998 resultados para magnetic transitions
Luminescence properties of Eu(3+) doped germanate glasses containing either silver or gold nanoparticles (NPs) were investigated for excitation at 405 nm. Enhanced emissions and luminescence quenching of the Eu(3+) transitions in the range from 570 to 720 nm were observed for samples having various concentrations of metallic NPs. Electric-dipole and magnetic-dipole transitions that originate from the Eu(3+) level (5)D(0) exhibit large enhancement due to the presence of the metallic NPs. The results suggest that the magnetic response of rare-earth doped metal-dielectric composites at optical frequencies can be as strong as their electric response due to the confinement of the optical magnetic field. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3431347]
Single crystals of four erbium-chromium sulfides have been grown by chemical vapor transport using iodine as the transporting agent. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction reveals that in Er(3)CrS(6) octahedral sites are occupied exclusively by Cr(3+) cations, leading to one-dimensional CrS(4)(5-) chains of edge-sharing octahedra, while in Er(2)CrS(4), Er(3+), and Cr(2+) cations occupy the available octahedral sites in an ordered manner. By contrast, in Er(6)Cr(2)S(11) and Er(4)CrS(7), Er(3+) and Cr(2+) ions are disordered over the octahedral sites. In Er(2)CrS(4), Er(6)Cr(2)S(11), and Er(4)CrS(7), the network of octahedra generates an anionic framework constructed from M(2)S(5) slabs of varying thickness, linked by one-dimensional octahedral chains. This suggests that these three phases belong to a series in which the anionic framework may be described by the general formula [M(2n+1)S(4n+3)](x-), with charge balancing provided by Er(3+) cations located in sites of high-coordination number within one-dimensional channels defined by the framework. Er(4)CrS(7), Er(6)Cr(2)S(11), and Er(2)CrS(4) may thus be considered as the n = 1, 2, and infinity members of this series. While Er(4)CrS(7) is paramagnetic, successive magnetic transitions associated with ordering of the chromium and erbium sub-lattices are observed on cooling Er(3)CrS(6) (T(C)(Cr) = 30 K; T(C)(Er) = 11 K) and Er(2)CrS(4) (T(N)(Cr) = 42 K, T(N)(Er) = 10 K) whereas Er(6)Cr(2)S(11) exhibits ordering of the chromium sub-lattice only (T(N) = 11.4 K).
Magnetic properties of two spinel oxides solid solutions, Cul+xMn2-xO4 and Ni1+xMn2-xO4 are reported. These series are characterized by two magnetic transitions: the upper one, of ferrimagnetic type, occurs at about 85 K (for copper-based) and at 105-110 K (for nickel-based spinels), independently of the x-content: the lower transition may be related to a Neel-type collinear ordering and takes place at 30 and 45 K, respectively. Application of moderate fields (H > 250 Oe) make both transitions to merge into one broad maximum in the magnetization, which takes place at lower temperature when applying larger fields. Magnetization cycles with temperature (ZFC/FC) or field (loops) allowed us to well characterize the ordered state. The effective moment follows the expected behavior when manganese ions are being substituted by ions of lower magnetic moment (Ni(2+)andCU(2+)). (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this thesis, the magnetic properties of four transition-metal oxides are presented. Their multiferroic and magnetoelectric phases have been investigated by means of different neutron scattering techniques. The materials TbMnO3 and MnWO4 belong to the group of spin-induced multiferroics. Their ferroelectric polarization can be explained by the inverse DzyaloshinskiiMoriya interaction. Another common feature of both materials is the presence of subsequent magnetic transitions from a spin-density wave to a spin spiral. The features of the phase transitions have been studied in both materials and it could be shown that diffuse magnetic scattering from the spin spiral is present even in the ordered spin-density wave phase. The excitation spectrum in the multiferroic phase of TbMnO3 was investigated in detail and a comprehensive dataset was obtained using time-of-flight spectroscopy. A spin-wave model could be obtained which can quantitatively describe the full dispersion. Furthermore, the polarization of the zone-center excitations could be derived which fit well to data from inelastic neutron spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. With the combination of spherical neutron polarimetry and a poling of the sample by an electric field, it was possible to observe the chiral magnetic component of the magnetic excitations in TbMnO3 and MnWO4. The spin-wave model for TbMnO3 obtained in this thesis is able to correctly describe the dispersion of this component. The double tungstate NaFe(WO4)2 is isostructural to the multiferroic MnWO4 and develops a complex magnetic phase diagram. By the use of neutron diffraction techniques, the zero-field structure and high-field structures in magnetic field applied along the b-axis could be determined. The data reveal a direct transition into an incommensurate spin-spiral structure. The value of the incommensurability is driven by anharmonic modulations and shows strong hysteresis effects. The static and dynamic properties in the magnetoelectric spin-glass phase of Ni0.42Mn0.58TiO3 were studied in detail. The spin-glass phase is composed of short-ranged MnTiO3 and NiTiO3-type order. The antiferromagnetic domains could be controlled by crossed magnetic and electric fields, which was visualized using spherical neutron polarimetry. A comprehensive dataset of the magnetic excitations in the spin-glass phase was collected. The dataset revealed correlations in the hexagonal plane which are only weakly coupled along the c-axis. The excitation spectra could be simulated by taking into account the MnTiO3-type order.
