998 resultados para maintain mechanism
植物生态学特性诸如植物的分布特征、与生境的关系、生物学特性、繁殖成功特点及其影响因素等方面的详细资料是研究珍稀植物种群结构和动态以及开展保育生物学研究的基础。 黄龙沟草本植物群落具有较为丰富的植物种类。在所调查样方中(N=662)共有维管植物124种,分属于37科91属,有54个中国特有种。其中兰科植物多达21属33种,中国特有种有12个,新种一个。如此众多的地生兰科植物聚集在面积不到1平方千米的沟内,而且部分兰科植物种类在沟内形成优势草本群落,这在中国地生兰的分布区域中是不多见的。大多数物种,包括兰科植物在内,出现的频率都较小,并且分布不均匀。种间关联分析和相关分析表明黄龙沟优势兰科植物可以分为两组。一组包括无苞杓兰、黄花杓兰、二叶根茎兰、广布小碟兰、少花鹤顶兰和西藏杓兰,主要分布在光线充足但又具有一定遮阴条件的环境中;另一组包括筒距兰、沼兰、珊瑚兰、小斑叶兰、布袋兰、小花舌唇兰和小叶对叶兰,它们主要分布于荫蔽的环境中。这些兰科植物在组内大多呈现显著的正相关关系,组间大多呈现显著的负相关关系,说明黄龙沟兰科植物在资源利用方式上可能产生了分化。 黄龙沟兰科植物主要分布在两种生境中,即钙化滩流地和一小片森林中。在这两种生境中微环境条件以及兰科植物的种类组成、数量特征和分布格局的差异都很大。钙化滩流地的兰科植物种类数目和每个样方中包含的兰科植物种类数目都比森林生境中的高。钙化滩流地中发现有30种兰科植物,六种最为常见的是无苞杓兰、黄花杓兰、西藏杓兰、广布小碟兰、二叶根茎兰和少花鹤顶兰,它们的密度与树木盖度呈负相关关系。森林生境中有21种兰科植物分布,其中筒距兰和斑叶兰出现最多,其密度与树木盖度呈正相关关系。光照强度可能对兰科植物的分布起到重要的决定作用。兰科植物彼此之间对繁殖成功以及植株间建立的相互促进作用以及土壤中高的钙含量很可能是形成黄龙沟兰科植物多样性的重要原因,而钙化滩流地中的溪流对建立和维持兰科植物生存所必须的稳定环境条件起到至关重要的作用,如果随意改变水流的方向或减少水流的流量,将给某些兰科植物带来灾难性的后果。 黄龙沟钙化滩流地中斑块的大小对物种数(含兰科植物)具有强烈的影响,即斑块越大,所包含的物种数量越多。物种-面积关系符合幂函数方程S=cAZ的规律。中等尺度的斑块(1-10 m2)包含的物种数(含兰科植物)的增长速度最快,而在斑块面积大于10 m2时,物种数增长速度最小。 少花鹤顶兰是多年生、多次结实的具有克隆能力的地生兰科植物,是中国特有种。黄龙沟少花鹤顶兰每个花序的平均花朵数为3(1-7)朵。叶和花的形态指标在年季间无显著变异。2005-2007年3年间的开花物候没有明显的差异,花期始于6月中旬,于7月底至8月初结束,持续约6-7周,80-90%的花在7月初的开花高峰期开放,属花集中开放模式。花寿命与是否授粉密切相关,成功授粉的花寿命比没有授粉的花寿命短。少花鹤顶兰是自交亲和的,但其结实完全依赖于两种熊蜂的传粉,不存在自动自花授粉和无融合生殖现象。柱头可授性和花粉活力可维持15天左右。繁殖成功率年季间的变化很大,并表现出逐年下降的趋势,花粉移走率为18-51%,自然结实率为10-36%。繁殖成功与开花物候之间的关系不显著,但与某一特定时刻的开花数量(密度)有关。生境对少花鹤顶兰的形态和繁殖成功率有显著的影响。在荫蔽生境中的个体比开阔地中的个体大,但繁殖成功率却低于开阔地的。花序密度(丛的大小)对少花鹤顶兰繁殖成功的影响比较复杂,不同大小的丛,对花粉移走率的影响格局和方式不同,而对结实率几乎没有影响。花序大小对繁殖成功率没有显著的影响。花位置对繁殖成功的影响在不同大小的丛中具有不同的格局,在最小的丛中,花位置对雄性和雌性繁殖成功的影响都很显著,但在最大丛中都不显著。边缘效应对少花鹤顶兰和广布小碟兰的繁殖成功有显著的影响,花粉移走率和结实率均随离栈道的距离增加而增加。在离栈道10米以内的植株受到的影响最为严重。这种影响可能是由边缘效应和在栈道上的游客共同作用下,对传粉者产生了干扰,导致传粉者的行为改变所引起的。如果这种边缘效应是一个普遍现象的话,那么在进行自然保护区设计时,应该对这种效应加以重视。
Retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells are central to retinal health and homoeostasis. Dysfunction or death of RPE cells underlies many age-related retinal degenerative disorders particularly age-related macular degeneration. During aging RPE cells decline in number, suggesting an age-dependent cell loss. RPE cells are considered to be postmitotic, and how they repair damage during aging remains poorly defined. We show that RPE cells increase in size and become multinucleate during aging in C57BL/6J mice. Multinucleation appeared not to be due to cell fusion, but to incomplete cell division, that is failure of cytokinesis. Interestingly, the phagocytic activity of multinucleate RPE cells was not different from that of mononuclear RPE cells. Furthermore, exposure of RPE cells in vitro to photoreceptor outer segment (POS), particularly oxidized POS, dose-dependently promoted multinucleation and suppressed cell proliferation. Both failure of cytokinesis and suppression of proliferation required contact with POS. Exposure to POS also induced reactive oxygen species and DNA oxidation in RPE cells. We propose that RPE cells have the potential to proliferate in vivo and to repair defects in the monolayer. We further propose that the conventionally accepted 'postmitotic' status of RPE cells is due to a modified form of contact inhibition mediated by POS and that RPE cells are released from this state when contact with POS is lost. This is seen in long-standing rhegmatogenous retinal detachment as overtly proliferating RPE cells (proliferative vitreoretinopathy) and more subtly as multinucleation during normal aging. Age-related oxidative stress may promote failure of cytokinesis and multinucleation in RPE cells.
