61 resultados para metoprolol
Formaldehyde-derived oxazolidine derivatives 4-7 of the beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists metoprolol 1, atenolol 2 and timolol 3 have been synthesised. Conformational analysis of 1-3 and the oxazolidine derivatives 4-7 has been performed using H-1 NMR spectroscopy and computational methods. The H-1 NMR studies show that for the aryloxypropanolamine beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists there is a predominance of the conformer in which the amine group is approximately antiperiplanar or trans to the aryloxymethylene group. Both H-1 NMR data and theoretical studies indicate that the oxazolidine derivatives 4-7 and the aryloxypropanolamine beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists 1-3 adopt similar conformations around the beta-amino alcohol moiety. Thus, oxazolidine ring formation does not dramatically alter the preferred conformation adopted by the beta-amino alcohol moiety of 1-3. Oxazolidine derivatives of aryloxypropanolamine beta-adrenoreceptor antagonists may therefore be appropriate as prodrugs, or semi-rigid analogues, when greater lipophilicity is required for drug delivery.
Metoprolol is a beta-blocker and its racemic mixture is used for the treatment of hypertension. In the present study we investigated the influence of CYP2D and CYP3A on the stereoselective metabolism of metoprolol in rats. Male Wistar rats (n = 6 per group) received racemic metoprolol (15 mg/kg) orally, with or without pretreatment with the CYP inhibitor ketoconazole (50 mg/kg), cimetidine (150 mg/kg), or quinidine (80 mg/kg). Blood samples were collected up to 48 h after metoprolol administration. The plasma concentrations of the stereoisomers of metoprolol, O-demethylmetoprolol (ODM), alpha-hydroxymetoprolol (OHM) (Chiralpak(R) AD column), and metoprolol acidic metabolite (AODM) (Chiralcel(R) OD-R column) were determined by HPLC using fluorescence detection (lambda(exc) = 229 nm; lambda(em) = 298 nm). CYP3A inhibition by ketoconazole reduced the plasma concentrations of ODM and AODM and favored the formation of OHM. CYP2D and CYP3A inhibition by cimetidine reduced the plasma concentrations of OHM and AODM and favored the formation of ODM. The inhibition of CYP2D by quinidine reduced the plasma concentrations of OHM and favored the formation of ODM. In conclusion, the results suggest that CYP3A is involved in the formation of ODM and CYP2D is involved in the formation of AODM. Chirality 21:886-893, 2009. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a efetividade do metoprolol na prevenção de fibrilação e flutter atrial clinicamente detectáveis após cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica. MÉTODOS: Ensaio clínico, randomizado e aberto, para tratar 200 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica isolada com circulação extracorpórea, randomizados para receber metoprolol, por via oral, ou para não receber a medicação no pós-operatório. Os desfechos de interesse eram a detecção de fibrilação e flutter atrial sustentados, sintomáticos ou que requeressem tratamento. Excluídos do estudo os pacientes com fração de ejeção basal do ventrículo esquerdo < 35%, fibrilação atrial prévia, história de broncoespasmo, bloqueios atrioventriculares de 2º e 3º grau, baixo débito cardíaco e insuficiência cardíaca. RESULTADOS: Arritmias ocorreram em 11 de 100 pacientes do grupo metoprolol e em 24 de 100 pacientes do grupo controle (p=0,02). O risco relativo (RR) foi 0,46 (IC de 95%= 0,24-0,88) e o número necessário para tratar (NNT) e evitar o desfecho foi de 8 pacientes. A fibrilação atrial foi a arritmia mais freqüentemente observada (30/35). Em 38 pacientes com idade > 70 anos, as arritmias ocorreram em 2 de 19 pacientes do grupo metoprolol e em 10 de 19 do grupo controle (c2 Yates: p=0,01). O risco relativo foi 0,20 (IC de 95%= 0,05-0,79) e o número necessário para tratar foi de 2 pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: O metoprolol é efetivo na prevenção de fibrilação e flutter atrial no PO de cirurgia de revascularização miocárdica, sendo esse efeito mais marcante no grupo de pacientes idosos.
