997 resultados para mechanical injury
OBJECTIVES: In vitro mechanical injury of articular cartilage is useful to identify events associated with development of post-traumatic osteoarthritis (OA). To date, many in vitro injury models have used animal cartilage despite the greater clinical relevance of human cartilage. We aimed to characterize a new in vitro injury model using elderly human femoral head cartilage and compare its behavior to that of an existing model with adult bovine humeral head cartilage. DESIGN: Mechanical properties of human and bovine cartilage disks were characterized by elastic modulus and hydraulic permeability in radially confined axial compression, and by Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, and direction-dependent radial strain in unconfined compression. Biochemical composition was assessed in terms of tissue water, solid, and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) contents. Responses to mechanical injury were assessed by observation of macroscopic superficial tissue cracks and histological measurements of cell viability following single injurious ramp loads at 7 or 70%/s strain rate to 3 or 14 MPa peak stress. RESULTS: Confined compression moduli and Young's moduli were greater in elderly human femoral cartilage vs adult bovine humeral cartilage whereas hydraulic permeability was less. Radial deformations of axially compressed explant disks were more anisotropic (direction-dependent) for the human cartilage. In both cartilage sources, tissue cracking and associated cell death during injurious loading was common for 14 MPa peak stress at both strain rates. CONCLUSION: Despite differences in mechanical properties, acute damage induced by injurious loading was similar in both elderly human femoral cartilage and adult bovine humeral cartilage, supporting the clinical relevance of animal-based cartilage injury models. However, inherent structural differences such as cell density may influence subsequent cell-mediated responses to injurious loading and affect the development of OA.
Studies involving amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) have often used polyacrylamide gels with radiolabeled primers in order to establish best primer combinations, to analyze, and to recover transcript-derived fragments. Use of automatic sequencer to establish best primer combinations is convenient, because it saves time, reduces costs and risks of contamination with radioactive material and acrylamide, and allows objective band-matching and more precise evaluation of transcript-derived fragments intensities. This study aimed at examining the gene expression of commercial cultivars of P. guajava subjected to water and mechanical injury stresses, combining analyses by automatic sequencer and fluorescent kits for polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Firstly, 64 combinations of EcoRI and MseI primers were tested. Ten combinations with higher number of polymorphic fragments were then selected for transcript-derived fragments recovering and cluster analysis, involving 45 saplings of P. guajava. Two groups were obtained, one composed by the control samplings, and another formed by samplings undergoing stress, with no clear distinction between stress treatments. The results revealed the convenience of using a combination of automatic sequencer and fluorescent kits for polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses to examine gene expression profiles. The Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean analysis using Euclidean distances points out a similar induced response mechanism of P. guajava undergoing water stress and mechanical injury.
Mechanical injury of the CNS frequently results from accidents but also occurs in the course of neurosurgical interventions. A great variety of anatomical and physiological changes have been described to evolve after a brain trauma yet only little is known about processes that occur during a trauma. In the present study, I obtained whole-cell patch clamp recordings from pyramidal cells in hippocampal slice cultures while mechanically lesioning the CA3 area. Electrophysiological analysis revealed that traumatic injury massively increased excitatory and inhibitory synaptic activity in the entire CA3 region. Cutting the CA3 region induced highly rhythmic excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) that reached frequencies of around 70 Hz. Blocking voltage-dependent sodium channels with tetrodotoxin prevented the increase in synaptic activity and injury-induced neurotransmitter release in CA3 remote from the lesion site. With fast synaptic transmission blocked only neurons in the immediate vicinity of a lesion depolarized and fired action potentials upon mechanical damage. I hence suggest that mechanical injury damages the membrane and induces action potential firing in only a small population of neurons. This activity is then propagated throughout the undamaged CA3 network inducing highly rhythmic discharges. Thus mechanical brain injury initiates immediate functional changes that exceed the lesion site.
