99 resultados para medicinsk abort
Kvinnor har i alla tider och länder blivit oönskat gravida och valt att avsluta graviditeten genom abort. Abortlagarna i världens alla länder ser olika ut. I vissa länder tillåts inte abort enligt lag. Sveriges abortlag som tillåter fri abort trädde i kraft år 1975. I Sverige tillåts fri abort upp till graviditetsvecka 18. År 1992 infördes i Sverige medicinsk abort som ett alternativ till kirurgisk abort. Den medicinska metoden har ökat under åren och används i allt större utsträckning. Uppbyggnaden av kvinnosjukvården är unik för Sverige då det på många håll finns kombinerade kvinnoavdelningar där förlossning, BB och gynekologi finns på samma vårdenhet. Detta kan leda till konfliktreaktioner både hos kvinnor och personal. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur barnmorskor upplever avslutande av medicinsk abort på kombinerad kvinnoavdelning samt om de upplevt negativa reaktioner hos de kvinnor som valt att på medicinsk väg avsluta sin abort på en sådan avdelning. Metoden har varit en strukturerad telefonintervju med barnmorskor vid de kvinnoavdelningar som uppfyllde studiens kriterier. Resultatet visar på delade meningar i upplevelsen av att handlägga medicinska aborter på kombinerad kvinnoavdelning men det framkommer att på de avdelningar där det upplevs jobbigt att handlägga de medicinska aborterna är det ett stort problem. Det är framför allt mentalt svårt att gå mellan olika patientgrupper. Det är även brist på resurser och det finns inte alltid bra lokaler för att kunna ge en tillfredställande vård. På några avdelningar har barnmorskor upplevt att kvinnorna reagerat negativt när de hört barnskrik. Alternativa lösningar till var de medicinska aborterna bör handläggas har diskuterats på flera håll dock finns det sjukhus som är för små för att kunna genomföra förändringar.
Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva patientens upplevelse av information, möjlighet till delaktighet och personalens bemötande under vårdtiden. Syftet var vidare att beskriva hur viktiga patienten ansåg dessa faktorer vara. Studien var en deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats. Populationen bestod av patienter över 18 år som vårdats på en utvald medicinavdelning i mellansverige under en period år 2004. Urvalet bestod av 100 utvalda patienter (n=100). Formuläret ”Kvalitet ur patientens perspektiv” (KUPP) har använts som mätinstrument. En övergripande bedömning av vårdens olika dimensioner har gjorts, här med fokus på de faktorer som ingår i dimensionen Identitetsorienterat förhållningssätt – information, delaktighet och bemötande. Resultatet har presenterats i form av ett åtgärdsindex utifrån begreppen: Bristande kvalitet, Balans låg, Balans hög och Övergod kvalitet där resultaten visade totalt för dimensionen Identitetsorienterat förhållningssätt Bristande Kvalitet 15 %, Balans Låg 25 %, Balans Hög 45 % och Övergod Kvalitet 15 %. Resultatet visade vidare att patienterna på den aktuella avdelningen upplevde ett positivt bemötande och ett bemötande med respekt. Angående påståenden gällande informationen erhölls en del positiva resultat, bäst resultat totalt erhöll ”information om avdelningens rutiner” medan ”egenvård, hur jag bäst kan sköta mig” samt ”vilken sjuksköterska som var ansvarig för omvårdnaden” erhöll sämre resultat. Det som erhöll det sämsta resultatet var upplevelsen av delaktighet med en låg procentuell andel på Övergod Kvalitet och en hög procent på Bristande Kvalitet.