OBJETIVO: Estudar os efeitos do tartarato de metoprolol em pacientes portadores de insuficiência cardíaca. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados em estudo prospectivo, 50 pacientes (36 homens) com insuficiência cardíaca, classe funcional II a IV, com 52±14,8 anos, e fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) < 45% avaliada pela ventriculografia radioisotópica. Foi adicionado tartarato metoprolol à terapêutica habitual. Iniciado 12,5 mg e aumentado semanalmente até atingir 200 mg/dia, conforme tolerância. Realizaram-se avaliação clinica, eletrocardiograma, ecodopplercardiograma, holter 24 horas e ventriculografia radiosotópica na fase pré-tratamento, e repetidos após três e seis meses em uso da medicação. RESULTADOS: Ao final de seis meses, houve melhora da classe funcional (NYHA) com redução de 3,04±0,11 para 1,66±0,06(p<0,001). A fração de ejeção aumentou de 29,84+1,61% para 38,56±1,95% (p< 0,001). O diâmetro diastólico ventricular esquerdo apresentou redução de 67,70±1,31 mm para 63,96±1,29 mm (p<0,001), e o diâmetro sistólico ventricular esquerdo apresentou redução de 54,80±1,67 mm para 48,58±1,38 (p<0,001). Não houve variação dos níveis de noradrenalina no seguimento de seis meses (p>0,05). A freqüência cardíaca apresentou redução de 78,84±batimentos por minuto para 67,48±1,86 batimentos por minuto (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: A utilização do tartarato de metoprolol adicionado à terapêutica habitual da insuficiência cardíaca é acompanhada por aumento da fração de ejeção, melhora da classe funcional, diminuição dos diâmetros ventriculares e pela diminuição da freqüência cardíaca. Estes resultados sugerem efeitos anti-remodelamento em pacientes portadores de IC, com o uso de tartarato de metoprolol.
BACKGROUND: Lower body negative pressure (LBNP) has been shown to induce a progressive activation of neurohormonal systems, and a renal tubular and hemodynamic response that mimics the renal adaptation observed in congestive heart failure (CHF). As beta-blockers play an important role in the management of CHF patients, the effects of metoprolol on the renal response were examined in healthy subjects during sustained LBNP. METHODS: Twenty healthy male subjects were randomized in this double blind, placebo versus metoprolol 200 mg once daily, study. After 10 days of treatment, each subject was exposed to 3 levels of LBNP (0, -10, and -20 mbar) for 1 hour, each level of LBNP being separated by 2 days. Neurohormonal profiles, systemic and renal hemodynamics, as well as renal sodium handling were measured before, during, and after LBNP. RESULTS: Blood pressure and heart rate were significantly lower in the metoprolol group throughout the study (P < 0.01). GFR and RPF were similar in both groups at baseline, and no change in renal hemodynamic values was detected at any level of LBNP. However, a reduction in sodium excretion was observed in the placebo group at -20 mbar, whereas no change was detected in the metoprolol group. An increase in plasma renin activity was also observed at -20 mbar in the placebo group that was not observed with metoprolol. CONCLUSION: The beta-blocker metoprolol prevents the sodium retention induced by lower body negative pressure in healthy subjects despite a lower blood pressure. The prevention of sodium retention may be due to a blunting of the neurohormonal response. These effects of metoprolol on the renal response to LBNP may in part explain the beneficial effects of this agent in heart failure patients.
The aim of the present study was to assess the efficacy and tolerability of a calcium antagonist/beta-blocker fixed combination tablet used as first-line antihypertesnive therapy in comparison with an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor and placebo. Patients with uncomplicated essential hypertension (diastolic blood pressure between 95 and 110 mm Hg at the end of a 4-week run-in period) were randomly allocated to a double-blind, 12-week treatment with either a combination tablet of felodipine and metoprolol (Logimax), 5/50 mg daily (n = 321), enalapril, 10 mg daily (n = 321), or placebo (n = 304), with the possibility of doubling the dose after 4 or 8 weeks of treatment if needed (diastolic blood pressure remaining >90 mm Hg). The combined felodipine-metoprolol treatment controlled blood pressure (diastolic < or =90 mm Hg 24 h after dose) in 72% of patients after 12 weeks, as compared with 49% for enalapril and 30% for placebo. A dose adjustment was required in 38% of patients receiving the combination, in 63% of patients allocated to placebo, and 61% of enalapril-treated patients. The overall incidence of adverse events was 54.5% during felodipine-metoprolol treatment; the corresponding values for enalapril and placebo were 51.7% and 47.4%, respectively. Withdrawal of treatment due to adverse events occurred in 18 patients treated with the combination, in 10 patients on enalapril, and 12 patients on placebo. No significant change in patients' well-being was observed in either of the three study groups. These results show that a fixed combination tablet of felodipine and metoprolol allows to normalize blood pressure in a substantially larger fraction of patients than enalapril given alone. This improved efficacy is obtained without impairing the tolerability. The fixed-dose combination of felodipine and metoprolol, therefore, may become a valuable option to initiate antihypertensive treatment.
