872 resultados para membrane separation process
A solar thermal membrane distillation pilot plant was operated for over 70 days in field conditions. The pilot plant incorporated a single spiral wound permeate gap membrane distillation style of module. All energy used to operate the unit was supplied by solar hot water collectors and photovoltaic panels. The process was able to produce a distillate stream of product water with a conductivity less than 10 µS/cm. Feed water concentration varied from 2,400 µS/cm to 106,000 µS/cm. The process is expected to find application in the production of drinking water for remote island and arid regions without the consumption of electrical energy.
New polybutadiene-based surfactants (LYF) were synthesized by sulfonation of liquid polybutadiene with acetal sulfate at an elevated temperature, and their properties in a liquid surfactant membrane (LSM) separation process were examined by comparison with the two polyisobutylene-based surfactants ECA4360 and EM301. It was found that LYF surfactants had satisfactory overall properties as regards stability, swelling, and demulsification Of the W/O emulsion in the cases of both acidic and caustic internal aqueous phases.
In this work, studies were carried out on the extraction properties of Mn(II) and MnO4- in sulfuric acid medium using Cyanex 923. Effects of different variables on the extraction of Mn(II) and MnO4-, such as the concentrations of acid, the extractant, and the temperature, were investigated. Results indicated that Mn(II) was extracted weakly by Cyanex 923; however, MnO4- could be strongly extracted into the organic phase. The extraction mechanism of MnO4- was proposed, and the influence of MnO4- on the extraction of cerium was identified when KMnO4 as oxidizer added into the bastnasite sulfuric acid leaching liquor. As MnO4- was easier to be extracted into the organic phase than Ce(IV) and then lost its ability for oxidization, a new device was designed to realize sufficient oxidization of cerium from III to IV, and which has been applied to industrialization.
Membrane distillation is a new membrane separation process which has been developed in the last few years. When a piece of microporous hydrophobic membrane separates two kinds of aqueous solutions different in temperature, the solutions cannot transport through the pores of membrane in any directions because of the hydrophobicity of membrane. However, vapor can readily penetrate through the
Following previous studies, the aim of this work is to further investigate the application of colloidal gas aphrons (CGA) to the recovery of polyphenols from a grape marc ethanolic extract with particular focus on exploring the use of a non-ionic food grade surfactant (Tween 20) as an alternative to the more toxic cationic surfactant CTAB. Different batch separation trials in a flotation column were carried out to evaluate the influence of surfactant type and concentration and processing parameters (such as pH, drainage time, CGA/extract volumetric and molar ratio) on the recovery of total and specific phenolic compounds. The possibility of achieving selective separation and concentration of different classes of phenolic compounds and non-phenolic compounds was also assessed, together with the influence of the process on the antioxidant capacity of the recovered compounds. The process led to good recovery, limited loss of antioxidant capacity, but low selectivity under the tested conditions. Results showed the possibility of using Tween 20 with a separation mechanism mainly driven by hydrophobic interactions. Volumetric ratio rather than the molar ratio was the key operating parameter in the recovery of polyphenols by CGA.
