998 resultados para micro-texture


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Texture analysis and textural cues have been applied for image classification, segmentation and pattern recognition. Dominant texture descriptors include directionality, coarseness, line-likeness etc. In this dissertation a class of textures known as particulate textures are defined, which are predominantly coarse or blob-like. The set of features that characterise particulate textures are different from those that characterise classical textures. These features are micro-texture, macro-texture, size, shape and compaction. Classical texture analysis techniques do not adequately capture particulate texture features. This gap is identified and new methods for analysing particulate textures are proposed. The levels of complexity in particulate textures are also presented ranging from the simplest images where blob-like particles are easily isolated from their back- ground to the more complex images where the particles and the background are not easily separable or the particles are occluded. Simple particulate images can be analysed for particle shapes and sizes. Complex particulate texture images, on the other hand, often permit only the estimation of particle dimensions. Real life applications of particulate textures are reviewed, including applications to sedimentology, granulometry and road surface texture analysis. A new framework for computation of particulate shape is proposed. A granulometric approach for particle size estimation based on edge detection is developed which can be adapted to the gray level of the images by varying its parameters. This study binds visual texture analysis and road surface macrotexture in a theoretical framework, thus making it possible to apply monocular imaging techniques to road surface texture analysis. Results from the application of the developed algorithm to road surface macro-texture, are compared with results based on Fourier spectra, the auto- correlation function and wavelet decomposition, indicating the superior performance of the proposed technique. The influence of image acquisition conditions such as illumination and camera angle on the results was systematically analysed. Experimental data was collected from over 5km of road in Brisbane and the estimated coarseness along the road was compared with laser profilometer measurements. Coefficient of determination R2 exceeding 0.9 was obtained when correlating the proposed imaging technique with the state of the art Sensor Measured Texture Depth (SMTD) obtained using laser profilometers.


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The evolution of microstructure and texture during extrusion of pure magnesium and its single phase alloy AM30 has been studied experimentally as well as by crystal plasticity simulation. Microstructure and micro-texture were characterized by electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD), bulk-texture was measured using X-ray diffraction and deformation texture simulations were carried out using visco-plastic self consistent (VPSC) model. In spite of clear indications of the occurrence of dynamic recrystallization (DRX), simulations were able to reproduce the experimental textures successfully. This was attributed to the fact that the textures were c-type fibers with their axis of rotation parallel to the c-axis and DRX leads to simply rotate the texture around the c-axis. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The evolution of texture and microstructure during recrystallization is studied for two-phase copper alloy (Cu–40Zn) with a variation of the initial texture and microstructure (hot rolled and solution treated) as well as the mode of rolling (deformation path: uni-directional rolling and cross rolling). The results of bulk texture have been supported by micro-texture and microstructure studies carried out using electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD). The initial microstructural condition as well as the mode of rolling has been found to alter the recrystallization texture and microstructure. The uni-directionally rolled samples showed a strong Goss and BR {236}385 component while a weaker texture similar to that of rolling evolved for the cross-rolled samples in the α phase on recrystallization. The recrystallization texture of the β phase was similar to that of the rolling texture with discontinuous 101 α and {111} γ fiber with high intensity at {111}101. For a given microstructure, the cross-rolled samples showed a higher fraction of coincident site lattice Σ3 twin boundaries in the α phase. The higher fraction of Σ3 boundaries is explained on the basis of the higher propensity of growth accidents during annealing of the cross-rolled samples. The present investigation demonstrates that change in strain path, as introduced during cross-rolling, could be a viable tool for grain boundary engineering of low SFE fcc materials.


