932 resultados para message passing


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Fault tolerance has become a major issue for computer and software engineers because the occurrence of faults increases the cost of using a parallel computer. RADIC is the fault tolerance architecture for message passing systems which is transparent, decentralized, flexible and scalable. This master thesis presents the methodology used to implement the RADIC architecture over Open MPI, a well-know large-used message passing library. This implementation kept the RADIC architecture characteristics. In order to validate the implementation we have executed a synthetic ping program, besides, to evaluate the implementation performance we have used the NAS Parallel Benchmarks. The results prove that the RADIC architecture performance depends on the communication pattern of the parallel application which is running. Furthermore, our implementation proves that the RADIC architecture could be implemented over an existent message passing library.


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Fine-grained parallel machines have the potential for very high speed computation. To program massively-concurrent MIMD machines, programmers need tools for managing complexity. These tools should not restrict program concurrency. Concurrent Aggregates (CA) provides multiple-access data abstraction tools, Aggregates, which can be used to implement abstractions with virtually unlimited potential for concurrency. Such tools allow programmers to modularize programs without reducing concurrency. I describe the design, motivation, implementation and evaluation of Concurrent Aggregates. CA has been used to construct a number of application programs. Multi-access data abstractions are found to be useful in constructing highly concurrent programs.


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The objective of this thesis is the development of cooperative localization and tracking algorithms using nonparametric message passing techniques. In contrast to the most well-known techniques, the goal is to estimate the posterior probability density function (PDF) of the position of each sensor. This problem can be solved using Bayesian approach, but it is intractable in general case. Nevertheless, the particle-based approximation (via nonparametric representation), and an appropriate factorization of the joint PDFs (using message passing methods), make Bayesian approach acceptable for inference in sensor networks. The well-known method for this problem, nonparametric belief propagation (NBP), can lead to inaccurate beliefs and possible non-convergence in loopy networks. Therefore, we propose four novel algorithms which alleviate these problems: nonparametric generalized belief propagation (NGBP) based on junction tree (NGBP-JT), NGBP based on pseudo-junction tree (NGBP-PJT), NBP based on spanning trees (NBP-ST), and uniformly-reweighted NBP (URW-NBP). We also extend NBP for cooperative localization in mobile networks. In contrast to the previous methods, we use an optional smoothing, provide a novel communication protocol, and increase the efficiency of the sampling techniques. Moreover, we propose novel algorithms for distributed tracking, in which the goal is to track the passive object which cannot locate itself. In particular, we develop distributed particle filtering (DPF) based on three asynchronous belief consensus (BC) algorithms: standard belief consensus (SBC), broadcast gossip (BG), and belief propagation (BP). Finally, the last part of this thesis includes the experimental analysis of some of the proposed algorithms, in which we found that the results based on real measurements are very similar with the results based on theoretical models.


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We describe an extension of the theory of Owicki and Gries (1976) to a programming language that supports asynchronous message passing based on unconditional send actions and conditional receive actions. The focus is on exploring the fitness of the extension for distributed program derivation. A number of experiments are reported, based on a running example problem, and with the aim of exploring design heuristics and of streamlining derivations and progress arguments.


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An improved inference method for densely connected systems is presented. The approach is based on passing condensed messages between variables, representing macroscopic averages of microscopic messages. We extend previous work that showed promising results in cases where the solution space is contiguous to cases where fragmentation occurs. We apply the method to the signal detection problem of Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) for demonstrating its potential. A highly efficient practical algorithm is also derived on the basis of insight gained from the analysis. © EDP Sciences.


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The problem of resource allocation in sparse graphs with real variables is studied using methods of statistical physics. An efficient distributed algorithm is devised on the basis of insight gained from the analysis and is examined using numerical simulations, showing excellent performance and full agreement with the theoretical results.


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Cognitive Radio has been proposed as a key technology to significantly improve spectrum usage in wireless networks by enabling unlicensed users to access unused resource. We present new algorithms that are needed for the implementation of opportunistic scheduling policies that maximize the throughput utilization of resources by secondary users, under maximum interference constraints imposed by existing primary users. Our approach is based on the Belief Propagation (BP) algorithm, which is advantageous due to its simplicity and potential for distributed implementation. We examine convergence properties and evaluate the performance of the proposed BP algorithms via simulations and demonstrate that the results compare favorably with a benchmark greedy strategy. © 2013 IEEE.


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The inference and optimization in sparse graphs with real variables is studied using methods of statistical mechanics. Efficient distributed algorithms for the resource allocation problem are devised. Numerical simulations show excellent performance and full agreement with the theoretical results. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.


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The increase in renewable energy generators introduced into the electricity grid is putting pressure on its stability and management as predictions of renewable energy sources cannot be accurate or fully controlled. This, with the additional pressure of fluctuations in demand, presents a problem more complex than the current methods of controlling electricity distribution were designed for. A global approximate and distributed optimisation method for power allocation that accommodates uncertainties and volatility is suggested and analysed. It is based on a probabilistic method known as message passing [1], which has deep links to statistical physics methodology. This principled method of optimisation is based on local calculations and inherently accommodates uncertainties; it is of modest computational complexity and provides good approximate solutions.We consider uncertainty and fluctuations drawn from a Gaussian distribution and incorporate them into the message-passing algorithm. We see the effect that increasing uncertainty has on the transmission cost and how the placement of volatile nodes within a grid, such as renewable generators or consumers, effects it.


