15 resultados para macrorestriction


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There is very little human disease associated with enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157 in Australia even though these organisms are present in the animal population. A group of Australian isolates of E. coli O157:H7 and O157:H- from human and animal sources were tested for the presence of virulence markers and compared by XbaI DNA macrorestriction analysis using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Each of 102 isolates tested contained the gene eae which encodes the E. coli attaching and effacing factor and all but one carried the enterohaemolysin gene, ehxA, found on the EHEC plasmid. The most common Shiga toxin gene carried was stx(2c), either alone (16%) or in combination with stx(1) (74%) or stx(2) (3%) PFGE grouped the isolates based on H serotype and some clusters were source specific. Australian E. coli O157:H7 and H- isolates from human, animal and meat sources carry all the virulence markers associated with EHEC disease in humans therefore other factors must be responsible for the low rates of human infection in Australia.


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In the present study were evaluated the DNA macrorestriction profile and SCCmec types for nine multi-resistant MRSA selected. Also antimicrobial susceptibility testing by disk diffusion method was evaluated for 68 MRSA isolates against 12 antimicrobial agents. The isolates were recovered from blood culture collected from hospitalized patients in three hospitals of Porto Alegre, Brazil. PFGE and PCR for mecA and SCCmec I, II, III, IV types genes were done on selected nine isolates with susceptibility only to vancomycin, teicoplanin and linezolid. Two clone profiles, with five subtypes, were demonstrated among multi-resistant MRSA analyzed. Eight isolates showed harbor SCCmec type III and one isolate was not typeable. The knowledge of SCCmec type, clone and antimicrobial profiles among S. aureus is essential mainly to prevention and control of dissemination of the antimicrobial resistance.


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The epidemiologic typing of bacterial pathogens can be applied to answer a number of different questions: in case of outbreak, what is the extent and mode of transmission of epidemic clone(s )? In case of long-term surveillance, what is the prevalence over time and the geographic spread of epidemic and endemic clones in the population? A number of molecular typing methods can be used to classify bacteria based on genomic diversity into groups of closely-related isolates (presumed to arise from a common ancestor in the same chain of transmission) and divergent, epidemiologically-unrelated isolates (arising from independent sources of infection). Ribotyping, IS-RFLP fingerprinting, macrorestriction analysis of chromosomal DNA and PCR-fingerprinting using arbitrary sequence or repeat element primers are useful methods for outbreak investigations and regional surveillance. Library typing systems based on multilocus sequence-based analysis and strain-specific probe hybridization schemes are in development for the international surveillance of major pathogens like Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Accurate epidemiological interpretation of data obtained with molecular typing systems still requires additional research on the evolution rate of polymorphic loci in bacterial pathogens.


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A total of 1,021 extended-spectrum-β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli (ESBLEC) isolates obtained in 2006 during a Spanish national survey conducted in 44 hospitals were analyzed for the presence of the O25b:H4-B2-ST131 (sequence type 131) clonal group. Overall, 195 (19%) O25b-ST131 isolates were detected, with prevalence rates ranging from 0% to 52% per hospital. Molecular characterization of 130 representative O25b-ST131 isolates showed that 96 (74%) were positive for CTX-M-15, 15 (12%) for CTX-M-14, 9 (7%) for SHV-12, 6 (5%) for CTX-M-9, 5 (4%) for CTX-M-32, and 1 (0.7%) each for CTX-M-3 and the new ESBL enzyme CTX-M-103. The 130 O25b-ST131 isolates exhibited relatively high virulence scores (mean, 14.4 virulence genes). Although the virulence profiles of the O25b-ST131 isolates were fairly homogeneous, they could be classified into four main virotypes based on the presence or absence of four distinctive virulence genes: virotypes A (22%) (afa FM955459 positive, iroN negative, ibeA negative, sat positive or negative), B (31%) (afa FM955459 negative, iroN positive, ibeA negative, sat positive or negative), C (32%) (afa FM955459 negative, iroN negative, ibeA negative, sat positive), and D (13%) (afa FM955459 negative, iroN positive or negative, ibeA positive, sat positive or negative). The four virotypes were also identified in other countries, with virotype C being overrepresented internationally. Correspondingly, an analysis of XbaI macrorestriction profiles revealed four major clusters, which were largely virotype specific. Certain epidemiological and clinical features corresponded with the virotype. Statistically significant virotype-specific associations included, for virotype B, older age and a lower frequency of infection (versus colonization), for virotype C, a higher frequency of infection, and for virotype D, younger age and community-acquired infections. In isolates of the O25b:H4-B2-ST131 clonal group, these findings uniquely define four main virotypes, which are internationally distributed, correspond with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles, and exhibit distinctive clinical-epidemiological associations.


