996 resultados para metabolic fate


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Metabolic fate of menthofuran (II) in rats was investigated. Menthofuran (II) was administered orally (200 mg/kg of the body weight/day) to rats for 3 days. The following metabolites were isolated from the urine of these animals: p-cresol (VI), 5-methyl-2-cyclohexen-1- one (VII), 3-methylcyclohexanone (VIII), 3-methylcyclohexanol (IX), 4- hydroxy-4-methyl-2-cyclohexen-1-one (V), geranic acid (XI), neronic acid (XII), benzoic acid (XIII), and 2-[2'-keto-4'- methylcyclohexyl]propionic acid (X). Incubation of menthofuran (II) with phenobarbital-induced rat liver microsomes in the presence of NADPH and oxygen resulted in the formation of a metabolite tentatively identified as 2-Z-(2'-keto-4'-methylcyclohexylidene)propanal (III; alpha,beta-unsaturated-gamma-keto-aldehyde). The structure assigned was further supported by trapping this metabolite (III) as a cinnoline derivative. Phenobarbital-induced rat liver microsomes also converted 4- methyl-2-cyclohexenone (IV) to 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-cyclohexenone (V) and p-cresol (VI) in the presence of NADPH and oxygen. On the basis of both in vivo and in vitro studies, a possible mechanism for the formation of p-cresol from menthofuran has been proposed.


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The breakdown of glucosinolates, a group of thioglucoside compounds found in cruciferous plants, is catalysed by dietary or microbial myrosinase. This hydrolysis releases a range of breakdown products among which are the isothiocyanates, which have been implicated in the cancer-protective effects of cruciferous vegetables. The respective involvement of plant myrosinase and gut bacterial myrosinase in the conversion, in vivo, of glucosinolates into isothiocyanates was investigated in sixteen Fischer 344 rats. Glucosinolate hydrolysis in gnotobiotic rats harbouring a whole human faecal flora (Flora+) was compared with that in germ-free rats (Flora-). Rats were offered a diet where plant myrosinase was either active (Myro+) or inactive (Myro-). The conversion of prop-2-enyl glucosinolate and benzyl glucosinolate to their related isothiocyanates, allyl isothiocyanate and benzyl isothiocyanate, was estimated using urinary mercapturic acids, which are endproducts of isothiocyanate metabolism. The highest excretion of urinary mercapturic acids was found when only plant myrosinase was active (Flora-, Myro+ treatment). Lower excretion was observed when both plant and microbial myrosinases were active (Flora+, Myro+ treatment). Excretion of urinary mercapturic acids when only microbial myrosinase was active (Flora+, Myro- treatment) was low and comparable with the levels in the absence of myrosinase (Flora-, Myro- treatment). No intact glucosinolates were detected in the faeces of rats from the Flora+ treatments confirming the strong capacity of the microflora to break down glucosinolates. The results confirm that plant myrosinase can catalyse substantial release of isothiocyanates in vivo. The results also suggest that the human microflora may, in some circumstances, reduce the proportion of isothiocyanates available for intestinal absorption.


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The effects of krill oil as an alternative source of n-3 long-chain PUFA have been investigated recently. There are conflicting results from the few available studies comparing fish oil and krill oil. The aim of this study was to compare the bioavailability and metabolic fate (absorption, β-oxidation and tissue deposition) of n-3 fatty acids originating from krill oil (phospholipid-rich) or fish oil (TAG-rich) in rats of both sexes using the whole-body fatty acid balance method. Sprague-Dawley rats (thirty-six male, thirty-six female) were randomly assigned to be fed either a krill oil diet (EPA+DHA+DPA=1·38 mg/g of diet) or a fish oil diet (EPA+DHA+DPA=1·61 mg/g of diet) to constant ration for 6 weeks. The faeces, whole body and individual tissues were analysed for fatty acid content. Absorption of fatty acids was significantly greater in female rats and was only minimally affected by the oil type. It was estimated that most of EPA (>90 %) and more than half of DHA (>60 %) were β-oxidised in both diet groups. Most of the DPA was β-oxidised (57 and 67 % for female and male rats, respectively) in the fish oil group; however, for the krill oil group, the majority of DPA was deposited (82-83 %). There was a significantly greater deposition of DPA and DHA in rats fed krill oil compared with those fed fish oil, not due to a difference in bioavailability (absorption) but rather due to a difference in metabolic fate (anabolism v. catabolism).