High-resolution synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements were performed on single crystalline and powder samples of BiMn(2)O(5). A linear temperature dependence of the unit cell volume was found between T(N)=38 and 100 K, suggesting that a low-energy lattice excitation may be responsible for the lattice expansion in this temperature range. Between T(*)similar to 65 K and T(N), all lattice parameters showed incipient magnetoelastic effects, due to short-range spin correlations. An anisotropic strain along the a direction was also observed below T(*). Below T(N), a relatively large contraction of the a parameter following the square of the average sublattice magnetization of Mn was found, indicating that a second-order spin Hamiltonian accounts for the magnetic interactions along this direction. On the other hand, the more complex behaviors found for b and c suggest additional magnetic transitions below T(N) and perhaps higher-order terms in the spin Hamiltonian. Polycrystalline samples grown by distinct routes and with nearly homogeneous crystal structure above T(N) presented structural phase coexistence below T(N), indicating a close competition amongst distinct magnetostructural states in this compound.
We present an extensive study of the structural, magnetic, and thermodynamic properties of the oxyborate Co(3)O(2)BO(3). This is carried out through x-ray diffraction, static and dynamic magnetic susceptibilities, and specific heat experiments in single crystals in a large temperature range. The structure of Co(3)O(2)BO(3) is composed of subunits in the form of three-leg ladders where Co ions with mixed valency are located. The magnetic properties of this Co ludwigite are determined by a competition between superexchange and double-exchange interactions in the low-dimensional subunits. We discuss the observed physical properties in comparison with the only other known homometallic ludwigite, Fe(3)O(2)BO(3). The latter presents a structural distortion in the ladders and two magnetic transitions. Both features are not found in the present study of the Co ludwigite. The reason for these differences in the structural and magnetic behavior of two apparently similar compounds is discussed.
Non crystalline (nc) EuIG and DyIG have been prepared by dc¿sputtering. Mössbauer data on 57Fe, 151Eu and 161Dy reveal sharp magnetic transitions at 62 K and 70 K for nc EuIG and DyIG, respectively. The 57Fe hyperfine (hf) spectra consist of three superpositioned patterns for Fe3+ in tetrahedral and octahedral and for Fe2+ in tetrahedral oxygen coordination. The saturation hf fields at 4.2 K are reduced compared to the values of the corresponding crystalline materials. The induced hf field at 151Eu is only 1/8 of that for crystalline EuIG
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
Low temperature structural transitions in dipolar hard spheres: the influence on magnetic properties
We investigate the structural chain-to-ring transition at low temperature in a gas of dipolar hard spheres (DRS). Due to the weakening of entropic contribution, ring formation becomes noticeable when the effective dipole-dipole magnetic interaction increases, It results in the redistribution of particles from usually observed flexible chains into flexible rings. The concentration (rho) of DI-IS plays a crucial part in this transition: at a very low rho only chains and rings are observed, whereas even a slight increase of the volume fraction leads to the formation of branched or defect structures. As a result, the fraction of DHS aggregated in defect-free rings turns out to be a non-monotonic function of rho. The average ring size is found to be a slower increasing function of rho when compared Lo that of chains. Both theory and computer simulations confirm the dramatic influence of the ring formation on the rho-dependence of the initial magnetic susceptibility (chi) when the temperature decreases. The rings clue to their zero total dipole moment are irresponsive to a weak magnetic field and drive to the strong decrease of the initial magnetic susceptibility. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
With the help of a unique combination of density functional theory and computer simulations, we discover two possible scenarios, depending on concentration, for the hierarchical self-assembly of magnetic nanoparticles on cooling. We show that typically considered low temperature clusters, i.e. defect-free chains and rings, merge into more complex branched structures through only three types of defects: four-way X junctions, three-way Y junctions and two-way Z junctions. Our accurate calculations reveal the predominance of weakly magnetically responsive rings cross-linked by X defects at the lowest temperatures. We thus provide a strategy to fine-tune magnetic and thermodynamic responses of magnetic nanocolloids to be used in medical and microfluidics applications.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2009
We have developed a differential scanning calorimeter capable of working under applied magnetic fields of up to 5 T. The calorimeter is highly sensitive and operates over the temperature range 10¿300 K. It is shown that, after a proper calibration, the system enables determination of the latent heat and entropy changes in first-order solid¿solid phase transitions. The system is particularly useful for investigating materials that exhibit the giant magnetocaloric effect arising from a magnetostructural phase transition. Data for Gd5(Si0.1Ge0.9)4 are presented.
We have developed a differential scanning calorimeter capable of working under applied magnetic fields of up to 5 T. The calorimeter is highly sensitive and operates over the temperature range 10¿300 K. It is shown that, after a proper calibration, the system enables determination of the latent heat and entropy changes in first-order solid¿solid phase transitions. The system is particularly useful for investigating materials that exhibit the giant magnetocaloric effect arising from a magnetostructural phase transition. Data for Gd5(Si0.1Ge0.9)4 are presented.