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In order to evaluate the resolving power of several typing methods to identify relatedness among Brazilian strains of Enterobacter cloacae, we selected twenty isolates from different patients on three wards of a University Hospital (Orthopedics, Nephrology, and Hematology). Traditional phenotyping methods applied to isolates included biotyping, antibiotic sensitivity, phage-typing, and O-serotyping. Plasmid profile analysis, ribotyping, and macrorestriction analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) were used as genotyping methods. Sero- and phage-typing were not useful since the majority of isolates could not be subtyped by these methods. Biotyping, antibiogram and plasmid profile permitted us to classify the samples into different groups depending on the method used, and consequently were not reliable. Ribotyping and PFGE were significantly correlated with the clinical epidemiological analysis. PFGE did not type strains containing nonspecific DNase. Ribotyping was the most discriminative method for typing Brazilian isolates of E. cloacae.


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Molts bacteris del grup fluorescent del gènere Pseudomonas són capaços de controlar malalties de les plantes causades per fongs i bacteris fitopatògens (ACBs) o mostren activitat com a bacteris promotors del creixement de les plantes (BPCPs). S'han descrit diversos metabòlits que intervenen de manera important en la seva activitat com a ACBs i BPCPs entre els quals en destaquen el 2,4-diacetilfloroglucinol (Phl), àcid fenazin-1-carboxílic (PCA), Pirrolnitrina (Prn), àcid cianhídric (HCN), àcid 3-indolacètic (IAA), sideròfors i quitinases. L'objectiu principal del nostre treball ha estat la comparació de les característiques d'un grup de Pseudomonas del grup fluorescent utilitzant una aproximació polifàsica amb la finalitat d'establir possibles relacions entre algunes de les característiques i la capacitat d'actuar com a ACB o BPCP. Atesa la importància en el biocontrol de la producció de metabòlits com Phl, PCA i Prn, l'objectiu preliminar ha estat la recerca i obtenció de soques productores d'aquests metabòlits. Per assolir aquest objectiu s'ha emprat una aproximació molecular basada en la detecció dels gens biosintètics implicats en la seva producció en lloc de la detecció directa dels metabòlits per evitar els efectes que poden tenir les condicions de cultiu en la inducció o repressió de la seva síntesi. S'han realitzat diferents protocols basats (i) en la cerca assistida de productors mitjançant l'ús de marcadors fenotípics i posterior confirmació per PCR i, (ii) en l'ús de la PCR per a la detecció dels gens directament dels extractes bacterians, d'enriquiments d'aquests extractes i la realització de la hibridació en colònies per al posterior aïllament. La cerca assistida de productors de Phl mitjançant marcadors fenotípics i posteriorment la utilització de tècniques moleculars (amplificació per PCR del gen phlD), ha estat el millor mètode en el tipus de mostres processades en el nostre treball, on la proporció de productors és relativament baixa. En total s'han aïllat a partir de diversos ambients 4 soques portadores dels gens de la síntesi de PCA, 15 de Phl i 1 de Prn. S'ha constituït una col·lecció de 72 soques de Pseudomonas del grup fluorescent que inclou 18 aïllats propis portadors dels gens biosintètics necessaris per la producció de Phl PCA i Prn; 6 soques de referència procedents de col·leccions de cultius tipus, 14 soques productores dels diferents antibiòtics cedides per altres investigadors i una selecció de 34 soques procedents d'un treball previ realitzat en el nostre grup de recerca. A la col·lecció s'hi troben soques candidates a ACB i BPCP de diverses malalties i plantes. Les 72 soques s'han caracteritzat fenotípica i genotípicament. La caracterització fenotípica s'ha portat a terme mitjançant la identificació a nivell d'espècie amb galeries API 20NE i proves bioquímiques específiques; la producció de metabòlits com PCA, Phl, Prn, IAA, HCN, quitinases i sideròfors mitjançant l'ús de diferents tècniques; antagonisme in vitro en diversos medis enfront dos fongs (Stemphylium