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology
Increased glycolysis and oxidative stress are common features of cancer cells. These metabolic alterations are associated with mitochondrial dysfunction and can be caused by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations, oncogenic signals, loss of tumor suppressor, and tumor tissue hypoxia. It is well established that mitochondria play central roles in energy metabolism, maintenance of redox balance, and regulation of apoptosis. However, the biochemical and molecular mechanisms that maintain high glycolysis in cancer cells (the Warburg effect) with mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress remain to be determined. The major goals of this study were to establish a unique experimental system in which the mitochondrial respiratory function can be regulated as desired, and to use this system to investigate the mechanistic link between mitochondrial dysfunction and the Warburg effect along with oxidative stress in cancer cells. To achieve these goals, I have established a tetracycline-inducible system in which a dominant negative form of mitochondrial DNA polymerase y (POLGdn) expression could be regulated by tetracycline; thus controlling mitochondrial respiratory function. Using this cell system, I demonstrated that POLGdn expression resulted in mitochondrial dysfunction through decreasing mtDNA content, depletion of mtDNA encoded mRNA and protein expression. This process was mediated by TFAM proteasome degradation. Mitochondrial dysfunction mediated by POLGdn expression led to a significant increase in cellular glycolysis and oxidative stress. Surprisingly, mitochondrial dysfunction also resulted in increased NAD(P)H oxidase (NOX) enzyme activity, which was shown to be essential for maintaining high glycolysis. Chemical Inhibition of NOX activity by diphenyliodonium (DPI) preferentially impacted the survival of mitochondrial defective cells. The colon cancer HCT116-/- cells that have lost transcriptional regulation of the mitochondrial assembling enzyme SCO2, leading to compromised mitochondrial respiratory function, were found to have increased NOX activity and were highly sensitive to DPI treatment. Ovarian epithelial cells with Ras transformation also exhibited an increase in NOX gene expression and NOX enzyme activity, rendering the cells sensitive to DPI inhibition especially under hypoxic condition. These data together suggest that NOX plays a novel role in maintaining high glycolysis in cancer cells with mitochondrial defects, and that NOX may be a potential target for cancer therapy. ^
The phase-transformation in sol-gel preparation of barium hexaferrite and the formation of barium hexaferrite doped with La3+ Were studied by chemical phase analysis, X-ray diffraction and infrared spectrometry analysis. The experimental results show that phase transformation reactions of FeCO3, Fe2O3 and BaFe2O4, barium hexaferrite and gamma-Fe2O3 take place in the heat treatment of gel. While the doping lanthanide ion replace barium ion, an equivalent quantity of Fe3+ are reduced to Fe2+ to maintain the charge equilibrium.