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We describe a method that can be used to produce equimolar amounts of two or more specific proteins in a cell. In this approach, termed the ubiquitin/protein/reference (UPR) technique, a reference protein and a protein of interest are synthesized as a polyprotein separated by a ubiquitin moiety. This tripartite fusion is cleaved, cotranslationally or nearly so, by ubiquitin-specific processing proteases after the last residue of ubiquitin, producing equimolar amounts of the protein of interest and the reference protein bearing a C-terminal ubiquitin moiety. In applications such as pulse-chase analysis, the UPR technique can compensate for the scatter of immunoprecipitation yields, sample volumes, and other sources of sample-to-sample variation. In particular, this method allows a direct comparison of proteins' metabolic stabilities from the pulse data alone. We used UPR to examine the N-end rule (a relation between the in vivo half-life of a protein and the identity of its N-terminal residue) in L cells, a mouse cell line. The increased accuracy afforded by the UPR technique underscores insufficiency of the current "half-life" terminology, because in vivo degradation of many proteins deviates from first-order kinetics. We consider this problem and discuss other applications of UPR.


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An NMR-based pharmacometabonomic approach was applied to investigate inter-animal variation in response to isoniazid (INH; 200 and 400 mg/kg) in male Sprague-Dawley rats, alongside complementary clinical chemistry and histopathological analysis. Marked inter-animal variability in central nervous system (CNS) toxicity was identified following administration of a high dose of INH, which enabled characterization of CNS responders and CNS non-responders. High-resolution post-dose urinary (1)H NMR spectra were modeled both by their xenobiotic and endogenous metabolic information sets, enabling simultaneous identification of the differential metabolic fate of INH and its associated endogenous metabolic consequences in CNS responders and CNS non-responders. A characteristic xenobiotic metabolic profile was observed for CNS responders, which revealed higher urinary levels of pyruvate isonicotinylhydrazone and β-glucosyl isonicotinylhydrazide and lower levels of acetylisoniazid compared to CNS non-responders. This suggested that the capacity for acetylation of INH was lower in CNS responders, leading to increased metabolism via conjugation with pyruvate and glucose. In addition, the endogenous metabolic profile of CNS responders revealed higher urinary levels of lactate and glucose, in comparison to CNS non-responders. Pharmacometabonomic analysis of the pre-dose (1)H NMR urinary spectra identified a metabolic signature that correlated with the development of INH-induced adverse CNS effects and may represent a means of predicting adverse events and acetylation capacity when challenged with high dose INH. Given the widespread use of INH for the treatment of tuberculosis, this pharmacometabonomic screening approach may have translational potential for patient stratification to minimize adverse events.


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Two of the greatest crises that civilisation faces in the 21st century are the predicted rapid increases in the ageing population and levels of metabolic disorders such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. A growing amount of evidence now supports the notion that energy balance is a key determinant not only in metabolism but also in the process of cellular ageing. Much of genetic evidence for a metabolic activity-driven ageing process has come from model organisms such as worms and flies where inactivation of the insulin receptor signalling cascade prolongs lifespan. At its most simplistic, this poses a conundrum for ageing in humans – can reduced insulin receptor signalling really promote lifespan and does this relate to insulin resistance seen in ageing? In higher animals, caloric restriction studies have confirmed a longer lifespan when daily calorie intake is reduced to 60% of normal energy requirement. This suggests that for humans, it is energy excess which is a likely driver of metabolic ageing. Interventions that interfere with the metabolic fate of nutrients offer a potentially important target for delaying biological ageing.


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The monoterpene cyclic ether, cineole (l,8-cineole, I) also known as eucalyptol, is a component of many essential oils and is widely distributed in nature. It is extensively used in pharmaceutical preparations for external application and also as a nasal spray. It was reported earlier that cineole when administered to sheep may be largely oxidized in the system (Scheline 1978). However the mode of metabolism of cineole is not known. Hence the present study was undertaken to investigate the metabolic fate of this ubiquitous terpenoid following its administration to rats by gastric intubation.


