984 resultados para martensitic variant distribution


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The stereology, variant distribution and coarsening behavior of semicoherent alpha(hcp) precipitates in a beta(bcc) matrix of a Ti5553 alloy has been analyzed, and a dominant 3-variant cluster has been observed in which the variants are related to each other by an axis-angle pair <<11(2)over bar> 0 >/60 degrees. Shape and spatial distribution independent elastic self and interaction energies for all pairwise and triplet combinations of a have been calculated and it is found that the 3-cluster combination that is experimentally observed most frequently has the lowest energy for the semicoherent state. The coarsening behavior of the delta distribution follows LSW kinetics after an initial transient, and has been modeled by phase field methods. (C) 2016 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Most human genes undergo alternative splicing and loss of splicing fidelity is associated with disease. Epigenetic silencing of hMLH 1 via promoter cytosine methylation is causally linked to a subset of sporadic non-polyposis colon cancer and is reversible by 5-aza-2' -deoxycytidine treatment. Here I investigated changes in hMLHI mRNA splicing profiles in normal fibroblasts and colon cancer-derived human cell lines. I established the types and frequencies of hMLHI mRNA transcripts generated under baseline conditions, after hydrogen peroxide induced oxidative stress, and in acutely 5-aza-2' -deoxycytidine-treated and stably derepressed cancer cell lines. I found that hMLHI is extensively spliced under all conditions including baseline (50% splice variants), the splice variant distribution changes in response to oxidative stress, and certain splice variants are sensitive to 5- aza-2' -deoxycytidine treatment: Splice variant diversity and frequency of exon 17 skipping correlates with the level of hMLHI promoter methylation suggesting a link between promoter methylation and mRNA splicing.


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The magnetocaloric effect that originates from the martensitic transition in the ferromagnetic Ni-Mn-Ga shape-memory alloy is studied. We show that this effect is controlled by the magnetostructural coupling at both the martensitic variant and magnetic domain length scales. A large entropy change induced by moderate magnetic fields is obtained for alloys in which the magnetic moment of the two structural phases is not very different. We also show that this entropy change is not associated with the entropy difference between the martensitic and the parent phase arising from the change in the crystallographic structure which has been found to be independent of the magnetic field within this range of fields.


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The transformation texture was studied in a Ti-6Al-4V alloy for two microstructures produced through different phase transformation mechanisms (i.e. diffusional vs. displacive). Both microstructures revealed qualitatively similar crystallographic texture characteristics, having two main texture components with Euler angles of (90°, 90°, 0°) and (90°, 30°, 0°). However, the overall α texture strength was considerably weaker in the martensitic structure (i.e. displacive mechanism) compared with the α + β microstructure produced through slow cooling (i.e. diffusional mechanism). The intervariant boundary distribution in martensite mostly revealed five misorientations associated with the Burgers orientation relationship. The five-parameter boundary analysis also showed a very strong interface plane orientation texture, with interfaces terminated mostly on the prismatic planes {hki0}, when misorientation was ignored. The highest intervariant boundary populations belonged to the 63.26°/[10 553 ] and 60°/[112 0] misorientations, with length fractions of 0.38 and 0.3, respectively. The former was terminated on (41 3 0), and the latter was a symmetric tilt boundary, terminated on (1 011). The intervariant plane distribution in martensite was determined more by the constraints of the phase transformation than by the relative interface energies.


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Maize streak virus (MSV) contributes significantly to the problem of extremely low African maize yields. Whilst a diverse range of MSV and MSV-like viruses are endemic in sub-Saharan Africa and neighbouring islands, only a single group of maize-adapted variants - MSV subtypes A1 -A6 - causes severe enough disease in maize to influence yields substantially. In order to assist in designing effective strategies to control MSV in maize, a large survey covering 155 locations was conducted to assess the diversity, distribution and genetic characteristics of the Ugandan MSV-A population. PCR-restriction fragment-length polymorphism analyses of 391 virus isolates identified 49 genetic variants. Sixty-two full-genome sequences were determined, 52 of which were detectably recombinant. All but two recombinants contained predominantly MSV-A1-like sequences. Of the ten distinct recombination events observed, seven involved inter-MSV-A subtype recombination and three involved intra-MSV-A1 recombination. One of the intra-MSV-A1 recombinants, designated MSV-A1 UgIII, accounted for >60% of all MSV infections sampled throughout Uganda. Although recombination may be an important factor in the emergence of novel geminivirus variants, it is demonstrated that its characteristics in MSV are quite different from those observed in related African cassava-infecting geminivirus species. © 2007 SGM.


