974 resultados para magnetic state


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The natural remanent magnetization (NRM) of ocean basalts, giving rise to the pattern of marine magnetic anomalies, is known to be of comparatively low intensity for about 20 Ma old oceanic crust. The aim of this study is to detect possible peculiarities in the rock magnetic properties of ocean basalts of this age, and to establish a link between magnetomineralogy, rock magnetic parameters, and the low NRM intensity. Ocean basalts covering ages from 0.7 to 135 Ma were selected for rock magnetic experiments and their room temperature hysteresis parameters, Curie temperature and temperature dependence of saturation magnetization MS(T) was determined and complemented by reflected light microscopy. The majority of samples is magnetically dominated by titanomagnetite and titanomaghemite with increasing oxidation state with age. For these, a strong dependence of hysteresis parameters on the age of the samples is found. The samples have a minimum in saturation magnetization and a maximum in magnetic stability in the age interval ranging from approximately 10 to 40 Ma, coinciding with the age interval of low NRM intensity. The observed change in saturation magnetization is in the same order as that for the NRM intensity. A further peculiarity of the titanomaghemites from this age interval is the shape of their MS(T) curves, which display a maximum above room temperature (Neel P-type) and, sometimes, a self-reversal of magnetization below room temperature (Neel N-type). These special rock magnetic properties can be explained by titanomagnetite low-temperature oxidation and highly oxidized titanomaghemites in the age interval 10-40 Ma. A corresponding measurement of the NRM at elevated temperature allows to identify a maximum in NRM intensity above room temperature for the samples in that age interval. This provides evidence that the NRM is equally carried by titanomaghemites and that the low NRM intensities for about 20 Ma old ocean basalts are caused consequently by the low saturation magnetization of these titanomaghemites.


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We study the canted magnetic state in Sr2IrO4 using fully relativistic density functional theory (DFT) including an on-site Hubbard U correction. A complete magnetic phase diagram with respect to the tetragonal distortion and the rotation of IrO6 octahedra is constructed, revealing the presence of two types of canted to collinear magnetic transitions: a spin-flop transition with increasing tetragonal distortion and a complete quenching of the basal weak ferromagnetic moment below a critical octahedral rotation. Moreover, we put forward a scheme to study the anisotropic magnetic couplings by mapping magnetically constrained noncollinear DFT onto a general spin Hamiltonian. This procedure allows for the simultaneous account and direct control of the lattice, spin, and orbital interactions within a fully ab initio scheme. We compute the isotropic, single site anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) coupling parameters, and clarify that the origin of the canted magnetic state in Sr2IrO4 arises from the structural distortions and the competition between isotropic exchange and DM interactions.


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Single-phase magnetoelectric multiferroics are ferroelectric materials that display some form of magnetism. In addition, magnetic and ferroelectric order parameters are not independent of one another. Thus, the application of either an electric or magnetic field simultaneously alters both the electrical dipole configuration and the magnetic state of the material. The technological possibilities that could arise from magnetoelectric multiferroics are considerable and a range of functional devices has already been envisioned. Realising these devices, however, requires coupling effects to be significant and to occur at room temperature. Although such characteristics can be created in piezoelectric-magnetostrictive composites, to date they have only been weakly evident in single-phase multiferroics. Here in a newly discovered room temperature multiferroic, we demonstrate significant room temperature coupling by monitoring changes in ferroelectric domain patterns induced by magnetic fields. An order of magnitude estimate of the effective coupling coefficient suggests a value of ~1 × 10-7 sm-1.