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Un déséquilibre de la balance énergétique constitue la principale cause du développement des pathologies métaboliques telles que l’obésité et le diabète de type 2. Au sein du cerveau, l’hypothalamus joue un rôle primordial dans le contrôle de la prise alimentaire et du métabolisme périphérique via le système nerveux autonome. Ce contrôle, repose sur l’existence de différentes populations neuronales au sein de l’hypothalamus médio-basal (MBH), neurones à neuropeptide Y (NPY)/Agouti-related peptide (AgRP), et neurones a proopiomelanocortine (POMC), dont l’activité est directement modulée par les variations des taux circulants des nutriments tels que le glucose et les acides gras (FA). Alors que les mécanismes de détection et le métabolisme intracellulaire du glucose ont été largement étudiés, l’implication du métabolisme intracellulaire des FA dans leurs effets centraux, est très peu comprise. De plus, on ignore si le glucose, module le métabolisme intracellulaire des acides gras à longue chaine (LCFA) dans le MBH. Le but de notre première étude est, de déterminer l'impact du glucose sur le métabolisme des LCFA, le rôle de l’AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), kinase détectrice du statut énergétique cellulaire, et d'établir s’il y a des changements dans le métabolisme des LCFA en fonction de leur structure, du type cellulaire et de la région cérébrale. Nos résultats montrent que le glucose inhibe l'oxydation du palmitate via l’AMPK dans les neurones et les astrocytes primaires hypothalamiques, in vitro, ainsi que dans les explants du MBH, ex vivo, mais pas dans les astrocytes et les explants corticaux. De plus, le glucose augmente l'estérification du palmitate et non de l’oléate dans les neurones et les explants du MBH, mais pas dans les astrocytes hypothalamiques. Ces résultats décrivent le devenir métabolique de différents LCFA dans le MBH, ainsi que, la régulation AMPK - dépendante de leur métabolisme par le glucose dans les astrocytes et les neurones, et démontrent pour la première fois que le métabolisme du glucose et des LCFA est couplé spécifiquement dans les noyaux du MBH, dont le rôle est critique pour le contrôle de l'équilibre énergétique. Le deuxième volet de cette thèse s’est intéressé à déterminer les mécanismes intracellulaires impliqués dans le rôle de la protéine de liaison ACBP dans le métabolisme central des FA. Nous avons démontré que le métabolisme de l’oléate et non celui du palmitate est dépendant de la protéine ACBP, dans les astrocytes hypothalamiques ainsi que dans les explants du MBH. Ainsi, nos résultats démontrent qu’ACBP, protéine identifiée originellement au niveau central, comme un modulateur allostérique des récepteurs GABA, agit comme un régulateur du métabolisme intracellulaire des FA. Ces résultats ouvrent de nouvelles pistes de recherche liées à la régulation du métabolisme des acides gras au niveau central, ainsi que, la nouvelle fonction de la protéine ACBP dans la régulation du métabolisme des FA au niveau du système nerveux central. Ceci aiderait à identifier des cibles moléculaires pouvant contribuer au développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques de pathologies telles que l’obésité et le diabète de type 2.


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Chemical methods to predict the bioavailable fraction of organic contaminants are usually validated in the literature by comparison with established bioassays. A soil spiked with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was aged over six months and subjected to butanol, cyclodextrin and tenax extractions as well as an exhaustive extraction to determine total PAH concentrations at several time points. Earthworm (Eisenia fetida) and rye grass root (Lolium multiflorum) accumulation bioassays were conducted in parallel. Butanol extractions gave the best relationship with earthworm accumulation (r2 ≤ 0.54, p ≤ 0.01); cyclodextrin, butanol and acetone–hexane extractions all gave good predictions of accumulation in rye grass roots (r2 ≤ 0.86, p ≤ 0.01). However, the profile of the PAHs extracted by the different chemical methods was significantly different (p < 0.01) to that accumulated in the organisms. Biota accumulated a higher proportion of the heavier 4-ringed PAHs. It is concluded that bioaccumulation is a complex process that cannot be predicted by measuring the bioavailable fraction alone. The ability of chemical methods to predict PAH accumulation in Eisenia fetida and Lolium multiflorum was hindered by the varied metabolic fate of the different PAHs within the organisms.