In single isolated skeletal muscle fibers of the frog, we studied (i) the recovery from large sarcolemmal mechanical injuries of the response to electric stimulation and (ii) the integrity of the sarcolemma under the light microscope. In Ringer's solution, the damaged cells stopped contracting and deteriorated completely within 1 hr. In the presence of phosphatidylcholine (0.025 g/ml in Ringer's solution), the injured cells initially responded with local twitches. Within 0.5 hr, contractility and membrane integrity started to recover and both were back to control levels within 3 hr. When these cells were placed back in normal Ringer's solution, they remained viable and active for several hours. Our results suggest that phosphatidylcholine can protect muscle fibers from the effects of sarcolemmal injury.
Bibliography: p.45.
This study reviews the literature concerning possible therapeutic approaches for spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injury is a disabling and irreversible condition that has high economic and social costs. There are both primary and secondary mechanisms of damage to the spinal cord. The primary lesion is the mechanical injury itself. The secondary lesion results from one or more biochemical and cellular processes that are triggered by the primary lesion. The frustration of health professionals in treating a severe spinal cord injury was described in 1700 BC in an Egyptian surgical papyrus that was translated by Edwin Smith; the papyrus reported spinal fractures as a ''disease that should not be treated.'' Over the last biological or pharmacological treatment method. Science is unraveling the mechanisms of cell protection and neuroregeneration, but clinically, we only provide supportive care for patients with spinal cord injuries. By combining these treatments, researchers attempt to enhance the functional recovery of patients with spinal cord injuries. Advances in the last decade have allowed us to encourage the development of experimental studies in the field of spinal cord regeneration. The combination of several therapeutic strategies should, at minimum, allow for partial functional recoveries for these patients, which could improve their quality of life.
The efficacy of biological therapeutics against cartilage degradation in osteoarthritis is restricted by the limited transport of macromolecules through the dense, avascular extracellular matrix. The availability of biologics to cell surface and matrix targets is limited by steric hindrance of the matrix, and the microstructure of matrix itself can be dramatically altered by joint injury and the subsequent inflammatory response. We studied the transport into cartilage of a 48 kDa anti-IL-6 antigen binding fragment (Fab) using an in vitro model of joint injury to quantify the transport of Fab fragments into normal and mechanically injured cartilage. The anti-IL-6 Fab was able to diffuse throughout the depth of the tissue, suggesting that Fab fragments can have the desired property of achieving local delivery to targets within cartilage, unlike full-sized antibodies which are too large to penetrate beyond the cartilage surface. Uptake of the anti-IL-6 Fab was significantly increased following mechanical injury, and an additional increase in uptake was observed in response to combined treatment with TNFα and mechanical injury, a model used to mimic the inflammatory response following joint injury. These results suggest that joint trauma leading to cartilage degradation can further alter the transport of such therapeutics and similar-sized macromolecules.
Tomato postharvest losses are very high in Brazil and the goal of this research was to evaluate the effect of handling and the transport of tomato fruits, cultivar Romana on the steps of harvesting, weight and transportation to the packinghouse, pointing some critical points. Tomatoes were harvested at plastic boxes, weighted and shipped to a packinghouse. Fruits taken directly from the plant were determined as reference. The parameters evaluated were weight loss and mechanical injury and tomato physical quality after storage during 21 days. It was observed an increasing on the weight loss, external damage, and postharvest losses, after storage. Handling and transportation were the cause of an increase in 6.6% in external damage and 1.93% of weight loss after storage, when comparing harvested fruits and fruits evaluated on the packing-house. The main reason for postharvest losses was due to mechanical injury caused during transportation mainly due to the compressure force among fruits and against the plastic boxes.
