924 resultados para mean field analysis


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Mean field models (MFMs) of cortical tissue incorporate salient, average features of neural masses in order to model activity at the population level, thereby linking microscopic physiology to macroscopic observations, e.g., with the electroencephalogram (EEG). One of the common aspects of MFM descriptions is the presence of a high-dimensional parameter space capturing neurobiological attributes deemed relevant to the brain dynamics of interest. We study the physiological parameter space of a MFM of electrocortical activity and discover robust correlations between physiological attributes of the model cortex and its dynamical features. These correlations are revealed by the study of bifurcation plots, which show that the model responses to changes in inhibition belong to two archetypal categories or “families”. After investigating and characterizing them in depth, we discuss their essential differences in terms of four important aspects: power responses with respect to the modeled action of anesthetics, reaction to exogenous stimuli such as thalamic input, and distributions of model parameters and oscillatory repertoires when inhibition is enhanced. Furthermore, while the complexity of sustained periodic orbits differs significantly between families, we are able to show how metamorphoses between the families can be brought about by exogenous stimuli. We here unveil links between measurable physiological attributes of the brain and dynamical patterns that are not accessible by linear methods. They instead emerge when the nonlinear structure of parameter space is partitioned according to bifurcation responses. We call this general method “metabifurcation analysis”. The partitioning cannot be achieved by the investigation of only a small number of parameter sets and is instead the result of an automated bifurcation analysis of a representative sample of 73,454 physiologically admissible parameter sets. Our approach generalizes straightforwardly and is well suited to probing the dynamics of other models with large and complex parameter spaces.


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The critical behavior of osmotic susceptibility in an aqueous electrolyte mixture 1-propanol (1P)+water (W)+potassium chloride is reported. This mixture exhibits re-entrant phase transitions and has a nearly parabolic critical line with its apex representing a double critical point (DCP). The behavior of the susceptibility exponent is deduced from static light-scattering measurements, on approaching the lower critical solution temperatures (TL’s) along different experimental paths (by varying t) in the one-phase region. The light-scattering data analysis substantiates the existence of a nonmonotonic crossover behavior of the susceptibility exponent in this mixture. For the TL far away from the DCP, the effective susceptibility exponent γeff as a function of t displays a nonmonotonic crossover from its single limit three-dimensional (3D)-Ising value ( ∼ 1.24) toward its mean-field value with increase in t. While for that closest to the DCP, γeff displays a sharp, nonmonotonic crossover from its nearly doubled 3D-Ising value toward its nearly doubled mean-field value with increase in t. The renormalized Ising regime extends over a relatively larger t range for the TL closest to the DCP, and a trend toward shrinkage in the renormalized Ising regime is observed as TL shifts away from the DCP. Nevertheless, the crossover to the mean-field limit extends well beyond t>10−2 for the TL’s studied. The observed crossover behavior is attributed to the presence of strong ion-induced clustering in this mixture, as revealed by various structure probing techniques. As far as the critical behavior in complex or associating mixtures with special critical points (like the DCP) is concerned, our results indicate that the influence of the DCP on the critical behavior must be taken into account not only on the renormalization of the critical exponent but also on the range of the Ising regime, which can shrink with decrease in the influence of the DCP and with the extent of structuring in the system. The utility of the field variable tUL in analyzing re-entrant phase transitions is demonstrated. The effective susceptibility exponent as a function of tUL displays a nonmonotonic crossover from its asymptotic 3D-Ising value toward a value slightly lower than its nonasymptotic mean-field value of 1. This behavior in the nonasymptotic, high tUL region is interpreted in terms of the possibility of a nonmonotonic crossover to the mean-field value from lower values, as foreseen earlier in micellar systems.


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The properties of the Z = 117 isotopic chain are studied within the framework of the axially deformed relativistic mean field theory (RMFT) in the blocked BCS approximation. The ground-state properties, such as binging energies, deformations as well as the possible.. decay energies and lifetimes are calculated with the parameter set of NL-Z2 and compared with results from the finite range droplet model. The analysis by RMFT shows that the isotopes in the range of mass number A = 291 similar to 300 exhibit higher stability, which suggests that they may be promising nuclei to be hopefully synthesized in the lab among the nuclei Z = 117.


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This work models the competitive behaviour of individuals who maximize their own utility managing their network of connections with other individuals. Utility is taken as a synonym of reputation in this model. Each agent has to decide between two variables: the quality of connections and the number of connections. Hence, the reputation of an individual is a function of the number and the quality of connections within the network. On the other hand, individuals incur in a cost when they improve their network of contacts. The initial value of the quality and number of connections of each individual is distributed according to an initial (given) distribution. The competition occurs over continuous time and among a continuum of agents. A mean field game approach is adopted to solve the model, leading to an optimal trajectory for the number and quality of connections for each individual.


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We consider the effects of quantum fluctuations in mean-field quantum spin-glass models with pairwise interactions. We examine the nature of the quantum glass transition at zero temperature in a transverse field. In models (such as the random orthogonal model) where the classical phase transition is discontinuous an analysis using the static approximation reveals that the transition becomes continuous at zero temperature.