Syfte: Att belysa den unga kvinnans upplevelse av beslutsprocessen vid valet av abort, som underlag för helhetsförståelse vid omvårdnaden av denna. Metod: Litteraturstudie som redovisar resultat från artiklar med kvalitativ- och kvantitativ ansats samt två systematiska litteraturstudier. Datainsamling skedde genom databaserna ElinDalarna, Academic Search Elite (EBSCO) och SveMed+. Sökord som använts är - abortion, psychological aspects, decision-making, experience och omvårdnad. Huvudresultat: I beslutsprocessen präglades kvinnorna av ambivalens. Känslor vid oönskad graviditet skiljde sig inte mycket mellan olika kvinnor. Även kvinnor som var säkra i sitt beslut upplevde ambivalens. Abort som en lösning på oönskad graviditet hade sitt pris hur beslutsam kvinnan var. Ett abortbeslut var för många kvinnor en smärtsam nödvändighet och många kvinnor upplevde ångest vid abortbeslutet. Känslor och erfarenhet som kvinnor upplevde i beslutsprocessen och vid abort påverkde kvinnornas känsloliv resten av deras liv. Kvinnors konsultationsmönster, angående sin oönskade graviditet, är annorluna än vid andra stora händelser i livet. Kvinnor sökte ofta stöd i sitt beslutsfattande. Det var viktigt att sjuksköterskan, i mötet med den abortsökande kvinna, förhåller sig neutral i tal samt använda öppna frågor. Slutsats: Under förespegling att kvinnan har ett fritt val gör hon sitt val av abort. Detta val innehåller allehanda komplexa känslor och paradoxer. Det är viktigt med medvetenhet om detta, bland sjuksköterskor, för att ge adekvat och neutral omvårdnad.
Taking Sweden into the future – Bio-objectification of new medical technology In this article, we analyze how contemporary discursive silences around new biotechnologies such as cybrids and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), have been enabled by earlier policy processes in the area, e.g. boundary work around what is human and non-human, living and non-living, subject and object. The analysis of policy processes around xenotransplantations and the use of human embryonic stem cells, shows that the stem cells’ and xenografts’ “bio-identities” become stabilized through high expectations for the future, a lack of therapeutic possibilities and struggles over definitions of life. The policy processes around human embryonic stem cells and organs from other animals, are characterized by a normalization of certain understandings of ”life”, trust in scientific progress and it’s national financial potentials and a categorization of criticism as irrational. Through these “bio-objectification processes”, debate and decision making has been moved from a political and public context into ethical committees and research funding bodies. The article concludes by discussing consequences of this political non-handling of biomedical technologies and how these bioobjects could be re-politicized.
Bakgrund: Abort är en känslomässigt laddad fråga som väcker starka känslor världen över. Frågan om abort är ofta fylld med etiska och moraliska värderingar och ställningstaganden för alla som är inblandade. För att en god och säker vård samt ett bra bemötande ska kunna ges till kvinnor som genomgår en abort är det viktigt att vårdpersonalen handlar på ett etiskt och moraliskt riktigt sätt. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa vårdpersonalens bemötande av kvinnor som genomgår en abort. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie. Tretton artiklar motsvarade studiens syfte. Resultat: Resultatet av litteraturstudie visade att vårdpersonal i västländer till stor del var positiva till abort. Vårdpersonalen upplevde etiska dilemman vilka för det mesta berodde på kvinnornas orsaker till abort och hur långt in i graviditeten kvinnorna var då de genomgick en abort. Brister i form av utbildning och erfarenheter av abort ledde till negativa attityder vilket resulterade till en sämre omvårdnad och negativt bemötande av kvinnorna. Slutsats: Majoriteten av vårdpersonalen var positiva till legal abort. Utbildning och praktisk erfarenhet i samband med abort motverkar negativ attityd.