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Friction stir processing was carried out on the Al-Mg-Mn alloy to achieve ultrafine grained microstructure. The evolution of microstructure and micro-texture was studied in different regions of the deformed sample, namely nugget zone, thermo-mechanically affected zone (TMAZ) and base metal. The average grain sizes of the nugget zone, TMAZ and base metal are 1.5 mu m +/- 0.5 mu m, 15 mu m +/- 8 mu m, and 80 mu m +/- 10 mu m, respectively. The TMAZ exhibits excessive deformation banding structure and sub-grain formation. The orientation gradient within the sub-grain is dependent on grain size, orientation, and distance from nugget zone. The microstructure was partitioned based on the grain orientation spread and grain size values to separate the recrystallized fraction from the deformed region in order to understand the micromechanism of grain refinement. The texture of both deformed and recrystallized regions are similar in nature. Microstructure and texture analysis suggest that the restoration processes are different in different regions of the processed sample. The transition region between nugget zone and TMAZ exhibits large elongated grains surrounded by fine equiaxed grains of different orientation which indicate the process of discontinuous dynamic recrystallization. Within the nugget zone, similar texture between deformed and recrystallized grain fraction suggests that the restoration mechanism is a continuous process.


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A neural model is proposed of how laminar interactions in the visual cortex may learn and recognize object texture and form boundaries. The model brings together five interacting processes: region-based texture classification, contour-based boundary grouping, surface filling-in, spatial attention, and object attention. The model shows how form boundaries can determine regions in which surface filling-in occurs; how surface filling-in interacts with spatial attention to generate a form-fitting distribution of spatial attention, or attentional shroud; how the strongest shroud can inhibit weaker shrouds; and how the winning shroud regulates learning of texture categories, and thus the allocation of object attention. The model can discriminate abutted textures with blurred boundaries and is sensitive to texture boundary attributes like discontinuities in orientation and texture flow curvature as well as to relative orientations of texture elements. The model quantitatively fits a large set of human psychophysical data on orientation-based textures. Object boundar output of the model is compared to computer vision algorithms using a set of human segmented photographic images. The model classifies textures and suppresses noise using a multiple scale oriented filterbank and a distributed Adaptive Resonance Theory (dART) classifier. The matched signal between the bottom-up texture inputs and top-down learned texture categories is utilized by oriented competitive and cooperative grouping processes to generate texture boundaries that control surface filling-in and spatial attention. Topdown modulatory attentional feedback from boundary and surface representations to early filtering stages results in enhanced texture boundaries and more efficient learning of texture within attended surface regions. Surface-based attention also provides a self-supervising training signal for learning new textures. Importance of the surface-based attentional feedback in texture learning and classification is tested using a set of textured images from the Brodatz micro-texture album. Benchmark studies vary from 95.1% to 98.6% with attention, and from 90.6% to 93.2% without attention.