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Since around 1723, on the occasion of its initial colonization by Europeans, Rondonia has received successive waves of immigrants. This has been further swelled by individuals from northeastern Brazil, who began entering at the beginning of the twentieth century. The ethnic composition varies across the state according to the various sites of settlement of each wave of immigrants. We analyzed the frequency of the CCR5 Delta 32 allele of the CCR5 chemokine receptor, which is considered a Caucasian marker, in five sample sets from the population. Four were collected in Porto Velho, the state capital and the site of several waves of migration. Of these, two, from the Hospital de Base were comprised of HB Mothers and HB Newborns presenting allele frequencies of 3.5% and 3.1%, respectively, a third from the peri-urban neighborhoods of Candelaria/Bate-Estaca (1.8%), whereas a fourth, from the Research Center on Tropical Medicine/CEPEM (0.6%), was composed of malaria patients under treament. The fifth sample (3.4%) came from the inland Quilombola village of Pedras Negras. Two homozygous individuals (CCR5 Delta 32/CCR5 Delta 32) were detected among the HB Mother samples. The frequency of this allele was heterogeneous and higher where the European inflow was more pronounced. The presence of the allele in Pedras Negras revealed European miscegenation in a community largely comprising Quilombolas.


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Las transformaciones martensíticas (MT) se definen como un cambio en la estructura del cristal para formar una fase coherente o estructuras de dominio multivariante, a partir de la fase inicial con la misma composición, debido a pequeños intercambios o movimientos atómicos cooperativos. En el siglo pasado se han descubierto MT en diferentes materiales partiendo desde los aceros hasta las aleaciones con memoria de forma, materiales cerámicos y materiales inteligentes. Todos muestran propiedades destacables como alta resistencia mecánica, memoria de forma, efectos de superelasticidad o funcionalidades ferroicas como la piezoelectricidad, electro y magneto-estricción etc. Varios modelos/teorías se han desarrollado en sinergia con el desarrollo de la física del estado sólido para entender por qué las MT generan microstructuras muy variadas y ricas que muestran propiedades muy interesantes. Entre las teorías mejor aceptadas se encuentra la Teoría Fenomenológica de la Cristalografía Martensítica (PTMC, por sus siglas en inglés) que predice el plano de hábito y las relaciones de orientación entre la austenita y la martensita. La reinterpretación de la teoría PTMC en un entorno de mecánica del continuo (CM-PTMC) explica la formación de los dominios de estructuras multivariantes, mientras que la teoría de Landau con dinámica de inercia desentraña los mecanismos físicos de los precursores y otros comportamientos dinámicos. La dinámica de red cristalina desvela la reducción de la dureza acústica de las ondas de tensión de red que da lugar a transformaciones débiles de primer orden en el desplazamiento. A pesar de las diferencias entre las teorías estáticas y dinámicas dado su origen en diversas ramas de la física (por ejemplo mecánica continua o dinámica de la red cristalina), estas teorías deben estar inherentemente conectadas entre sí y mostrar ciertos elementos en común en una perspectiva unificada de la física. No obstante las conexiones físicas y diferencias entre las teorías/modelos no se han tratado hasta la fecha, aun siendo de importancia crítica para la mejora de modelos de MT y para el desarrollo integrado de modelos de transformaciones acopladas de desplazamiento-difusión. Por lo tanto, esta tesis comenzó con dos objetivos claros. El primero fue encontrar las conexiones físicas y las diferencias entre los modelos de MT mediante un análisis teórico detallado y simulaciones numéricas. El segundo objetivo fue expandir el modelo de Landau para ser capaz de estudiar MT en policristales, en el caso de transformaciones acopladas de desplazamiento-difusión, y en presencia de dislocaciones. Comenzando con un resumen de los antecedente, en este trabajo se presentan las bases físicas de los modelos actuales de MT. Su capacidad para predecir MT se clarifica mediante el ansis teórico y las simulaciones de la evolución microstructural de MT de cúbicoatetragonal y cúbicoatrigonal en 3D. Este análisis revela que el modelo de Landau con representación irreducible de la deformación transformada es equivalente a la teoría CM-PTMC y al modelo de microelasticidad para predecir los rasgos estáticos durante la MT, pero proporciona una mejor interpretación de los comportamientos dinámicos. Sin embargo, las aplicaciones del modelo de Landau en materiales estructurales están limitadas por su complejidad. Por tanto, el primer resultado de esta tesis es el desarrollo del modelo de Landau nolineal con representación irreducible de deformaciones y de la dinámica de inercia para policristales. La simulación demuestra que el modelo propuesto es consistente fcamente con el CM-PTMC en la descripción estática, y también permite una predicción del diagrama de fases con la clásica forma ’en C’ de los modos de nucleación martensítica activados por la combinación de temperaturas de enfriamiento y las condiciones de tensión aplicada correlacionadas con la transformación de energía de Landau. Posteriomente, el modelo de Landau de MT es integrado con un modelo de transformación de difusión cuantitativa para elucidar la relajación atómica y la difusión de corto alcance de los elementos durante la MT en acero. El modelo de transformaciones de desplazamiento y difusión incluye los efectos de la relajación en borde de grano para la nucleación heterogenea y la evolución espacio-temporal de potenciales de difusión y movilidades químicas mediante el acoplamiento de herramientas de cálculo y bases de datos termo-cinéticos de tipo CALPHAD. El modelo se aplica para estudiar la evolución microstructural de aceros al carbono policristalinos procesados por enfriamiento y partición (Q&P) en 2D. La microstructura y la composición obtenida mediante la simulación se comparan con los datos experimentales disponibles. Los resultados muestran el importante papel jugado por las diferencias en movilidad de difusión entre la fase austenita y martensita en la distibución de carbono en las aceros. Finalmente, un modelo multi-campo es propuesto mediante la incorporación del modelo de dislocación en grano-grueso al modelo desarrollado de Landau para