993 resultados para mechanical pre-dewatering


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The brewing industry produces large amounts of by-products and wastes like brewers' spent grain (BSG). In Germany, each year approximately 2.1 million tonnes of BSG are generated. During the last years conventional routes of BSG utilization face a remarkable change, such as the decline in the demand as animal feed. Due to its high content of organic matter energetic utilization may create an additional economic value for breweries. Furthermore, in the recent past breweries tend to shift their energy supply towards more sustainable concepts. Although, a decent number of research projects were carried out already, still no mature strategy is available. However, one possible solution can be the mechanical pretreatment of BSG. This step allows optimized energy utilization by the fractionation of BSG. Due to the transfer of digestible components, such as protein, to the liquid phase, the solid phase will largely consist of combustible components. That represents an opportunity to produce a solid biofuel with lower fuelnitrogen content compared to only thermal dried BSG. Therefore, two main purposes for the mechanical pre-treatment were determined, (1) to reduce the moisture content to at least 60 % (w/w) and (2) to diminish the protein content of the solid phase by 30 %. Moreover, the combustion trials should demonstrate whether stable processes and flue gas emissions within the legal limits in Germany are feasible. The results of the mechanical pre-treatment trials showed that a decrease of the moisture and protein content has been achieved. With regard to the combustion trials inconsistent outcomes were found. On the one hand a stable combustion was realized. On the other hand the legal emission levels of NOx (500 mgm -3) and dust (50 mgm-3) could not be kept during all trials. The further research steps will focus on the optimization of the air/fuel ratio by reducing the primary and secondary air conditions. Copyright © 2014,AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.


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Für die Optimierung und somit Energieeinsparung beim Trocknen von Grüngut wurde eine mechanische Vorentwässerung entwickelt. Dieser Schritt wurde notwendig, da sich die politischen und ökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen, durch Subventionskürzungen und steigenden Energiepreisen, zu Ungunsten der Trocknungsbetriebe verändert haben und eine rein thermische Trocknung kaum noch rentabel ist. In einem gemeinsamen Kooperationsprojekt zwischen der TU Chemnitz und der fömat GmbH entstand eine Schneckenpresse speziell für Grüngut ohne dabei wichtige Nährstoffe beim Entwässern mit auszuspülen. Seit 2010 ist diese Fördereinrichtung in den Trocknungsprozess vollständig integriert und es konnten während einer vollständigen Trocknungssaison in ca. 1.800 Betriebsstunden mehr als 10.500 m³ Wasser aus 47.200 t Grüngut abpressen werden. Dies hatte zur Folge, dass eine Energieeinsparung von über 25 % erreicht wird. Die Qualität des Grünfutters wurde dabei nicht beeinträchtigt und die wichtigen Nährstoffe blieben im Grüngut nahezu vollständig erhalten.


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Sub-optimal recovery of bacterial DNA from whole blood samples can limit the sensitivity of molecular assays to detect pathogenic bacteria. We compared 3 different pre-lysis protocols (none, mechanical pre-lysis and achromopeptidasepre-lysis) and 5 commercially available DNA extraction platforms for direct detection of Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in spiked whole blood samples, without enrichment culture. DNA was extracted using the QIAamp Blood Mini kit (Qiagen), UCP Pathogen Mini kit (Qiagen), QuickGene DNA Whole Blood kit S (Fuji), Speed Xtract Nucleic Acid Kit 200 (Qiagen) and MagNA Pure Compact Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit I (Roche Diagnostics Corp). Mechanical pre-lysis increased yields of bacterial genomic DNA by 51.3 fold (95% confidence interval; 31.6–85.1, p < 0.001) and pre-lysis with achromopeptidase by 6.1 fold (95% CI; 4.2–8.9, p < 0.001), compared with no pre-lysis. Differences in yield dueto pre-lysis were 2–3 fold larger than differences in yield between extraction methods. Including a pre-lysis step can improve the limits of detection of GBS using PCR or other molecular methods without need for culture.


