14 resultados para microchromosome


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Rfp-Y is a second region in the genome of the chicken containing major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and II genes. Haplotypes of Rfp-Y assort independently from haplotypes of the B system, a region known to function as a MHC and to be located on chromosome 16 (a microchromosome) with the single nucleolar organizer region (NOR) in the chicken genome. Linkage mapping with reference populations failed to reveal the location of Rfp-Y, leaving Rfp-Y unlinked in a map containing >400 markers. A possible location of Rfp-Y became apparent in studies of chickens trisomic for chromosome 16 when it was noted that the intensity of restriction fragments associated with Rfp-Y increased with increasing copy number of chromosome 16. Further evidence that Rfp-Y might be located on chromosome 16 was obtained when individuals trisomic for chromosome 16 were found to transmit three Rfp-Y haplotypes. Finally, mapping of cosmid cluster III of the molecular map of chicken MHC genes (containing a MHC class II gene and two rRNA genes) to Rfp-Y validated the assignment of Rfp-Y to the MHC/NOR microchromosome. A genetic map can now be drawn for a portion of chicken chromosome 16 with Rfp-Y, encompassing two MHC class I and three MHC class II genes, separated from the B system by a region containing the NOR and exhibiting highly frequent recombination.


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beta 2-Microglobulin is an essential subunit of major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) class I molecules, which present antigenic peptides to T lymphocytes. We sequenced a number of cDNAs and two genomic clones corresponding to chicken beta 2-microglobulin. The chicken beta 2-microglobulin gene has a similar genomic organization but smaller introns and higher G+C content than mammalian beta 2-microglobulin genes. The promoter region is particularly G+C-rich and contains, in addition to interferon regulatory elements, potential S/W, X, and Y boxes that were originally described for mammalian class II but not class I alpha or beta 2-microglobulin genes. There is a single chicken beta 2-microglobulin gene that has little polymorphism in the coding region. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms from Mhc homozygous lines, Mhc congenic lines, and backcross families, as well as in situ hybridization, show that the beta 2-microglobulin gene is located on a microchromosome different from the one that contains the chicken Mhc. We propose that the structural similarities between the beta 2-microglobulin and Mhc genes in the chicken are due to their presence on microchromosomes and suggest that these features and the microchromosomes appeared by deletion of DNA in the lineage leading to the birds.


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In gynogenesis, sperm from related species activates egg and embryonic development, but normally does not contribute genetically to the offspring. In gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch, however, gynogenetic offspring often show some phenotypes apparently derived from the heterologous sperm donor. This paternal effect of allogynogenesis is outstanding in an artificial clone F produced by cold treatment of clone E eggs after insemination with blunt-nose black bream (Megaloabrama amblycephala Yin) sperm. Karyotype analysis revealed 5-15 supernumerary microchromosomes in different individuals of clone F in addition to 156 normal chromosomes inherited from the maternal clone E. A painting probe was prepared from the microdissected microchromosomes, and used to investigate the origin of these microchromosomes. Strong positive signals were detected on each microchromosomes of clone F and on 4 pairs of chromosomes in blunt-nose black bream, whereas no signals were detected on the chromosomes of clone E. This result indicates that some paternal chromosome fragments of blunt-nose black bream have been incorporated into the artificial clone F. Therefore, the manipulation of allogynogenesis may provide a unique method to transfer DNA between diverse species for fish breeding.