incluir las diferencias morfológicas entre aceros y aleaciones con memoria de forma con la misma ruptura de simetría. La nucleación de dislocaciones, la formación de la martensita ’butterfly’, y la redistribución del carbono después del revenido son bien representadas en las simulaciones 2D del estudio de la evolución de la microstructura en aceros representativos. Con dicha simulación demostramos que incluyendo las dislocaciones obtenemos para dichos aceros, una buena comparación frente a los datos experimentales de la morfología de los bordes de macla, la existencia de austenita retenida dentro de la martensita, etc. Por tanto, basado en un modelo integral y en el desarrollo de códigos durante esta tesis, se ha creado una herramienta de modelización multiescala y multi-campo. Dicha herramienta acopla la termodinámica y la mecánica del continuo en la macroescala con la cinética de difusión y los modelos de campo de fase/Landau en la mesoescala, y también incluye los principios de la cristalografía y de la dinámica de red cristalina en la microescala. ABSTRACT Martensitic transformation (MT), in a narrow sense, is defined as the change of the crystal structure to form a coherent phase, or multi-variant domain structures out from a parent phase with the same composition, by small shuffles or co-operative movements of atoms. Over the past century, MTs have been discovered in different materials from steels to shape memory alloys, ceramics, and smart materials. They lead to remarkable properties such as high strength, shape memory/superelasticity effects or ferroic functionalities including piezoelectricity, electro- and magneto-striction, etc. Various theories/models have been developed, in synergy with development of solid state physics, to understand why MT can generate these rich microstructures and give rise to intriguing properties. Among the well-established theories, the Phenomenological Theory of Martensitic Crystallography (PTMC) is able to predict the habit plane and the orientation relationship between austenite and martensite. The re-interpretation of the PTMC theory within a continuum mechanics framework (CM-PTMC) explains the formation of the multivariant domain structures, while the Landau theory with inertial dynamics unravels the physical origins of precursors and other dynamic behaviors. The crystal lattice dynamics unveils the acoustic softening of the lattice strain waves leading to the weak first-order displacive transformation, etc. Though differing in statics or dynamics due to their origins in different branches of physics (e.g. continuum mechanics or crystal lattice dynamics), these theories should be inherently connected with each other and show certain elements in common within a unified perspective of physics. However, the physical connections and distinctions among the theories/models have not been addressed yet, although they are critical to further improving the models of MTs and to develop integrated models for more complex displacivediffusive coupled transformations. Therefore, this thesis started with two objectives. The first one was to reveal the physical connections and distinctions among the models of MT by means of detailed theoretical analyses and numerical simulations. The second objective was to expand the Landau model to be able to study MTs in polycrystals, in the case of displacive-diffusive coupled transformations, and in the presence of the dislocations. Starting with a comprehensive review, the physical kernels of the current models of MTs are presented. Their ability to predict MTs is clarified by means of theoretical analyses and simulations of the microstructure evolution of cubic-to-tetragonal and cubic-to-trigonal MTs in 3D. This analysis reveals that the Landau model with irreducible representation of the transformed strain is equivalent to the CM-PTMC theory and microelasticity model to predict the static features during MTs but provides better interpretation of the dynamic behaviors. However, the applications of the Landau model in structural materials are limited due its the complexity. Thus, the first result of this thesis is the development of a nonlinear Landau model with irreducible representation of strains and the inertial dynamics for polycrystals. The simulation demonstrates that the updated model is physically consistent with the CM-PTMC in statics, and also permits a prediction of a classical ’C shaped’ phase diagram of martensitic nucleation modes activated by the combination of quenching temperature and applied stress conditions interplaying with Landau transformation energy. Next, the Landau model of MT is further integrated with a quantitative diffusional transformation model to elucidate atomic relaxation and short range diffusion of elements during the MT in steel. The model for displacive-diffusive transformations includes the effects of grain boundary relaxation for heterogeneous nucleation and the spatio-temporal evolution of diffusion potentials and chemical mobility by means of coupling with a CALPHAD-type thermo-kinetic calculation engine and database. The model is applied to study for the microstructure evolution of polycrystalline carbon steels processed by the Quenching and Partitioning (Q&P) process in 2D. The simulated mixed microstructure and composition distribution are compared with available experimental data. The results show that the important role played by the differences in diffusion mobility between austenite and martensite to the partitioning in carbon steels. Finally, a multi-field model is proposed by incorporating the coarse-grained dislocation model to the developed Landau model to account for the morphological difference between steels and shape memory alloys with same symmetry breaking. The dislocation nucleation, the formation of the ’butterfly’ martensite, and the redistribution of carbon after tempering are well represented in the 2D simulations for the microstructure evolution of the representative steels. With the simulation, we demonstrate that the dislocations account for the experimental observation of rough twin boundaries, retained austenite within martensite, etc. in steels. Thus, based on the integrated model and the in-house codes developed in thesis, a preliminary multi-field, multiscale modeling tool is built up. The new tool couples thermodynamics and continuum mechanics at the macroscale with diffusion kinetics and phase field/Landau model at the mesoscale, and also includes the essentials of crystallography and crystal lattice dynamics at microscale.