Abstrakt Bakgrund: Med tanke på den ökande frekvensen av kejsarsnitt utan medicinsk indikation världen över är det angeläget att studera detta ämne. Förhoppningarna på denna studie var att den skulle leda till en bättre individuell omvårdnad för de kvinnor som önskade denna förlossningsmetod. Syfte: Att belysa olika faktorer som kan påverka att kvinnan önskar kejsarsnitt utan medicinsk indikation framför en vaginal förlossning, samt behov av omvårdnad. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie, där fjorton vetenskapliga studier inkluderats. Genom en innehållsanalys växte två huvudteman fram, den första var faktorer bakom val av förlossningsmetod, under detta tema skapades åtta underkategorier och det andra huvudtemat var behovet av stöd i samband med vaginal förlossning. Resultat: De största bakomliggande faktorerna till att kvinnan önskade kejsarsnitt utan medicinsk indikation var tidigare upplevelser och kvinnans ökande ålder. Många av dessa kvinnor kände att de saknade både stöd och information från vårdgivarna. Diskussion: Vikten av information och stöd var av stor betydelse för dessa kvinnor. För att säkra detta är omvårdnadsdokumentation en grundläggande del i vårdarbetet. För att hjälpa kvinnor som önskar kejsarsnitt utan medicinsk indikation kunde olika strategier för stresshantering (så kallad coping) vara ett bra alternativ att använda sig av i sådana situationer.
Bakgrund: Den svenska abortlagen från 1 januari 1975, ger den gravida kvinnan rätt att själv bestämma om hon vill avbryta graviditeten. Mannens roll och behov nämns inte alls. Syfte: Att belysa kvinnors och mäns upplevelser och behov av stöd under abortprocessen. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie med 16 vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades och kvalitetsgranskades. Resultat: Litteraturstudien visade på abortupplevelsen som en jobbig period i livet men det resulterade även i en beslutsamhet och mognad. Diskussion: Resultatet tyder på att det är nödvändigt att få en ökad förståelse för den individuella vårdtagarens behov och förväntningar av vården och behandlingen. För att få en förståelse för mångsidigheten i abortsituationen bör man synliggöra både mannens och kvinnans delaktighet. Konklusion: Männens upplevelser av abortprocessen är föga outforskade. Sjuksköterskans roll i processen är betydelsefull och därför är det oerhört viktigt att personalen innehar kunskap och intresse att kunna bemöta dessa patienter.
Bibl. Not. VI. 103.
The overarching aim of this programme of work was to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing learning environment within the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) elite springboard diving programme. Unique to the current research programme, is the application of ideas from an established theory of motor learning, specifically ecological dynamics, to an applied high performance training environment. In this research programme springboard diving is examined as a complex system, where individual, task, and environmental constraints are continually interacting to shape performance. As a consequence, this thesis presents some necessary and unique insights into representative learning design and movement adaptations in a sample of elite athletes. The questions examined in this programme of work relate to how best to structure practice, which is central to developing an effective learning environment in a high performance setting. Specifically, the series of studies reported in the chapters of this doctoral thesis: (i) provide evidence for the importance of designing representative practice tasks in training; (ii) establish that completed and baulked (prematurely terminated) take-offs are not different enough to justify the abortion of a planned dive; and (iii), confirm that elite athletes performing complex skills are able to adapt their movement patterns to achieve consistent performance outcomes from variable dive take-off conditions. Chapters One and Two of the thesis provide an overview of the theoretical ideas framing the programme of work, and include a review of literature pertinent to the research aims and subsequent empirical chapters. Chapter Three examined the representativeness of take-off tasks completed in the two AIS diving training facilities routinely used in springboard diving. Results highlighted differences in the preparatory phase of reverse dive take-offs completed by elite divers during normal training tasks in the dry-land and aquatic training environments. The most noticeable differences in dive take-off between environments began during the hurdle (step, jump, height and flight) where the diver generates the necessary momentum to complete the dive. Consequently, greater step lengths, jump heights and flight times, resulted in greater board depression prior to take-off in the aquatic environment where the dives required greater amounts of rotation. The differences observed between the preparatory phases of reverse dive take-offs completed in the dry-land and aquatic training environments are arguably a consequence of the constraints of the training environment. Specifically, differences in the environmental information available to the athletes, and the need to alter the landing (feet first vs. wrist first landing) from the take-off, resulted in a decoupling of important perception and action information and a decomposition of the dive take-off task. In attempting to only practise high quality dives, many athletes have followed a traditional motor learning approach (Schmidt, 1975) and tried to eliminate take-off variations during training. Chapter Four examined whether observable differences existed between the movement kinematics of elite divers in the preparation phases of baulked (prematurely terminated) and completed take-offs that might justify this approach to training. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of variability within conditions revealed greater consistency and less variability when dives were completed, and greater variability amongst baulked take-offs for all participants. Based on these findings, it is probable that athletes choose to abort a planned take-off when they detect small variations from the movement patterns (e.g., step lengths, jump height, springboard depression) of highly practiced comfortable dives. However, with no major differences in coordination patterns (topology of the angle-angle plots), and the potential for negative performance outcomes in competition, there appears to be no training advantage in baulking on unsatisfactory take-offs during training, except when a threat of injury is perceived by the athlete. Instead, it was considered that enhancing the athletes' movement adaptability would be a more functional motor learning strategy. In Chapter Five, a twelve-week training programme was conducted to determine whether a sample of elite divers were able to adapt their movement patterns and complete dives successfully, regardless of the perceived quality of their preparatory movements on the springboard. The data indeed suggested that elite divers were able to adapt their movements during the preparatory phase of the take-off and complete good quality dives under more varied take-off conditions; displaying greater consistency and stability in the key performance outcome (dive entry). These findings are in line with previous research findings from other sports (e.g., shooting, triple jump and basketball) and demonstrate how functional or compensatory movement variability can afford greater flexibility in task execution. By previously only practising dives with good quality take-offs, it can be argued that divers only developed strong couplings between information and movement under very specific performance circumstances. As a result, this sample was sometimes characterised by poor performance in competition when the athletes experienced a suboptimal take-off. Throughout this training programme, where divers were encouraged to minimise baulking and attempt to complete every dive, they demonstrated that it was possible to strengthen the information and movement coupling in a variety of performance circumstances, widening of the basin of performance solutions and providing alternative couplings to solve a performance problem even when the take-off was not ideal. The results of this programme of research provide theoretical and experimental implications for understanding representative learning design and movement pattern variability in applied sports science research. Theoretically, this PhD programme contributes empirical evidence to demonstrate the importance of representative design in the training environments of high performance sports programmes. Specifically, this thesis advocates for the design of learning environments that effectively capture and enhance functional and flexible movement responses representative of performance contexts. Further, data from this thesis showed that elite athletes performing complex tasks were able to adapt their movements in the preparatory phase and complete good quality dives under more varied take-off conditions. This finding signals some significant practical implications for athletes, coaches and sports scientists. As such, it is recommended that care should be taken by coaches when designing practice tasks since the clear implication is that athletes need to practice adapting movement patterns during ongoing regulation of multi-articular coordination tasks. For example, volleyball servers can adapt to small variations in the ball toss phase, long jumpers can visually regulate gait as they prepare for the take-off, and springboard divers need to continue to practice adapting their take-off from the hurdle step. In summary, the studies of this programme of work have confirmed that the task constraints of training environments in elite sport performance programmes need to provide a faithful simulation of a competitive performance environment in order that performance outcomes may be stabilised with practice. Further, it is apparent that training environments can be enhanced by ensuring the representative design of task constraints, which have high action fidelity with the performance context. Ultimately, this study recommends that the traditional coaching adage 'perfect practice makes perfect", be reconsidered; instead advocating that practice should be, as Bernstein (1967) suggested, "repetition without repetition".
We examine the security of the 64-bit lightweight block cipher PRESENT-80 against related-key differential attacks. With a computer search we are able to prove that for any related-key differential characteristic on full-round PRESENT-80, the probability of the characteristic only in the 64-bit state is not higher than 2−64. To overcome the exponential (in the state and key sizes) computational complexity of the search we use truncated differences, however as the key schedule is not nibble oriented, we switch to actual differences and apply early abort techniques to prune the tree-based search. With a new method called extended split approach we are able to make the whole search feasible and we implement and run it in real time. Our approach targets the PRESENT-80 cipher however,with small modifications can be reused for other lightweight ciphers as well.