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The magnetic properties and interactions between transition metal (TM) impurities and clusters in low-dimensional metallic hosts are studied using a first principles theoretical method. In the first part of this work, the effect of magnetic order in 3d-5d systems is addressed from the perspective of its influence on the enhancement of the magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE). In the second part, the possibility of using external electric fields (EFs) to control the magnetic properties and interactions between nanoparticles deposited at noble metal surfaces is investigated. The influence of 3d composition and magnetic order on the spin polarization of the substrate and its consequences on the MAE are analyzed for the case of 3d impurities in one- and two-dimensional polarizable hosts. It is shown that the MAE and easy- axis of monoatomic free standing 3d-Pt wires is mainly determined by the atomic spin-orbit (SO) coupling contributions. The competition between ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AF) order in FePtn wires is studied in detail for n=1-4 as a function of the relative position between Fe atoms. Our results show an oscillatory behavior of the magnetic polarization of Pt atoms as a function of their distance from the magnetic impurities, which can be correlated to a long-ranged magnetic coupling of the Fe atoms. Exceptionally large variations of the induced spin and orbital moments at the Pt atoms are found as a function of concentration and magnetic order. Along with a violation of the third Hund’s rule at the Fe sites, these variations result in a non trivial behavior of the MAE. In the case of TM impurities and dimers at the Cu(111), the effects of surface charging and applied EFs on the magnetic properties and substrate-mediated magnetic interactions have been investigated. The modifications of the surface electronic structure, impurity local moments and magnetic exchange coupling as a result of the EF-induced metallic screening and charge rearrangements are analysed. In a first study, the properties of surface substitutional Co and Fe impurities are investigated as a function of the external charge per surface atom q. At large inter-impurity distances the effective magnetic exchange coupling ∆E between impurities shows RKKY-like oscillations as a function of the distance which are not significantly affected by the considered values of q. For distances r < 10 Å, important modifications in the magnitude of ∆E, involving changes from FM to AF coupling, are found depending non-monotonously on the value and polarity of q. The interaction energies are analysed from a local perspective. In a second study, the interplay between external EF effects, internal magnetic order and substrate-mediated magnetic coupling has been investigated for Mn dimers on Cu(111). Our calculations show that EF (∼ 1eV/Å) can induce a switching from AF to FM ground-state magnetic order within single Mn dimers. The relative coupling between a pair of dimers also shows RKKY-like oscillations as a function of the inter-dimer distance. Their effective magnetic exchange interaction is found to depend significantly on the magnetic order within the Mn dimers and on their relative orientation on the surface. The dependence of the substrate-mediated interaction on the magnetic state of the dimers is qualitatively explained in terms of the differences in the scattering of surface electrons. At short inter-dimer distances, the ground-state configuration is determined by an interplay between exchange interactions and EF effects. These results demonstrate that external surface charging and applied EFs offer remarkable possibilities of manipulating the sign and strength of the magnetic coupling of surface supported nanoparticles.


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We present the structural, electronic structure and magnetic studies of Ni doped SmFeO3. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies confirm the single phase nature of the samples having orthorhombic Pbnm structure and the unit-cell volume is decreasing with the increase of Ni concentration. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) studies on O K. Fe L-3.2, Ni L-3.2 and Sm M-5.4 edges of SmFe1-xNixO3 (x <= 0.5) samples along with the reference compounds revealed the homo-valence state of Fe and Ni in these materials. From magnetization studies it has been observed the materials exhibit ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic sub-lattices, which are strongly dependent on the thermo-magnetic state of the system. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The magnetic and thermal properties of TbAl2 nanosized alloys (diameters, 12 nm $\leqslant D\leqslant $ 20 nm) obtained by high-energy milling are characterised by specific heat, magnetisation and neutron scattering. The specific heat shows that the λ-anomaly at Curie temperature vanishes when the milling time reaches 300 h and its field variation shows a broad peak around 70 K disclosing a disordered magnetic state. The thermal variation of magnetization follows a Bloch process with a decrease of the stiffness constant and a faster demagnetisation with a quadratic exponent instead of the bulk ordinary ${T}^{3/2}$-dependence. The magnetic moment reduction in the nanosized alloys follows a 1/D dependence, remarking the role of disordered moment surface. The Rietveld analysis of the neutron diffraction patterns indicates a collinear ferromagnetic structure, with a reduction of the Tb-magnetic moment when decreasing the particle size. The temperature dependent overall magnetic signal of nanoparticles is derived from small-angle neutron scattering. A magnetic nanoparticle structure with an ordered ferromagnetic core and a disordered surface layer is proposed.


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We study single-electron transport through a graphene quantum dot with magnetic adsorbates. We focus on the relation between the spin order of the adsorbates and the linear conductance of the device. The electronic structure of the graphene dot with magnetic adsorbates is modeled through numerical diagonalization of a tight-binding model with an exchange potential. We consider several mechanisms by which the adsorbate magnetic state can influence transport in a single-electron transistor: tuning the addition energy, changing the tunneling rate, and in the case of spin-polarized electrodes, through magnetoresistive effects. Whereas the first mechanism is always present, the others require that the electrode has to have either an energy- or spin-dependent density of states. We find that graphene dots are optimal systems to detect the spin state of a few magnetic centers.


