998 resultados para message form


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Knowledge Flow, my dear friend! I would like to introduce you to a close relative of yours: Organizational Communication. You might want to take a moment to hear what your newfound kin has to say. As bright as you are dear Flow, you're missing a piece of the puzzle - for one cannot study any aspect of an organization relating to communication without acknowledging the message. Without a message, communication does not exist. Organizational Communication has always appreciated this. Perhaps the time has come for you to join rank and do so too? The main point of this work is to prove that the form of a message considerably affects communication, interpretation - and knowledge flow. As stories are at the heart of this thesis; and entertaining, reader-friendly communication its main argument, the entire manuscript is written in story form and is intentionally breaking academic writing tradition as far as writing style goes. Each chapter reads as a story of sorts and put together they create a grand narrative of my journey as a PhD student, the research I have conducted and the outcomes of this work. Thus if a reader hopes to make any sense of this title, she must read it in the same way one would read a novel, from beginning to end. This is a thesis with three aspirations. First, it sets out to prove that knowledge flow cannot be studied without a message. Second, it moves on to give the reader a once-over of a much used message form: storytelling. After these two goals are tackled the path is clear to research if message form indeed is as essential as claimed. I do so through both a qualitative and a quantitative study. The former acted as both a stepping stone into the research area and as an inspirational pilot, from which the research design for the larger quantitative study was drawn. Together, these two studies answered my research question - and allowed me to fulfill the third, final and foremost aspiration of this study - bridging the gap between two separate fields of knowledge management: knowledge flow and storytelling.


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A basic element in advertising strategy is the choice of an appeal. Many researchers have studied communication message form and specifically forms of literalism and symbolism, or some variation. The motives for such study are grounded in increasing the effectiveness of commercial communication messages, especially advertising messages. Advertising research studies typically use forms of literalism (e.g. informativeness) or symbolism (e.g. metaphoric, tropes, schemes figures of speech, and rhetorical figures) as independent variables and compare these against one or more of the traditional advertising effectiveness measures as dependent variable(s). The main challenge in assessing the effectiveness of literalism or symbolism in message content is the discreet identification of the construct. However, no standard, empirically-tested measure was located in the literature.


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W ciągu minionych trzech dekad świat radykalnie się zmienił. Jesteśmy świadkami transformacji od społeczeństwa przemysłowego do społeczeństwa informacyjnego. Jeśli chcielibyśmy określić tą zmianę jednym słowem byłoby nim: cyfryzacja. Początkiem było wynalezienie cyfrowego komputera, a później wszystkie stare analogowe formy medialne (tekst, dźwięk, obraz, film) reprezentowane poprzez ciągłe (analogowe) sygnały zostały zastąpione przez nowe postaci cyfrowe. Pojęcie cyfrowy oznacza, że dowolne informacje mogą być reprezentowana w formie ciągów liczb zapisanych w dwójkowym systemie liczbowym (jako ciąg znaków: 0 i 1). W artykule pokazujemy funkcjonalne ograniczenia mediów analogowych oraz rozważamy korzyści wynikające z cyfrowych reprezentacji różnych form informacji wskazując równocześnie zmiany jakie implikuje to dla procesu uczenia się i edukacji.


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This paper presents a model for the generation of a MAC tag using a stream cipher. The input message is used indirectly to control segments of the keystream that form the MAC tag. Several recent proposals can be considered as instances of this general model, as they all perform message accumulation in this way. However, they use slightly different processes in the message preparation and finalisation phases. We examine the security of this model for different options and against different types of attack, and conclude that the indirect injection model can be used to generate MAC tags securely for certain combinations of options. Careful consideration is required at the design stage to avoid combinations of options that result in susceptibility to forgery attacks. Additionally, some implementations may be vulnerable to side-channel attacks if used in Authenticated Encryption (AE) algorithms. We give design recommendations to provide resistance to these attacks for proposals following this model.


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Key message: Evaluation of resistance toPyrenophora teresf.maculatain barley breeding populations via association mapping revealed a complex genetic architecture comprising a mixture of major and minor effect genes. Abstract: In the search for stable resistance to spot form of net blotch (Pyrenophora teres f. maculata, SFNB), association mapping was conducted on four independent barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) breeding populations comprising a total of 898 unique elite breeding lines from the Northern Region Barley Breeding Program in Australia for discovery of quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing resistance at seedling and adult plant growth stages. A total of 29 significant QTL were validated across multiple breeding populations, with 22 conferring resistance at both seedling and adult plant growth stages. The remaining 7 QTL conferred resistance at either seedling (2 QTL) or adult plant (5 QTL) growth stages only. These 29 QTL represented 24 unique genomic regions, of which five were found to co-locate with previously identified QTL for SFNB. The results indicated that SFNB resistance is controlled by a large number of QTL varying in effect size with large effects QTL on chromosome 7H. A large proportion of the QTL acted in the same direction for both seedling and adult responses, suggesting that phenotypic selection for SFNB resistance performed at either growth stage could achieve adequate levels of resistance. However, the accumulation of specific resistance alleles on several chromosomes must be considered in molecular breeding selection strategies.