With web caching and cache-related services like CDNs and edge services playing an increasingly significant role in the modern internet, the problem of the weak consistency and coherence provisions in current web protocols is becoming increasingly significant and drawing the attention of the standards community [LCD01]. Toward this end, we present definitions of consistency and coherence for web-like environments, that is, distributed client-server information systems where the semantics of interactions with resource are more general than the read/write operations found in memory hierarchies and distributed file systems. We then present a brief review of proposed mechanisms which strengthen the consistency of caches in the web, focusing upon their conceptual contributions and their weaknesses in real-world practice. These insights motivate a new mechanism, which we call "Basis Token Consistency" or BTC; when implemented at the server, this mechanism allows any client (independent of the presence and conformity of any intermediaries) to maintain a self-consistent view of the server's state. This is accomplished by annotating responses with additional per-resource application information which allows client caches to recognize the obsolescence of currently cached entities and identify responses from other caches which are already stale in light of what has already been seen. The mechanism requires no deviation from the existing client-server communication model, and does not require servers to maintain any additional per-client state. We discuss how our mechanism could be integrated into a fragment-assembling Content Management System (CMS), and present a simulation-driven performance comparison between the BTC algorithm and the use of the Time-To-Live (TTL) heuristic.
The t[(11;19)(p22;q23)] translocation, which gives rise to the MLL-ENL fusion protein, is commonly found in infant acute leukemias of both the myeloid and lymphoid lineage. To investigate the molecular mechanism of immortalization by MLL-ENL we established a Tet-regulatable system of MLL-ENL expression in primary hematopoietic progenitor cells. Immortalized myeloid cell lines were generated, which are dependent on continued MLL-ENL expression for their survival and proliferation. These cells either terminally differentiate or die when MLL-ENL expression is turned off with doxycycline. The expression profile of all 39 murine Hox genes was analyzed in these cells by real-time quantitative PCR. This analysis showed that loss of MLL-ENL was accompanied by a reduction in the expression of multiple Hoxa genes. By comparing these changes with Hox gene expression in cells induced to differentiate with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, we show for the first time that reduced Hox gene expression is specific to loss of MLL-ENL and is not a consequence of differentiation. Our data also suggest that the Hox cofactor Meis-2 can substitute for Meis-1 function. Thus, MLL-ENL is required to initiate and maintain immortalization of myeloid progenitors and may contribute to leukemogenesis by aberrantly sustaining the expression of a "Hox code" consisting of Hoxa4 to Hoxa11.