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In anaerobic degradation of substrates containing mainly particulate organic matter, solids hydrolysis is rate-limiting. In these investigations, the particle size of various substrates was reduced by comminution to support hydrolysis. Two positive effects of comminution were observed. For substrates with high fibre content, which are particularly resistant to biodegradation, a significant improvement of the degradation degree was observed as a result of comminution. Secondly, for all substrates tested, and particularly for those rich in fibres, the degradation rate of comminuted samples was significantly higher. The first reason for both effects is an increase of the sample surface area. Several methods for measuring the specific surface area of organic materials, including particle size analysis, Nitrogen-adsorption and enzyme adsorption, were used and compared for the purpose of this study, where the surface area accessible to microbial enzymes is critical. The significance of the surface area in anaerobic degradation of particulate substrates was investigated through a kinetic model where the hydrolysis rate was based on the sample surface area. Good agreements were obtained between model and experiments carried out with samples of various specific surface areas. These results reinforced the significance of the sample surface area in anaerobic degradation processes. However, other effects of comminution responsible for the increased degradation degree and degradation rate were identified and discussed. These include: the increase of dissolved compounds due to cell rupture, exposition of surface areas previously inaccessible for microbial degradation, and alteration of the sample structure such as the lignin-cellulose arrangements.


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This thesis deals with two important research aspects concerning radio frequency (RF) microresonators and switches. First, a new approach for compact modeling and simulation of these devices is presented. Then, a combined process flow for their simultaneous fabrication on a SOI substrate is proposed. Compact models for microresonators and switches are extracted by applying mathematical model order reduction (MOR) to the devices finite element (FE) description in ANSYS c° . The behaviour of these devices includes forms of nonlinearities. However, an approximation in the creation of the FE model is introduced, which enables the use of linear model order reduction. Microresonators are modeled with the introduction of transducer elements, which allow for direct coupling of the electrical and mechanical domain. The coupled system element matrices are linearized around an operating point and reduced. The resulting macromodel is valid for small signal analysis around the bias point, such as harmonic pre-stressed analysis. This is extremely useful for characterizing the frequency response of resonators. Compact modelling of switches preserves the nonlinearity of the device behaviour. Nonlinear reduced order models are obtained by reducing the number of nonlinearities in the system and handling them as input to the system. In this way, the system can be reduced using linear MOR techniques and nonlinearities are introduced directly in the reduced order model. The reduction of the number of system nonlinearities implies the approximation of all distributed forces in the model with lumped forces. Both for microresonators and switches, a procedure for matrices extraction has been developed so that reduced order models include the effects of electrical and mechanical pre-stress. The extraction process is fast and can be done automatically from ANSYS binary files. The method has been applied for the simulation of several devices both at devices and circuit level. Simulation results have been compared with full model simulations, and, when available, experimental data. Reduced order models have proven to conserve the accuracy of finite element method and to give a good description of the overall device behaviour, despite the introduced approximations. In addition, simulation is very fast, both at device and circuit level. A combined process-flow for the integrated fabrication of microresonators and switches has been defined. For this purpose, two processes that are optimized for the independent fabrication of these devices are merged. The major advantage of this process is the possibility to create on-chip circuit blocks that include both microresonators and switches. An application is, for example, aswitched filter bank for wireless transceiver. The process for microresonators fabrication is characterized by the use of silicon on insulator (SOI) wafers and on a deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) step for the creation of the vibrating structures in single-crystal silicon and the use of a sacrificial oxide layer for the definition of resonator to electrode distance. The fabrication of switches is characterized by the use of two different conductive layers for the definition of the actuation electrodes and by the use of a photoresist as a sacrificial layer for the creation of the suspended structure. Both processes have a gold electroplating step, for the creation of the resonators electrodes, transmission lines and suspended structures. The combined process flow is designed such that it conserves the basic properties of the original processes. Neither the performance of the resonators nor the performance of the switches results affected by the simultaneous fabrication. Moreover, common fabrication steps are shared, which allows for cheaper and faster fabrication.