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Polyploid gibel carp, Carassius auratus gibelio, is an excellent model system for evolutionary genetics owing to its specific genetic background and reproductive modes. Comparative karyotype studies were performed in three cultured clones, one artificially manipulated group, and one mated group between two clones. Both the clones A and P had 156 chromosomes in their karyotypes, with 36 metacentric, 54 submetacentric, 36 subtelocentric, 24 acrocentric, and six small chromosomes. The karyotype of clone D contained 162 chromosomes, with 42 metacentric, 54 submetacentric, 36 subtelocentric, 24 acrocentric, and six small chromosomes. All the three clones had six small chromosomes in common. Group G, being originated from the clone D by artificial manipulation, showed supernumerary microchromosomes or chromosomal fragments, in addition to the normal chromosome complement that was identical to the clone D. The offspring from mating between clones D and A had 159 chromosomes. Comparing with the clone A, the DA offspring showed three extra metacentric chromosomes. In addition, variable RAPD fingerprint patterns and unusual SCAR marker inheritance were, respectively, detected among individuals of artificial group G and in the mated DA offspring. Both the chromosome and molecular findings suggest that genome reshuffling might have occurred by manipulation or mating of the clones.


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This work has contributed to knowledge of the order Testudines from cytogenetic and morphological point of view. With regard to the aspects proposed cytogenetic characterization of the species Mesoclemmys tuberculata (n = 5), endemic to the Caatinga biomes, through conventional techniques of cytogenetics and molecular levels. This species presented 2n = 58, NF = 64, the first submetacentric pair, the second metacentric and third subtelocentric, and the other microchromosome telocentric. This species showed a nucleolar bearing pair, coincident with the 18S ribosomal rDNA and that proved to be heterochromatic. Small heterochromatic blocks were also found in the centromeres of the largest chromosomes, as well as terminal regions in most other chromosomes of the complement, that were GC +. Telomeric sequences showed variable patterns of signal intensity, with some repeats more intense in microchromosomes and subtly in the larger ones. When compared with other species of the genus, the G-banding patterns showed a marked similarity between them. The first karyotypic description of the species will aid in future studies and the understanding of evolutionary aspects of this family. From the morphological point of view, we carried out studies of fluctuating asymmetry in sea turtle Eretmochelys imbricata, using methods of benchmarking between hatchlings and adults and their implications for natural selection. Data were collected at two different times: first during the spawning female and the second during the outbreak and birth of the nest. The analyzed characteristics consisted of measurements of length and width of front and rear flippers (CANT, LANT, CPOS and LPOS) also collected data on the number of hull plates, side plates (NPL), the surrounding plates (NPCIRC), and plastron; plates power plants (NPP), inframarginais plates (NPIM). With the values of asymmetry we calculated the value of strict heritability for these traits, the calculation was based on only one parent. A nonparametric analysis Mann-Whitneywas performed to compare the groups (females X hatchlings, newborn hatchlings X dead hatchlings). Adult females showed no bilateral fluctuating asymmetry (FA = 0) on the number plates of the hull and plastron, while offspring, living and dead, showed a greater level of variation in these meristic parameters. In the analysis of females x hatchlings we found a significant difference between the levels of asymmetry in hoof plates (p=0.006) an the width of hindlimbs (p=0.001). Levels of FA suggest an accurate indicator as to the viability or maintenance of the individual to the reproductive phase. The coefficient of heritability (h2) of FA , obtained from the regression analysis, showed that both have low and not statistically significant values(p> 0.1). In the case of exclusion of the effective role of genetics in the generation of FA, reproductive strategies based on high number of subsidiaries products, such as those observed in E. imbricata seems to implicate the production of individuals with high level of developmental instability


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The chromosomes of 173 specimens representing eleven species of the Tropidurus torquatus group, from 33 localities in Brazil, were analysed after Giemsa staining, C-banding, NORs, and replication banding techniques. A karyotype with 2n = 36, including 12 macrochromosomes and 24 microchromosomes (12 M + 24 m), and sex determination of the XY:XX type were found in Tropidurus cocorobensis, T. erythrocephalus, T. etheridgei, T. hispidus, T. hygomi, T. montanus, T. mucujensis, T. oreadicus, and T. torquatus. The two other species, T. itambere and T. psammonastes, presented 2n = 36 (12 M + 23 m) karyotype only in females while males had 2n = 35 (12 M + 23 m), due to the sex determination of the X(1)X(2)Y:X(1)X(1)X(2)X(2) type. Other interspecific differences as well as some intraspecific variation regarding the NORs and C-banding patterns have been observed, mainly in the microchromosome set. on the contrary, the macrochromosomes were highly conservative. Although consistent karyotypic diversity occurred in the torquatus group, the cytogenetic data obtained up to now did not allow us to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of the species. Nevertheless, the geographical distribution of the distinct cytotypes in T. hispidus and T. torquatus suggested that more than one species might be involved in each case.


