997 resultados para message exchange


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Complex Internet attacks may come from multiple sources, and target multiple networks and technologies. Nevertheless, Collaborative Intrusion Detection Systems (CIDS) emerges as a promising solution by using information from multiple sources to gain a better understanding of objective and impact of complex Internet attacks. CIDS also help to cope with classical problems of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) such as zero-day attacks, high false alarm rates and architectural challenges, e. g., centralized designs exposing the Single-Point-of-Failure. Improved complexity on the other hand gives raise to new exploitation opportunities for adversaries. The contribution of this paper is twofold. We first investigate related research on CIDS to identify the common building blocks and to understand vulnerabilities of the Collaborative Intrusion Detection Framework (CIDF). Second, we focus on the problem of anonymity preservation in a decentralized intrusion detection related message exchange scheme. We use techniques from design theory to provide multi-path peer-to-peer communication scheme where the adversary can not perform better than guessing randomly the originator of an alert message.


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In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), contention occurs when two or more nodes in a proximity simultaneously try to access the channel. The contention causes collisions, which are very likely to occur when traffic is correlated. The excessive collision not only affects the reliability and the QoS of the application, but also the lifetime of the network. It is well-known that random access mechanisms do not efficiently handle correlated-contention, and therefore, suffer from high collision rate. Most of the existing TDMA scheduling techniques try to find an optimal or a sub-optimal schedule. Usually, the situation of correlated-contention persists only for a short duration, and therefore, it is not worthwhile to take a long time to generate an optimal or a sub-optimal schedule. We propose a randomized distributed TDMA scheduling (RD-TDMA) algorithm to quickly generate a feasible schedule (not necessarily optimal) to handle correlated-contention in WSNs. In RD-TDMA, a node in the network negotiates a slot with its neighbors using the message exchange mechanism. The proposed protocol has been simulated using the Castalia simulator to evaluate its runtime performance. Simulation results show that the RD-TDMA algorithm considerably reduces the time required to schedule.


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Nowadays, train control in-lab simulation tools play a crucial role in reducing extensive and expensive on-site railway testing activities. In this paper, we present our contribution in this arena by detailing the internals of our European Railway Train Management System in-lab demonstrator. This demonstrator is built over a general-purpose simulation framework, Riverbed Modeler, previously Opnet Modeler. Our framework models both ERTMS subsystems, the Automatic Train Protection application layer based on movement authority message exchange and the telecommunication subsystem based on GSM-R communication technology. We provide detailed information on our modelling strategy. We also validate our simulation framework with real trace data. To conclude, under current industry migration scenario from GSM-R legacy obsolescence to IP-based heterogeneous technologies, our simulation framework represents a singular tool to railway operators. As an example, we present the assessment of related performance indicators for a specific railway network using a candidate replacement technology, LTE, versus current legacy technology. To the best of our knowledge, there is no similar initiative able to measure the impact of the telecommunication subsystem in the railway network availability.


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Os Sistemas Multi-Robôs proporcionam vantagens sobre um robô individual, quando da realização de uma tarefa com maiores velocidade, precisão e tolerância a falhas. Os estudos dos comportamentos sociais na natureza têm permitido desenvolver algoritmos bio-inspirados úteis na área da robótica de enxame. Seguindo instruções simples e repetitivas, grupos de robôs, fisicamente limitados, conseguem solucionar problemas complexos. Quando existem duas ou mais tarefas a serem realizadas e o conjunto de robôs é heterogêneo, é possível agrupá-los de acordo com as funcionalidades neles disponíveis. No caso em que o conjunto de robôs é homogêneo, o agrupamento pode ser realizado considerando a posição relativa do robô em relação a uma tarefa ou acrescentando alguma característica distintiva. Nesta dissertação, é proposta uma técnica de clusterização espacial baseada simplesmente na comunicação local de robôs. Por meio de troca de mensagens entre os robôs vizinhos, esta técnica permite formar grupos de robôs espacialmente próximos sem precisar movimentar os robôs. Baseando-se nos métodos de clusterização de fichas, a técnica proposta emprega a noção de fichas virtuais, que são chamadas de cargas, sendo que uma carga pode ser estática ou dinâmica. Se uma carga é estática permite determinar a classe à qual um robô pertence. Dependendo da quantidade e do peso das cargas disponíveis no sistema, os robôs intercambiam informações até alcançar uma disposição homogênea de cargas. Quando as cargas se tornam estacionárias, é calculada uma densidade que permite guiar aquelas que estão ainda em movimento. Durante as experiências, foi observado visualmente que as cargas com maior peso acabam se agrupando primeiro enquanto aquelas com menor peso continuam se deslocando no enxame, até que estas cargas formem faixas de densidades diferenciadas para cada classe, alcançando assim o objetivo final que é a clusterização dos robôs.