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Aim: We examined the effect of meat fatty acids on lipid and apolipoprotein concentrations of very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and chylomicron/chylomicron remnants in lipid fractions with a Svedberg flotation rate (S-f) 60-400 and S-f 20-60. Methods and results: Six healthy middle-aged men received in random order mixed meals enriched with saturated (SFA), polyunsaturated (PUFA) or monounsaturated (MUFA) fatty acids on 3 occasions. VLDL and chylomicron/chylomicron remnants in the lipid fractions were separated by immunoaffinity chromatography against apo B-100. In the S-f 60-400 chylomicron/chylomicron remnants, triacylglycerol and cholesterol concentrations were significantly tower following PUFA compared with SFA and MUFA (P <= 0.05). Apolipoprotein (apo) E responses were significantly higher after SFA in chylomicron/chylomicron remnants and VLDL compared with PUFA and MUFA (P < 0.007). However, apo B responses (particle number) were higher following MUFA than SFA (P = 0.039 for chylomicron/chylomicron remnants). Composition of the chylomicron/chylomicron remnants (expressed per particle) revealed differences in their triacylglycerol and apo E contents; in the Sf 60-400 fraction, SFA-rich chylomicron/chylomicron remnants contained significantly more triacylglycerol than MUFA (P = 0.028), more apo E than PUFA- and MUFA-rich particles (P < 0.05) and in the S-f 20-60 fraction, more apo E than MUFA (P = 0.009). Conclusion: There are specific differences in the composition of chylomicron/ chylomicron remnants formed after saturated compared with unsaturated fatty acid-rich meals which could determine their metabolic fate in the circulation and subsequent atherogenicity. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The metabolic fate of dietary n-3 docosapentaenoic acid (DPA) in mammals is currently unknown. The aim of the present study was to determine the extent of conversion of dietary DPA to DHA and EPA in rats. Four groups of male weanling Sprague–Dawley rats (aged 5 weeks) were given 50 mg of DPA, EPA, DHA or oleic acid, daily for 7 d by gavage. At the end of the treatment period, the tissues were analysed for concentrations of long-chain PUFA. DPA supplementation led to significant increases in DPA concentration in all tissues, with largest increase being in adipose (5-fold) and smallest increase being in brain (1·1-fold). DPA supplementation significantly increased the concentration of DHA in liver and the concentration of EPA in liver, heart and skeletal muscle, presumably by the process of retroconversion. EPA supplementation significantly increased the concentration of EPA and DPA in liver, heart and skeletal muscle and the DHA concentration in liver. DHA supplementation elevated the DHA levels in all tissues and EPA levels in the liver. Adipose was the main tissue site for accumulation of DPA, EPA and DHA. These data suggest that dietary DPA can be converted to DHA in the liver, in a short-term study, and that in addition it is partly retroconverted to EPA in liver, adipose, heart and skeletal muscle. Future studies should examine the physiological effect of DPA in tissues such as liver and heart.


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This study aimed to gain a better understanding of the metabolic fate of dietary fatty acids in rainbow trout, with a specific focus on the effect of varying total C18 PUFA level. Fish were fed a control fish oil based diet or one of five experimental fish oil deprived diets formulated with a constant 1/1 ratio of 18:3n-3/18:2n-6 and varying total C18 PUFA levels for a period of 7 weeks. The transcriptional changes of the Δ-6 desaturase and elongase enzymes in direct comparison to in vivo fatty acid bioconversion, estimated using the whole-body fatty acid balance method, were analysed. The main findings were that i) the efficiency of Δ-6 desaturase was negatively affected by C18 PUFA availability, but the total apparent in vivo enzyme activity was directly proportional to C18 PUFA substrate availability; ii) Δ-6 desaturase had a greater affinity towards n-3PUFA than n-6PUFA; iii) excessive C18 PUFA substrate availability could limit the availability of Δ-6 desaturase to act on C24 fatty acid; iv) the elimination of dietary n-3LC-PUFA (enzyme products) up-regulated the transcription rate of Δ-6 desaturase; but v) the total apparent in vivo enzyme activity was directly and positively affected by substrate availability, and not product presence/absence nor the extent of the enzyme transcription rate.