989 resultados para magnetic aging stress


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An ultra-low carbon steel (30 ppm after decarburization) containing Al and Si was aged for distinct soaking times at 210 degrees C. The core loss increased continuously until around 24 h. After that, only slight changes were verified. It was found that only the hysteresis loss component changed during the aging treatment. By internal friction test and transmission electron microscopy it was seen that carbon precipitation caused the magnetic aging. By scanning electron microscopy it could be concluded that the increase of aging index was attributed to the high number of carbides larger than 0.1 mu m. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.


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High-dose dobutamine magnetic resonance stress testing has been shown to be superior to dobutamine stress echocardiography for diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD). We determined the feasibility of quantitative myocardial tagging during low- and high-dose dobutamine stress and tested the ability of global systolic and diastolic quantitative parameters to identify patients with significant CAD. Twenty-five patients suspected of having significant CAD were examined with a standard high-dose dobutamine/atropine stress magnetic resonance protocol (1.5-T scanner, Philips). All patients underwent invasive coronary angiography as the standard of reference for the presence (n = 13) or absence (n = 12) of significant CAD. During low-dose dobutamine stress, systolic (circumferential shortening, systolic rotation, and systolic rotation velocity) and diastolic (velocity of circumferential lengthening and diastolic rotation velocity) parameters changed significantly in patients without CAD (all P < 0.05 vs. rest) but not in patients with CAD. Identification of patients without and with CAD during low-dose stress was possible using the diastolic parameter of "time to peak untwist." At high-dose stress, none of the global systolic or diastolic parameters showed the potential to identify the presence of significant CAD. With myocardial tagging, a quantitative analysis of systolic and diastolic function was feasible during low- and high-dose dobutamine stress. In our study, the diastolic parameter of time to peak untwist as assessed during low-dose dobutamine stress was the most promising global parameter for identification of patients with significant CAD. Thus quantitative myocardial tagging may become a tool that reduces the need for high-dose dobutamine stress.


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O presente estudo analisou a relação entre percepção de estresse, sintomas depressivos e autoestima em idosos com e sem queixa subjetiva de comprometimento de memória. Foram incluídos 204 idosos (104 sem e 100 com queixa de memória) avaliados a partir do instrumento Memory Assessment Complain Questionnaire (MAC-Q). O protocolo de estudo incluiu a Escala de Estresse Percebido (EEP), a Escala de Depressão Geriátrica (GDS) e a Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg (EAE). Os idosos com queixa de comprometimento apresentaram escores significativamente maiores na EEP e GDS e menores na EAE (p < 0.001). Foi observada correlação negativa entre o escore do MAC-Q e EPP (p < 0.001) e EAE (p = 0.01). A análise de regressão multivariada identificou somente o estresse como fator preditor da queixa subjetiva de memória. Esses dados sugerem que a percepção de estresse e os sintomas depressivos estão associados com a queixa de memória em idosos.


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Senescence, the decline in survivorship and fertility with increasing age, is a near-universal property of organisms. Senescence and limited lifespan are thought to arise because weak natural selection late in life allows the accumulation of mutations with deleterious late-age effects that are either neutral (the mutation accumulation hypothesis) or beneficial (the antagonistic pleiotropy hypothesis) early in life. Analyses of Drosophila spontaneous mutations, patterns of segregating variation and covariation, and lines selected for late-age fertility have implicated both classes of mutation in the evolution of aging, but neither their relative contributions nor the properties of individual loci that cause aging in nature are known. To begin to dissect the multiple genetic causes of quantitative variation in lifespan, we have conducted a genome-wide screen for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting lifespan that segregate among a panel of recombinant inbred lines using a dense molecular marker map. Five autosomal QTLs were mapped by composite interval mapping and by sequential multiple marker analysis. The QTLs had large sex-specific effects on lifespan and age-specific effects on survivorship and mortality and mapped to the same regions as candidate genes with fertility, cellular aging, stress resistance and male-specific effects. Late age-of-onset QTL effects are consistent with the mutation accumulation hypothesis for the evolution of senescence, and sex-specific QTL effects suggest a novel mechanism for maintaining genetic variation for lifespan.


