7 resultados para mathematization
Looking at the economic discourse, we try to study in this article how has mathematization in economics advanced in Brazil in the last three decades. To see this, we have classified into several categories all articles published in three major economic journals of the country (Revista Brasileira de Economia, Estudos Econômicos and Revista de Economia Política) and the publications made in the meetings ANPEC from 1981 to 2010, according to the type of argument used. The total of articles analyzed adds up to 5.733. We try to see how the path of economic discourse, making it more mathematical, did develop. We found that there was an increased use of a formalized language from the mid-1990s onwards. Finally, to confirm our findings, we focus on the process of mathematization through the observation of quantitative variable: equations per article.
Many economists show certain nonconformity relative to the excessive mathematical formalization of economics. This stems from dissatisfaction with the old debate about the lack of correspondence between mainstream theoretical models and reality. Although we do not propose to settle this debate here, this article seeks to associate the mismatch of mathematized models with the reality of the adoption of the hypothetical-deductive method as reproduced by general equilibrium. We begin by defining the main benefits of the mathematization of economics. Secondly, we address traditional criticism leveled against it. We then focus on more recent criticism from Gillies (2005) and Bresser-Pereira (2008). Finally, we attempt to associate the reproduction of the hypothetical-deductive method with a metatheoretical process triggered by Debreu's general equilibrium theory. In this respect, we appropriate the ideas of Weintraub (2002), Punzo (1991), and mainly Woo (1986) to support our hypothesis.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Após três décadas do surgimento da aids no mundo, ainda nos encontramos emudecidos diante de uma doença temida em ser pronunciada pelo peso da morte que seu nome traz. A doença, que surgiu como uma maldição a minorias sexuais, profissionais do sexo e usuários de drogas, imprimiu em seus corpos e em suas almas o símbolo da morte imediata, vergonhosa e dolorida. Em todo esse percurso, teve seu corpo viral “radiografado” pela ciência médica, sem que pudesse ser retirada da matematização de que aids e igual à morte, o que a reduziria à condição de “uma doença”. Esta dissertação propõe-se a apresentar um panorama da aids, apontando seu surgimento, a identificação do vírus e as metáforas utilizadas para o posicionamento da enfermidade no locus biológico e moral do mundo moderno. Utilizaram-se metáforas de doenças estigmatizantes, que recaem sobre lugares de cuidados de saúde, para apresentar o Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto como um espaço marcado pelo estigma da tuberculose e da aids, o que lhe confere a imagem de horror perante a população paraense. Neste espaço, foram atendidas pessoas cujas relações de desamparo e dependência a um objeto/ato externo ao ego pode tê-las levados à exposição ao vírus HIV. Destes, foi destacado um caso clínico para estudo deste fenômeno. Como tentativa de entendimento da relação com o objeto de dependência, foram buscados, principalmente, os conceitos winnicottianos de “ambiente maternante suficientemente bom”, “objeto transicional”; além de “adicção”, trabalhado por Joyce McDougall. Com o trabalho realizado, pôde-se observar que o vazio relatado em psicoterapia, muito presentes nos pacientes, é circunscrito por relações adictivas, como um modo de defesa que permite tomar o objeto como substituto materno externo vital. Para a escuta destas dependências, foi utilizada a perspectiva da clínica winnicottiana, com a possibilidade de reposicionar o paciente, para modificar sua realidade interna e externa a partir de um agir criativo.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC
Jaques Lacan, the thinker who proposes a return to the fundamentals of psychoanalysis in Freud states that the math would face as a privileged way of transmission of knowledge by the science. Although he was a follower of the mathematization of nature as the foundation of modern science, for him this principle does not imply eliminating the subject that produces it. That would be equivalent to saying that there can not be a language, whatever, even the math, that may "erases" the subject assumption in science. In the text The science and the truth we will try to introduce the idea, not so simple, by the way, the truth as the cause. Citing the framework of the causes in Aristotle, Lacan will speak of a homology between the truth as formal cause, in the case of science, and the truth as material cause, on the side of psychoanalysis. Among its aims with this text, he wants to establish that the unconscious of the subject would be none other than the subject of science. The famous incompleteness theorems of logical-mathematical Kurt Gödel enter here as a chapter of this issue. Recognized as true watershed, these theorems have to be remembered as revealing even outside the mathematical environment, and Lacan himself is not indifferent to this. He makes mention of Gödel's name and draws some observations apparently modest support for his own theory. Since some technical sophisticated knowledges awaits the reader who intends understand this supposed corroboration that Gödel provides to psychoanalysis, introduce the student of Lacan in the use he makes of the incompleteness theorems is the objective of this work. In The science and the truth, which fits us to locate the name of Gödel, one must question how seize such an idea without incurring the extrapolation and abuse of mathematical knowledge, almost trivial in this case. Thus, this paper aims to introduce the reader to the reasoning behind the theorems of Gödel, acquaint him about the Lacan’s mathematical claims, and indicate how to proceed using this implicit math in the text The science and the truth.