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Concurrent Smalltalk is the primary language used for programming the J- Machine, a MIMD message-passing computer containing thousands of 36-bit processors connected by a very low latency network. This thesis describes in detail Concurrent Smalltalk and its implementation on the J-Machine, including the Optimist II global optimizing compiler and Cosmos fine-grain parallel operating system. Quantitative and qualitative results are presented.


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The TCP/IP architecture was consolidated as a standard to the distributed systems. However, there are several researches and discussions about alternatives to the evolution of this architecture and, in this study area, this work presents the Title Model to contribute with the application needs support by the cross layer ontology use and the horizontal addressing, in a next generation Internet. For a practical viewpoint, is showed the network cost reduction for the distributed programming example, in networks with layer 2 connectivity. To prove the title model enhancement, it is presented the network analysis performed for the message passing interface, sending a vector of integers and returning its sum. By this analysis, it is confirmed that the current proposal allows, in this environment, a reduction of 15,23% over the total network traffic, in bytes.


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In this paper, we describe the Vannotea system - an application designed to enable collaborating groups to discuss and annotate collections of high quality images, video, audio or 3D objects. The system has been designed specifically to capture and share scholarly discourse and annotations about multimedia research data by teams of trusted colleagues within a research or academic environment. As such, it provides: authenticated access to a web browser search interface for discovering and retrieving media objects; a media replay window that can incorporate a variety of embedded plug-ins to render different scientific media formats; an annotation authoring, editing, searching and browsing tool; and session logging and replay capabilities. Annotations are personal remarks, interpretations, questions or references that can be attached to whole files, segments or regions. Vannotea enables annotations to be attached either synchronously (using jabber message passing and audio/video conferencing) or asynchronously and stand-alone. The annotations are stored on an Annotea server, extended for multimedia content. Their access, retrieval and re-use is controlled via Shibboleth identity management and XACML access policies.


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We suggest a new notion of behaviour preserving transition refinement based on partial order semantics. This notion is called transition refinement. We introduced transition refinement for elementary (low-level) Petri Nets earlier. For modelling and verifying complex distributed algorithms, high-level (Algebraic) Petri nets are usually used. In this paper, we define transition refinement for Algebraic Petri Nets. This notion is more powerful than transition refinement for elementary Petri nets because it corresponds to the simultaneous refinement of several transitions in an elementary Petri net. Transition refinement is particularly suitable for refinement steps that increase the degree of distribution of an algorithm, e.g. when synchronous communication is replaced by asynchronous message passing. We study how to prove that a replacement of a transition is a transition refinement.


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O desenvolvimento actual de aplicações paralelas com processamento intensivo (HPC - High Performance Computing) para alojamento em computadores organizados em Cluster baseia-se muito no modelo de passagem de mensagens, do qual é de realçar os esforços de definição de standards, por exemplo, MPI - Message - Passing Interface. Por outro lado, com a generalização do paradigma de programação orientado aos objectos para ambientes distribuídos (Java RMI, .NET Remoting), existe a possibilidade de considerar que a execução de uma aplicação, de processamento paralelo e intensivo, pode ser decomposta em vários fluxos de execução paralela, em que cada fluxo é constituído por uma ou mais tarefas executadas no contexto de objectos distribuídos. Normalmente, em ambientes baseados em objectos distribuídos, a especificação, controlo e sincronização dos vários fluxos de execução paralela, é realizada de forma explicita e codificada num programa principal (hard-coded), dificultando possíveis e necessárias modificações posteriores. No entanto, existem, neste contexto, trabalhos que propõem uma abordagem de decomposição, seguindo o paradigma de workflow com interacções entre as tarefas por, entre outras, data-flow, control-flow, finite - state - machine. Este trabalho consistiu em propor e explorar um modelo de execução, sincronização e controlo de múltiplas tarefas, que permita de forma flexível desenhar aplicações de processamento intensivo, tirando partido da execução paralela de tarefas em diferentes máquinas. O modelo proposto e consequente implementação, num protótipo experimental, permite: especificar aplicações usando fluxos de execução; submeter fluxos para execução e controlar e monitorizar a execução desses fluxos. As tarefas envolvidas nos fluxos de execução podem executar-se num conjunto de recursos distribuídos. As principais características a realçar no modelo proposto, são a expansibilidade e o desacoplamento entre as diferentes componentes envolvidas na execução dos fluxos de execução. São ainda descritos casos de teste que permitiram validar o modelo e o protótipo implementado. Tendo consciência da necessidade de continuar no futuro esta linha de investigação, este trabalho é um contributo para demonstrar que o paradigma de workflow é adequado para expressar e executar, de forma paralela e distribuída, aplicações complexas de processamento intensivo.


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Fieldbus communication networks aim to interconnect sensors, actuators and controllers within distributed computer-controlled systems. Therefore they constitute the foundation upon which real-time applications are to be implemented. A potential leap towards the use of fieldbus in such time-critical applications lies in the evaluation of its temporal behaviour. In the past few years several research works have been performed on a number of fieldbuses. However, these have mostly focused on the message passing mechanisms, without taking into account the communicating application tasks running in those distributed systems. The main contribution of this paper is to provide an approach for engineering real-time fieldbus systems where the schedulability analysis of the distributed system integrates both the characteristics of the application tasks and the characteristics of the message transactions performed by these tasks. In particular, we address the case of system where the Process-Pascal multitasking language is used to develop P-NET based distributed applications