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The frequency distribution of aggregate size of the diffuse and florid-type prion protein (PrP) plaques was studied in various brain regions in cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). The size distributions were unimodal and positively skewed and resembled those of β-amyloid (Aβ) deposits in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Down's syndrome (DS). The frequency distributions of the PrP aggregates were log-normal in shape, but there were deviations from the expected number of plaques in specific size classes. More diffuse plaques were observed in the modal size class and fewer in the larger size classes than expected and more florid plaques were present in the larger size classes compared with the log-normal model. It was concluded that the growth of the PrP aggregates in vCJD does not strictly follow a log-normal model, diffuse plaques growing to within a more restricted size range and florid plaques to larger sizes than predicted. © Springer-Verlag 2005.


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Objective: To determine whether in cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), the florid-type plaques are derived from the diffuse plaques or whether the 2 plaque types develop independently. Material: Blocks of frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal neocortex and cerebellar cortex from 11 cases of vCJD. Method: The density, distribution and spatial pattern of the florid and diffuse plaques were determined in each brain region using spatial pattern analysis. Results: The density of the diffuse plaques was significantly greater than that of the florid plaques in most areas. The ratio of the diffuse to florid plaques varied between brain regions and was maximal in the molecular layer of the cerebellum. The densities of the florid and diffuse plaques were positively correlated in the parietal cortex, occipital cortex, the inferior temporal gyrus and the dentate gyrus. Plaque densities were not related to disease duration. In the cerebral cortex, the diffuse plaques were more commonly evenly distributed or occurred in large clusters along the cortex parallel to the pia mater compared with the florid plaques which occurred more frequently in regularly distributed clusters. Conclusion: The florid plaques may not be derived from the diffuse plaques, the 2 plaque types appearing to develop independently with unique factors involved in their pathogenesis.


