4 resultados para macrosystem


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The macrosystem refers to the overarching patterns that influence behavior at each level of the social ecology (Bronfenbrenner, 1977), making it a necessary component for assessing human development in contexts of political violence. This article proposes a method for systematically measuring the macrosystem in Northern Ireland that allows for a subnational analysis, multiple time units, and indicators of both low-level violence and positive relations. Articles were randomly chosen for each weekday in 2006-2011 from two prominent Northern Irish newspapers and coded according to their reflection of positive relations and political tensions between Catholics and Protestants. The newspaper data were then compared to existing macro-level measurements in Northern Ireland. We found that the newspaper data provided a more nuanced understanding of fluctuations in intergroup relations than the corresponding measures. This has practical implications for peacebuilding and advances our methods for assessing the impact of macro-level processes on individual development.


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Relatório de Estágio submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Teatro e Comunidade.


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Plusieurs travaux de recherche ont porté sur la consommation des adolescents. À partir d’une analyse secondaire qualitative de 30 entrevues menées auprès d’adolescents présentant des difficultés de comportements, ce mémoire vise à explorer le discours d’adolescents qui présentent des difficultés de comportements par rapport à leur perception de leur consommation et aux facteurs qui ont pu l’influencer. Le premier chapitre de ce mémoire rend compte de la diversité des facteurs d’influence jouant un rôle dans la consommation de drogue ou d’alcool d’adolescents qui présentent des difficultés de comportements selon la littérature recensée. Dans un premier temps les différents contextes de vie des jeunes sont explorés. L’approche bioécologique a pour avantage de replacer l’adolescent dans son environnement global incluant les différents niveaux d’influence. En outre, les représentations sociales, permettent de mettre en avant la perception des principaux concernés. Le deuxième chapitre consacré à la méthodologie, se base sur une collecte de données qualitatives. Le troisième chapitre expose les résultats de cette recherche qui révèlent que les jeunes participants à cette étude sont en mesure d’identifier des influences dans les différents niveaux, même si le macrosystème n’est pas présent dans leur discours. Sur le plan de la fréquence de consommation, deux profils de consommation se distinguent, l’un concerne les jeunes qui ont commencé à consommer plus tôt et dont la consommation a diminué et ceux qui débuté leur consommation plus tard et dont la consommation a augmenté. Le quatrième chapitre de ce mémoire expose de manière schématique les écrits scientifiques avec le discours des adolescents et identifie également quelques notions clefs qui ressortent du discours des adolescents.


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Biomasses and their possible use as energy resource are of great interest today, and the general problem of energy resources as well. In the present study the key questions of the convenience, from both energy and economy standpoints, have been addressed without any bias: the problem has been handled starting from “philosophical” bases disregarding any pre-settled ideology or political trend, but simply using mathematical approaches as logical tools for defining balances in a right way. In this context quantitative indexes such as LCA and EROEI have been widely used, together with multicriteria methods (such as ELECTRE) as decision supporting tools. This approach permits to remove mythologies, such as the unrealistic concept of clean energy, or the strange idea of biomasses as a magic to solve every thing in the field of the energy. As a consequence the present study aims to find any relevant aspect potentially useful for the society, looking at any possible source of energy without prejudices but without unrealistic expectations too. For what concerns biomasses, we studied in great details four very different cases of study, in order to have a scenario as various as much we can. A relevant result is the need to use biomasses together with other more efficient sources, especially recovering by-products from silviculture activities: but attention should be paid to the transportation and environmental costs. Another relevant result is the very difficult possibility of reliable evaluation of dedicated cultures as sources for “biomasses for energy”: the problem has to be carefully evaluated case-by-case, because what seems useful in a context, becomes totally disruptive in another one. In any case the concept itself of convenience is not well defined at a level of macrosystem: it seems more appropriate to limit this very concept at a level of microsystem, considering that what sounds fine in a limited well defined microsystem may cause great damage in another slightly different, or even very similar, microsystem. This approach seems the right way to solve the controversy about the concept of convenience.