vesicarium i Penicillium expansum) i tres bacteris fitopatògens (Erwinia amylovora, Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae i Xanthomonas arboricola pv. juglandis); l'eficàcia de la inhibició de la infecció en bioassaigs in vivo sobre material vegetal enfront els fongs P. expansum en poma i S. vesicarium en fulles de perera i enfront el bacteri E. amylovora en fruits immadurs de perera i, finalment, en assaigs de promoció de creixement en dos portaempelts comercials de Prunus. Cal destacar que P. expansum causa la podridura blava en pomes i peres en postcollita, S. vesicarium la taca bruna de la perera i E. amylovora el foc bacterià de les rosàcies. El nombre de soques de Pseudomonas, sobre el total de les 72 estudiades, productores d'IAA (4) i quitinases (6) és baix, mentre que és elevat en el cas del HCN (32), que a més està associat a la producció de Phl. Els resultats obtinguts en l'antagonisme in vitro han mostrat en el cas dels bacteris que és dependent del patogen indicador i del medi de cultiu. La presència o absència de ferro no sembla ser un factor que potencií l'antagonisme. En el cas dels fongs no s'ha observat però, influència del medi de cultiu emprat. En el total de 72 soques s'ha observat un percentatge baix de soques que manifesten antagonisme en tots els medis assajats vers 3 o 4 dels patògens (7). Solament 2 d'aquestes 7 soques han mostrat ser també efectives en bioassaigs d'inhibició de les infeccions causades per 2 dels 3 patògens assajats. Algunes de les soques efectives en els bioassaigs no són antagonistes in vitro en cap dels medis assajats enfront el mateix patogen. En el cas de la promoció del creixement, s'han observat més soques promotores del creixement del portaempelts de prunera Marianna 2624 que no en l'híbrid de presseguer-ametller GF677 i les eficàcies assolides són també majors en el cas de Marianna 2624, detectant una elevada especificitat soca/portaempelts La caracterització genotípica s'ha realitzat mitjançant l'anàlisi dels polimorfismes en la longitud dels fragments de restricció de DNA ribosomal (RFLP-rDNA) i l'anàlisi dels polimorfismes en la longitud dels fragments de macrorestricció genòmica de DNA cromosòmic separats per electroforesi en camp polsant (MRFLP-PFGE). Ambdues anàlisis van mostrar una gran heterogeneïtat genètica entre les soques caracteritzades i no s'ha pogut relacionar les agrupacions obtingudes amb les característiques fenotípiques o capacitat d'actuar com a ACB o BPCP. Els patrons de macrorestricció genòmica (MRFLP-PFGE) del bacteri model P. fluorescens EPS288 són estables en el temps i independents de les condicions de cultiu assajades al laboratori o en mostres naturals, mostrant ser una tècnica eficaç en la identificació de reaïllats de mostres naturals inoculades prèviament amb el bacteri. Una selecció de soques que comparteixen el fet de produir floroglucinol s'han caracteritzat mitjançant RFLP i seqüenciació del gen phlD. S'ha establert una relació entre les agrupacions obtingudes en les anàlisis RFLP-rDNA, RFLP-phlD i les seqüències del gen. En l'anàlisi filogenètica de les seqüències del gen phlD s'ha observat un elevat grau de polimorfisme obtenint-se 3 agrupacions principals. Les agrupacions semblen relacionar-se amb els patrons de producció de metabòlits (Phl, HCN i Prn en una primera agrupació; Phl i HCN en la segona i solament Phl en la tercera), però aquestes no s'han pogut relacionar amb l'origen geogràfic de les soques o la seva activitat com a ACBs i/o BPCP. Amb les dades obtingudes de la caracterització fenotípica i genotípica s'ha realitzat una anàlisi multivariant (correspondències, correlacions d'Spearman i de freqüències amb variables categòriques). S'ha demostrat la importància de disposar d'una tècnica que permeti depurar una col·lecció de soques descartant les soques genèticament idèntiques, ja que influeixen en els resultats de les anàlisis. Pels tres patògens assajats com a indicadors i els dos portaempelts emprats, no s'ha observat cap correlació entre la inhibició de la infecció o la promoció del creixement amb les característiques fenotípiques i genotípiques de les soques que fos significatiu i consistent en les tres tècniques emprades.