This paper presents a new packet scheduling scheme called agent-based WFQ to control and maintain QoS parameters in virtual private networks (VPNs) within the confines of adaptive networks. Future networks are expected to be open heterogeneous environments consisting of more than one network operator. In this adaptive environment, agents act on behalf of users or third-party operators to obtain the best service for their clients and maintain those services through the modification of the scheduling scheme in routers and switches spanning the VPN. In agent-based WFQ, an agent on the router monitors the accumulated queuing delay for each service. In order to control and to keep the end-to-end delay within the bounds, the weights for services are adjusted dynamically by agents on the routers spanning the VPN. If there is an increase or decrease in queuing delay of a service, an agent on a downstream router informs the upstream routers to adjust the weights of their queues. This keeps the end-to-end delay of services within the specified bounds and offers better QoS compared to VPNs using static WFQ. This paper also describes the algorithm for agent-based WFQ, and presents simulation results. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
It is well established that postural threat modifies postural control, although little is known regarding the underlying mechanism(s) responsible. It is possible that changes in postural control under conditions of elevated postural threat result from alterations in cognitive strategies. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of elevated postural threat on cognitive strategies and to determine the relationship between postural control, psychological, and cognitive measures. It was hypothesized that elevated postural threat would cause a shift to more conscious control of posture. It was also expected that a relationship between fear of falling and postural control would exist that could be explained by changes in conscious control of posture. Forty-eight healthy young adults stood on a force plate at two different surface heights: ground level (LOW) and 3.2m above ground level (HIGH). Center of pressure (COP) summary measures calculated to quantify postural control were the mean position (AP-COP MP), root mean square (AP-COP RMS) and mean power frequency (AP-COP MPF) in the anteriorposterior direction. Trunk sway measures calculated in the pitch direction were trunk angle and trunk velocity. Psychological measures including perceived balance confidence, perceived fear of falling, perceived anxiety, and perceived stability were self reported. As a physiological indicator of anxiety, electrodermal activity was collected. The cognitive strategies assessed were movement reinvestment and attention focus. A modified state-sp-ecific version of the Movement Specific Reinvestment Scale was used to measure conscious motor processing (CMP) and movement self-consciousness (MSC). An attention focus questionnaire was developed to assess the amount of attention directed to internal and external sources. An effect of postural threat on cognitive strategies was observed as participants reported more conscious control and a greater concern or worry about their posture at the HIGH postural threat condition as well as an increased internal and external focus of attention. In addition changes in postural control, psychological, and physiological measures were found. The participants leaned away from the edge of the platform, the frequency of their postural adjustments increased, and the velocity of their trunk movements increased. Participants felt less confident, more fearful, more anxious, and less stable with an accompanying increase in physiological anxiety. Significant correlations between perceived anxiety, AP-COP MP, and cognitive measures revealed a possible relationship that could be mediated by cognitive measures. It was found that with greater conscious motor processing, more movement self-consciousness, and a greater amount of attention focused externally there was a larger shift of the mean position away from the edge of the platform. This thesis provides evidence that postural threat can influence cognitive strategies causing a shift to more conscious control of movement which is associated with leaning away from the edge of the platform. Shifting the position of the body away from the direction of the postural threat may reflect a cognitive strategy to ensure safety in this situation due to the inability to employ a stepping strategy when standing on an elevated platform.
The feedback mechanism used in a brain-computer interface (BCI) forms an integral part of the closed-loop learning process required for successful operation of a BCI. However, ultimate success of the BCI may be dependent upon the modality of the feedback used. This study explores the use of music tempo as a feedback mechanism in BCI and compares it to the more commonly used visual feedback mechanism. Three different feedback modalities are compared for a kinaesthetic motor imagery BCI: visual, auditory via music tempo, and a combined visual and auditory feedback modality. Visual feedback is provided via the position, on the y-axis, of a moving ball. In the music feedback condition, the tempo of a piece of continuously generated music is dynamically adjusted via a novel music-generation method. All the feedback mechanisms allowed users to learn to control the BCI. However, users were not able to maintain as stable control with the music tempo feedback condition as they could in the visual feedback and combined conditions. Additionally, the combined condition exhibited significantly less inter-user variability, suggesting that multi-modal feedback may lead to more robust results. Finally, common spatial patterns are used to identify participant-specific spatial filters for each of the feedback modalities. The mean optimal spatial filter obtained for the music feedback condition is observed to be more diffuse and weaker than the mean spatial filters obtained for the visual and combined feedback conditions.