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The Ultrahigh Pressure Metamorphic (UHPM) eclogite, which was resulted from deep subduction of crustal continent, is very significant due to its continental dynamic implications. Further more, this kind of rocks experienced great P-T, fluid and stresses changes during its forming and exhumation, causing mineral reactions occur intensively, which resulted in a lot of fantastic micro-texture. The micro-texture was preserved duo to a rapid exhumation of the eclogite. This PhD dissertation takes such micro-textures in 10 Donghai eclogite samples South Sulu UHPM terrene, as research object to reveal the transformation of the eclogite to amphibolite. Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope were employed to observe the micro-texture. Basing on microprobe analysis of minerals, the ACF projections and iso-con analysis were used to uncover the mineral reactions during the transformation. Micro-texture observation (both of Microcopy and Electron Scanning Microscope), demonstrated: l.The peak mineral assemblage of the researched Donghai eclogites is garnet + omphacite + rutile (+ kyanite + aptite +coesite). 2.The transformation of the Donghai eclogite to amphibolite can be divided into two stages: The earlier one is Symplectization, resulting in the forming of diopside + albite (+magnetite) symplectite that occurred only along the boundary between two adjacent omphacite grains. Other minerals were not involved in such reaction. The latter stage is Fluid-Infiltration of the eclogite, which was caused by fluid-intrusion. The infiltration is demonstrated by amphibolization of the symplectite, decomposition of garnet and the forming of some hydrous minerals such as phengite and epidote, and resulted in an amphibole + plagioclase + phengite + epidote or ziosite assemblage. Basing on microprobe analysis of the minerals, ACF projections indicated: In the ACF diagrams, the two joint lines of peak Grt + Omp and Dio + Ab crossed at Omp projection-point, indicating that the garnet had not taken part in the forming reaction of the Dio + Ab symplectite, just like that had been pointed out by micro-texture observation. In the ACF diagrams, the hornblende + plagioclase + epidote + phengite quadrilateral intersected with Dio + Ab + Grt triangle, demonstrating that the hydrous mineral assemblage was formed by fluid infiltration through garnet, diopside and albite. Iso-con (mass-balance) analysis of the symplectization and infiltration reveals: 1.The symplectization of the omphacite has a very complex mass exchange: Some symplectite gained only silicon from its surroundings; and some one requires Ca, but provides Na to its surroundings; while other symplectite provides Ca, Mg and Fe to its surroundings. 2.The infiltration cause variable mass exchanges occurring among the garnet, diopside and albite: In some eclogite sample, no mass, except H2O, exchange occurred during the infiltration. Meanwhile, there was not any hydrous mineral except hornblende formed in the sample accordingly. In some samples, the mass exchange among the three minerals is complex: amphibolization of the diopside in a symplectite gained Al from garnet, and provided Si and Ca to its surrounding, resulting in a Si, Ca and Al-rich fluid. Correspondingly, there was a lot of phengite and ziosite occurred in the sample. In other samples, the amphibolization of a symplectite provided Fe and Mg besides Si and Ca to its surrounding while gained Al. In such kind of sample, epidote occurred within the hydrous mineral assemblage. Synthesizing the micro-texture observation, ACF analysis and iso-con analysis, we deduced the transformation procedure as following: 1. A symplectite after an omphacite was resulted by one, or two, or all of following mineral reactions together: Jd (Ca-Tsch) +SiO2=Ab (An) (1) 4NaA IS i.A+CaO=2NaAlS i308+Na20+CaAl2S 1208 (2) 2NaAlSi2OB (Jd in Omp)+CaMgSi;,0B(Dio in Omp)-2NaAlSi:,O"(Ab)+Ca0+Mg0 (3) 2(CaAl2Si0fi) (Ca-tsch in Omp)+CaFeSi2O6(Hed in 0mp)-H>2CaAl2Si208(An)+Ca0 + FeO (4) A CO2-rich fluid is suggested as cataclysm for the above reactions, which largely increased the mobility of Ca, Mg and Na resulted from reaction (2), (3) and (4). The immobile product Fe2* combined with rutile to form ilmenite, resulting in rutile + ilmenite symplectite. Or, the Fe was precipitated as hematite locally. A procedure of the fluid infiltration as following is suggested: I .A hydrous fluid intruded into the eclogite, and reacted first with garnet to form hornblende and extra Al, resulting in a hornblende film around the garnet grain and an Al-rich fluid. 2.The Al-rich fluid infiltrated through the symplectite, OH" and part of the Al in the fluid combined with Dio while some Si and Ca in the Dio were dissolved made the Dio transferred to amphibole. Meanwhile, plagioclase-type cation exchange occurred between the fluid and plagioclase in the symplectite, making the plagioclase have a higher An-content. 3.Above infiltration and cation exchange resulted in an Al, Si, Ca (and K, providing the primary hydrous fluid contain K)-rich fluid. 4.Under suitable conditions, the solute in the fluid precipitated to form phengite firstly. After the K element in the fluid was consumed up, ziosite or epidote was formed. If the fluid did not contain any K. element, only ziosite or epidote was precipitated. For those eclogites, where all omphacite had been replaced by symplectite before infiltration, neither element exchange occurred, nor did phengite or epidote form during the infiltration. At the last stage, the garnet was oxidized and breakdown: garnet + H2O = epidote + hornblende + hematite, due to more and more fluid intruding into the eclogite. At this time, all the peak minerals were replaced by amphibolite-phase ones, and the eclogite transformed to an amphibolite completely. Tentative pressure calculation indicates that the infiltration occurred at 3-6kbar (about 10-20km depth), where the deformation mechanics transformed from brittle to ductile yield. At such depth, the surface water can permeate the rocks through fault system, causing a rapid cooling.


