6 resultados para medlar


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In the last decades nanotechnology has become increasingly important because it offers indisputable advantages to almost every area of expertise, including environmental remediation. In this area the synthesis of highly reactive nanomaterials (e.g. zero-valent iron nanoparticles, nZVI) is gaining the attention of the scientific community, service providers and other stakeholders. The synthesis of nZVI by the recently developed green bottom-up method is extremely promising. However, the lack of information about the characteristics of the synthetized particles hinders a wider and more extensive application. This work aims to evaluate the characteristics of nZVI synthesized through the green method using leaves from different trees. Considering the requirements of a product for environmental remediation the following characteristics were studied: size, shape, reactivity and agglomeration tendency. The mulberry and pomegranate leaf extracts produced the smallest nZVIs (5–10 nm), the peach, pear and vine leaf extracts produced the most reactive nZVIs while the ones produced with passion fruit, medlar and cherry extracts did not settle at high nZVI concentrations (931 and 266 ppm). Considering all tests, the nZVIs obtained from medlar and vine leaf extracts are the ones that could present better performances in the environmental remediation. The information gathered in this paper will be useful to choose the most appropriate leaf extracts and operational conditions for the application of the green nZVIs in environmental remediation.


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A lesão inicial na erupção do sarampo parece ser a necrose hialina de células epidérmicas, quer isoladas, quer em pequenos grupos. A associação das lesões epidérmicas a alterações do derma é, contudo, precoce, ocorrendo já na erupção com 12 horas de duração. No período compreendido entre a 12ª e a 36ª horas de duração da erupção, são geralmente encontradas, no mesmo fragmento de pele, lesões em fases diversas de evolução, ìntimamente associadas, constando de minúsculas vesículas evoluindo para vésico-pústulas que sofrem, posteriormente, dessecamento e descamação. É considerada como alteração patognomônica da erupção do sarampo, embora incostante, a presença de células paraqueratósicas com as inclusões intranucleares descritas por TORRES & TEIXEIRA (1932 b). As lesões do derma, bem conhecidas, constam de edema das papilas e infiltração da pars papillaris e da reticullaris por grandes mononucleares, alguns encerrando numerosos grânulos irregulares, intensamente corados (células de MALLORY-MEDLAR-LIPSCHÜTZ). São apresentados argumentos segundo os quais tais células seriam macrófagos que fagocitaram grânulos de queratoialina, em consequência de desordens no processo de cornificação determinadas pelo vírus. A formação de vesículas e pústulas, cuja devida apreciação exige o exame microscópico, caracterizada a erupção do sarampo. Tal característica aproxima esta doença, geralmente incluída no grupo das doenças exantemáticas, do grupo das doenças pustulosas (varicela, zoster, varíola e alastrim). As lesões epidérmicas não foram mais achadas, 72 horas após o início da erupção, ao passo que as dérmicas persistiam sob a forma de manguitos perivasculares bem definidos, associados à moderada proliferação de fibrócitos.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Calcium homeostasis requires regulated cellular and interstitial systems interacting to modulate the activity and movement of this ion. Disruption of these systems in the kidney results in nephrocalcinosis and nephrolithiasis, important medical problems whose pathogenesis is incompletely understood. METHODS: We investigated 25 patients from 16 families with unexplained nephrocalcinosis and characteristic dental defects (amelogenesis imperfecta, gingival hyperplasia, impaired tooth eruption). To identify the causative gene, we performed genome-wide linkage analysis, exome capture, next-generation sequencing, and Sanger sequencing. RESULTS: All patients had bi-allelic FAM20A mutations segregating with the disease; 20 different mutations were identified. CONCLUSIONS: This autosomal recessive disorder, also known as enamel renal syndrome, of FAM20A causes nephrocalcinosis and amelogenesis imperfecta. We speculate that all individuals with biallelic FAM20A mutations will eventually show nephrocalcinosis.


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The first large-scale archaeobotanical study in Britain, conducted from 1899 to 1909 by Clement Reid and Arthur Lyell at Silchester, provided the first evidence for the introduction of Roman plant foods to Britain, yet the findings have thus far remained unverified. This paper presents a reassessment of these archaeobotanical remains, now stored as part of the Silchester Collection in Reading Museum. The documentary evidence for the Silchester study is summarised, before the results are presented for over a 1000 plant remains including an assessment of preservation, identification and modern contamination. The dataset includes both evidence for the presence of nationally rare plant foods, such as medlar, and several archaeophytes. The methodologies and original interpretations of Reid and Lyell’s study are reassessed in light of current archaeobotanical knowledge. Spatial and contextual patterns in the distribution of plant foods and ornamental taxa are also explored. Finally, the legacy of the study for the development of archaeobotany in the 20th century is evaluated.


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A região do Alto Tietê é responsável por 85% da produção de nêspera do Estado de São Paulo. Atividade rentável, nos últimos anos os produtores verificaram uma queda na sua lucratividade. Este trabalho teve como objetivos sistematizar informações econômicas sobre a cadeia produtiva e analisar a estrutura de mercado. A evolução dos preços da nêspera mostra crescimento até o ano 2000 e posterior queda. O mercado atacadista tem atuado como um colchão amortecedor. O maior desafio para os produtores de nêspera se encontra no âmbito organizacional. A estrutura de mercado e os resultados da pesquisa de campo indicam que os produtores do Alto Tietê encontram-se em posição vantajosa para um reposicionamento nesse aspecto, importante para uma participação sustentável na atividade.


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Each year the federal government gathers data relating to agriculture through the various departments of the United States Department of Agriculture. These data are classified and analyzed by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics at Washington and all information which may be helpful to farmers is published. For several years it has been the policy of the Department of Rural Economics and the Agricultural Extension Service of the College of Agriculture, Lincoln, to select from the federal information facts which may be especially helpful to Nebraska farmers. These facts and other economic conditions in Nebraska are published this year as the Agricultural Outlook for Nebraska, 1938. The Outlook should be helpful in the marketing of the crops and livestock on hand. It should also be helpful in making farm plans for 1938.