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Purpose: To explore the literature regarding prevalance, risk factors and the involvement of antihypertensive drugs in erectile dysfunction (ED). Methods: Original research articles, reviews, editorials and case reports published in English language on the prevalence of sexual/erectile dysfunction in hypertensive men taking antihypertensive drugs and risk factors were identified through a search of four bibliographic databases, namely, PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL and EBSCO Health. Results: Recent analyses suggest that hypertensive men of almost all age groups suffer from ED but it is more prevalent in elderly male patients. The involvement of β-blockers was found to be controversial. Nevertheless, some evidence had been found regarding the use of propranolol in high doses. Conclusion: The present review indicates the need for research to unravel the role of β-blockers in the manifestation of ED in hypertensive males, whom there are no contributory factors such as sedentary lifestyle, aging, stress and anxiety, etc.


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Objective: We aimed to investigate the efficacy of 20 Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of either right or left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) as compared to sham rTMS for the relief of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)-associated symptoms. Method: In this double-blind, placebo-controlled phase II trial conducted between October 2005 and July 2008, 30 patients with DSM-IV-diagnosed PTSD were randomly assigned to receive 1 of the following treatments: active 20 Hz rTMS of the right DLPFC, active 20 Hz rTMS of the left DLPFC, or sham rTMS. Treatments were administered in 10 daily sessions over 2 weeks. A blinded rater assessed severity of core PTSD symptoms, depression, and anxiety before, during, and after completion of the treatment protocol. In addition, a battery of neuropsychological tests was measured before and after treatment. Results: Results show that both active conditions-20 Hz rTMS of left and right DLPFC induced a significant decrease in PTSD symptoms as indexed by the PTSD Checklist and Treatment Outcome PTSD Scale; however, right rTMS induced a larger effect as compared to left rTMS. In addition, there was a significant improvement of mood after left rTMS and a significant reduction of anxiety following right rTMS. Improvements in PTSD symptoms were long lasting; effects were still significant at the 3-month follow-up. Finally, neuropsychological evaluation showed that active 20 Hz rTMS is not associated with cognitive worsening and is safe for use in patients with PTSD. Conclusions: These results support the notion that modulation of prefrontal cortex can alleviate the core symptoms of PTSD and suggest that high-frequency rTMS of right DLPFC might be the optimal treatment strategy. J an Psychiatry 2010;71(8):992-999 (C) Copyright 2009 Physicians Postgraduate Press, Inc.