The present paper reports results of the effect of Potato virus X (PVX) on the contents of total phenols and alkaloids in leaves of Datura stramonium. A significant decrease in the contents of phenols and alkaloids was observed in leaves inoculated with PVX (X-I). However, there was an increase in the percentage of phenols in leaves rubbed with phosphate buffer (C1-I) and in leaves from the nodes immediately above, possibly induced by mechanical injury. Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy revealed amounts of scopolamine in samples submitted to all treatments, except X-I, in which the amount of this alkaloid was low. High amounts of an unidentified compound (molecular ion m/z 302 and a prominent peak at m/z 129) were noted in extracts from leaves X-I, C1-I and leaves from the nodes immediately above the leaves inoculated with PVX. It is suggested that the synthesis and accumulation of the unidentified compound is a result of stress from mechanical injury and virus inoculation.
Background: Cigarette smoke exposure is considered an important negative prognostic factor for chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) patients. However, there is no clear mechanistic evidence implicating cigarette smoke exposure in the poor clinical evolution of the disease or in the maintenance of the inflammatory state characterizing CRS. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of cigarette smoke exposure on respiratory cilia differentiation. Methods: Monse nasal septal epithelium cultures grown at an air-liquid interface were used as a model of respiratory epithelium. After 5 days of cell growth, cultures were exposed to air on the apical surface. Additionally, cigarette smoke condensate (CSC; the particulate phase of tobacco smoke) or cigarette smoke extract (CSE; the volatile phase) Were diluted in the basolateral compartment in different concentrations. After 15 days of continuous exposure, scanning electron microscopy and immunofluorescence for type IV tubulin were used to determine presence and maturation of cilia. Transepithelial resistance was also recorded to evaluate confluence and physiological barrier integrity. Results: CSC and CSE impair ciliogenesis in a dose-dependent manner with notable effects in concentrations higher than 30 mu g/mL, yielding >70% nonciliation and shorter cilia compared With control. No statistical difference on transepithelial resistance was evident. Conclusion: CSC and CSE exposure negatively impacts ciliogenesis of respiratory cells at concentrations not effecting transepithelial resistance. The impairment on ciliogenesis reduce the mucociliary clearance apparatuts after injury and/or infection and may explain the poor response to therapy for CRS patients exposed to tobacco smoke.
Differences in levels of lignin in the plant between conventional and transgenic cultivars RR has been reported by several authors, however, there are few studies evaluating the influence of spraying of glyphosate on the lignin in the plant and RR soybean seeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological quality of RR transgenic soybean seeds and the lignin contents of plants sprayed with the herbicide glyphosate. The assays were conducted both in greenhouse and field in the municipality of Lavras, MG, in the agricultural year 2007/08. The experiment was arranged in a splitplot design with four replicates, considering the treatments hand weeding and herbicide glyphosate as plots, and five RR soybean cultivars (BRS 245 RR, BRS 247 RR, Valiosa RR, Silvânia RR and Baliza RR) as splitplots. In the greenhouse, the cultivars tested were BRS 245 RR and Valiosa RR in a randomized block design with four replicates. The sprayings were carried out at stages V3, V7 and early R5 (3L/ha). The 1000 seed weight, mechanical injury, germination and germination velocity index, emergence velocity index, accelerated aging, electrical conductivity and water soaking seed test, lignin content in the seed coat, in the stem and legumes were determined. The spraying of glyphosate herbicide, in greenhouse and field, did not alter the physiological quality of seeds and the lignin contents in the plant.
Pathological changes in the vermiform appendix harbouring tapeworm's proglottides are reported. Marked local (tissue) eosinophilia in the stroma of the mucous coat and to a less degree in the sub-mucosa and around the vessels in the inner circular layer of the muscular coat is the essential change observed. Peculiar changes such as an striking increase in the volume of the mucus-producing goblet-cells either in the epithelium covering the free surface or in the glands of Lieberkühn, as well as new epithelium atypical in form and arrangement were noticed in direct connection and likely induced by the tapeworn as a foreign body (mechanical injury). The local (tissue) eosinophilia probably represents an anaphylactoid response to foreign proteins originating in the tapeworm. Acute appendicitis in its recognized varieties such as appendicitis superficalis catarrhalis, a. s. exulcerans, a. s. haemorrhagica, a. phlegmonosa, and a. phlegmonosa-ulcerosa could be microscopically excluded. It seems, however, that local (tissue) eosinophilia when particularly widespread is able to give clinical symtoms suggestive of acute appendicitis.