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The evolution of coast through geological time scale is dependent on the transgression-regression event subsequent to the rise or fall of sea level. This event is accounted by investigation of the vertical sediment deposition patterns and their interrelationship for paleo-enviornmental reconstruction. Different methods like sedimentological (grain size and micro-morphological) and geochemical (elemental relationship) analyses as well as radiocarbon dating are generally used to decipher the sea level changes and paleoclimatic conditions of the Quaternary sediment sequence. For the Indian coast with a coastline length of about 7500 km, studies on geological and geomorphological signatures of sea level changes during the Quaternary were reported in general by researchers during the last two decades. However, for the southwest coast of India particularily Kerala which is famous for its coastal landforms comprising of estuaries, lagoons, backwaters, coastal plains, cliffs and barrier beaches, studies pertaining to the marine transgression-regression events in the southern region are limited. The Neendakara-Kayamkulam coastal stretch in central Kerala where the coast is manifested with shore parallel Kayamkulam Lagoon on one side and shore perpendicular Ashtamudi Estuary on the other side indicating existence of an uplifted prograded coastal margin followed by barrier beaches, backwater channels, ridge and runnel topography is an ideal site for studying such events. Hence the present study has been taken up in this context to address the gap area. The location for collection of core samples representing coastal plain, estuarylagoon and offshore regions have been identified based on published literature and available sedimentary records. The objectives of the research work are:  To study the lithological variations and depositional environments of sediment cores along the coastal plain, estuary-lagoon and offshore regions between Kollam and Kayamkulam in the central Kerala coast  To study the transportation and diagenetic history of sediments in the area  To investigate the geochemical characterization of sediments and to elucidate the source-sink relationship  To understand the marine transgression-regression events and to propose a conceptual model for the region The thesis comprises of 8 chapters. The first chapter embodies the preamble for the selection and significance of this research work. The study area is introduced with details on its physiographical, geological, geomorphological, rainfall and climate information. A review of literature, compiling the research on different aspects such as physico-chemical, geomorphological, tectonics, transgression-regression events are presented in the second chapter and they are broadly classified into three viz:- International, National and Kerala. The field data collection and laboratory analyses adopted in the research work are discussed in the third chapter. For collection of sediment core samples from the coastal plains, rotary drilling method was employed whereas for the estuary-lagoon and offshore locations the gravity/piston corer method was adopted. The collected subsurficial samples were analysed for texture, surface micro-texture, elemental analysis, XRD and radiocarbon dating techniques for age determination. The fourth chapter deals with the textural analysis of the core samples collected from various predefined locations of the study area. The result reveals that the Ashtamudi Estuary is composed of silty clay to clayey type of sediments whereas offshore cores are carpeted with silty clay to relict sand. Investigation of the source of sediments deposited in the coastal plain located on either side of the estuary indicates the dominance of terrigenous to marine origin in the southern region whereas it is predominantly of marine origin towards the north. Further the hydrodynamic conditions as well as the depositional enviornment of the sediment cores are elucidated based on statistical parameters that decipher the deposition pattern at various locations viz., coastal plain (open to closed basin), Ashtamudi Estuary (partially open to restricted estuary to closed basin) and offshore (open channel). The intensity of clay minerals is also discussed. From the results of radiocarbon dating the sediment depositional environments were deciphered.The results of the microtextural study of sediment samples (quartz grains) using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) are presented in the fifth chapter. These results throw light on the processes of transport and diagenetic history of the detrital sediments. Based on the lithological variations, selected quartz grains of different environments were also analysed. The study indicates that the southern coastal plain sediments were transported and deposited mechanically under fluvial environment followed by diagenesis under prolonged marine incursion. But in the case of the northern coastal plain, the sediments were transported and deposited under littoral environment indicating the dominance of marine incursion through mechanical as well as chemical processes. The quartz grains of the Ashtamudi Estuary indicate fluvial origin. The surface texture features of the offshore sediments suggest that the quartz grains are of littoral origin and represent the relict beach deposits. The geochemical characterisation of sediment cores based on geochemical classification, sediment maturity, palaeo-weathering and provenance in different environments are discussed in the sixth chapter. In the seventh chapter the integration of multiproxies data along with radiocarbon dates are presented and finally evolution and depositional history based on transgression–regression events is deciphered. The eighth chapter summarizes the major findings and conclusions of the study with recommendation for future work.