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As tecnologias de informação e comunicação na área da saúde não são só um instrumento para a boa gestão de informação, mas antes um fator estratégico para uma prestação de cuidados mais eficiente e segura. As tecnologias de informação são um pilar para que os sistemas de saúde evoluam em direção a um modelo centrado no cidadão, no qual um conjunto abrangente de informação do doente deve estar automaticamente disponível para as equipas que lhe prestam cuidados, independentemente de onde foi gerada (local geográfico ou sistema). Este tipo de utilização segura e agregada da informação clínica é posta em causa pela fragmentação generalizada das implementações de sistemas de informação em saúde. Várias aproximações têm sido propostas para colmatar as limitações decorrentes das chamadas “ilhas de informação” na saúde, desde a centralização total (um sistema único), à utilização de redes descentralizadas de troca de mensagens clínicas. Neste trabalho, propomos a utilização de uma camada de unificação baseada em serviços, através da federação de fontes de informação heterogéneas. Este agregador de informação clínica fornece a base necessária para desenvolver aplicações com uma lógica regional, que demostrámos com a implementação de um sistema de registo de saúde eletrónico virtual. Ao contrário dos métodos baseados em mensagens clínicas ponto-a-ponto, populares na integração de sistemas em saúde, desenvolvemos um middleware segundo os padrões de arquitetura J2EE, no qual a informação federada é expressa como um modelo de objetos, acessível através de interfaces de programação. A arquitetura proposta foi instanciada na Rede Telemática de Saúde, uma plataforma instalada na região de Aveiro que liga oito instituições parceiras (dois hospitais e seis centros de saúde), cobrindo ~350.000 cidadãos, utilizada por ~350 profissionais registados e que permite acesso a mais de 19.000.000 de episódios. Para além da plataforma colaborativa regional para a saúde (RTSys), introduzimos uma segunda linha de investigação, procurando fazer a ponte entre as redes para a prestação de cuidados e as redes para a computação científica. Neste segundo cenário, propomos a utilização dos modelos de computação Grid para viabilizar a utilização e integração massiva de informação biomédica. A arquitetura proposta (não implementada) permite o acesso a infraestruturas de e-Ciência existentes para criar repositórios de informação clínica para aplicações em saúde.


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In this manuscript we tackle the problem of semidistributed user selection with distributed linear precoding for sum rate maximization in multiuser multicell systems. A set of adjacent base stations (BS) form a cluster in order to perform coordinated transmission to cell-edge users, and coordination is carried out through a central processing unit (CU). However, the message exchange between BSs and the CU is limited to scheduling control signaling and no user data or channel state information (CSI) exchange is allowed. In the considered multicell coordinated approach, each BS has its own set of cell-edge users and transmits only to one intended user while interference to non-intended users at other BSs is suppressed by signal steering (precoding). We use two distributed linear precoding schemes, Distributed Zero Forcing (DZF) and Distributed Virtual Signalto-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio (DVSINR). Considering multiple users per cell and the backhaul limitations, the BSs rely on local CSI to solve the user selection problem. First we investigate how the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) regime and the number of antennas at the BSs impact the effective channel gain (the magnitude of the channels after precoding) and its relationship with multiuser diversity. Considering that user selection must be based on the type of implemented precoding, we develop metrics of compatibility (estimations of the effective channel gains) that can be computed from local CSI at each BS and reported to the CU for scheduling decisions. Based on such metrics, we design user selection algorithms that can find a set of users that potentially maximizes the sum rate. Numerical results show the effectiveness of the proposed metrics and algorithms for different configurations of users and antennas at the base stations.