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El láser de baja y media energía y la magnetoterapia son utilizados en desórdenes osteomioarticulares por sus efectos analgésico, antiinflamatorio y trófico, entre los más destacados. Sin embargo, son insuficientes las investigaciones sobre su mecanismo de acción y antecedentes científicos que avalen sus efectos. Es por ello, que la determinación de acontecimientos celulares y moleculares que ocurren durante la interacción de estos tipos de energía con el sistema muscular, sería relevante para el conocimiento y optimización de tales terapias en las ciencias biomédicas. En las miopatías inflamatorias idiopáticas, se encuentra afectada la estructura, morfología y bioquímica del tejido muscular. La energía que éste requiere para el normal funcionamiento es generada en la mitocondria. Esta organela también es la responsable de la generación de especies oxidantes provocando estrés oxidativo y el inicio de los procesos de apoptosis. Por lo antes dicho, consideramos que la determinación de los biomarcadores inflamatorios asociados a estrés oxidativo, realizando el análisis histomorfométrico ultraestructural y valorando la actividad de los complejos enzimáticos mitocondriales, permitiría una evaluación de la acción terapéutica del láser y la magnetoterapia en un modelo experimental de miopatía. Para ello se propone evaluar el efecto de la magnetoterapia y del láser de baja energía (He-Ne y As.Ga) en miopatía experimental determinando indicadores inflamatorios asociados a estrés oxidativo, análisis histomorfométrico y valoración de la actividad enzimática mitocondrial. Específicamente: -Determinar indicadores inflamatorios y de estrés oxidativo: Oxido Nítrico, Grupos carbonilos, L-citrulina, Fibrinógeno, Superóxido dismutasa, Glutation peroxidasa y Catalasa por espectrofotometría. -Identificar los cambios anatomopatológicos del músculo esquelético por microscopía óptica (MO): cuantificación del infiltrado inflamatorio; MO de alta resolución (MOAR) y por microscopía electrónica: histomorfometría de la ultraestructura miofibrilar y mitocondrial. -Valorar las actividades enzimáticas de la citrato sintasa y de los complejos: I (NADH-ubiquinona reductasa), II (succinato-ubiquinona-reductasa) III (ubiquinona-citocromo c-reductasa) y IV (citocromo c-oxidasa); en mitocondrias de tejido muscular por espectrofotometría. -Evaluar la actividad apoptótica en las fibras musculares de los diferentes grupos por ténica de T.U.N.E.L. Las mediciones mitocondriales (por ME) y de infiltrado inflamatorio (por MO) se realizarán en un total de 5 fotos de aumentos similares en forma aleatoria por grupo estudiado (n=10). Los cambios estructurales observados se analizarán en el programa Axiovision 4.8, para cuantificar el área total ocupada, número total y grado de alteración de las mitocondrias y el porcentaje de infiltrado inflamatorio determinando el grado de inflamación. Los resultados de los datos cuantitativos se analizarán aplicando ANAVA (test de Fisher para comparaciones múltiples); y para los datos categóricos se utilizará Chi cuadrado (test de Pearson), estableciéndose un nivel de significación de p < 0.05 para todos los casos. Importancia del Proyecto: La salud y el bienestar del hombre son los logros perseguidos por las ciencias de la salud. La obtención de terapias curativas o paliativas con un mínimo de efectos colaterales para el enfermo se incluye en estos logros. Por esto y todo lo anteriormente expuesto es que consideramos de gran importancia poder esclarecer desde las ciencias básicas los efectos celulares y moleculares en modelos experimentales la acción de la terapia con láser y magnetoterapia para una aplicación clínica con base científica en todas las áreas de las Ciencias Médicas. In the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, is affected the structure, morphology and biochemistry of muscle tissue. The mitochondria is responsible for the generation of oxidizing species leading to oxidative stress and the beginning of the process of apoptosis. As said before, we consider the determination of inflammatory biomarkers related to oxidative stress, by ultrastructural morphometric analysis and assessing the activity of mitochondrial enzyme complexes, permit an evaluation of the therapeutic action of laser and magnetic therapy in an experimental model myopathy. We propose to evaluate the effect of the treatment identifying indicators in experimental inflammatory myopathy associated with oxidative stress, histomorphometric analysis and assessment of mitochondrial enzyme activity. Specifically -determining: Nitric oxide, carbonyl groups, L-citrulline, fibrinogen, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase by spectrophotometry. -Identify the pathological changes in skeletal muscle by optical microscopy (OM): quantification of the inflammatory infiltrate, OM high resolution (MOAR) and electron microscopy, histomorphometry of myofibrillar and mitochondrial ultrastructure. -Evaluate the enzymatic activity of citrate synthase and complexes: I, II, III and IV in mitochondria muscle tissue by spectrophotometry. -Evaluate apoptotic activity in muscle fibers by TUNEL technique of Mitochondrial measurements and inflammatory infiltration (by OM) was performed in a total of 5 photos of similar increases in random by the study group (n = 10). The structural changes observed are discussed in the program Axiovision 4.8, to quantify number, degree of alteration of mitochondria and the percentage of inflammatory infiltrate determining the degree of inflammation. The results of the quantitative data were analyzed using ANOVA (Fisher test), and categorical data with Chi-square (Pearson test), establishing a significance level of p <0.05.


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Alterations to brain homeostasis during development are reflected in the neurochemical profile determined noninvasively by (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. We determined longitudinal biochemical modifications in the cortex, hippocampus, and striatum of C57BL/6 mice aged between 3 and 24 months . The regional neurochemical profile evolution indicated that aging induces general modifications of neurotransmission processes (reduced GABA and glutamate), primary energy metabolism (altered glucose, alanine, and lactate) and turnover of lipid membranes (modification of choline-containing compounds and phosphorylethanolamine), which are all probably involved in the frequently observed age-related cognitive decline. Interestingly, the neurochemical profile was different in male and female mice, particularly in the levels of taurine that may be under the control of estrogen receptors. These neurochemical profiles constitute the basal concentrations in cortex, hippocampus, and striatum of healthy aging male and female mice.