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An interstitial free (IF) steel was severely deformed using accumulative roll bonding (ARB) process and warm rolling. The maximum equivalent strains for ARB and warm rolling were 4.8 and 4.0, respectively. The microstructure and micro-texture were studied using optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy equipped with electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD). The grain size and misorientation obtained by both methods are in the same range. The microstructure in the ARB samples after 6 cycles is homogeneous, although a grain size gradient is observed at the layers close to the surface. The through thickness texture gradient in the ARB samples is different from the warm rolled samples. While a shear texture (⟨110⟩//rolling plane normal direction (ND)) at the surface and rolling texture at the center region is developed in the ARB  samples, the overall texture is weak. The warm rolled samples display a sharp rolling texture through the thickness with increasing the sharpness toward the center. These differences are attributed to the fact that the central region of ARB strip is comprised of material that was once at the surface. The ARB process  can suppress the formation of shear bands which are conventional at warm rolled IF steels. EBSD study on the sample with 6th cycle of ARB following the annealing at 750 ◦C verified a texture gradient through the thickness of the sheet. The shear orientations at the surface and at the quarter thickness layers can be identified even after annealing. The overall weak texture and existence of shear orientations make ARB processed samples unfavorable for sheet metal forming in compare with warm rolled samples.


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Within the Kauffung Limestone dolomite bodies related to volcanic contacts occure and are interpreted as a post-Variscan, hydrothermal volcanogenic formation. Two genetic dolomite types are discernible: a pervasive replacement saddle dolomite and a cavity filling saddle dolomite cement. Micro texture and oxygen isotopy of both dolomite types refer to heightened temperatures of formation. The ocurrence of the dolomite in contact to cross-cutting rhyolithic dikes points to a close petrogenetic relation. Dolomite bodies and rhyolithic injections in contrast to the rock wall are characterized by a distinctive cavernous texture, so that a prekinematic genesis is excluded. The formation of replacement saddle dolomite and saddle dolomite cement altogether are considered as a concomitant phenomenon of the Permo-Carboniferous volcanism widespread in the Bober-Katzbach Mountains.


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Previous work has shown that human vision performs spatial integration of luminance contrast energy, where signals are squared and summed (with internal noise) over area at detection threshold. We tested that model here in an experiment using arrays of micro-pattern textures that varied in overall stimulus area and sparseness of their target elements, where the contrast of each element was normalised for sensitivity across the visual field. We found a power-law improvement in performance with stimulus area, and a decrease in sensitivity with sparseness. While the contrast integrator model performed well when target elements constituted 50–100% of the target area (replicating previous results), observers outperformed the model when texture elements were sparser than this. This result required the inclusion of further templates in our model, selective for grids of various regular texture densities. By assuming a MAX operation across these noisy mechanisms the model also accounted for the increase in the slope of the psychometric function that occurred as texture density decreased. Thus, for the first time, mechanisms that are selective for texture density have been revealed at contrast detection threshold. We suggest that these mechanisms have a role to play in the perception of visual textures.


