101 resultados para micropylar operculum


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper presents a contribution to the understanding of the embryology, especially microsporogenesis, the antipodal cell behavior, and the early stages of the micropylar seed operculum, in Leiothrix fluitans, to elucidate these aspects both within the subgenus Rheocaulon and within the genus in Eriocaulaceae. Contrarily to previous descriptions of this same species, our results show the following: microsporogenesis is of the successive type and results in isobilateral microspore tetrads; the antipodal cells gradually fuse together to form a conspicuous cyst; and the inner integument, which does not develop into an endothelium, shows evidence of the initiation of the seed operculum in its micropylar end. Such features are common to the family as a whole. Evidenced for the first time in the family, the chalazal end of the ovule differentiates into a hypostase closely associated to the antipodal cyst. These overall features of L. fluitalls point out previous misinterpretations on some of its embryological aspects, especially those concerning the only report of simultaneous microsporogenesis and proliferation of the antipodal cells. Furthermore, the results presented here allow us to reinforce the uniformity of the embryological aspects within the Eriocaulaceae, strengthening the cystic arrangement of the antipodal cells as a potential autapomorphy of the family within the other Poales (commelinids). (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Microalgae have been studied because of their great potential as a source of new compounds with important value for biotechnology and to understand their strategies of survival in extreme environments. The microalgae Coccomyxa sp., studied in this thesis, is a poly-extremophile witch was isolated from the acid mine drainage of S. Domingos mine. This environment is characterized by low pH (<3) and high concentration of metals, such as copper and iron. The main purpose of the present work was to evaluate the potential bioactivity in an ex-vivo animal model (Fundulus heteroclitus), and expression on selected genes, of cellular extracts obtained from cultures of Coccomyxa sp. at pH 7 without or with exposure to copper (0.6mM Cu²+). The extracts of Coccomyxa sp. cultured at pH 7 exposed to copper show a great potential to be used as epithelial NKCC inhibitors, revealing their potential use as diuretics, but did not show significant effects on gene expression. Coccomyxa sp. could be a good source of cellular extracts with a great potential to be used in pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.


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The fossil floras described by Dieter MAI and Harald WALTHER are invaluable for understanding the past plant diversity in Europe, and provide important information on the occurrence of taxa in the fossil record that is critical for evolutionary studies. Among the taxa they recognized were seeds assigned to the extant genus Alpinia ROXB. (Zingiberaceae, Zingiberales). We reinvestigated 28 specimens that were assigned to Alpinia arnensis (CHANDLER) MAI, Alpinia cf. arnensis, and Alpinia bivascularis MAI from the Ypresian (lower Eocene) of the UK, upper Eocene of Germany, and lower Miocene of Germany using non-destructive synchrotron-based X-ray tomography to reveal internal anatomy. None of the samples studied show an anatomy consistent with extant Alpinia or even Zingiberales. The fossils lack the globose shape, often striate external surface, seed coat structure, operculum, and micropylar collar seen in all Alpinia, and lack the chalazal chamber seen in many Alpinia species. Two specimens from the lower Miocene of Germany showed the structure of fruits of Caricoidea CHANDLER (Cyperaceae) with a single-layered exocarp, thick mesocarp, and sclerified endocarp. The other specimens are recognized as Carpolithes albolutum nom. nov. (incertae sedis) from the Ypresian of the UK, C. phoenixnordensis sp. nov. (incertae sedis) from the upper Eocene of Germany, C. bivascularis comb. nov. (incertae sedis) from the lower Miocene of Germany as well as indeterminate tegmens from the lower Miocene of Germany. This reinvestigation demonstrates that there is, as yet, no confirmed fossil record for the extant genus Alpinia. Furthermore, at least four different taxa are recognized from what had been two extinct species, enhancing our understanding of these important European Cenozoic carpofloras.


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The endo-β-mannanase (MAN) family is represented in the Arabidopsis genome by eight members, all with canonical signal peptides and only half of them being expressed in germinating seeds. The transcripts of these genes were localized in the radicle and micropylar endosperm (ME) before radicle protrusion and this expression disappears as soon as the endosperm is broken by the emerging radicle tip. However, only three of these MAN genes, AtMAN5, AtMAN7 and especially AtMAN6 influence the germination time (t50) as assessed by the analysis of the corresponding knock-out lines. The data suggest a possible interaction between embryo and ME regarding the role of MAN during the Arabidopsis germination process.


