36 resultados para melancholia


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Melancholia as the invasive presence of an objectRussell GriggIn this chapter I extend Freud’s analysis of mourning, which, I argue, is flawed by being viewed only from the psychological angle. I then turn to melancholia, and argue that Freud’s comparison of mourning and melancholia is misleading. I point out that, as Freud himself recognises, the attack upon the self in melancholia is too devastating for it to be fully understood as internalised aggression against the object, and so some other explanation of the origins of melancholia needs to be found. I then argue for the thesis that the melancholic suffers from the invasive presence of an object and not, as Freud’s work suggests, from an inability to accept the loss of an object. The chapter finished with an examination of Lacan’s related theses on depression and sadness, and examine the connections between mourning and melancholia and what Lacan calls “moral feebleness”.


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The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy and tolerability of venlafaxine and amitriptyline in outpatients with major depression with or without melancholia. This was an 8-week, multicentre, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group comparison of venlafaxine and amitriptyline. Outpatients with DSM-IV major depression, a minimum score of 20 on the 21-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), and depressive symptoms for at least 1 month were eligible. Patients were randomly assigned to venlafaxine or amitriptyline, both drugs titrated to a maximum of 150 mg/day until study day 15. The primary efficacy variables were the final on-therapy scores on the HAM-D, Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale and Clinical Global Impression severity scales. Data were evaluated on an intent-to-treat basis using the LOCF method. One hundred and 16 patients were randomized, and 115 were evaluated for efficacy. Both drugs showed efficacy in the treatment of depression with or without melancholia. No significant differences were noted between treatments for any efficacy parameter. However, significantly (p < 0.05) more patients in the amitriptyline group had at least one adverse event. These results should support the efficacy and tolerability of venlafaxine in comparison with amitriptyline for treating major depression with or without melancholia.


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The self-reproach against their own bodies seen in patients with eating disorders has led us to posit the existence of failures in the work of melancholia. Defined by Freud in 1915, this process of melancholia is aimed at repairing a loss felt as unbearable by the ego and that triggers off a violent struggle with ambivalent feelings toward the lost object. The resulting hatred is aimed at the shadow of the object that falls on the ego. Especially in anorexia nervosa, there seems to be a regressive movement that goes beyond this.


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The self-reproach against their own bodies seen in patients with eating disorders has led us to posit the existence of failures in the work of melancholia. Defined by Freud in 1915, this process of melancholia is aimed at repairing a loss felt as unbearable by the ego and that triggers off a violent struggle with ambivalent feelings toward the lost object. The resulting hatred is aimed at the shadow of the object that falls on the ego. Especially in anorexia nervosa, there seems to be a regressive movement that goes beyond this.


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Brunet, 4300


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This flyer promotes the event ""Jose Martí: Resisting Melancholia for the Image of the Cuban Hero", Lecture by Emilio Bejel", cosponsored by the Department of Modern Languages at FIU.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar a melancolia em duas vias: uma primeira via que chamaremos histórico-investigativa e que estudará esse conceito na filosofia antiga (Aristóteles) que carrega o legado direto da medicina hipocrática, e estudará ainda a trajetória da melancolia na psiquiatria moderna. Em outras palavras, estudar a forma como a melancolia foi construida como uma afecção do corpo nesses dois momentos históricos fundamentais do termo. Uma segunda via analisará o papel fundamental da construção do conceito de melancolia no interior e ao longo da obra de Freud, tanto na sua função de delimitação de um campo propriamente psicanalítico de reflexão sobre essa doença, como nas suas relações de vizinhança conceitual (onde estão envolvidos alguns dos conceitos mais fundamentais da obra freudiana)


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Margaret Atwood’s novella The Penelopiad (2005) seemingly celebrates Penelope’s agency in opposition to Homer’s myth in The Odyssey. However, the twelve murdered maids steal the book to suggest the possibility of what Janice Raymond calls gyn/affection, a female bonding based on the logic of emotion that, in Atwood’s revision, verges on Kristevan abjection, the sinister and the fantastic, and serves a cathartic effect not only in the maids but also in the reader. This essay aims to question the generally accepted empowerment of Atwood’s Penelope and celebrates the murdered maids as the locus of emotion, where marginal aspects of gender and class merge to weave a powerful metaphorical tapestry of popular and traditionally feminized literary genres that, in plunging into and embracing the semiotic realm, ultimately solidify into an eclectic but compact alternative tradition of women’s writing and myth-making.


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La présente thèse vise à analyser le thème de la mélancolie postcoloniale et son utilisation stratégique dans huit romans de Patrick Chamoiseau (Solibo Magnifique, Texaco, Biblique des derniers gestes et Un dimanche au cachot) et d’Émile Ollivier (Mère-Solitude, Passages, Les urnes scellées et La Brûlerie). Sous l’éclairage de la psychanalyse et de la critique postcoloniale, nous définissons cette notion fondamentale comme suit : un psychisme ambivalent entraîné par la perte ou le manque de certains objets d’attachement ––– objets qui sont en l’occurrence la mémoire collective et/ou le lieu d’appartenance identitaire. Comment et pourquoi ce thème se manifeste-t-il dans notre corpus ? Notre hypothèse est que l’utilisation dudit thème serait plus le résultat de leur choix stratégique que l’effet de leur état psychique. C’est afin d’examiner leurs propres problématiques des construction et perception identitaires dans le contexte postcolonial que ces écrivains mettent en récit une telle situation de manque mnémonique et spatial à travers l’écriture romanesque. Afin de mieux élucider la manifestation textuelle de ce thème, nous divisons celui-ci en deux motifs : la « non-histoire » et le « non-lieu ». En nous appuyant principalement sur les réflexions d’Édouard Glissant, de Takayuki Nakamura et de Marc Augé, nous définissons ces concepts comme deux aspects de la mélancolie postcoloniale : situation de manque de la mémoire collective et celle du lieu d’appartenance identitaire. Nos analyses de ces deux motifs sur un plan stylistique, narratologique, structurel et théorique permettent d’examiner de plus près les points de convergence et de divergence entre l’écriture romanesque de Chamoiseau et celle d’Ollivier. En nous fondant sur les quatre études dans la deuxième partie concernant la mise en récit de la non-histoire, nous analysons les utilisations stratégiques de ce motif afin de voir la mise en récit de la « vision prophétique du passé » (É. Glissant). Nous élucidons ensuite en quoi consiste cette vision temporelle paradoxale : choix de genres littéraires tels que le récit policier (Mère-Solitude et Solibo Magnifique) et le récit du retour au pays natal (Les urnes scellées et Bibliques des derniers gestes). Ce choix narratif se réfère toujours à ce que nous nommons la méthode inductive de la narration. La troisième partie, composée encore de quatre études, éclaire les stratégies de la description du lieu. Nous en déduisons une modalité sui generis de la description spatiale que nous appelons, d’après Marc Augé, l’« évocation prophétique d’espaces ». Cette stratégie descriptive se représente notamment par la spatialisation métaphorique de l’identité créole (Texaco et Un dimanche au cachot) ou migrante (Passages et La Brûlerie). En conclusion, nous résumons ces analyses pour en extraire les points communs et divergents entre les utilisations stratégiques de la mélancolie postcoloniale chez Chamoiseau et Ollivier. Entre autres aspects, nous constatons que la mise en récit de la vulnérabilité due à la mélancolie postcoloniale constitue leur positionnement esthétique et éthique afin qu’ils puissent réfléchir aux constructions et perception identitaires au sein du monde actuel devenu plus que jamais flou et fluide.