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A fundamental assumption for by-product from winery industy waste-management is their economic and commercial increase in value. High energetic value recovery from winery industry is an attractive economic solution to stimulate new sustainable process. Approach of this work is based about physic and biological treatment with grape stalks and grape marc to increase polysaccharides components of cell wall and energetic availability of this by-products. Grape stalks for example have a high percentage of lignin and cellulose and can’t be used, whitout pretreatment, for an anaerobic digestion process. Our findings show enzymatic and thermo-mechanical pre-treatments in combined application for optimise hydrolytic mechanism on winemaking wastes which represents 0,9 milion ton/year in Italy and on straw, cereal by-products with high lignin content. A screening of specifically industrial enzymatic complex for the hydrolysis lignocellulosic biomass were tested using the principal polysaccharides component of the vegetal cells. Combined thermo-mechanical and enzymatic pretreatment improve substrates conversion in batch test fermentation experiment. The conservation of the grape stalks, at temperature above 0°C, allow the growth of spontaneus fermentation that reduce their polysaccharides content so had investigated anarobic condition of conservation. The other objective of this study was to investigate the capability of a proprietary strain of L.buchneri LN 40177 to enhance the accessibility of fermentable forage constituents during the anaerobic conservation process by releasing the enzyme ferulate esterase. The time sequence study by batch tests showed that the L. buchneri LN-40177 inoculated grape stalk substrate was more readily available in the fermenter. In batch tests with grape stalk, after mechanical treatment, the L. buchneri LN41077 treated substrate yielded on average 70% more biogas per kg/DM. Thermo-mechanical, enzymatic and biological treatment with L. buchneri LN-40177 can increase the biogas production from low fermented biomasses and the consequent their useful in anaerobic biodigesters for agro-bioenergy production.


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This article describes an effective procedure for reducing the water content of excess sludge production from a wastewater treatment plant by increasing its concentration and, as a consequence, minimizing the volume of sludge to be managed. It consists of a pre-dewatering sludge process, which is used as a preliminary step or alternative to the thickening. It is made up of two discontinuous sequential stages: the first is resettling and the second, filtration through a porous medium. The process is strictly physical, without any chemical additives or electromechanical equipment intervening. The experiment was carried out in a pilot-scale system, consisting of a column of sedimentation that incorporates a filter medium. Different sludge heights were tested over the filter to verify the influence of hydrostatic pressure on the various final concentrations of each stage. The results show that the initial sludge concentration may increase by more than 570% by the end of the process with the final volume of sludge being reduced in similar proportions and hydrostatic pressure having a limited effect on this final concentration. Moreover, the value of the hydrostatic pressure at which critical specific cake resistance is reached is established.


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Tiger nut (Cyperus esculentus) tuber contains oil that is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, and this oil makes up about 23% of the tuber. The study aimed at evaluating the impact of several factors and enzymatic pre-treatment on the recovery of pressed tiger nut oil. Smaller particles were more favourable for pressing. High pressure pre-treatment did not increase oil recovery but enzymatic treatment did. The highest yield obtained by enzymatic treatment prior to mechanical extraction was 33 % on a dry defatted basis, which represents a recovery of 90 % of the oil. Tiger nut oil consists mainly of oleic acid; its acid and peroxide values reflect the high stability of the oil.


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Exercise during growth results in biologically important increases in bone mineral content (BMC). The aim of this study was to determine whether the effects of loading were site specific and depended on the maturational stage of the region. BMC and humeral dimensions were determined using DXA and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the loaded and nonloaded arms in 47 competitive female tennis players aged 8-17 years. Periosteal (external) cross-sectional area (CSA), cortical area, medullary area, and the polar second moments of area (Ip, mm4) were calculated at the mid and distal sites in the loaded and nonloaded arms. BMC and I p of the humerus were 11-14% greater in the loaded arm than in the nonloaded arm in prepubertal players and did not increase further in peri- or postpubertal players despite longer duration of loading (both, p < 0.01). The higher BMC was the result of a 7-11% greater cortical area in the prepubertal players due to greater periosteal than medullary expansion at the midhumerus and a greater periosteal expansion alone at the distal humerus. Loading late in puberty resulted in medullary contraction. Growth and the effects of loading are region and surface specific, with periosteal apposition before puberty accounting for the increase in the bone's resistance to torsion and endocortical contraction contributing late in puberty conferring little increase in resistance to torsion. Increasing the bone's rt.osistance to torsion is achieved hy modifying bone shape and mass, not necessarily bone density.