Many nuclear hormone receptors are involved in the regulation of skin homeostasis. However, their role in the epithelial compartment of the skin in stress situations, such as skin healing, has not been addressed yet. The healing of a skin wound after an injury involves three major cell types: immune cells, which are recruited to the wound bed; dermal fibroblasts; and epidermal and hair follicle keratinocytes. Our previous studies have revealed important but nonredundant roles of PPARalpha and beta/delta in the reparation of the skin after a mechanical injury in the adult mouse. However, the mesenchymal or epithelial cellular compartment in which PPARalpha and beta/delta play a role could not be determined in the null mice used, which have a germ line PPAR gene invalidation. In the present work, the role of PPARalpha was studied in keratinocytes, using transgenic mice that express a PPARalpha mutant with dominant-negative (dn) activity specifically in keratinocytes. This dn PPARalpha lacks the last 13 C terminus amino acids, binds to a PPARalpha agonist, but is unable to release the nuclear receptor corepressor and to recruit the coactivator p300. When selectively expressed in keratinocytes of transgenic mice, dn PPARalphaDelta13 causes a delay in the healing of skin wounds, accompanied by an exacerbated inflammation. This phenotype, which is similar to that observed in PPARalpha null mice, strongly suggests that during skin healing, PPARalpha is required in keratinocytes rather than in other cell types.
The present paper reports results of the effect of Potato virus X (PVX) on the contents of total phenols and alkaloids in leaves of Datura stramonium. A significant decrease in the contents of phenols and alkaloids was observed in leaves inoculated with PVX (X-I). However, there was an increase in the percentage of phenols in leaves rubbed with phosphate buffer (C1-I) and in leaves from the nodes immediately above, possibly induced by mechanical injury. Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy revealed amounts of scopolamine in samples submitted to all treatments, except X-I, in which the amount of this alkaloid was low. High amounts of an unidentified compound (molecular ion m/z 302 and a prominent peak at m/z 129) were noted in extracts from leaves X-I, C1-I and leaves from the nodes immediately above the leaves inoculated with PVX. It is suggested that the synthesis and accumulation of the unidentified compound is a result of stress from mechanical injury and virus inoculation.
Stimulation by a number of conditions, including infection, cytokines, mechanical injury, and hypoxia, can upregulate inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in hepatocytes. We observed that exposure to hypergravity significantly upregulated the transcription of the hepatic iNOS gene. The aim of this study was to confirm our preliminary data, and to further investigate the distribution of the iNOS protein in the livers of mice exposed to hypergravity. ICR mice were exposed to +3 Gz for 1 h. We investigated the time course of change in the iNOS expression. Hepatic iNOS mRNA expression progressively increased in centrifuged mice from 0 to 12 h, and then decreased rapidly by 18 h. iNOS mRNA levels in the livers of centrifuged mice was significantly higher at 3, 6, and 12 h than in uncentrifuged control mice. The pattern of iNOS protein expression paralleled that of the mRNA expression. At 0 and 1 h, weak cytoplasmic iNOS immunoreactivity was found in some hepatocytes surrounding terminal hepatic venules. It was noted that at 6 h there was an increase in the number of perivenular hepatocytes with moderate to strong cytoplasmic immunoreactivity. The number of iNOS-positive hepatocytes was maximally increased at 12 h. The majority of positively stained cells showed a strong intensity of iNOS expression. The expression levels of iNOS mRNA and protein were significantly increased in the livers of mice exposed to hypergravity. These results suggest that exposure to hypergravity significantly upregulates iNOS at both transcriptional and translational levels.