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The last years have presented an increase in the acceptance and adoption of the parallel processing, as much for scientific computation of high performance as for applications of general intention. This acceptance has been favored mainly for the development of environments with massive parallel processing (MPP - Massively Parallel Processing) and of the distributed computation. A common point between distributed systems and MPPs architectures is the notion of message exchange, that allows the communication between processes. An environment of message exchange consists basically of a communication library that, acting as an extension of the programming languages that allow to the elaboration of applications parallel, such as C, C++ and Fortran. In the development of applications parallel, a basic aspect is on to the analysis of performance of the same ones. Several can be the metric ones used in this analysis: time of execution, efficiency in the use of the processing elements, scalability of the application with respect to the increase in the number of processors or to the increase of the instance of the treat problem. The establishment of models or mechanisms that allow this analysis can be a task sufficiently complicated considering parameters and involved degrees of freedom in the implementation of the parallel application. An joined alternative has been the use of collection tools and visualization of performance data, that allow the user to identify to points of strangulation and sources of inefficiency in an application. For an efficient visualization one becomes necessary to identify and to collect given relative to the execution of the application, stage this called instrumentation. In this work it is presented, initially, a study of the main techniques used in the collection of the performance data, and after that a detailed analysis of the main available tools is made that can be used in architectures parallel of the type to cluster Beowulf with Linux on X86 platform being used libraries of communication based in applications MPI - Message Passing Interface, such as LAM and MPICH. This analysis is validated on applications parallel bars that deal with the problems of the training of neural nets of the type perceptrons using retro-propagation. The gotten conclusions show to the potentiality and easinesses of the analyzed tools.


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The web services (WS) technology provides a comprehensive solution for representing, discovering, and invoking services in a wide variety of environments, including Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and grid computing systems. At the core of WS technology lie a number of XML-based standards, such as the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), that have successfully ensured WS extensibility, transparency, and interoperability. Nonetheless, there is an increasing demand to enhance WS performance, which is severely impaired by XML's verbosity. SOAP communications produce considerable network traffic, making them unfit for distributed, loosely coupled, and heterogeneous computing environments such as the open Internet. Also, they introduce higher latency and processing delays than other technologies, like Java RMI and CORBA. WS research has recently focused on SOAP performance enhancement. Many approaches build on the observation that SOAP message exchange usually involves highly similar messages (those created by the same implementation usually have the same structure, and those sent from a server to multiple clients tend to show similarities in structure and content). Similarity evaluation and differential encoding have thus emerged as SOAP performance enhancement techniques. The main idea is to identify the common parts of SOAP messages, to be processed only once, avoiding a large amount of overhead. Other approaches investigate nontraditional processor architectures, including micro-and macrolevel parallel processing solutions, so as to further increase the processing rates of SOAP/XML software toolkits. This survey paper provides a concise, yet comprehensive review of the research efforts aimed at SOAP performance enhancement. A unified view of the problem is provided, covering almost every phase of SOAP processing, ranging over message parsing, serialization, deserialization, compression, multicasting, security evaluation, and data/instruction-level processing.


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We investigate the problem of distributed sensors' failure detection in networks with a small number of defective sensors, whose measurements differ significantly from the neighbor measurements. We build on the sparse nature of the binary sensor failure signals to propose a novel distributed detection algorithm based on gossip mechanisms and on Group Testing (GT), where the latter has been used so far in centralized detection problems. The new distributed GT algorithm estimates the set of scattered defective sensors with a low complexity distance decoder from a small number of linearly independent binary messages exchanged by the sensors. We first consider networks with one defective sensor and determine the minimal number of linearly independent messages needed for its detection with high probability. We then extend our study to the multiple defective sensors detection by modifying appropriately the message exchange protocol and the decoding procedure. We show that, for small and medium sized networks, the number of messages required for successful detection is actually smaller than the minimal number computed theoretically. Finally, simulations demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms methods based on random walks in terms of both detection performance and convergence rate.


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Sensor networks are a branch of distributed ad hoc networks with a broad range of applications in surveillance and environment monitoring. In these networks, message exchanges are carried out in a multi-hop manner. Due to resource constraints, security professionals often use lightweight protocols, which do not provide adequate security. Even in the absence of constraints, designing a foolproof set of protocols and codes is almost impossible. This leaves the door open to the worms that take advantage of the vulnerabilities to propagate via exploiting the multi-hop message exchange mechanism. This issue has drawn the attention of security researchers recently. In this paper, we investigate the propagation pattern of information in wireless sensor networks based on an extended theory of epidemiology. We develop a geographical susceptible-infective model for this purpose and analytically derive the dynamics of information propagation. Compared with the previous models, ours is more realistic and is distinguished by two key factors that had been neglected before: 1) the proposed model does not purely rely on epidemic theory but rather binds it with geometrical and spatial constraints of real-world sensor networks and 2) it extends to also model the spread dynamics of conflicting information (e.g., a worm and its patch). We do extensive simulations to show the accuracy of our model and compare it with the previous ones. The findings show the common intuition that the infection source is the best location to start patching from, which is not necessarily right. We show that this depends on many factors, including the time it takes for the patch to be developed, worm/patch characteristics as well as the shape of the network.