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Aging is a gradual, complex process in which cells, tissues, organs, and the whole organism itself deteriorate in a progressive and irreversible manner that, in the majority of cases, implies pathological conditions that affect the individual"s Quality of Life (QOL). Although extensive research efforts in recent years have been made, the anticipation of aging and prophylactic or treatment strategies continue to experience major limitations. In this review, the focus is essentially on the compilation of the advances generated by cellular expression profile analysis through proteomics studies (two-dimensional [2D] electrophoresis and mass spectrometry [MS]), which are currently used as an integral approach to study the aging process. Additionally, the relevance of the oxidative stress factors is discussed. Emphasis is placed on postmitotic tissues, such as neuronal, muscular, and red blood cells, which appear to be those most frequently studied with respect to aging. Additionally, models for the study of aging are discussed in a number of organisms, such as Caenorhabditis elegans, senescence-accelerated probe-8 mice (SAMP8), naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber), and the beagle canine. Proteomic studies in specific tissues and organisms have revealed the extensive involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress in aging.


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Aging is a gradual, complex process in which cells, tissues, organs, and the whole organism itself deteriorate in a progressive and irreversible manner that, in the majority of cases, implies pathological conditions that affect the individual"s Quality of Life (QOL). Although extensive research efforts in recent years have been made, the anticipation of aging and prophylactic or treatment strategies continue to experience major limitations. In this review, the focus is essentially on the compilation of the advances generated by cellular expression profile analysis through proteomics studies (two-dimensional [2D] electrophoresis and mass spectrometry [MS]), which are currently used as an integral approach to study the aging process. Additionally, the relevance of the oxidative stress factors is discussed. Emphasis is placed on postmitotic tissues, such as neuronal, muscular, and red blood cells, which appear to be those most frequently studied with respect to aging. Additionally, models for the study of aging are discussed in a number of organisms, such as Caenorhabditis elegans, senescence-accelerated probe-8 mice (SAMP8), naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber), and the beagle canine. Proteomic studies in specific tissues and organisms have revealed the extensive involvement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress in aging.


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Nanocrystalline Pd-Co alloys were obtained by electrodeposition from an ammoniacal chloride bath. The influence of the crystallite size and the residual stress on the magnetic properties of the alloys was investigated. The residual stress increased as the applied current density was increased. It was associated to the high nucleation rate during electrodeposition and correlated to the lattice strain, estimated from the XRD patterns. Also from the XRD patterns the average crystallite size and the lattice constant were determined by Scherrer's and Rietveld's methods, respectively. Both parameters were directly influenced by the applied current density. Magnetic properties such as coercivity, remanence, saturation magnetization and squareness showed strong dependence on the residual stress and crystallite size. Coercivity higher than 1 kOe was achieved when a high current density was applied. High coercivity was attributed to the presence of residual stress and to the small crystallite size of deposits. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The effects of the compaction step on the (micro)structural features and aging behavior of polymer coated NdFeB-based bonded magnets is reported. Due to the fracture of the material during pressing, it is estimated an increase of at least 14% in the particles' area which is not coated. Such uncoated surfaces, when exposed to the environment, reduce the magnetic performance of the magnets aged/cured in air by 19% in the conditions evaluated in this investigation. Furthermore, XRD results interpreted by Rietveld analyses show a lattice parameter change in the tetragonal structure of the hard magnetic phase after pressing. Such change varies as a function of the height of the compacted part and it is ascribed to macro-elastic stress arising from the pressure distribution in the magnet. An aging/curing step during 24 h is able to relief such macro-elastic stress. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cockayne syndrome (CS) is a human premature aging disorder associated with neurological and developmental abnormalities, caused by mutations mainly in the CS group B gene (ERCC6). At the molecular level, CS is characterized by a deficiency in the transcription-couple DNA repair pathway. To understand the role of this molecular pathway in a pluripotent cell and the impact of CSB mutation during human cellular development, we generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from CSB skin fibroblasts (CSB-iPSC). Here, we showed that the lack of functional CSB does not represent a barrier to genetic reprogramming. However, iPSCs derived from CSB patients fibroblasts exhibited elevated cell death rate and higher reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Moreover, these cellular phenotypes were accompanied by an up-regulation of TXNIP and TP53 transcriptional expression. Our findings suggest that CSB modulates cell viability in pluripotent stem cells, regulating the expression of TP53 and TXNIP and ROS production.