968 resultados para magnetic shape-memory effect


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We report on measurements of the adiabatic temperature change in the inverse magnetocaloric Ni50Mn34In16 alloy. It is shown that this alloy heats up with the application of a magnetic field around the Curie point due to the conventional magnetocaloric effect. In contrast, the inverse magnetocaloric effect associated with the martensitic transition results in the unusual decrease of temperature by adiabatic magnetization. We also provide magnetization and specific heat data which enable to compare the measured temperature changes to the values indirectly computed from thermodynamic relationships. Good agreement is obtained for the conventional effect at the second-order paramagnetic-ferromagnetic phase transition. However, at the first-order structural transition the measured values at high fields are lower than the computed ones. Irreversible thermodynamics arguments are given to show that such a discrepancy is due to the irreversibility of the first-order martensitic transition.


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A series of biodegradable polylactide-based polyurethanes (PLAUs) were synthesized using PLA diol (M-n = 3200) as soft segment, 4,4 '-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI), 2,4-toluene diisocyanate (TDI), and isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI) as hard segment, and 1,4-butanediol as chain extender. The structures and properties of these PLAUs were studied using infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, tensile testing, and thermomechanical analysis. Among them, the MDI-based PLAU has the highest T-g, maximum tensile strength, and restoration force, the TDI-based PLAU has the lowest T-g, and the IPDI-based PLAU has the highest tensile modulus and elongation at break. They are all amorphous. The shape recovery of the three PLAUs is almost complete in a tensile elongation of 150% or a twofold compression. They can keep their temporary shape easily at room temperature (20 degrees C). More importantly, they can deform and recover at a temperature below their T-g values. Therefore, by selecting the appropriate hard segment and adjusting the ratio of hard to soft segments, they can meet different practical demands for shape memory medical devices.


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We have measured the adiabatic second order elastic constants of two Ni-Mn-Ga magnetic shape memory crystals with different martensitic transition temperatures, using ultrasonic methods. The temperature dependence of the elastic constants has been followed across the ferromagnetic transition and down to the martensitic transition temperature. Within experimental errors no noticeable change in any of the elastic constants has been observed at the Curie point. The temperature dependence of the shear elastic constant C' has been found to be very different for the two alloys. Such a different behavior is in agreement with recent theoretical predictions for systems undergoing multi-stage structural transitions.


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A range of Fe–Mn–Si-based shape memory alloys has been investigated to examine the interplay of composition, stacking fault probability (SFP) and Neél temperature on the shape memory effect (SME). It has been found that the SFP (inversely proportional to stacking fault energy) showed little correlation to the SME for the range of alloy compositions examined. Further, the Neél temperature was not found to exhibit a significant effect on the SME. The addition of interstitial elements, however, was found to markedly decrease the SME.


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The effect of cold rolling and annealing on the shape memory effect (SME) in an Fe–Mn–Si-based alloy has been studied. It has been found
that the SME in these alloys can be significantly increased by the appropriate thermo-mechanical processing (TMP). The optimum conditions
were found to be 15% cold rolling followed by annealing at 800 ◦C for 15 min. This produced a total strain recovery of 4.5%. TEM showed that
this processing schedule produces a microstructure of evenly spaced, and well defined stacking faults throughout the parent phase. It is shown for
the first time that samples processed in this way produce a larger fraction of martensite compared to samples in the as-austenitized condition. It
is concluded that the stacking faults induced by TMP act as nucleation sites for martensite formation during deformation. The SME is improved
primarily as a result of the increased amount of martensite that is formed in this condition.


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The effect of carbide precipitates with a size range of 30–300 nm on the austenite to martensite transformation has been studied. Such particles are known to enhance shape memory, and it was the aim of this work to clarify how the particles exert a favourable effect on shape memory. Differential scanning calorimetry revealed that the presence of particles increases the amount of thermally induced martensite. X-ray diffraction showed that the presence of particles increases the amount of stress-induced martensite also. Surface-relief produced on a pre-polished surface by bending deformation showed that the particle-containing samples exhibited a more complex and highly tilted surface-relief indicative of the formation of a larger volume fraction of martensite. The reversion characteristics of the particle-containing and solution-treated samples were similar: both showed co-reversion of multiple variants of martensite within the same volume of microstructure. However, a higher volume fraction of martensite reverted for the particle-containing sample on recovery annealing. The increased density of nucleation sites for martensite formation and a higher volume fraction of stress-induced martensite for a given strain are therefore considered to be the main contributions of relatively coarse carbide particles to the improvement of shape memory performance.


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Ni-Mn-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (FSMAs) have received great attention during the past decade due to their giant magnetic shape memory effect and fast dynamic response. The crystal structure and crystallographic features of two Ni-Mn-Ga alloys were precisely determined in this study. Neutron diffraction measurements show that Ni48Mn30Ga22 has a Heusler austenitic structure at room temperature; its crystal structure changes into a seven-layered martensitic structure when cooled to 243K. Ni53Mn25Ga22 has an I4/mmm martensitic structure at room temperature. Electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD) analyses reveal that there are only two martensitic variants with a misorientation of ~82° around <110> axis in each initial austenite grain in Ni53Mn25Ga22. The investigation on crystal structure and crystallographic features will shed light on the development of high-performance FSMAs with optimal properties.