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To determine the pattern of cortical degeneration in cases of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), the laminar distribution of the vacuolation ("spongiform change"), surviving neurones, glial cell nuclei, and prion protein (PrP) deposits was studied in the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes. The vacuolation exhibited two common patterns of distribution: either the vacuoles were present throughout the cortex or a bimodal distribution was present with peaks of density in the upper and lower cortical laminae. The distribution of the surviving neurones was highly variable in different regions; the commonest pattern being a uniform distribution with cortical depth. Glial cell nuclei were distributed largely in the lower cortical laminae. The non-florid PrP deposits exhibited either a bimodal distribution or exhibited a peak of density in the upper cortex while the florid deposits were either uniformly distributed down the cortex or were present in the upper cortical laminae. In a significant proportion of areas, the density of the vacuoles was positively correlated with either the surviving neurones or with the glial cell nuclei. These results suggest similarities and differences in the laminar distributions of the pathogenic changes in vCJD compared with cases of sporadic CJD (sCJD). The laminar distribution of vacuoles was more extensive in vCJD than in sCJD whereas the distribution of the glial cell nuclei was similar in the two disorders. In addition, PrP deposits in sCJD were localised mainly in the lower cortical laminae while in vCJD, PrP deposits were either present in all laminae or restricted to the upper cortical laminae. These patterns of laminar distribution suggest that the process of cortical degeneration may be distinctly different in vCJD compared with sCJD.


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The laminar distributions of the pathological changes in the cerebral cortex were compared in the prion diseases sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) and variant CJD (vCJD). First, in some cortical regions the vacuolation (‘spongiform change’) was more generally distributed across the cortex in sCJD. Second, there was greater neuronal loss in the upper cortex in vCJD and in the lower cortex in sCJD. Third, the ‘diffuse’ and ‘florid’ prion protein (PrPsc) deposits were more frequently distributed in the upper cortex in vCJD and the ‘synaptic’ deposits in the lower cortex in sCJD. Fourth, there was a significant gliosis mainly affecting the lower cortex of both disorders. The data suggest that the pattern of cortical degeneration is different in sCJD and vCJD which may reflect differences in aetiology and the subsequent spread of prion pathology in the brain.


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Background The ghrelin axis is involved in the regulation of metabolism, energy balance, and the immune, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. The manipulation of this axis has potential for improving economically valuable traits in production animals, and polymorphisms in the ghrelin (GHRL) and ghrelin receptor (GHSR) genes have been associated with growth and carcass traits. Here we investigate the structure and expression of the ghrelin gene (GHRL) in sheep, Ovis aries. Results We identify two ghrelin mRNA isoforms, which we have designated Δex2 preproghrelin and Δex2,3 preproghrelin. Expression of Δex2,3 preproghrelin is likely to be restricted to ruminants, and would encode truncated ghrelin and a novel C-terminal peptide. Both Δex2 preproghrelin and canonical preproghrelin mRNA isoforms were expressed in a range of tissues. Expression of the Δex2,3 preproghrelin isoform, however, was restricted to white blood cells (WBC; where the wild-type preproghrelin isoform is not co-expressed), and gastrointestinal tissues. Expression of Δex2 preproghrelin and Δex2,3 preproghrelin mRNA was elevated in white blood cells in response to parasitic worm (helminth) infection in genetically susceptible sheep, but not in resistant sheep. Conclusions The restricted expression of the novel preproghrelin variants and their distinct WBC expression pattern during parasite infection may indicate a novel link between the ghrelin axis and metabolic and immune function in ruminants.


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OBJECTIVE: To further investigate a common variant (rs9939609) in the fat mass- and obesity-associated gene (FTO), which recent genome-wide association studies have shown to be associated with body mass index (BMI) and obesity. DESIGN: We examined the effect of this FTO variant on BMI in 3353 Australian adult male and female twins. RESULTS: The minor A allele of rs9939609 was associated with an increased BMI (P=0.0007). Each additional copy of the A allele was associated with a mean BMI increase of approximately 1.04 kg/m(2) (approximately 3.71 kg). Using variance components decomposition, we estimate that this single-nucleotide polymorphism accounts for approximately 3% of the genetic variance in BMI in our sample (approximately 2% of the total variance). By comparing intrapair variances of monozygotic twins of different genotypes we were able to perform a direct test of gene by environment (G x E) interaction in both sexes and gene by parity (G x P) interaction in women, but no evidence was found for either. CONCLUSIONS: In addition to supporting earlier findings that the rs9939609 variant in the FTO gene is associated with an increased BMI, our results indicate that the associated genetic effect does not interact with environment or parity.


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We present results for a finite variant of the one-dimensional Toom model with closed boundaries. We show that the steady state distribution is not of product form, but is nonetheless simple. In particular, we give explicit formulas for the densities and some nearest neighbour correlation functions. We also give exact results for eigenvalues and multiplicities of the transition matrix using the theory of R-trivial monoids in joint work with A. Schilling, B. Steinberg and N. M. Thiery.