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A recently proposed mean-field theory of mammalian cortex rhythmogenesis describes the salient features of electrical activity in the cerebral macrocolumn, with the use of inhibitory and excitatory neuronal populations (Liley et al 2002). This model is capable of producing a range of important human EEG (electroencephalogram) features such as the alpha rhythm, the 40 Hz activity thought to be associated with conscious awareness (Bojak & Liley 2007) and the changes in EEG spectral power associated with general anesthetic effect (Bojak & Liley 2005). From the point of view of nonlinear dynamics, the model entails a vast parameter space within which multistability, pseudoperiodic regimes, various routes to chaos, fat fractals and rich bifurcation scenarios occur for physiologically relevant parameter values (van Veen & Liley 2006). The origin and the character of this complex behaviour, and its relevance for EEG activity will be illustrated. The existence of short-lived unstable brain states will also be discussed in terms of the available theoretical and experimental results. A perspective on future analysis will conclude the presentation.


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A model describing dissociation of monoprotonic acid and a method for the determination of its pK value are presented. The model is based on a mean field approximation. The Poisson-Boltzmann equation, adopting spherical symmetry, is numerically solved, and the solution of its linearized form is written. By use of the pH values of a dilution experiment of galacturonic acid as the entry data, the proposed method allowed estimation of the value of pK = 3.25 at a temperature of 25 degrees C. Values for the complex dimensions and dissociation degree are calculated using experimental pH values for solution concentration values ranging from 0.1 to 60 mM. The present analysis leads to the conclusion that the Poisson-Boltzmann equation or its linear form is equally suited for the description of such systems.


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We propose a general mean field model of ligand-protein interactions to determine the thermodynamic equilibrium of a system at finite temperature. The method is employed in structural assessments of two human immuno-deficiency virus type 1 protease complexes where the gross effects of protein flexibility are incorporated by utilizing a data base of crystal structures. Analysis of the energy spectra for these complexes has revealed that structural and thermo-dynamic aspects of molecular recognition can be rationalized on the basis of the extent of frustration in the binding energy landscape. In particular, the relationship between receptor-specific binding of these ligands to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease and a minimal frustration principle is analyzed.


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On the microscale, migration, proliferation and death are crucial in the development, homeostasis and repair of an organism; on the macroscale, such effects are important in the sustainability of a population in its environment. Dependent on the relative rates of migration, proliferation and death, spatial heterogeneity may arise within an initially uniform field; this leads to the formation of spatial correlations and can have a negative impact upon population growth. Usually, such effects are neglected in modeling studies and simple phenomenological descriptions, such as the logistic model, are used to model population growth. In this work we outline some methods for analyzing exclusion processes which include agent proliferation, death and motility in two and three spatial dimensions with spatially homogeneous initial conditions. The mean-field description for these types of processes is of logistic form; we show that, under certain parameter conditions, such systems may display large deviations from the mean field, and suggest computationally tractable methods to correct the logistic-type description.


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In the exclusion-process literature, mean-field models are often derived by assuming that the occupancy status of lattice sites is independent. Although this assumption is questionable, it is the foundation of many mean-field models. In this work we develop methods to relax the independence assumption for a range of discrete exclusion process-based mechanisms motivated by applications from cell biology. Previous investigations that focussed on relaxing the independence assumption have been limited to studying initially-uniform populations and ignored any spatial variations. By ignoring spatial variations these previous studies were greatly simplified due to translational invariance of the lattice. These previous corrected mean-field models could not be applied to many important problems in cell biology such as invasion waves of cells that are characterised by moving fronts. Here we propose generalised methods that relax the independence assumption for spatially inhomogeneous problems, leading to corrected mean-field descriptions of a range of exclusion process-based models that incorporate (i) unbiased motility, (ii) biased motility, and (iii) unbiased motility with agent birth and death processes. The corrected mean-field models derived here are applicable to spatially variable processes including invasion wave type problems. We show that there can be large deviations between simulation data and traditional mean-field models based on invoking the independence assumption. Furthermore, we show that the corrected mean-field models give an improved match to the simulation data in all cases considered.


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Random walk models based on an exclusion process with contact effects are often used to represent collective migration where individual agents are affected by agent-to-agent adhesion. Traditional mean field representations of these processes take the form of a nonlinear diffusion equation which, for strong adhesion, does not predict the averaged discrete behavior. We propose an alternative suite of mean-field representations, showing that collective migration with strong adhesion can be accurately represented using a moment closure approach.


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This paper illustrates a field research performed with a team of experts involved in the evaluation of Trippple, a system aimed at supporting the different phases of a tourist trip, in order to provide feedback and insights, both on the functionalities already implemented (that at the time of evaluation were available only as early and very unstable prototypes), and on the functionalities still to be implemented. We show how the involvement of professionals helped to focus on challenging aspects, instead of less important, cosmetic, issues and resulted profitable in terms of early feedback, issues spotted, and improvements suggested