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Before exercise prescription for bone health can be recommended, the relationship between mechanical loading characteristics and the skeletal response need to be quantified. We asked i) does moderate impact exercise result in a greater gain in BMC than low impact exercise, ii) what are the loading characteristics associated with a moderate and low impact exercise program and does this differ from non-structured play?, and iii) does loading history affect the osteogenic response to a moderate or low impact program?

Sixty-eight pre- and early-pubertal girls (aged 8.9 +/- 0.2 yrs) were randomized to take part in a moderate or low impact exercise program 3 times/wk for 8.5 mnths. The number and type of loads associated with the exercise classes and non-structured play (recess) were assessed from video footage. The magnitude of load was assessed using a pedar in-sole mobile system. Hours of moderate and high impact organized sport were assessed from a physical activity questionnaire.

The moderate and low impact exercise programs consisted of -400 impacts per class, but the jumping, hopping and dynamic activities performed during the moderate impact program produced forces ranging from 2 to 4 times body weight (BW) compared to -1 BW for the low impact program. Moderate impact exercise resulted in a 2.7% greater gain in BMC at the tibia compared to the low impact exercise. The moderate impact exercise program consisted of fewer low impacts (1-2 BW) and a higher number of moderate impacts (2-4BW) compared to those typically performed during non-structured play. There were greater gains in BMC in subjects participating in the moderate versus the low impact exercise programs who participated in 2 to 3 hours of moderate impact sports outside school (2.5% to 4.5%, p

Approximately 400 impacts ranging 2-4 BW, 3 times/wk was enough stimuli to result in an osteogenic response in normally active girls; even in those actively involved in moderate impact sports outside school.


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The effects of pre-straining and bake hardening on the mechanical behaviour and microstructural changes were studied in two CMnSi TRansformation-Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels with different microstructures after intercritical annealing. The TRIP steels before and after pre-straining and bake hardening were characterised by X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, three dimensional atom probe and tensile tests. Both steels exhibited discontinuous yielding behaviour and a significant strength increase with some reduction in ductility after pre-straining and bake hardening treatment. The following main microstructural changes are responsible for the observed mechanical behaviours: a decrease in the volume fl:action of retained austenite, a increase in the dislocation density and the formation of cell substructure in the polygonal ferrite, higher localized dislocation density in the polygonal ferrite regions adjacent to martensite or retained austenite, and the precipitation of fine iron carbides in bainite and martensite. The mechanism for the observed yield point phenomenon in both steels after treatment was analysed.


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The effects of pre-straining and bake hardening on the mechanical behaviour and microstructural changes were studied in two CMnSi TRansformation-Induced Plasticity (TRIP) steels with different microstructures after intercritical annealing. The TRIP steels before and after pre-straining and bake hardening were characterised by X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, three dimensional atom probe and tensile tests. Both steels exhibited discontinuous yielding behaviour and a significant strength increase with some reduction in ductility after pre-straining and bake hardening treatment. The following main microstructural changes are responsible for the observed mechanical behaviours: a decrease in the volume fraction of retained austenite, an increase in the dislocation density and the formation of cell substructure in the polygonal ferrite, higher localized dislocation density in the polygonal ferrite regions adjacent to martensite or retained austenite, and the precipitation of fine iron carbides in bainite and martensite. The mechanism for the observed yield point phenomenon in both steels after treatment was analysed.