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We present comprehensive studies of dc magnetization, ac susceptibility, and magnetotransport of two sets of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 samples, one exhibits phase separation and the other exhibits spin glass behavior. Our study reveals that the phase separation in La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 is neither inherent nor ubiquitous; rather, it is a consequence of preparation condition. It is realized that the low temperature annealed sample exhibits phase separation while the high temperature annealed one shows the characteristic of spin glass behavior. This study shows that the most probable magnetic state of La0.85Sr0.15CoO3 is spin glass.


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The nature of the low-temperature magnetic state of polycrystalline La0.67Ca0.33Mn0.9Fe0.1O3 has been studied by magnetization, neutron diffraction, and neutron depolarization measurements. Neutron depolarization measurements indicate the existence of ferromagnetic domains with low net magnetic moments below 108 K. The substitution of Mn3+ by Fe3+ reduces the number of available hopping sites for the Mn e(g) (up) electron and suppresses the double exchange, resulting in the reduction of ferromagnetic exchange. The competition between the ferromagnetic double-exchange interactions and the coexisting antiferromagnetic superexchange interactions and its randomness due to random substitutions of Mn3+ with Fe3+ drive the system into a randomly canted ferromagnetic state at low temperatures.


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We have performed a series of magnetic aging experiments on single crystals of Dy0.5Sr0.5MnO3. The results demonstrate striking memory and chaos-like effects in this insulating half-doped perovskite manganite and suggest the existence of strong magnetic relaxation mechanisms of a clustered magnetic state. The spin-glass-like state established below a temperature T-sg approximate to 34 K originates from quenched disorder arising due to the ionic-radii mismatch at the rare earth site. However, deviations from the typical behavior seen in canonical spin glass materials are observed which indicate that the glassy magnetic properties are due to cooperative and frustrated dynamics in a heterogeneous or clustered magnetic state. In particular, the microscopic spin flip time obtained from dynamical scaling near the spin glass freezing temperature is four orders of magnitude larger than microscopic times found in atomic spin glasses. The magnetic viscosity deduced from the time dependence of the zero-field-cooled magnetization exhibits a peak at a temperature T < T-sg and displays a marked dependence on waiting time in zero field.


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The results of spin-polarized MSXagr calculations show that the ground state of the CuO 4 6– cluster is essentially non-magnetic in spite of odd number of electrons in the system for short Cu–O distances (1.90 Å) as found in the highT c superconductors. This arises due to the fact that the unpaired electron resides in a molecular orbital with primarily oxygen 3s character. The stability of this molecular orbital is found to be sensitive to the cluster geometry and thus, increase in Cu–O distance (as well as other changes affecting oxygen-oxygen distance) tend to favour a magnetic state. From these calculations we have also estimated the Coulomb correlation strength within the Cu 3d to be about 5.3 eV.


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We consider a one-dimensional mesoscopic Hubbard ring with and without disorder and compute charge and spin stiffness as a measure of the permanent currents. For finite disorder we identify critical disorder strength beyond which the charge currents in a system with repulsive interactions are larger than those for a free system. The spin currents in the disordered repulsive Hubbard model are enhanced only for small U, where the magnetic state of the system corresponds to a charge-density wave pinned to the impurities. For large U, the state of the system corresponds to localized isolated spins and the spin currents are found to be suppressed. For the attractive Hubbard model we find that the charge currents are always suppressed compared to the free system at all length scales.


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We report results of the magnetization and ac susceptibility measurements down to very low fields on a single crystal of the perovskite manganite, La-0.82 Ca-0.18 MnO3. This composition falls in the intriguing ferromagnetic insulator region of the manganite phase diagram. In contrast to earlier beliefs, our investigations reveal that magnetically (and in every other sense), this is a single- phase system with a ferromagnetic ordering temperature of around 170 K. However, this ferromagnetic state is magnetically frustrated, and the system exhibits pronounced glassy dynamics below 90 K. Based on measured dynamical properties, we propose that this quasi-long-ranged ferromagnetic phase, and the associated superspin glass behavior, is the true magnetic state of the system, rather than being a macroscopic mixture of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases, as often suggested. Our results provide an understanding of the quantum phase transition from an antiferromagnetic insulator to a ferromagnetic metal via this ferromagnetic state as a function of x in La1-xCaxMnO3, in terms of the possible formation of magnetic polarons.