The aim of this work was to synthesise a series of hydrophilic derivatives of cis-1,2-dihydroxy-3,5-cyclohexadiene (cis-DHCD) and copolymerise them with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), to produce a completely new range of hydrogel materials. It is theorised that hydrogels incorporating such derivatives of cis-DHCD will exhibit good strength and elasticity in addition to good water binding ability. The synthesis of derivatives was attempted by both enzymatic and chemical methods. Enzyme synthesis involved the transesterification of cis-DHCD with a number of trichloro and trifluoroethyl esters using the enzyme lipase porcine pancreas to catalyse the reaction in organic solvent. Cyclohexanol was used in initial studies to assess the viability of enzyme catalysed reactions. Chemical synthesis involved the epoxidation of a number of unsaturated carboxylic acids and the subsequent reaction of these epoxy acids with cis-DHCD in DCC/DMAP catalysed esterifications. The silylation of cis-DHCD using TBDCS and BSA was also studied. The rate of aromatisation of cis-DHCD at room temperature was studied in order to assess its stability and 1H NMR studies were also undertaken to determine the conformations adopted by derivatives of cis-DHCD. The copolymerisation of diepoxybutanoate, diepoxyundecanoate, dibutenoate and silyl protected derivatives of cis-DHCD with HEMA, to produce a new group of hydrogels was investigated. The EWC and mechanical properties of these hydrogels were measured and DSC was used to determine the amount of freezing and non-freezing water in the membranes. The effect on EWC of opening the epoxide rings of the comonomers was also investigated
An initial laboratory-scale evaluation of separation characteristics of membranes with nominal molecular weight cut-offs (NMWCO) ranging from 30 kD down to 0.5 kD indicated effective separation of betalains in the 0.5 kD region. Subsequent pilot-level trials using 1 kD, loose reverse osmosis (LRO) and reverse osmosis (RO) spiral-wound membranes showed LRO membrane to be very efficient with up to 96% salt and 47% other dissolved solids removed while retaining majority of the pigment (∼98%) in the betalain rich extract (BRE). The total betalain content in the BRE increased up to 46%, the highest recovery reported so far at pilot scale level. Interestingly, more than 95% of the nitrates were removed from the BRE after the three diafiltrations. These studies indicate that membrane technology is the most efficient technique to produce BRE with highly reduced amounts of salts and nitrate content.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar o desempenho de membranas comerciais e funcionalizadas na remoção de metais pesados de efluentes sintéticos, simulando os efluentes gerados pelas indústrias metal-mecânicas. As membranas funcionalizadas foram preparadas em laboratório a partir de diferentes poli (éter imidas) sulfonadas, SPEI, que apresentavam alta hidrofilicidade e capacidade de troca iônica. As permeabilidades hidráulicas das membranas de SPEI aumentaram com o grau de sulfonação. Porém, as rejeições foram ainda muito baixas comparadas as membranas comerciais. Por esta razão, algumas membranas comerciais (NF-90, SW30, HRP98PP e BW30LE) foram investigadas e avaliadas quanto ao comportamento da permeabilidade de água e o grau de rejeição a metais pesados. Os resultados mostraram que a membrana de osmose inversa de baixa energia (BW30LE) tinha o melhor fluxo de água (48,44 L/h.m2) e grau de rejeição a cádmio (98%). Logo, ela foi selecionada para o tratamento dos efluentes sintéticos de indústrias metal-mecânicas contendo níquel e zinco. As indústrias da região de Valencia, na Espanha, forneceram amostras de seus efluentes para análise quantitativa, possibilitando o prepararo de soluções sintéticas modelos. Os resultados foram obtidos variando algumas condições de permeação, tais como a força motriz, o pH e a concentração dos metais na solução de alimentação. Os resultados indicaram que o processo de osmose inversa com a membrana BW30LE é altamente adequado para o tratamento de efluentes contendo metais pesados
Uma das dificuldades a ser enfrentada na implantação de aterros sanitários é o tratamento adequado do lixiviado gerado e seu lançamento no meio ambiente dentro dos padrões estabelecidos pela legislação. O potencial poluidor do lixiviado está ligado principalmente aos altos valores de carga orgânica que promove a redução do oxigênio disponível (utilizado na degradação da matéria orgânica) em cursos dágua, prejudicando a fauna e a flora nesses meios. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o sistema de tratamento por wetland construído como unidade de polimento do efluente secundário de uma estação de tratamento de lixiviado de aterro de resíduos sólidos urbanos na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. Além dos parâmetros coletivos específicos e não específicos, também foram empregados o fracionamento pelo processo de separação por membranas e ensaios de toxicidade aguda. Os resultados mostram que o wetland tem uma ação positiva como unidade de polimento refletida na redução dos parâmetros turbidez (84%), DQO (19%), amônia (30%) e sólidos totais (3%) reduzindo, assim, os impactos ambientais do lançamento do lixiviado. Contudo, a qualidade do efluente final encontra-se acima dos parâmetros de referência de controle ambiental e mostra a necessidade de um efluente secundário de melhor qualidade. Os resultados mostraram também que altos valores de DQO inerte tanto no afluente (85% em média) quanto no efluente (93,5% em média) do wetland indicam que esses lixiviados apresentam natureza refratária confirmada pelos baixos valores de biodegradabilidade no afluente (20,5% em média) e no efluente (5% em média) do wetland. O fracionamento com membranas mostrou que o afluente e o efluente do wetland possuem maiores contribuições de moléculas na fração >1 kDa. Os ensaios de toxicidade com Aliivibrio fischeri mostraram que o afluente e o efluente do wetland possuem toxicidade aguda, sendo a mesma menor na faixa com moléculas menores.