O metoprolol é um beta-bloqueador utilizado no tratamento de várias doenças como hipertensão, arritmias, angina do peito, glaucoma e outros distúrbios rela-cionados com o sistema cardiovascular. Devido ao seu elevado consumo e baixa biodegradabilidade em particular nas estações de tratamento de águas residuais, (ETARs) torna-se importante conhecer o seu comportamento no meio ambiente. Uma das principais vias de degradação de contaminantes em águas naturais é a fotodegradação pela luz solar, a qual pode ser fortemente influenciada pelas subs-tâncias húmicas e os iões nitrato. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo da fotodegradação do metoprolol em água e na presença de sensibilizadores, nomeadamente ácidos fúlvicos, e iões nitrato. Para este estudo foram utilizados ácidos fúlvicos extraídos do Rio Vouga. Após uma primeira etapa para a escolha das melhores condições de análise do metoprolol por HPLC-UV, foram efetuados estudos de fotodegradação do meto-prolol em solução aquosa, usando um simulador de luz solar. A seguir, estudou-se o efeito da presença de ácidos fúlvicos e iões nitrato nas soluções. Verificou-se que a fotodegradação direta do metoprolol é praticamente nula ao fim de 48 horas de irradiação, no entanto as substâncias húmicas funcionam como fotossensibili-zadores acelerando a degradação. Os resultados experimentais ajustaram-se satisfatoriamente a uma cinética de pseudo - primeira ordem. Foi possível detetar por HPLC-UV a formação de três produtos de degradação do metoprolol. A fim de identificar a via pela qual as substâncias húmicas promovem a degrada-ção do metoprolol em soluções aquosas, foram utilizados sequestradores especí-ficos de 1O2 e radicais ·OH, verificando-se que a principal via de ação das subs-tâncias húmicas envolve o 1O2, formado na presença das mesmas, sob ação da luz solar. No entanto, os radicais ·OH estão também envolvidos. No que diz respeito à influência do nitrato, verificou-se que acelerava a fotodegra-dação do metoprolol, mas o seu efeito é muito menos acentuado do que o efeito das substâncias húmicas.
Introduction: To study the functional and hystological alterations in dog kidneys submitted to total ischemia for thirty minutes and the possible metoprolol protective action. Material and methods: Sixteen dogs anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (SP) were studied and divided into two groups: G1-8 dogs submitted to left nephrectomy and right renal artery clamping for thirty minutes, and G2-8 dogs submitted to the same procedures of G1 and to the administration of 0.5 mg.kg(-1) metoprolol before ischemia. Attributes of renal function were studied. Results: There was acute tubular necrosis and a decrease of renal blood flow and glomerular filtration, and a increase of renal vascular resistance in both groups. Conclusion: the thirty minute renal ischemia appears to have determined the alterations found in the renal function and hystology in both groups. Metoprolol, used in G2, as to the time and dose applied didn't protect the kidney from the ischemic episode.