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Samples of oxygen-free high conductivity (OFHC) coarse-grained (CG) and ultrafine-grained (UFG) copper were micro-extruded to an equivalent strain of 2.8 in one pass at room temperature. Samples of the OFHC copper were annealed at 650C for 2 h to produce CG copper. Some samples were subsequently processed by equal channel angular pressing of eight passes, route Bc, at room temperature to produce the UFG material. Crystallographic texture and misorientation distributions were obtained locally from EBSD mappings at different radial positions after micro-extrusion. To model the strain path during micro-extrusion, the analytic flow line model of Altan etal. [J Mater. Process. Tech. 33 (1992) p.263] was used and also validated by finite element calculations. Modelling was carried out using the viscoplastic self-consistent (VPSC) model and a recently developed grain refinement model. The results showed large texture variations along the cross-section of the extruded sample for both UFG and CG copper. These cyclic drawing textures in UFG copper were simulated in good agreement with experiments using the presented modelling framework.


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Two multicriterion decision-making methods, namely `compromise programming' and the `technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution' are employed to prioritise 22 micro-catchments (A1 to A22) of Kherthal catchment, Rajasthan, India and comparative analysis is performed using the compound parameter approach. Seven criteria - drainage density, bifurcation ratio, stream frequency, form factor, elongation ratio, circulatory ratio and texture ratio - are chosen for the evaluation. The entropy method is employed to estimate weights or relative importance of the criterion which ultimately affects the ranking pattern or prioritisation of micro-catchments. Spearman rank correlation coefficients are estimated to measure the extent to which the ranks obtained are correlated. Based on the average ranking approach supported by sensitivity analysis, micro-catchments A6, A10, A3 are preferred (owing to their low ranking) for further improvements with suitable conservation and management practices, and other micro-catchments can be processed accordingly at a later phase on a priority basis. It is concluded that the present approach can be explored for other similar situations with appropriate modifications.


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In this work, the microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of extruded Mg composites containing micro-Ti particulates hybridized with varying contents of nano-B4C are investigated, and compared with Mg-5.6Ti. Microstructural characterization showed the presence of uniformly distributed micro-Ti particles embedded with nano-B4C particulates that resulted in significant grain refinement. Electron back scattered diffraction (EBSD) analyses of Mg-(5.6Ti + x-B4C)(BM) hybrid composites showed that the addition of hybridized particle resulted in relatively more recrystallized grains, realignment of basal planes and extension of weak basal fibre texture when compared to Mg-5.6Ti. The evaluation of mechanical properties indicated improved strength with ductility retention in Mg-(5.6Ti + x-B4C)(BM) hybrid composites. When compared to Mg-5.6Ti, the superior strength properties of the Mg-(5.6Ti + xB(4)C)(BM) hybrid composites are attributed to the presence of nano-reinforcements, the uniform distribution of the hybridized particles, better interfacial bonding between the matrix and the reinforcement particles and the matrix grain refinement achieved by nano-B4C addition. The ductility enhancement obtained in hybrid composites can be attributed to the fibre texture spread and favourable basal plane orientation achieved due to nano B4C addition. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cast Mg/SiCp and AZ91/SiCp composites were successfully hot extruded vis-a-vis cast and unreinforced Mg and AZ91 alloy up to low (R=15:1) and high (R=54:1) extrusion ratios at 350 degrees C. Significant matrix grain refinement was noticed after extrusion due to dynamic recrystallization; the degree of refinement being relatively higher for the two composites. The AZ91 based materials (AZ91 and AZ91/SiCp) exhibited comparatively finer grain size both in cast condition and after extrusion due to strong pinning effect from alloying elements as well as Mg17Al12 intermetallic phase. Compositional analyses eliminated the possibility of any interfacial reaction between matrix (Mg/AZ91) and second phase reinforcement (SiCp) in case of the composites. Texture evolution shows the formation of < 10 (1) over bar0 >parallel to ED texture fibre for all the materials after extrusion irrespective of SiCp addition or alloying which is primarily due to the deformation of the matrix phase. Micro-hardness did not significantly increased on extrusion in comparison to the respective cast materials for both composites and unreinforced alloys. Dynamic mechanical analysis, however, confirmed that the damping properties were affected by the extrusion ratio and to a lesser extent, due to the presence of second phase at room temperature as well as at higher temperature (300 degrees C). (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.