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La soca EPS125 ha mostrat ser un efectiu agent de control biològic de diferents patògens fúngics de postcollita en diferents fruits. Degut a la seva elevada eficàcia, es va plantejar desenvolupar aquesta soca comercialment i per aquest motiu en el present treball es plantejà complementar la informació necessària pel seu registre. D'acord amb els resultats obtinguts mitjançant proves fenotípiques i genotípiques, la soca EPS125 queda inclosa dins l'espècie Pantoea agglomerans (Enterobacter agglomerans-Erwinia herbicola). En relació a la utilització de fonts de carboni, en el perfil i contingut d'àcids grassos cel·lulars i en el polimorfisme en la longitud dels fragments de macrorestricció genòmica (MRFLP), la soca EPS125 mostrà trets característics que la diferencien d'altres soques. Els dos marcadors moleculars (125.2 i 125.3) específics per la soca EPS125 dissenyats en el present treball mostraren ser semiespecífics per la seva detecció mitjançant la tècnica PCR i Real Time PCR. Quedant pendent l'anàlisi d'especificitat de l'ús combinat dels dos marcadors moleculars en una reacció PCR multiplex. P. agglomerans EPS125 ha mostrat ser molt efectiva en el control de Penicillium expansum en poma amb una dosi efectiva mitjana de 2.7x105 a 7x105 ufc/ml, i una ratio de 25-101 cèl·lules de la soca EPS125 per inactivar una espora del patogen segons el model de saturació hiperbòlica. Segons les aproximacions fenotípiques i estudis genotípics realitzats, sembla que els mecanismes de biocontrol utilitzats per la soca EPS125 contra P. expansum en poma estan directament relacionats amb la capacitat de formació de biofilm per aquesta soca.


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Reliable and sufficiently discriminative methods are needed for differentiating individual strains of Salmonella enterica serotype Enteritidis beyond the phenotypic level; however, a consensus has not been reached as to which molecular method is best suited for this purpose. In addition, data are lacking on the molecular fingerprinting of serotype Enteritidis from poultry environments in the United Kingdom. This study evaluated the combined use of classical methods (phage typing) with three well-established molecular methods (ribotyping, macrorestriction analysis of genomic DNA, and plasmid profiling) in the assessment of diversity within 104 isolates of serotype Enteritidis from eight unaffiliated poultry farms in England. The most sensitive technique for identifying polymorphism was PstI-SphII ribotyping, distinguishing a total of 22 patterns, 10 of which were found among phage type 4 isolates. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of XhaI-digested genomic DNA segregated the isolates into only six types with minor differences between them. In addition, 14 plasmid profiles were found among this population. When all of the typing methods were combined, 54 types of strains were differentiated, and most of the poultry farms presented a variety of strains, which suggests that serotype Enteritidis organisms representing different genomic groups are circulating in England. In conclusion, geographical and animal origins of Salmonella serotype Enteritidis isolates may have a considerable influence on selecting the best typing strategy for individual programs, and a single method cannot be relied on for discriminating between strains.


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Background and Objective: Although certain serotypes of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans are associated more with aggressive periodontitis than are other serotypes, the correlation between distinct lineages and virulence traits in this species is poorly understood. This study aimed to evaluate the polymorphism of genes encoding putative virulence factors of clinical isolates, and to correlate these findings with A. actinomycetemcomitans serotypes, genotypes and periodontal status of the hosts. Material and Methods: Twenty-six clinical isolates from diverse geographic populations with different periodontal conditions were evaluated. Genotyping was performed using pulse-field gel electrophoresis. Polymorphisms in the genes encoding leukotoxin, Aae, ApaH and determinants for serotype-specific O polysaccharide were investigated. Results: The isolates were classified into serotypes a-f, and exhibited three apaH genotypes, five aae alleles and 25 macrorestriction profiles. Two serotype b isolates (7.7%), obtained from Brazilian patients with aggressive periodontitis, were associated with the highly leukotoxic genotype; these isolates showed identical fingerprint patterns and aae and apaH genotypes. Serotype c, obtained from various periodontal conditions, was the most prevalent among Brazilian isolates, and isolates were distributed in two aae alleles, but formed a genetically distinct group based on apaH analysis. Cluster analysis showed a close relationship between fingerprinting genotypes and serotypes/apaH genotypes, but not with aae genotypes. Conclusion: Apart from the deletion in the ltx promoter region, no disease-associated markers were identified. Non-JP2-like strains recovered from individuals with periodontal disease exhibited considerable genetic variation regarding aae/apaH genotypes, serotypes and XhoI DNA fingerprints.