Anoplin, an antimicrobial, helical decapeptide from wasp venom, looses its biological activities by mere deamidation of its C-terminus. Secondary structure determination, by circular dichroism spectroscopy in amphipathic environments, and lytic activity in zwitterionic and anionic vesicles showed quite similar results for the amidated and the carboxylated forms of the peptide. The deamidation of the C-terminus introduced a negative charge at an all-positive charged peptide, causing a loss of amphipathicity, as indicated by molecular dynamics simulations in TFE/water mixtures and this subtle modification in a peptide`s primary structure disturbed the interaction with bilayers and biological membranes. Although being poorly lytic, the amidated form, but not the carboxylated, presented ion channel-like activity on anionic bilayers with a well-defined conductance step; at approximately the same concentration it showed antimicrobial activity. The pores remain open at trans-negative potentials, preferentially conducting cations, and this situation is equivalent to the interaction of the peptide with bacterial membranes that also maintain a high negative potential inside. Copyright (C) 2007 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Anoplin, an antimicrobial, helical decapeptide from wasp venom, looses its biological activities by mere deamidation of its C-terminus. Secondary structure determination, by circular dichroism spectroscopy in amphipathic environments, and lytic activity in zwitterionic and anionic vesicles showed quite similar results for the amidated and the carboxylated forms of the peptide. The deamidation of the C-terminus introduced a negative charge at an all-positive charged peptide, causing a loss of amphipathicity, as indicated by molecular dynamics simulations in TFE/water mixtures and this subtle modification in a peptide's primary structure disturbed the interaction with bilayers and biological membranes. Although being poorly lytic, the amidated form, but not the carboxylated, presented ion channel-like activity on anionic bilayers with a well-defined conductance step; at approximately the same concentration it showed antimicrobial activity. The pores remain open at trans-negative potentials, preferentially conducting cations, and this situation is equivalent to the interaction of the peptide with bacterial membranes that also maintain a high negative potential inside. Copyright (C) 2007 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Paracrine communication between different parts of the renal tubule is increasingly recognized as an important determinant of renal function. Previous studies have shown that changes in dietary acid-base load can reverse the direction of apical α-ketoglutarate (αKG) transport in the proximal tubule and Henle's loop from reabsorption (acid load) to secretion (base load). Here we show that the resulting changes in the luminal concentrations of αKG are sensed by the αKG receptor OXGR1 expressed in the type B and non-A-non-B intercalated cells of the connecting tubule (CNT) and the cortical collecting duct (CCD). The addition of 1 mM αKG to the tubular lumen strongly stimulated Cl--dependent HCO3- secretion and electroneutral transepithelial NaCl reabsorption in microperfused CCDs of wild-type mice but not Oxgr1-/- mice. Analysis of alkali-loaded mice revealed a significantly reduced ability of Oxgr1-/- mice to maintain acid-base balance. Collectively, these results demonstrate that OXGR1 is involved in the adaptive regulation of HCO3- secretion and NaCl reabsorption in the CNT/CCD under acid-base stress and establish αKG as a paracrine mediator involved in the functional coordination of the proximal and the distal parts of the renal tubule.
The paramyxovirus entry machinery consists of two glycoproteins that tightly cooperate to achieve membrane fusion for cell entry: the tetrameric attachment protein (HN, H, or G, depending on the paramyxovirus genus) and the trimeric fusion protein (F). Here, we explore whether receptor-induced conformational changes within morbillivirus H proteins promote membrane fusion by a mechanism requiring the active destabilization of prefusion F or by the dissociation of prefusion F from intracellularly preformed glycoprotein complexes. To properly probe F conformations, we identified anti-F monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) that recognize conformation-dependent epitopes. Through heat treatment as a surrogate for H-mediated F triggering, we demonstrate with these MAbs that the morbillivirus F trimer contains a sufficiently high inherent activation energy barrier to maintain the metastable prefusion state even in the absence of H. This notion was further validated by exploring the conformational states of destabilized F mutants and stabilized soluble F variants combined with the use of a membrane fusion inhibitor (3g). Taken together, our findings reveal that the morbillivirus H protein must lower the activation energy barrier of metastable prefusion F for fusion triggering.