905 resultados para metabolizable energy requirements
Feed samples received by commercial analytical laboratories are often undefined or mixed varieties of forages, originate from various agronomic or geographical areas of the world, are mixtures (e.g., total mixed rations) and are often described incompletely or not at all. Six unified single equation approaches to predict the metabolizable energy (ME) value of feeds determined in sheep fed at maintenance ME intake were evaluated utilizing 78 individual feeds representing 17 different forages, grains, protein meals and by-product feedstuffs. The predictive approaches evaluated were two each from National Research Council [National Research Council (NRC), Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle, seventh revised ed. National Academy Press, Washington, DC, USA, 2001], University of California at Davis (UC Davis) and ADAS (Stratford, UK). Slopes and intercepts for the two ADAS approaches that utilized in vitro digestibility of organic matter and either measured gross energy (GE), or a prediction of GE from component assays, and one UC Davis approach, based upon in vitro gas production and some component assays, differed from both unity and zero, respectively, while this was not the case for the two NRC and one UC Davis approach. However, within these latter three approaches, the goodness of fit (r(2)) increased from the NRC approach utilizing lignin (0.61) to the NRC approach utilizing 48 h in vitro digestion of neutral detergent fibre (NDF:0.72) and to the UC Davis approach utilizing a 30 h in vitro digestion of NDF (0.84). The reason for the difference between the precision of the NRC procedures was the failure of assayed lignin values to accurately predict 48 h in vitro digestion of NDF. However, differences among the six predictive approaches in the number of supporting assays, and their costs, as well as that the NRC approach is actually three related equations requiring categorical description of feeds (making them unsuitable for mixed feeds) while the ADAS and UC Davis approaches are single equations, suggests that the procedure of choice will vary dependent Upon local conditions, specific objectives and the feedstuffs to be evaluated. In contrast to the evaluation of the procedures among feedstuffs, no procedure was able to consistently discriminate the ME values of individual feeds within feedstuffs determined in vivo, suggesting that the quest for an accurate and precise ME predictive approach among and within feeds, may remain to be identified. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this work was to compare the efficiency of total (TC) or partial (PC) collection excreta methods to determine metabolizable energy in poultry feeds. A number of 180 12- to 21-day-old broilers were distributed into two treatments of six replicates of 10 birds each. A reference-diet was formulated to supply broiler requirements, and the test-diets consisted of 60% of reference diets and 40% of corn or soybean meal. Celite was added at 1% to the diets as a marker. Excreta and diet samples were analyzed for dry matter, energy, nitrogen, and acid-insoluble ash (AIA). AME of corn determined by partial collection (PC) was higher (3544 kcal/kg) as compared to total collection (TC) (3133 kcal/kg). However, no difference were observed for soybean meal (1797 vs. 1821 kcal/kg) between both methods. Marker recovery rates in the excreta were 101, 111, and 96% for the basal-diet, and the test-diets with corn or soybean meal, respectively. This result indicates the importance of marker recovery rate in the excreta to evaluate feed AME and digestibility.
The objective of this study was to determine models for ME requirements for broiler breeder pullets using the factorial method. The influence of the temperature on maintenance ME requirements was determined by experiments conducted in three environmental rooms with temperature kept constant at 15, 22, and 30°C, using the comparative slaughter technique. The energy requirements for weight gain were determined based on the body energy content and efficiency of energy utilization for weight gain. Two ME requirement models for each age were developed using the coefficients for maintenance and weight gain. The models for 3 to 8 wk were ME = W 0.75 (186.52 - 1.94T) + 2.47WG, and ME = W 0.75 (174 - 1.88T) + 2.83WG; for 9 to 14 wk, ME = W 0.75 (186.52 - 1.94T) + 2.69WG, and ME = W 0.75 (174 - 1.88T) + 2.50WG; and 15 to 20 wk, ME = W 0.75 (186.52 - 1.94T) + 2.76WG, and ME = W 0.75 (174 - 1.88T) + 3.24WG. In these equations, W is BW (kg), T is temperature (°C), and WG is daily weight gain (g). These models were compared to the breeder's recommendations in a feeding trial from 5 to 20 wk of age. Models 1 and 2 provided energy intakes that promoted BW smaller than the breeder's recommendation. However, all breeder pullets had weights above the standard recommendation. Model 2 gave the smallest ME intake and BW close to the standard recommendation and provided the best prediction of ME requirements.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the supplementation of xylanase in diets with reduced energy level on the apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen, determined with laying hens at 14, 36, 60 and 80 weeks of age. Four digestibility trials were conducted, using 80 Hy-line W36 laying hens aged 14, 36, 60 and 80 weeks of age. Birds were distributed in a completely randomized design in 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (energy level x inclusion of xylanase), totaling four treatments with 10 replicates of two birds each. Treatments were: positive control (balanced diet for their age); positive control + xylanase; negative control (diet with reduction of 100 kcal/kg in the level of metabolizable energy); and negative control + xylanase. Xylanase, produced by microorganism Trichoderma reesei, was added to the diets at 100 g/t (16,000 BXU/kg) for diets fed at 14 weeks and 75 g/t for diets of 36, 60 and 80 weeks (12,000 BXU/kg). The data obtained were subjected to analysis of variance at 5% probability. Supplementation of xylanase promoted higher values for AME (apparent metabolizable energy) and AME(n) (apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen) determined with 80-week-old laying hens, subjected to diet with energy level according to the nutritional requirements for their age. Supplementation of xylanase increases the matabolizability coefficient of the dietary crude protein and improves the nitrogen retention of laying hens at 14 weeks. In addition, xylanase associated with adequate levels of dietary energy promotes higher values for AME and AME(n) determined with laying hens at 80 weeks of age.