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Vibrio cholerae, agente etiológico da cólera, é uma bactéria nativa de ambientes aquáticos de regiões temperadas e tropicais em todo o mundo. A cólera é endemica e epidemica em países da África, Ásia e Americas Central e do Sul. Neste trabalho o objetivo foi estudar a diversidade genética de isolados desta espécie, de ambientes aquáticos da Amazônia brasileira. Um total de 148 isolados de V.cholerae não-O1 e não-O139 (NAGs) e O1 ambientais da Amazônia, obtidos entre 1977 e 2007, foram caracterizados e comparados a linhagens clínicas de V.cholerae O1 da sexta e sétima pandemias. Utilizou-se os perfis de macrorestrição definidos em eletroforese em gel de agarose em campo pulsado (PFGE), para determinar a relação clonal entre V.cholerae non-O1 e O1 ambientais e clínicos. A presença de genes de virulência (hlyA/hem, hlyB, hlyC, rtxA, rtxC, tcp, ctx, zot, ace, stn/sto) e integrons de classe 1, 2 e 3 (intI 1, 2 e 3), foi analisada utilizando-se a reação em cadeia da polimerase. A análise dos perfis de macrorestrição revelou que os NAGs apresentaram uma grande diversidade genética comparada aos V.cholerae O1. Isolados de NAGs e O1 segregaram em distintos grupos e a maioria dos O1 ambientais apresentou relação clonal com isolados clínicos da sétima pandemia de cólera. A distribuição dos genes de virulência entre os NAGs é diferente a dos O1, os quais, em geral, foram positivos para todos os genes de virulência estudados exceto stn/sto e integrons de classe 1, 2 e 3. Alguns V.cholerae O1 ambientais pertencentes a linhagem da sétima pandemia, apresentaram uma extensiva perda de genes. Diferentes NAGs foram stn/sto+ e intI 1+. Dois alelos do gene aadA foram encontrados: aadA2 e aadA7. De modo interessante os V.cholerae O1 ambientais pertencentes à linhagem pandêmica, só foram isolados durante o período da última epidemia de cólera na região Amazônica brasileira (1991-1996).


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INTRODUÇÃO: Salmonella Typhi é o agente da febre tifóide (doença caracterizada por febre, cefaléia, mialgia, artralgia, diarréia ou constipação), cujo quadro pode se complicar e levar o paciente a óbito. No Brasil, a febre tifóide é endêmica nas regiões Norte e Nordeste, com surtos ocorridos nos meses de intenso calor. OBJETIVO: Analisar e comparar a variabilidade genética de S. Typhi isoladas de surto e casos esporádicos de febre tifóide ocorridos em determinado período na cidade de Belém (PA). MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas 20 amostras de S. Typhi: 10 isoladas de um surto ocorrido no bairro do Guamá, Belém, entre os meses de dezembro/2005 e março/2006, e 10 de casos esporádicos ocorridos em diferentes localidades da mesma cidade e no mesmo período do surto. A caracterização genética foi realizada pela análise do perfil de macrorrestrição obtido pela enzima XbaI e definido por eletroforese em gel de campo pulsado (PFGE). RESULTADOS: A análise de XbaI-PFGE das amostras estudadas demonstrou uma similaridade genética de 83% a 100%. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo pôde demonstrar a relação clonal das amostras S. Typhi causadoras de surto e de casos esporádicos de febre tifóide ocorridos na cidade de Belém no período de dezembro/2005 a março/2006.


