same w/c of 0.38, resistance of the LWAC to chloride penetration decreased with increase in the cumulative LWA content in the concretes. The water penetration depth under pressure and water sorptivity showed, in general, similar trends. The LWAC with only coarse LWA had similar water sorptivity, water permeability coefficient, and resistance to chloride-ion penetration compared to NWAC with similar w/c. The LWAC had lower water sorptivity, water permeability and higher resistance to chloride-ion penetration than the NWAC with similar 28-day strength but higher w/c. Both the NWAC and LWAC had lower sorptivity and higher resistance to chloride-ion penetration than the cement paste with similar w/c.
This paper presents an experimental study on the resistance of lightweight aggregate concretes to chloride-ion penetration in comparison to that of normal weight concrete of similar w/c. Salt ponding test (based on AASHTO T 259), rapid chloride permeability test (ASTM C 1202) and rapid migration test (NT Build 492) were carried out to evaluate the concrete resistance to the chloride-ion penetration. Results indicate that in general the resistance of the LWAC to the chloride-ion penetration was in the same order as that of NWAC of similar w/c. However, the increase in cumulative LWA volume and the incorporation of finer LWA particles led to higher charge passed, migration coefficient, and diffusion coefficient. Since the LWACs had lower 28-day compressive strength compared with that of the NWAC of similar w/c, the LWACs may have equal or better resistance to the chloride-ion penetration compared with the NWAC of equivalent strength. The trend of the resistance of concretes to chloride-ion penetration determined by the three test methods was reasonably consistent although there were some discrepancies due to different test methods.
Durability is a significant issue to focus on for newly developed structural lightweight cement composite (ULCC). This paper presents an experimental study to evaluate the resistance of ULCC to water and chloride ion penetration. Chloride penetrability and sorptivity were evaluated for ULCC (unit weight about 1450 kg/m3) and compared with those of a normal weight concrete (NWC), a lightweight aggregate concrete (LWC), and an ultra lightweight composite with proprietary cementitious binder (DB) (unit weight about 1450 kg/m3) at similar compressive strength of about 60 MPa. Rapid chloride penetrability test, rapid migration test, water absorption (sorptivity) test, and water permeability test were conducted on these mixtures. Results indicate that ULCC and DB had comparable performance. Compared with control LWC and NWC at similar strength level, the ULCC and DB mixtures had higher resistance to chloride ion penetration, lower water absorption and virtually impermeable to water penetration.
Physical properties of linear low density polythene film of 60 gauge thickness and its suitability as packaging material in frozen fish industry was studied in comparison with conventional 100 gauge low density polythene film. Both were comparable in water vapor transmission rate both at 38°C and -20°C, overall migration test and :flexibility at low temperatures. ·Even though the tearing strength was inferior to the conventional one, it is of no significance in its use in frozen fish industry. The new film worked out to be more economical than the other one.
The permeability of concrete is influenced by the porosity and the interconnectivity of the pores in the cement paste and the microcracks in concrete, especially in the interface of paste-aggregate. The movements of gases, liquids, and ions through concrete is important because of their interactions with concrete constituents, including pore water, which can alter the integrity of concrete directly and indirectly, leading to the deterioration of structures. This study reports the findings from an investigation carried out to study the effect of the mixture variations on the durability of medium- and high-strength self-consolidating concrete (SCC). The mixture variations studied include the type of mineral admixtures, such as limestone powder (LSP) and pulverized fuel ash (PFA), and viscositymodifying admixtures (VMA) for both medium- and high-strength SCC. Air permeability, water permeability, capillary absorption, and chloride diffusivity were used to assess the durability of SCC mixtures in comparison with normal, vibrated concretes. The results showed that SCC mixtures, for medium- and high-strength grades using PFA followed by LSP, have lower permeability properties compared with normal concretes. SCC made with VMA had a higher sorptivity, air permeability, and water permeability compared with other SCC mixtures, which can be attributed to higher watercement ratio (w/c) and lack of pore filling effect. An in-place migration coefficient was obtained using the in-place ion migration test. This was used to compare the potential diffusivity of different concretes. The results indicated that SCC, for both grades of strength, made with PFA showed much lower diffusivity values in comparison with other mixtures, whereas the SCC mixtures with VMA showed higher diffusivity.
