17 resultados para lvdc
This master’s thesis is focused on optimizing the parameters of a distribution transformer with respect to low voltage direct current (LVDC) distribution system. One of the main parts of low voltage direct current (LVDC) distribution system is transformer. It is studied from several viewpoints like filtering capabilities of harmonics caused by rectifier, losses and short circuit current limiting Determining available short circuit currents is one of the most important aspects of designing power distribution systems. Short circuits and their effects must be considered in selecting electrical equipment, circuit protection and other devices.
Yleisesti sähkönjakelussa käytettyä vaihtosähköä ollaan korvaamassa tasasähköllä pienjänniteverkoissa. Vaihtojännitteeseen verrattuna tasajännitteen käyttö mahdollistaa korkeampien jännitetasojen käytön ja paremman sähkönlaadun ja sitä kautta paremman käyttövarmuuden. Sähköverkossa käytettävien muuntajien ja suuntaajien osalta tarvitaan uudenlaisia rakenteita ja kehitystä, että tasajännitejakelun käyttöönotto olisi mahdollista. Oikeiden ratkaisujen löytämiseksi on tehty jo paljon tutkimusta, mutta valmiita järjestelmiä ei vielä ole laajemmin otettu käyttöön. Tasajänniteverkot tarvitsevat myös ohjauksen, säädön ja valvonnan takia tiedonsiirto-ominaisuuksia. Tietoa on mahdollista siirtää samassa kaapelissa, jota käytetään myös sähkön siirtoon. Haasteita asettavat mm. kaapeliin kytketyminen ja tiedonsiirtokanavassa esiintyvät häiriöt. Työssä muodostetaan malli tiedonsiirtokanavasta, jonka avulla voidaan mallintaa verkon käyttäytymistä eri taajuuksilla sekä simuloida sähköverkkoon muodostettavia tiedonsiirtokanavia.
In recent years, the network vulnerability to natural hazards has been noticed. Moreover, operating on the limits of the network transmission capabilities have resulted in major outages during the past decade. One of the reasons for operating on these limits is that the network has become outdated. Therefore, new technical solutions are studied that could provide more reliable and more energy efficient power distributionand also a better profitability for the network owner. It is the development and price of power electronics that have made the DC distribution an attractive alternative again. In this doctoral thesis, one type of a low-voltage DC distribution system is investigated. Morespecifically, it is studied which current technological solutions, used at the customer-end, could provide better power quality for the customer when compared with the current system. To study the effect of a DC network on the customer-end power quality, a bipolar DC network model is derived. The model can also be used to identify the supply parameters when the V/kW ratio is approximately known. Although the model provides knowledge of the average behavior, it is shown that the instantaneous DC voltage ripple should be limited. The guidelines to choose an appropriate capacitance value for the capacitor located at the input DC terminals of the customer-end are given. Also the structure of the customer-end is considered. A comparison between the most common solutions is made based on their cost, energy efficiency, and reliability. In the comparison, special attention is paid to the passive filtering solutions since the filter is considered a crucial element when the lifetime expenses are determined. It is found out that the filter topology most commonly used today, namely the LC filter, does not provide economical advantage over the hybrid filter structure. Finally, some of the typical control system solutions are introduced and their shortcomings are presented. As a solution to the customer-end voltage regulation problem, an observer-based control scheme is proposed. It is shown how different control system structures affect the performance. The performance meeting the requirements is achieved by using only one output measurement, when operating in a rigid network. Similar performance can be achieved in a weak grid by DC voltage measurement. An additional improvement can be achieved when an adaptive gain scheduling-based control is introduced. As a conclusion, the final power quality is determined by a sum of various factors, and the thesis provides the guidelines for designing the system that improves the power quality experienced by the customer.
Työssä tutkitaan tiedonsiirtoa eri modulaatioilla, bittinopeuksilla ja amplitudin voimakkuuksilla ja tuloksia tarkastellaan Bit Error Ration avulla. Signaaleja siirrettiiin myös koodattuna ja vertailtiin koodauksen etuja ja haittoja verrattuna koodaamattomaan tietoon. Datavirta kulkee AXMK-kaapelissa, joko tasasähkön mukana, tai maadoituskaapelissa. Tuloksissa havaittiin, että suurempi bittinopeus ei kasvattanut häviöiden määrää. Koodauksen käyttö toisaalta vähenti bittivirheiden määrää.
Production and generation of electrical power is evolving to more environmental friendly technologies and schemes. Pushed by the increasing cost of fossil fuels, the operational costs of producing electrical power with fossil fuels and the effect in the environment, like pollution and global warming, renewable energy sources gain con-stant impulse into the global energy economy. In consequence, the introduction of distributed energy sources has brought a new complexity to the electrical networks. In the new concept of smart grids and decen-tralized power generation; control, protection and measurement are also distributed and requiring, among other things, a new scheme of communication to operate with each other in balance and improve performance. In this research, an analysis of different communication technologies (power line communication, Ethernet over unshielded twisted pair (UTP), optic fiber, Wi-Fi, Wi-MAX, and Long Term Evolution) and their respective characteristics will be carried out. With the objective of pointing out strengths and weaknesses from different points of view (technical, economical, deployment, etc.) to establish a richer context on which a decision for communication approach can be done depending on the specific application scenario of a new smart grid deployment. As a result, a description of possible optimal deployment solutions for communication will be shown considering different options for technologies, and a mention of different important considerations to be taken into account will be made for some of the possible network implementation scenarios.
