999 resultados para maloclusão deAngle classe II


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Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar cefalometricamente as alterações dentoesqueléticas decorrentes do tratamento da maloclusão de Classe II, divisão 1, com o aparelho Forsus®, por meio de Tomografia Computadorizada de Feixe Cônico (TCFC). O grupo avaliado foi composto por 10 pacientes, sendo 7 do sexo masculino e 3 do sexo feminino, com idade média de 16,1 anos, maloclusão com severidade mínima de 1/2 Classe II, trespasse horizontal mínimo de 5 mm, padrão facial meso ou braquifacial. Estes jovens se encontravam no estágio IV ou V de maturação óssea, verificada pelas vértebras cervicais. O tempo de uso do aparelho Forsus foi de 7,16 meses (média), período de avaliação compreendido entre a aquisição da primeira teleradiografia gerada através da TCFC (T1 - pré-Forsus) e da segunda teleradiografia (T2 - pós-Forsus). Para análise estatística foi utilizado o teste-t pareado. Os resultados mostraram um pequeno crescimento mandibular que, juntamente com uma diminuição do SNA levaram a uma melhora da relação maxilomandibular. Houve uma rotação no sentido anti-horário da mandíbula e do plano oclusal no sentido horário. Os incisivos superiores foram retruídos, verticalizados e extruídos e os molares superiores distalizaram por inclinação. Houve vestibularização, protrusão e intrusão dos incisivos inferiores, além de mesialização e extrusão dos molares inferiores. Desta maneira, conclui-se que o aparelho Forsus foi efetivo na correção da maloclusão de Classe II, propiciando maiores alterações dentoalveolares do que esqueléticas.(AU)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study compared the effect of the treatment protocol for correcting Class Il malocclusion using the Herbst appliance followed by full fixed Straigh-wire mechanics, in two populations, one Brazilian and one of North American origin As a untreated control sample the data from the University of Michigan Elementary and Secondary School Growth Study (UMGS) was used. Our sample was composed of 12 males and 12 females, with initial mean age of 12 years 7 months and final mean ages of 15 years and 3 months. The Michigan patients comprised 21 females and 7 males, with an initial mean age of 11 years and 9 months and final mean age of 14 years and 4 months. The control sample was paired in number, sex and age to the treated Michigan sample. ln both treated groups, lateral cephalometric radiographs were obtained before the Herbst appliance was cemented and at the end of the fixed appliance phase, The first comparison involved the Brazil group and the untreated controls, which demonstrated that the association of the Herbst appliance followed by fixed Straight-wire appliances provoked positive effects on the dentofacial complex, improving pre-existing maxillo-mandibular relationships, besides increasing dentoalveolar compensations which contributed to correct the malocclusion. The second comparison, involved the Brazl1ian and North-American patients treated with the same protocol. Although the pre-treatment comparison showed that the two groups were not similar in all aspects, they presented almost identical therapeutic modifications, which indicate that the effect of' treatment was very similar. These results point out that, in Class ll treatment, the combination of Herbst/Straight-wire mechanics produce consistent and systematic effects, correcting or minimizing possible skeletal imbalances


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Objectives: natural dentofacial changes and that induced by the Thurow modified extra oral appliance (TMEOA) were evaluated in this prospective study. Methodology: the data consisted of fifteen Class II division 1 children 7 to 10 years old, with anterior open bite and hiperdivergent facial pattern treated with the Thurow appliance and of fifteen Class II division 1 children followed longitudinally from 6 to 12 years of age without treatment (Burlington Growth Centre, Toronto University, Canada). The analyses were based in traditional measurements obtained in lateral cephalometric radiographs scanned with the aid of the software Radiocef Studio®. Radiographs were taken in the beginning and after 1 year of treatment for the treated group and at the 6, 9 and 12 years of age for the control group. Results: the data analysis showed that the TMEOA significantly reduced the SNA, ANB, AOBO, SNPOc SNPM, SGO/NMe, OJ e OB. On the other hand the appliance did not interfere with the SNB e SNPP. The natural growth promoted significant change in the ANB, AOBO, SNPOc, OJ e OB from 6 to 9 years and in the SNB, SNPOc e SGo/NMe from 9 to 12 years. The restriction of the maxillary growth (SNA), reduction of the skeletal discrepancy (ANB) and the reduction of the overjet (OJ) were significant with the treatment considering the natural growth as verified in the control group. Conclusion: the TMEOA corrected the skeletal Class II malocclusion by maxillary restriction, reducing the overjet, closing the anterior open bite and decreasing both the hyper divergent facial pattern and mandible plane inclination.


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The Jasper Jumper appliance was developed as a fixed orthopedic device that is connected to the upper and lower leveling arches to promote the Class II correction by restricting the maxillary growth (headgear effect), mandibular growth inducement (activator effect) and dentoalveolar changes.