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Study/Objective This research examines the types of emergency messages used in Australia during the response and early recovery phases of a natural disaster. The aim of the research is to develop theory-driven emergency messages that increase individual behavioural compliance during a disaster. Background There is growing evidence of non-compliant behaviour in Australia, such as refusing to evacuate and travelling through hazardous areas. This can result in personal injury, loss of life, and damage to (or loss of) property. Moreover, non-compliance can place emergency services personnel in life-threatening situations when trying to save non-compliant individuals. Drawing on message compliance research in psychology and sociology, a taxonomy of message types was developed to ascertain how emergency messaging can be improved to produce compliant behaviour. Method A review of message compliance literature was conducted to develop the taxonomy of message types previously found to achieve compliance. Seven categories were identified: direct-rational, manipulation, negative phrasing, positive phrasing, exchange appeals, normative appeals, and appeals to self. A content analysis was then conducted to assess the emergency messages evident in the Australian emergency management context. The existing messages were aligned with the literature to identify opportunities to improve emergency messaging. Results & Conclusion The results suggest there is an opportunity to improve the effectiveness of emergency messaging to increase compliance during the response and early recovery phases of a natural disaster. While some message types cannot legally or ethically be used in emergency communication (e.g. manipulative messaging), there is an opportunity to create more persuasive messages (e.g. appeals to self) that personalise the individual’s perception of risk, triggering them to comply with the message.


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The Computer Aided Parallelisation Tools (CAPTools) [Ierotheou, C, Johnson SP, Cross M, Leggett PF, Computer aided parallelisation tools (CAPTools)-conceptual overview and performance on the parallelisation of structured mesh codes, Parallel Computing, 1996;22:163±195] is a set of interactive tools aimed to provide automatic parallelisation of serial FORTRAN Computational Mechanics (CM) programs. CAPTools analyses the user's serial code and then through stages of array partitioning, mask and communication calculation, generates parallel SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data) messages passing FORTRAN. The parallel code generated by CAPTools contains calls to a collection of routines that form the CAPTools communications Library (CAPLib). The library provides a portable layer and user friendly abstraction over the underlying parallel environment. CAPLib contains optimised message passing routines for data exchange between parallel processes and other utility routines for parallel execution control, initialisation and debugging. By compiling and linking with different implementations of the library, the user is able to run on many different parallel environments. Even with today's parallel systems the concept of a single version of a parallel application code is more of an aspiration than a reality. However for CM codes the data partitioning SPMD paradigm requires a relatively small set of message-passing communication calls. This set can be implemented as an intermediate `thin layer' library of message-passing calls that enables the parallel code (especially that generated automatically by a parallelisation tool such as CAPTools) to be as generic as possible. CAPLib is just such a `thin layer' message passing library that supports parallel CM codes, by mapping generic calls onto machine specific libraries (such as CRAY SHMEM) and portable general purpose libraries (such as PVM an MPI). This paper describe CAPLib together with its three perceived advantages over other routes: - as a high level abstraction, it is both easy to understand (especially when generated automatically by tools) and to implement by hand, for the CM community (who are not generally parallel computing specialists); - the one parallel version of the application code is truly generic and portable; - the parallel application can readily utilise whatever message passing libraries on a given machine yield optimum performance.


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Many aspects in the area of designing platforms for intra-organizational innovation communities are not well understood. In this article, we examine the impact of technologically induced psychological factors on knowledge exchange in such communities. Using two experimental pretest-posttest experiments, we find that the implementation of (i) technologically induced self-efficacy (expressed by a ‘hurray’ message) and (ii) technologically induced positive affect (expressed by playing some 30 seconds of rock-‘n’-roll music) in the design of the platform results in an influential increase of knowledge exchange. Importantly, the studies suggest that the integration of technologically induced self-efficacy leads to a higher extent of knowledge exchange than technologically induced positive affect. The implications of these results for future research and practice as well as for the design of a platform for such communities are discussed.