Prediction of resting energy requirements in people taking weight-inducing antipsychotic medications
The suitability of models specifically re-parameterized for analyzing energy balance data relating metabolizable energy intake to growth rate has recently been investigated in male broilers. In this study, the more adequate of those models was applied to growing turkeys to provide estimates of their energy needs for maintenance and growth. Three functional forms were used. They were: two equations representing diminishing returns behaviour (monomolecular and rectangular hyperbola); and one equation describing smooth sigmoidal behaviour with a fixed point of inflexion (Gompertz). The models estimated the metabolizable energy requirement for maintenance in turkeys to be 359-415 kJ/kg of live-weight/day. The predicted values of average net energy requirement for producing 1 g of gain in live-weight, between 1 and 4 times maintenance, varied from 8.7 to 10.9 kJ. These results and those previously reported for broilers are a basis for accepting the general validity of these models.
Limit-feeding dry cows a high-energy diet may enable adequate energy intake to be sustained as parturition approaches, thus reducing the extent of negative energy balance after parturition. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of dry period feeding strategy on plasma concentrations of hormones and metabolites that reflect energy status. Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 18) were dried off 45 d before expected parturition, paired by expected calving date, parity, and previous lactation milk yield, and randomly assigned to 1 of 2 dry-period diets formulated to meet nutrient requirements at ad libitum or limited intakes. All cows were fed the same diet for ad libitum intake after parturition. Prepartum dry matter intake (DMI) for limit-fed cows was 9.4 kg/d vs. 13.7 kg/d for cows fed ad libitum. During the dry period, limit-fed cows consumed enough feed to meet calculated energy requirements, and ad libitum-fed cows were in positive calculated net energy for lactation (NEL) balance (0.02 vs. 6.37 Mcal/d, respectively). After parturition, milk yield, milk protein concentration, DMI, body condition score, and body weight were not affected by the prepartum treatments. Cows limit fed during the dry period had a less-negative calculated energy balance during wk 1 postpartum. Milk fat concentration and yield were greater for the ad libitum treatment during wk 1 but were lower in wk 2 and 3 postpartum. Plasma insulin and glucose concentrations decreased after calving. Plasma insulin concentration was greater in ad libitum-fed cows on d -2 relative to calving, but did not differ by dietary treatment at other times. Plasma glucose concentrations were lower before and after parturition for cows limit-fed during the dry period. Plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentrations peaked after parturition on d 1 and 4 for the limit-fed and ad libitum treatments, respectively, and were greater for limit-fed cows on d -18, -9, -5, and -2. Plasma tumor necrosis factor-alpha concentrations did not differ by treatment in either the pre- or postpartum period, but tended to decrease after parturition. Apart from a reduction in body energy loss in the first week after calving, limit feeding a higher NEL diet during the dry period had little effect on intake and milk production during the first month of lactation.
Maize gluten feed (MGF) is a co-product of wet milling of maize, and is composed of structures that remain after most starch, gluten and germ has been extracted from the grain. Although currently used in dog foods, its digestibility and energy values have not been documented. Two techniques were used to determine nutrient digestibility of MGF for dog foods. Both techniques used extruded diets fed to Beagle dogs, with six replicates per diet. The first study used a difference method in which 300 g/kg of a reference diet was replaced by MGF. Based on the difference method, the coefficient of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) of MGF was 0.53 for dry matter (DM), 0.69 for crude protein (CP), 0.74 for fat, 0.99 for starch, and 0.55 for gross energy (GE). The calculated metabolizable energy (ME) of MGF was 7.99 MJ/kg (as-fed). The second study used a regression method and included a basal diet and a basal diet with 70, 140 and 210 g MGF/kg of diet (as a substitute for maize starch). Maize gluten feed inclusion resulted in a linear reduction of CTTAD of DM (R(2)=0.99; P<0.001), CP (R(2)=0.95; P=0.002), fat (R(2)=0.87; P=0.009). starch (R(2)=0.81; P<0.001), and GE (R(2)=0.99; P<0.001). Faecal production increased linearly from 56 g to 107 g/dog/d (R(2)=0.99; P<0.001), with a linear reduction of faecal DM (R(2)=0.99: P<0.001) and a linear increase in faecal lactic acid concentration (P<0.02). Both urine (R(2)=0.77; P=0.029) and faeces (R(2)=0.92: P=0.019) showed a linear reduction in pH. Results of ingredient MAD obtained by the regression and difference methods were close (6% or less of variation) for CP, fat, and starch, and also for ME content (1.4% higher for the difference method), but the two methods disagreed on calculated CTTAD of DM and organic matter. The high dietary fiber content of MGF (382 g/kg) may explain the low digestibility of this ingredient. Maize gluten feed could be a useful ingredient for formulations designed to have low energy or reduce the urine pH of dogs. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.