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The karyotypes of 12 species of Psittaciformes new to cytology are described: Lorius hypoinochrous, L. lory and Phigys solitarius of the Loriidae, and Amazona autumnallis, Aratinga jandaya, Eclectus roratus, Pionus maximiliani, P. menstruus, P. senilis, P. seniloides, Poicephalus senegalus and Polytelis alexandrae of the Psittacidae. The karyotypes of Amazona ochrocephala, Ara ararauna, Ara macao, Psittacula krameri, Psittacus erithacus and Pyrrhura molinae of the Psittacidae have been previously described. For reasons of comparison the karyotypes of Aratinga aurea, Forpus xanthopterygius, Brotogeris sanctithomae and B. versicolorus of the Psittacidae are also described. These karyotypes are compared to those in the literature and the karyological relationships in the Psittaciformes are briefly discussed. Microchromosome fusions and translocations and pericentric inversions probably are responsible for the heterogeneity of karyotypes in the Psittaciformes.


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A chromosomal mosaic has at least two cell lineages with different karyotypes derived from a single zygote and the karyotype alteration can be numeric or structural as well. In the present paper were detected a numeric chromosomal alterations in a single specimen of Thichomycterus paolence from the Quinta stream (Itatinga, state of São Paulo, Brazil). In a total of 61 analysed metaphases, besides the normal chromosome number of this species (2n=54), other four chromosomal sets characterized by 2n=55 (54 plus a microchromosome), 2n=55 (54 plus a small subtelocentric chromosome), 2n=56 (54 plus a subtelocentric and a microchromosome) and 2n=57 (54 plus a subtelocentric pair and a microchromosome) have been detected. The mechanisms that have originated those abnormal karyotypical constitutions is discussed.


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Drosophila mulleri (MU) and D. arizonae (AR) are cryptic species of the mulleri complex, mulleri subgroup, repleta group. Earlier cytogenetic studies revealed that these species have different regulatory mechanisms of nucleolar organizing activity. In these species, nucleolar organizing regions are found in both the X chromosome and the microchromosome. In the salivary glands of hybrids between MU females and AR males, there is an interspecific dominance of the regulatory system of the D. arizonae nucleolar organizer involving, in males, amplification and activation of the nucleolar organizer from the microchromosome. The authors who reported these findings obtained hybrids only in that cross-direction. More recently, hybrids in the opposite direction, i.e., between MU males and AR females, have been obtained. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate, in these hybrids, the association of the nucleoli with the chromosomes inherited from parental species in order to cytogenetically confirm the dominance patterns previously described. Our results support the proposed dominance of the AR nucleolar organizer activity over that of MU, regardless of cross-direction. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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In Nysius californicus (family Lygaeidae, subfamily Orsillinae), a pest commonly known as the seed bug, the chromosome complement is 2n = 16 (12A + 2m + XY), testes are formed by seven seminiferous tubules covered by an orange-colored membrane, and spermatogenesis is cystic. At prophase, sex chromosomes are heteropycnotic and autosomes usually show a chiasma. At metaphase, sex chromosomes along with microchromosomes may be seen located at the center of a ring formed by the remaining autosomes. A characteristic specific of N. californicus was the presence of nucleolar material observed from the cystic cell to the completely differentiated spermatozoon. Variations in size, shape and location of the nucleolar material occur during this process, denoting a variable degree of activity in the different stages. ©FUNPEC-RP.