Euterpe oleracea Mart. é uma típica palmeira da Amazônia, que cresce espontaneamente nos estados do Pará e Amapá, apreciada por sua atrativa beleza e valor nutricional. O fruto de Euterpe oleracea, comumente conhecido como açaí, tem demonstrado exibir significante capacidade anti-oxidante in vitro, o que pode ter benefícios à saúde. Estudos químicos revelaram a presença de ácidos graxos, antocianinas e esteroides. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar fitoquimícamente o óleo fixo dos frutos desta espécie (OEO) e avaliar em modelos inflamatórios e hiperalgésicos in vivo, o possível envolvimento dos compostos nas respostas inflamatória e analgésica. Para tanto, os modelos experimentais usados foram: teste de contorção induzida por ácido acético, edema de pata de rato, teste do granuloma em ratos, permeabilidade vascular em ratos, migração leucocitária em ratos e eritema de orelha induzida por óleo de cróton em camundongos. Doses orais de 500, 1000 e 1500 mg/kg de OEO inibiu o número de contorções em 33,67%, 45,88% e 55,58, respectivamente. O OEO produziu efeito dose-dependente, e a dose média efetiva encontrada foi de 1226,8mg/kg. Com a administração oral da dose de 1226,8 mg/kg, o OEO inibiu o processo inflamatório em 29,18% quando comparado ao grupo controle. A administração diária de OEO por 6 dias inibiu a formação do tecido granulomatoso em 36,66%. No eritema de orelha por óleo de cróton, o OEO provocou efeito inibitório significativo em 37,9%. No teste de permeabilidade vascular, o OEO inibiu a permeabilidade vascular em 54,5%. Na peritonite induzida por carragenina, o OEO reduziu o número de neutrófilos quando comparado ao grupo controle (inibição de 80,14%). A partir dos resultados obtidos, sugere-se que o OEO apresenta atividade anti-inflamatória, sobre os processos inflamatórios agudo e crônico, e atividade antinociceptiva, provavelmente de origem periférica.
There are currently many types of protective materials for reinforced concrete structures and the influence of these materials in the chloride diffusion coefficient and water penetration still needs more research. The aim of this work is to analyze the contributions regarding the typical three surface concrete protection systems (coatings, linings and pore blockers) and discusses the results of three pore blockers (sodium silicate) tested in this work. To this end, certain tests were used: one involving permeability mechanism (low pressure-immersion absorption), one involving capillary water absorption, and the last, a migration test used to estimate the effective chloride diffusion coefficient in saturated condition. Results indicated reduction in chloride diffusion coefficients and capillary water absorption, therefore, restrictions to water penetration from external environmental. As a consequence, a reduction of the corrosion kinetics and a control of the chloride ingress are expected.
Ensaios de migração de cloretos são usados para mensurar a capacidade do concreto em inibir o ataque por cloretos. Muitos pesquisadores realizam esse ensaio em uma fatia de concreto extraída da parte central dos corpos de prova cilíndricos, descartando cerca de 75% do concreto usado para moldar os corpos de prova. Esse fato gerou a questão: Seria possível extrair mais fatias de um mesmo corpo de prova sem se perder a confiança nos resultados? O principal objetivo desse trabalho é responder a essa pergunta. Outro objetivo desse estudo foi mostrar a diferença da penetração de cloretos entre as faces finais e as superfícies internas das vigas e lajes de concreto. Os resultados indicaram que é possível usar mais fatias de um único corpo de prova para um teste de migração de cloretos. Além disso, foi demonstrado que houve significativa diferença da penetração de cloretos entre as superfícies acabadas (com desempenadeira - topo do corpo de prova) e as superfícies provenientes das paredes das fôrmas (base do corpo de prova).