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There is emerging evidence that alterations in dopaminergic transmission can influence semantic processing, yet the neural mechanisms involved are unknown. The influence of levodopa (L-DOPA) on semantic priming was investigated in healthy individuals (n=20) using event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging with a randomized, double-blind crossover design. Critical prime-target pairs consisted of a lexical ambiguity prime and 1) a target related to the dominant meaning of the prime (e.g., bank-money), 2) a target related to the subordinate meaning (e.g., fence-sword), or 3) an unrelated target (e.g., ball-desk). Behavioral data showed that both dominant and subordinate meanings were primed on placebo. In contrast, there was preserved priming of dominant meanings and no significant priming of subordinate meanings on L-DOPA, the latter associated with decreased anterior cingulate and dorsal prefrontal cortex activity. Dominant meaning activation on L-DOPA was associated with increased activity in the left rolandic operculum and left middle temporal gyrus. These findings suggest that L-DOPA enhances frequency-based semantic focus via prefrontal and temporal modulation of automatic semantic priming and through engagement of anterior cingulate mechanisms supporting attentional/controlled priming.


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A família Convolvulaceae é cosmopolita, com ampla distribuição nos trópicos e subtrópicos. No Brasil, ocorrem 18 gêneros e cerca de 340 espécies, sendo 151 endêmicas de campos rupestres, cerrados ou caatingas. Este trabalho refere-se ao estudo palinotaxonômico dos grãos de pólen de táxons de Convolvulaceae ocorrentes na região sudeste, Brasil tribos Merremieae e Cuscuteae. Foram analisados os grãos de pólen de 6 táxons de Cuscuta L., 12 táxons de Merremia Dennst. e 2 táxons de Operculina S. Manso. O material botânico utilizado foi obtido através de exsicatas depositadas nos principais herbários nacionais. Os grãos de pólen foram tratados pelo método de acetólise, sendo posteriormente mensurados, descritos, fotomicrografados em microscopia de luz. Para análise em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV), as anteras foram rompidas e os grãos de pólen, não acetolisados, espalhados sobre uma fita de carbono. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstraram que: na tribo Cuscuteae foram registrados pela primeira vez, grãos de pólen colporados; na tribo Merremieae, a morfologia polínica das espécies de Merremia mostraram variações já registradas em publicações anteriores porém, a ausência de polaridade em alguns táxons é um resultado inédito. O número, a forma das aberturas e a presença de opérculo, a ornamentação de base, ou seja, microrretículo, retículo ou perfuração e as supra ornamentações (grânulos, espinhos e microespinhos) também foram registros importantes aqui mencionados. No gênero Operculina, os resultados aqui expressos foram novos, uma vez que as poucas bibliografias anteriores fizeram menção apenas à quantidade de aberturas para o gênero.O Tamanho, a forma e a ornamentação da sexina características são descritas pela primeira vez neste estudo. Os resultados aqui obtidos permitem confirmar que Cuscuta, Merremia e Operculina puderam ser identificados através dos atributos polínicos bem como, suas espécies foram separadas na chave aqui elaborada. Confirma-se, assim, que os gêneros estudados são euripolínicos.