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Gram-positive microorganisms, specifically coagulase-negative staphylococci are the most common species recovered from clinical culture specimens of patients with end-stage renal disease. The propensity of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) to cause infection in this patient group has been widely debated. However, it is still unclear how this usually avirulent commensal microorganism produces infection that contributes to high rates of morbidity and mortality in patients with end-stage renal disease. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the rate, geographical distribution, molecular and phenotypic mechanisms of Gram-positive microorganisms associated with infection in renal dialysis patients. In addition, it sought to assess the value of early serological diagnosis of dialysis catheter-associated infection and the effect of antimicrobial treatment regimens on the faecal carriage of enteric microorganisms. In this study, the incidence of haemodialysis catheter-associated infection was established with the Meditrend audit tool. This tool was used to assess the infection outcomes of catheter insertion and management procedures until the catheter was explanted. Introduction of a catheter management protocol decreased the incidence of catheter-related infection. Staphylococcal species recovered from episodes of haemodialysis catheter-associated infection and continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)-associated peritonitis were genotyped by determination of macrorestriction profiles with pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. This highlighted horizontal transfer of microorganisms between different patients and the environment. The phenotypic characteristics of these strains were also investigated to determine characteristics that could be used as markers for dialysis catheter-associated infection. The expression of elastase, lipase and esterase by CNS was significantly associated with infection. A rapid enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay incorporating a novel staphylococcal antigen (lipid S) was used to evaluate the early detection of anti-staphylococcal immunoglobulin gamma in patient sera. The comparison of culture positive and culture negative patients demonstrated a steady state of immune activation in both groups. However anti-lipid S serum antibody titres > 1000 were found to be a predictor of infection. The effect on faecal carriage of vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) and Clostridium difficile toxins in patients treated with CAPD when empiric cephalosporin therapy was substituted for piperacillin/tazobactam was investigated. The introduction of piperacillin/tazobactam demonstrated a decrease in the faecal carriage of VRE.


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Coagulase-negative staphylococci are major aetiological agents of prosthetic valve endocarditis and an occasional cause of native valve disease. It is currently unclear how this group of usually avirulent microorganisms produces an infection associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. The aim of this thesis was to investigate whether there are specific genotypes and/or phenotypes of coagulase-negative staphylococci with a propensity to cause infective endocarditis and to investigate any identified virulence factors as markers of infection. In this study, strains of endocarditis-related coagulase-negative staphylococci were genotyped by determining their macrorestriction genomic profile using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. The strains were also investigated for phenotypic characteristics that predisposed the microorganisms to infect heart valves. By comparing coagulase-negative staphylococcal strains recovered from endocarditis patients with isolates from other significant infections (prosthetic device-related osteomyelitis and catheter-associated sepsis), no specific genotype or phenotype with a predilection to cause endocarditis was identified. However, the majority of the endocarditis-associated and other infection strains expressed the potential virulence factors lipase and esterase. Another approach to the investigation of virulence determinants used patient's serum to screen a Staphylococcus epidermidis NCTC 11047 genomic DNA library for cellular and secreted staphylococcal products that were expressed in vivo. The characterisation of two clones, which reacted with serum collected from a S. epidermidis-related endocarditis patient identified a staphylococcal pyruvate dehydrogenase complex E2 subunit and a novel secreted protein with homology to a Staphylococcus aureus staphyloxanthin biosynthesis protein and a secreted protein of unknown function described in Staphylococcus carnosus. Investigation of the secreted protein previously undetected in S. epidermidis, termed staphylococcal secretory antigen (SsaA), identified a potential marker of S. epidermidis-related endocarditis.


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Pandemic methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) clonal complex 97 (CC97) lineages originated from livestock-to-human host jumps. In recent years, CC97 has become one of the major MRSA lineages detected in Italian farmed animals. The aim of this study was to characterize and analyze differences in MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) mainly of swine and bovine origins. Forty-seven CC97 isolates, 35 MRSA isolates, and 6 MSSA isolates from different Italian pig and cattle holdings; 5 pig MRSA isolates from Germany; and 1 human MSSA isolate from Spain were characterized by macrorestriction pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis, multilocus sequence typing (MLST), spa typing, staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) typing, and antimicrobial resistance pattern analysis. Virulence and resistance genes were investigated by PCR and microarray analysis. Most of the isolates were of SCCmec type V (SCCmec V), except for two German MRSA isolates (SCCmec III). Five main clusters were identified by PFGE, with the German isolates (clusters I and II) showing 60.5% similarity with the Italian isolates, most of which (68.1%) grouped into cluster V. All CC97 isolates were Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) negative, and a few (n = 7) tested positive for sak or scn. All MRSA isolates were multidrug resistant (MDR), and the main features were erm(B)- or erm(C)-mediated (n = 18) macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B resistance, vga(A)-mediated (n = 37) pleuromutilin resistance, fluoroquinolone resistance (n = 33), tet(K) in 32/37 tet(M)-positive isolates, and blaZ in almost all MRSA isolates. Few host-associated differences were detected among CC97 MRSA isolates: their extensive MDR nature in both pigs and dairy cattle may be a consequence of a spillback from pigs of a MRSA lineage that originated in cattle as MSSA and needs further investigation. Measures should be implemented at the farm level to prevent spillover to humans in intensive farming areas.