BACKGROUND The use of ultrathin Doppler angioplasty guidewires has made it possible to measure collateral flow quantitatively. Pharmacologic interventions have been shown to influence collateral flow and, thus, to affect myocardial ischaemia. METHODS Twenty-five patients with coronary artery disease undergoing PTCA were included in the present analysis. Coronary flow velocities were measured in the ipsilateral (n = 25) and contralateral (n = 6; two Doppler wires) vessels during PTCA with and without i.v. adenosine (140 microg/kg.min) before and 3 min after 5 mg metoprolol i.v., respectively. The ipsilateral Doppler wire was positioned distal to the stenosis, whereas the distal end of the contralateral wire was in an angiographically normal vessel. The flow signals of the ipsilateral wire were used to calculate the collateral flow index (CFI). CFI was defined as the ratio of flow velocity during balloon inflation divided by resting flow. RESULTS Heart rate and mean aortic pressure decreased slightly (ns) after i.v. metoprolol. The collateral flow index was 0.25+/-0.12 (one fourth of the resting coronary flow) during the first PTCA and 0.27+/-0.14 (ns versus first PTCA) during the second PTCA, but decreased with metoprolol to 0.16+/-0.08 (p<0.0001 vs. baseline) during the third PTCA. CONCLUSIONS Coronary collateral flow increased slightly but not significantly during maximal vasodilatation with adenosine but decreased in 23 of 25 patients after i.v. metoprolol. Thus, there is a reduction in coronary collateral flow with metoprolol, probably due to an increase in coronary collateral resistance or a reduction in oxygen demand.
The goal of this trial was to study the long-term effects of intravenous (IV) metoprolol administration before reperfusion on left ventricular (LV) function and clinical events. Early IV metoprolol during ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) has been shown to reduce infarct size when used in conjunction with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI). The METOCARD-CNIC (Effect of Metoprolol in Cardioprotection During an Acute Myocardial Infarction) trial recruited 270 patients with Killip class ≤II anterior STEMI presenting early after symptom onset (<6 h) and randomized them to pre-reperfusion IV metoprolol or control group. Long-term magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed on 202 patients (101 per group) 6 months after STEMI. Patients had a minimal 12-month clinical follow-up. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) at the 6 months MRI was higher after IV metoprolol (48.7 ± 9.9% vs. 45.0 ± 11.7% in control subjects; adjusted treatment effect 3.49%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.44% to 6.55%; p = 0.025). The occurrence of severely depressed LVEF (≤35%) at 6 months was significantly lower in patients treated with IV metoprolol (11% vs. 27%, p = 0.006). The proportion of patients fulfilling Class I indications for an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) was significantly lower in the IV metoprolol group (7% vs. 20%, p = 0.012). At a median follow-up of 2 years, occurrence of the pre-specified composite of death, heart failure admission, reinfarction, and malignant arrhythmias was 10.8% in the IV metoprolol group versus 18.3% in the control group, adjusted hazard ratio (HR): 0.55; 95% CI: 0.26 to 1.04; p = 0.065. Heart failure admission was significantly lower in the IV metoprolol group (HR: 0.32; 95% CI: 0.015 to 0.95; p = 0.046). In patients with anterior Killip class ≤II STEMI undergoing pPCI, early IV metoprolol before reperfusion resulted in higher long-term LVEF, reduced incidence of severe LV systolic dysfunction and ICD indications, and fewer heart failure admissions.
Pre-reperfusion administration of intravenous (IV) metoprolol reduces infarct size in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). This study sought to determine how this cardioprotective effect is influenced by the timing of metoprolol therapy having either a long or short metoprolol bolus-to-reperfusion interval. We performed a post hoc analysis of the METOCARD-CNIC (effect of METOprolol of CARDioproteCtioN during an acute myocardial InfarCtion) trial, which randomized anterior STEMI patients to IV metoprolol or control before mechanical reperfusion. Treated patients were divided into short- and long-interval groups, split by the median time from 15 mg metoprolol bolus to reperfusion. We also performed a controlled validation study in 51 pigs subjected to 45 min ischemia/reperfusion. Pigs were allocated to IV metoprolol with a long (−25 min) or short (−5 min) pre-perfusion interval, IV metoprolol post-reperfusion (+60 min), or IV vehicle. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) was performed in the acute and chronic phases in both clinical and experimental settings. For 218 patients (105 receiving IV metoprolol), the median time from 15 mg metoprolol bolus to reperfusion was 53 min. Compared with patients in the short-interval group, those with longer metoprolol exposure had smaller infarcts (22.9 g vs. 28.1 g; p = 0.06) and higher left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (48.3% vs. 43.9%; p = 0.019) on day 5 CMR. These differences occurred despite total ischemic time being significantly longer in the long-interval group (214 min vs. 160 min; p < 0.001). There was no between-group difference in the time from symptom onset to metoprolol bolus. In the animal study, the long-interval group (IV metoprolol 25 min before reperfusion) had the smallest infarcts (day 7 CMR) and highest long-term LVEF (day 45 CMR). In anterior STEMI patients undergoing primary angioplasty, the sooner IV metoprolol is administered in the course of infarction, the smaller the infarct and the higher the LVEF. These hypothesis-generating clinical data are supported by a dedicated experimental large animal study.