Desulfurization is one of the most important processes in the refining industry. Due to a growing concern about the risks to human health and environment, associated with the emissions of sulfur compounds, legislation has become more stringent, requiring a drastic reduction in the sulfur content of fuel to levels close to zero (< 10 ppm S). However, conventional desulfurization processes are inefficient and have high operating costs. This scenario stimulates the improvement of existing processes and the development of new and more efficient technologies. Aiming at overcoming these shortcomings, this work investigates an alternative desulfurization process using ionic liquids for the removal of mercaptans from "jet fuel" streams. The screening and selection of the most suitable ionic liquid were performed based on experimental and COSMO-RS predicted liquid-liquid equilibrium data. A model feed of 1-hexanethiol and n-dodecane was selected to represent a jet-fuel stream. High selectivities were determined, as a result of the low mutual solubility between the ionic liquid and the hydrocarbon matrix, proving the potential use of the ionic liquid, which prevents the loss of fuel for the solvent. The distribution ratios of mercaptans towards the ionic liquids were not as favorable, making the traditional liquid-liquid extraction processes not suitable for the removal of aliphatic S-compounds due to the high volume of extractant required. This work explores alternative methods and proposes the use of ionic liquids in a separation process assisted by membranes. In the process proposed the ionic liquid is used as extracting solvent of the sulfur species, in a hollow fiber membrane contactor, without co-extracting the other jet-fuel compound. In a second contactor, the ionic liquid is regenerated applying a sweep gas stripping, which allows for its reuse in a closed loop between the two membrane contactors. This integrated extraction/regeneration process of desulfurization produced a jet-fuel model with sulfur content lower than 2 ppm of S, as envisaged by legislation for the use of ultra-low sulfur jet-fuel. This result confirms the high potential for development of ultra-deep desulfurization application.
Micro-organismos fotossintetizantes, incluído aqui o gênero Arthrospira, vêm sendo amplamente produzidos em larga escala em vários países, detendo um mercado que gera mais de 1 bilhão de dólares ao ano. A produção industrial utiliza grande volume de água com alta concentração salina para produzir milhares de toneladas de biomassa microalgal. É crescente a utilização de tratamento de águas por processo de separação por membranas, demonstrando ser uma técnica que gera água de ótima qualidade, de instalação compacta e de fácil automação. No presente trabalho, foi avaliada esta tecnologia para o reaproveitamento do meio de cultura em novos cultivos de micro-organismos fotossintetizantes, visando contribuir para a sustentabilidade deste processo produtivo. O efluente do cultivo de Arthrospira platensis oriundo de processo descontínuo em minitanques foi submetido a tratamento por membranas de filtração tangencial, incluindo microfiltração (MF) (porosidades de 0,65 µm e de 0,22 µm) e ultrafiltração (UF) (peso molecular de corte de 5.000 Da), em pressões transmembrana (TMP) de 22,5 a 90 kPa. Os processos de MF levaram a reduções médias de 53,9±1,3 % e 93,1±1,1 % de matéria orgânica natural (NOM) e pigmentos nos meios residuais, respectivamente. Com o uso de processos de UF, cujos meios foram previamente tratados por MF (0,22 µm e 22,5 kPa), as reduções médias de NOM e pigmentos foram de 57,2±0,5 % e 94,0±0,8 %, respectivamente. Os processos de MF com TMP de 22,5 kPa levaram a concentrações celulares máximas (Xm) equivalentes às obtidas com meio novo. O uso de membrana de 0,65 µm e TMP de 22,5 kPa levou a uma perda média de 2,9 %, 22,7 % e 16,4% dos nutrientes carbonato, fosfato e nitrato, respectivamente, mas a correção desses valores aos mesmos do meio padrão levou à obtenção dos mais altos valores de Xm (3586,6±80 mg L-1), produtividade em células (505,0±11,6 mg L-1 d-1) e fator de conversão de nitrogênio em células (29,6±0,7 mg mg-1). O teor protéico da biomassa foi estatisticamente igual ao da biomassa obtida de cultivo com meio padrão novo. Os dados deste trabalho evidenciam que processos de filtração por membrana são promissores para o reuso de meio de micro-organismos fotossintetizantes.