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Current literature pertaining to the shape memory effect in the Fe–Mn–Si-based system is critically discussed. It is argued that the
enhanced shape memory previously attributed to NbC precipitation is mainly due to the associated thermo-mechanical treatments.
It is concluded that the thermo-mechanical processing of the alloy is the dominant factor that determines the shape memory effect in
this alloy system.


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Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die Präparation und die ausführliche Charakterisierung epitaktischer Dünnschicht-Proben der Heusler Verbindung Ni2MnGa. Diese intermetallische Verbindung zeigt einen magnetischen Formgedächtnis-Effekt (MFG), der sowohl im Bezug auf mögliche Anwendungen, als auch im Kontext der Grundlagenforschung äußerst interessant ist. In Einkristallen nahe der Stöchiometrie Ni2MnGa wurden riesige magnetfeldinduzierte Dehnungen von bis zu 10 % nachgewiesen. Der zugrundeliegende Mechanismus basiert auf einer Umverteilung von kristallographischen Zwillings-Varianten, die eine tetragonale oder orthorhombische Symmetrie besitzen. Unter dem Einfluss des Magnetfeldes bewegen sich die Zwillingsgrenzen durch den Kristall, was eine makroskopische Formänderung mit sich bringt. Die somit erzeugten reversiblen Längenänderungen können mit hoher Frequenz geschaltet werden, was Ni2MnGa zu einem vielversprechenden Aktuatorwerkstoff macht. rnDa der Effekt auf einem intrinsischen Prozess beruht, eignen sich Bauteile aus MFG Legierungen zur Integration in Mikrosystemen (z.B. im Bereich der Mikrofluidik). rnrnBislang konnten große magnetfeldinduzierte Dehnungen nur für Einkristalle und Polykristalle mit hoher Porosität („foams") nachgewiesen werden. Um den Effekt für Anwendungen nutzbar zu machen, werden allerdings Konzepte zur Miniaturisierung benötigt. Eine Möglichkeit bieten epitaktische dünne Filme, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit hergestellt und untersucht werden sollen. Im Fokus stehen dabei die Optimierung der Herstellungsparameter, sowie die Präparation von freitragenden Schichten. Zudem werden verschiedene Konzepte zur Herstellung freistehender Mikrostrukturen erprobt. Mittels Röntgendiffraktometrie konnte die komplizierte Kristallstruktur für verschiedene Wachstumsrichtungen verstanden und die genaue Verteilung der Zwillingsvarianten aufgedeckt werden. In Verbindung mit Mikroskopie-Methoden konnte so die Zwillingsstruktur auf verschiedenen Längenskalen geklärt werden. Die Ergebnisse erklären das Ausbleiben des MFG Effekts in den Proben mit (100) Orientierung. Andererseits wurde für Schichten mit (110) Wachstum eine vielversprechende Mikrostruktur entdeckt, die einen guten Ausgangspunkt für weitere Untersuchungen bietet.rnDurch die spezielle Geometrie der Proben war es möglich, Spektroskopie-Experimente in Transmission durchzuführen. Die Ergebnisse stellen den ersten experimentellen Nachweis der Änderungen in der elektronischen Struktur einer metallischen Verbindung während des martensitischen Phasenübergangs dar. Durch Messen des magnetischen Zirkulardichroismus in der Röntgenabsorption konnten quantitative Aussagen über die magnetischen Momente von Ni und Mn getroffen werden. Die Methode erlaubt überdies die Beiträge von Spin- und Bahn-Moment separat zu bestimmen. Durch winkelabhängige Messungen gelang es, die mikroskopische Ursache der magnetischen Anisotropie aufzuklären. Diese Ergebnisse tragen wesentlich zum Verständnis der komplexen magnetischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von Ni2MnGa bei.rn


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We demonstrate the possibility of accelerated identification of potential compositions for high-temperature shape memory alloys (SMAs) through a combinatorial material synthesis and analysis approach, wherein we employ the combination of diffusion couple and indentation techniques. The former was utilized to generate smooth and compositionally graded inter-diffusion zones (IDZs) in the Ni-Ti-Pd ternary alloy system of varying IDZ thickness, depending on the annealing time at high temperature. The IDZs thus produced were then impressed with an indenter with a spherical tip so as to inscribe a predetermined indentation strain. Subsequent annealing of the indented samples at various elevated temperatures, T-a, ranging between 150 and 550 degrees C allows for partial to full relaxation of the strain imposed due to the shape memory effect. If T-a is above the austenite finish temperature, A(f), the relaxation will be complete. By measuring the depth recovery, which serves as a proxy for the shape recovery characteristic of the SMA, a three-dimensional map in the recovery temperature composition space is constructed. A comparison of the published Af data for different compositions with the Ta data shows good agreement when the depth recovery is between 70% and 80%, indicating that the methodology proposed in this paper can be utilized for the identification of promising compositions. Advantages and further possibilities of this methodology are discussed.


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Instrumented nanoindentation was employed to study the depth dependence of nanohardness in a CuAlNi single crystal shape memory alloy that exhibits shape memory effect (SME). A Berkovich indenter and a cube comer indenter were used in this study, and the