This paper discusses a model of the civil aviation reg- ulation framework and shows how the current assess- ment of reliability and risk for piloted aircraft has limited applicability for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) with high levels of autonomous decision mak- ing. Then, a new framework for risk management of robust autonomy is proposed, which arises from combining quantified measures of risk with normative decision making. The term Robust Autonomy de- scribes the ability of an autonomous system to either continue or abort its operation whilst not breaching a minimum level of acceptable safety in the presence of anomalous conditions. The decision making associ- ated with risk management requires quantifying prob- abilities associated with the measures of risk and also consequences of outcomes related to the behaviour of autonomy. The probabilities are computed from an assessment under both nominal and anomalous sce- narios described by faults, which can be associated with the aircraft’s actuators, sensors, communication link, changes in dynamics, and the presence of other aircraft in the operational space. The consequences of outcomes are characterised by a loss function which rewards the certification decision
Involving the biopsy of an eight-cell embryo, PGD has been hailed as a means of making reproductive decisions without having to face the heart-wrenching decision to abort an affected foetus. However, controversy around the kinds of traits for which testing can be done, and who has access to the technology, has led to questions about the way in which the technology is developing. Women who are allowed to access in vitro fertilisation (IVF) services can currently also access PGD in limited circumstances.
The study analyses the prevention or endorsing of the crime of infanticide in Finland 1702 1807, rather than the result. Also the impacts of the female body, biology of childbirth and experiences of pregnancy are examined, together with insights from modern medical research. Circumstances are reconstructed by a critical reading of judicial records on all levels of the judicial system. In all 269 cases of infanticide and 142 accessory crimes within the jurisdiction of the Turku court of appeal are studied, with particular focus on exceptionally well recorded cases of 83 accused women and 41 women and men accused of being party to the crime. Secondary sources are medical and jurisprudential writings, the public debate on infanticide, broadsheets and letters asking the King for pardon. Infanticide was considered murder by law. Unmarried women were predetermined as the main culprits. Nevertheless, deliberate infanticides were rare and committed mostly in accomplice. The majority of the infanticides studied were cases where inexperienced and unmarried women accidentally had given birth alone and usually to a dead child. Unaware that the pain they were experiencing was in fact a labour, the accused women instinctively sought solitude to push out the child. Some misunderstood the birth as an urgent need to defecate. The unexpected delivery ended in hiding the baby without remorse. This crime was promoted by several factors in Finnish rural culture, amongst others that also married women hid their pregnancy. The immediate household members did not necessarily know about the childbirth and failed to help the woman. This typical pattern in most cases of infanticide in 18th century Finland is also recorded in modern cases of unknown pregnancies. Fear of accountability prevented witnesses testifying to the actual course of events. The truth remained elusive. With only a few exceptions, the women were sentenced to death or imprisonment. The majority of those accused of accomplice were acquitted. However, too harsh sentences for accidents affected the reporting of the crime. Criminal politics failed to curtail infanticide as the crime was unsatisfactorily addressed by law, society and the judicial system.
Creontiades spp. (Hemiptera: Miridae) are sucking pests that attack buds, flowers and young pods in mungbeans, Vigna radiata (L.), causing these structures subsequently to abort. If left uncontrolled, mirids can cause 25-50% yield loss. Traditional industry practice has involved prophylactic applications of dimethoate to control mirids at budding and again a week later. The present trial was initiated to highlight the dangers of such a practice, in particular the risk of a subsequent Helicoverpa spp. lepidopteran pest outbreak. A single application of dimethoate halved the population of important natural enemies of Helicoverpa spp., and caused an above-threshold outbreak of Helicoverpa spp. within 11 days. This shows that even a moderate (e.g. 50%) reduction in natural enemies may be sufficient to increase Helicoverpa spp. populations in mungbeans. As a result, prophylactic sprays should not be used for the control of mirids in mungbeans, and dimethoate should be applied only when mirids are above the economic threshold. Indoxacarb was also tested to establish its effect on Helicoverpa spp., mirids and natural enemies. Indoxacarb showed potential for Helicoverpa spp. control and suppression of mirids and had little impact on natural enemies.