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Analisou-se os grãos de pólen de 31 espécies brasileiras de Cissus L. (Vitaceae Juss.). Este é o maior gênero da família, com cerca de 350 táxons. Na região neotropical foram localizadas 75 espécies, tendo sua maior representatividade na América do Sul com 48 representantes endêmicos. No Brasil apenas o gênero Cissus ocorre naturalmente em todos os estados e é representado por 48 espécies, podendo ser encontrado em áreas de mata, campos, restingas e cerrados. Neste estudo foram analisados 14 grupos taxonômicos informais com a finalidade de descrever a morfologia polínica e estabelecer se os atributos polínicos seriam úteis à taxonomia do grupo. O material botânico utilizado foi obtido através de exsicatas depositadas nos herbários brasileiros. Os grãos de pólen foram tratados pelo método de acetólise láctica, sendo posteriormente mensurados, descritos, fotomicrografados em microscopia de luz; realizou-se tratamento estatístico (expressos em tabelas). Para análise em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV), as anteras foram rompidas e os grãos de pólen, não acetolisados, espalhados sobre uma fita de carbono. Foram caracterizados quanto à forma, ao tamanho, ao tipo de abertura, à polaridade e a ornamentação da sexina. Os grãos de pólen foram descritos como: médios a grandes, isopolares ou heteropolares, oblato-esferoidais a prolatos, 3-colporados, colpos muito longos ou longos, com margem ornamentada ou não, membrana granulada, presença ou não de opérculo; endoabertura geralmente lalongada, algumas vezes apresentando costa e/ou fastígio; a sexina variou de microrreticulada, perfurada a reticulada; a sexina é geralmente mais espessa que a nexina. Com os resultados construiu-se uma chave polínica na qual foi possível reunir espécies com caracteres semelhantes subordinadas a mais de um Grupo. Com esta pesquisa concluiu-se que os atributos polínicos permitiram a distinção da maior parte dos táxons, exceto quatro, confirmando a heterogeneidade polínica do gênero. Espera-se que este estudo contribua para o melhor conhecimento da taxonomia do gênero e forneça dados para uma filogenia futura.


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Fingerlings of three Indian major carps, viz. Catla catla (Hamilton-Buchanon), Labeo rohita (Hamilton-Buchanon) and Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamilton-Buchanon), were exposed to different concentrations of chlorpyrifos (lorsban 10 G), cadusafos (rugby 10 G) and diazinon (basudin 10 G) for a period of 96h with a view to determine the median lethal concentrations (LC sub50) values for each of chemicals. Of the tested concentrations, chlorpyrifos at a dose of 6.65 ppm, cadusafos at 2.0 ppm and diazinon at a dose of 8.40 ppm or above induced 100% mortalities within 96h of exposure. The 96h LC sub50 values of chlorpyrefos, cadusafos and diazinon were 1.66, 0.72 and 2.10 ppm for C. catla, 2.35, 0.72 and 2.97 for L. rohita and 2.35, 0.72 and 2.10 ppm for C. mrigala, respectively. Pesticide induced behavioral abnormalities observed in the present study included erratic movements, rapid operculum activities, jumping of fish out of the test media, violent spasm and convulsion.


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Tilapia mossambica taken with gill-nets are often found with their gills damaged. Gill-filaments may be partly or completely lost; sometimes even the gill-arches are all missing (Plate IA). The operculum is usually undamaged but may have its posteroventral border slightly frayed (Plate IB). For comparison normal fish are shown in Plates IC and ID. Incidence of gill-damage increases rapidly with length of time the nets remain in the water; in the Parakrama Samudra a mere 2-3 hour interval between setting and lifting results in 5 to 20% of the fish being damaged.


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Marine by-products coming under the ancillary products group found many applications in pharmaceutical and industrial sectors. Although many of these products are fetching very high price at the export market, adequate statistics regarding their current production, marketing and utilisation is lacking. The present analysis deals with the production potential, level of exploitation, uses, export growth rate and potential for the future of some of these marine by-products. The analysis revealed that an estimated quantity of 205 t. of shells, 10 t. of gastropod operculum, 4,932 t. of shark liver oil and 4,384 t. of shark cartilage could be produced annually in India with the current landings. The production potential of chitin is estimated as 3,560 t. from shrimp shell wastes and 1,354 t. from crab shell wastes. The high unit value of different products clearly indicates the scope for their development by evolving appropriate utilisation and marketing strategies.


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In the present study, no visible differences between the sexes of C. chanos with reference to external features such as colouration, shape of head, snout and operculum, presence of tubercles or nasal pores, length, size and shape as well as any roughness in the various fins, could be found. However, the anal region of the mature milkfish (sabalo) exhibits discernible anatomical differences in the male and female. The male has two main openings visible externally: the anterior anus and the posterior urogenital opening at the tip of the urogenital papilla. The female has three main openings instead of two: the anteriormost anus, followed by the genital pore and the urinary pore located posterior to the genital pore at the tip of the urogenital papilla. Internal examinations were also made on both sexes. In ripe sabalo, it is easier to distinguish the sexes since milk oozes out of the urogenital pore by pressing the abdomen of the ripe male fish. Gravid females are identified by their distended abdomens.