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The Computer Aided Parallelisation Tools (CAPTools) [Ierotheou, C, Johnson SP, Cross M, Leggett PF, Computer aided parallelisation tools (CAPTools)-conceptual overview and performance on the parallelisation of structured mesh codes, Parallel Computing, 1996;22:163±195] is a set of interactive tools aimed to provide automatic parallelisation of serial FORTRAN Computational Mechanics (CM) programs. CAPTools analyses the user's serial code and then through stages of array partitioning, mask and communication calculation, generates parallel SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data) messages passing FORTRAN. The parallel code generated by CAPTools contains calls to a collection of routines that form the CAPTools communications Library (CAPLib). The library provides a portable layer and user friendly abstraction over the underlying parallel environment. CAPLib contains optimised message passing routines for data exchange between parallel processes and other utility routines for parallel execution control, initialisation and debugging. By compiling and linking with different implementations of the library, the user is able to run on many different parallel environments. Even with today's parallel systems the concept of a single version of a parallel application code is more of an aspiration than a reality. However for CM codes the data partitioning SPMD paradigm requires a relatively small set of message-passing communication calls. This set can be implemented as an intermediate `thin layer' library of message-passing calls that enables the parallel code (especially that generated automatically by a parallelisation tool such as CAPTools) to be as generic as possible. CAPLib is just such a `thin layer' message passing library that supports parallel CM codes, by mapping generic calls onto machine specific libraries (such as CRAY SHMEM) and portable general purpose libraries (such as PVM an MPI). This paper describe CAPLib together with its three perceived advantages over other routes: - as a high level abstraction, it is both easy to understand (especially when generated automatically by tools) and to implement by hand, for the CM community (who are not generally parallel computing specialists); - the one parallel version of the application code is truly generic and portable; - the parallel application can readily utilise whatever message passing libraries on a given machine yield optimum performance.


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Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der grafischen Gestaltung von Mathematiklehrwerken und der damit verbundenen Wirkungen auf die SchülerInnen. Es wurde untersucht, welche Art von Gestaltungsaspekten in Schulbüchern eine positive Auswirkung auf die Lernmotivation hat. Im theoretischen Teil dieser Arbeit wird zunächst erläutert, wie der menschliche Wahrnehmungsapparat nach theoretischen Erkenntnissen aus der Wahrnehmungspsychologie visuelle Elemente wie Farbe und Form verarbeitet. Anhand gestaltpsychologischer und motivationspsychologischer Theorien werden mögliche Einflüsse und in diesem Zusammenhang bedeutungsvolle Aspekte aufgezeigt. Einzelne Funktionen und Wirkungsaspekte der einzelnen Medienbausteine wie Bild, Typografie und Bild-Text-Kombinationen werden anhand von Beispielen aus Mathematiklehrwerken dargestellt. Ein Exkurs über den vermehrten Einfluss der neuen Medien bei Kindern und Jugendlichen verdeutlicht, welche visuellen Medienerfahrungen Kinder und Jugendliche bei der Betrachtung eines Schulbuches mitbringen. Anschließend werden die erarbeiteten theoretischen Grundlagen in einer praktischen Arbeit genutzt. Eine exemplarisch ausgewählte Seite eines Mathematiklehrwerks werde unter verschiedenen gestalterischen Gesichtspunkten umgestaltet, so dass mehreren Varianten entstehen. Diese Entwürfe werden in einer qualitativen Studie mit einzelnen SchülerInnen diskutiert. Die Ergebnisse der aufgezeichneten Interviews wurden durch die Auswertungsmethode des zirkulären Dekonstruierens auf die aufgeworfenen Forschungsfragen untersucht und ausgewertet.


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This paper identifies visual communication design as a form of public pedagogy. Communication design practices aim to achieve the successful transmission of a message to a recipient in a visual mode. Understanding the theories and practices of visual communication design can assist in enhancing the reception of the communication, as these practices become a tool to increase the effectiveness of learning in a public space. To demonstrate this, I will use the example of museums as an informal place of public learning, and argue design, and in particular visual communication design strategies, are extremely important in the creation of successful learning. If participants are not engaged or entertained, their capacity for learning will diminish. Engagement depends on the representation of the information and the successful interpretation of that information by the visitor. Further, this paper will emphasize the vital role communication design plays in all forms of public pedagogy, not just within the museum context. However, non-designers create many public learning environments and although this paper argues the benefits of communication design to increasing the effectiveness of learning, it recognizes the narrow opportunities of applying this knowledge.


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Australian country music is influenced by American country music and Australian bush ballads. This music idealises genuine true blue inhabitants of an idealised rural heartland and fuses nationalism with agrarian mythology. The lyrics of a number of country songs contain a populist political message, which is frequently nationalistic but is a form of nationalism.


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The increasing nationwide interest in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and the need for more efficient transportation have led to the expanding use of variable message sign (VMS) technology. VMS panels are substantially heavier than flat panel aluminum signs and have a larger depth (dimension parallel to the direction of traffic). The additional weight and depth can have a significant effect on the aerodynamic forces and inertial loads transmitted to the support structure. The wind induced drag forces and the response of VMS structures is not well understood. Minimum design requirements for VMS structures are contained in the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials Standard Specification for Structural Support for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals (AASHTO Specification). However the Specification does not take into account the prismatic geometry of VMS and the complex interaction of the applied aerodynamic forces to the support structure. In view of the lack of code guidance and the limited number research performed so far, targeted experimentation and large scale testing was conducted at the Florida International University (FIU) Wall of Wind (WOW) to provide reliable drag coefficients and investigate the aerodynamic instability of VMS. A comprehensive range of VMS geometries was tested in turbulence representative of the high frequency end of the spectrum in a simulated suburban atmospheric boundary layer. The mean normal, lateral and vertical lift force coefficients, in addition to the twisting moment coefficient and eccentricity ratio, were determined using the measured data for each model. Wind tunnel testing confirmed that drag on a prismatic VMS is smaller than the 1.7 suggested value in the current AASHTO Specification (2013). An alternative to the AASHTO Specification code value is presented in the form of a design matrix. Testing and analysis also indicated that vortex shedding oscillations and galloping instability could be significant for VMS signs with a large depth ratio attached to a structure with a low natural frequency. The effect of corner modification was investigated by testing models with chamfered and rounded corners. Results demonstrated an additional decrease in the drag coefficient but a possible Reynolds number dependency for the rounded corner configuration.