We seek to examine the efficacy and safety of prereperfusion emergency medical services (EMS)–administered intravenous metoprolol in anterior ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients undergoing eventual primary angioplasty. This is a prespecified subgroup analysis of the Effect of Metoprolol in Cardioprotection During an Acute Myocardial Infarction trial population, who all eventually received oral metoprolol within 12 to 24 hours. We studied patients receiving intravenous metoprolol by EMS and compared them with others treated by EMS but not receiving intravenous metoprolol. Outcomes included infarct size and left ventricular ejection fraction on cardiac magnetic resonance imaging at 1 week, and safety by measuring the incidence of the predefined combined endpoint (composite of death, malignant ventricular arrhythmias, advanced atrioventricular block, cardiogenic shock, or reinfarction) within the first 24 hours. From the total population of the trial (N=270), 147 patients (54%) were recruited during out-of-hospital assistance and transferred to the primary angioplasty center (74 intravenous metoprolol and 73 controls). Infarct size was smaller in patients receiving intravenous metoprolol compared with controls (23.4 [SD 15.0] versus 34.0 [SD 23.7] g; adjusted difference –11.4; 95% confidence interval [CI] –18.6 to –4.3). Left ventricular ejection fraction was higher in the intravenous metoprolol group (48.1% [SD 8.4%] versus 43.1% [SD 10.2%]; adjusted difference 5.0; 95% CI 1.6 to 8.4). Metoprolol administration did not increase the incidence of the prespecified safety combined endpoint: 6.8% versus 17.8% in controls (risk difference –11.1; 95% CI –21.5 to –0.6). Out-of-hospital administration of intravenous metoprolol by EMS within 4.5 hours of symptom onset in our subjects reduced infarct size and improved left ventricular ejection fraction with no excess of adverse events during the first 24 hours.
Background: Worldwide distribution of surgical interventions is unequal. Developed countries account for the majority of surgeries and information about non-cardiac operations in developing countries is scarce. The purpose of our study was to describe the epidemiological data of non-cardiac surgeries performed in Brazil in the last years. Methods and Findings: This is a retrospective cohort study that investigated the time window from 1995 to 2007. We collected information from DATASUS, a national public health system database. The following variables were studied: number of surgeries, in-hospital expenses, blood transfusion related costs, length of stay and case fatality rates. The results were presented as sum, average and percentage. The trend analysis was performed by linear regression model. There were 32,659,513 non-cardiac surgeries performed in Brazil in thirteen years. An increment of 20.42% was observed in the number of surgeries in this period and nowadays nearly 3 million operations are performed annually. The cost of these procedures has increased tremendously in the last years. The increment of surgical cost was almost 200%. The total expenses related to surgical hospitalizations were more than $10 billion in all these years. The yearly cost of surgical procedures to public health system was more than $1.27 billion for all surgical hospitalizations, and in average, U$445.24 per surgical procedure. The total cost of blood transfusion was near $98 million in all years and annually approximately $10 million were spent in perioperative transfusion. The surgical mortality had an increment of 31.11% in the period. Actually, in 2007, the surgical mortality in Brazil was 1.77%. All the variables had a significant increment along the studied period: r square (r(2)) = 0.447 for the number of surgeries (P = 0.012), r(2) = 0.439 for in-hospital expenses (P = 0.014) and r(2) = 0.907 for surgical mortality (P = 0.0055). Conclusion: The volume of surgical procedures has increased substantially in Brazil through the past years. The expenditure related to these procedures and its mortality has also increased as the number of operations. Better planning of public health resource and strategies of investment are needed to supply the crescent demand of surgery in Brazil.