Communications play a key role in modern smart grids. New functionalities that make the grids ‘smart’ require the communication network to function properly. Data transmission between intelligent electric devices (IEDs) in the rectifier and the customer-end inverters (CEIs) used for power conversion is also required in the smart grid concept of the low-voltage direct current (LVDC) distribution network. Smart grid applications, such as smart metering, demand side management (DSM), and grid protection applied with communications are all installed in the LVDC system. Thus, besides remote connection to the databases of the grid operators, a local communication network in the LVDC network is needed. One solution applied to implement the communication medium in power distribution grids is power line communication (PLC). There are power cables in the distribution grids, and hence, they may be applied as a communication channel for the distribution-level data. This doctoral thesis proposes an IP-based high-frequency (HF) band PLC data transmission concept for the LVDC network. A general method to implement the Ethernet-based PLC concept between the public distribution rectifier and the customerend inverters in the LVDC grid is introduced. Low-voltage cables are studied as the communication channel in the frequency band of 100 kHz–30 MHz. The communication channel characteristics and the noise in the channel are described. All individual components in the channel are presented in detail, and a channel model, comprising models for each channel component is developed and verified by measurements. The channel noise is also studied by measurements. Theoretical signalto- noise ratio (SNR) and channel capacity analyses and practical data transmission tests are carried out to evaluate the applicability of the PLC concept against the requirements set by the smart grid applications in the LVDC system. The main results concerning the applicability of the PLC concept and its limitations are presented, and suggestion for future research proposed.
In the doctoral dissertation, low-voltage direct current (LVDC) distribution system stability, supply security and power quality are evaluated by computational modelling and measurements on an LVDC research platform. Computational models for the LVDC network analysis are developed. Time-domain simulation models are implemented in the time-domain simulation environment PSCAD/EMTDC. The PSCAD/EMTDC models of the LVDC network are applied to the transient behaviour and power quality studies. The LVDC network power loss model is developed in a MATLAB environment and is capable of fast estimation of the network and component power losses. The model integrates analytical equations that describe the power loss mechanism of the network components with power flow calculations. For an LVDC network research platform, a monitoring and control software solution is developed. The solution is used to deliver measurement data for verification of the developed models and analysis of the modelling results. In the work, the power loss mechanism of the LVDC network components and its main dependencies are described. Energy loss distribution of the LVDC network components is presented. Power quality measurements and current spectra are provided and harmonic pollution on the DC network is analysed. The transient behaviour of the network is verified through time-domain simulations. DC capacitor guidelines for an LVDC power distribution network are introduced. The power loss analysis results show that one of the main optimisation targets for an LVDC power distribution network should be reduction of the no-load losses and efficiency improvement of converters at partial loads. Low-frequency spectra of the network voltages and currents are shown, and harmonic propagation is analysed. Power quality in the LVDC network point of common coupling (PCC) is discussed. Power quality standard requirements are shown to be met by the LVDC network. The network behaviour during transients is analysed by time-domain simulations. The network is shown to be transient stable during large-scale disturbances. Measurement results on the LVDC research platform proving this are presented in the work.
Recent developments in power electronics technology have made it possible to develop competitive and reliable low-voltage DC (LVDC) distribution networks. Further, islanded microgrids—isolated small-scale localized distribution networks— have been proposed to reliably supply power using distributed generations. However, islanded operations face many issues such as power quality, voltage regulation, network stability, and protection. In this thesis, an energy management system (EMS) that ensures efficient energy and power balancing and voltage regulation has been proposed for an LVDC island network utilizing solar panels for electricity production and lead-acid batteries for energy storage. The EMS uses the master/slave method with robust communication infrastructure to control the production, storage, and loads. The logical basis for the EMS operations has been established by proposing functionalities of the network components as well as by defining appropriate operation modes that encompass all situations. During loss-of-powersupply periods, load prioritizations and disconnections are employed to maintain the power supply to at least some loads. The proposed EMS ensures optimal energy balance in the network. A sizing method based on discrete-event simulations has also been proposed to obtain reliable capacities of the photovoltaic array and battery. In addition, an algorithm to determine the number of hours of electric power supply that can be guaranteed to the customers at any given location has been developed. The successful performances of all the proposed algorithms have been demonstrated by simulations.
The research towards efficient, reliable and environmental-friendly power supply solutions is producing growing interest to the “Smart Grid” approach for the development of the electricity networks and managing the increasing energy consumption. One of the novel approaches is an LVDC microgrid. The purpose of the research is to analyze the possibilities for the implementation of LVDC microgrids in public distribution networks in Russia. The research contains the analysis of the modern Russian electric power industry, electricity market, electricity distribution business, regulatory framework and standardization, related to the implementation of LVDC microgrid concept. For the purpose of the economic feasibility estimation, a theoretical case study for comparing low voltage AC and medium voltage AC with LVDC microgrid solutions for a small settlement in Russia is presented. The results of the market and regulatory framework analysis along with the economic comparison of AC and DC solutions show that implementation of the LVDC microgrid concept in Russia is possible and can be economically feasible. From the electric power industry and regulatory framework point of view, there are no serious obstacles for the LVDC microgrids in Russian distribution networks. However, the most suitable use cases at the moment are expected to be found in the electrification of remote settlements, which are isolated from the Unified Energy System of Russia.
Pienjännitejakeluverkko Suomessa on toteutettu 400 V:n kolmivaiheisella vaihtosähköllä. Pienestä jännitteestä johtuen 20/0.4 kV:n muuntajat täytyy sijoittaa lähelle kuluttajaa, jotta siirtohäviöt eivät nouse liian suuriksi. Suuremman vaihto- tai tasajännitteen käyttö pienjännitejakelussa kasvattaisi verkon tehonsiirtokapasiteettia ja mahdollistaisi pidempien siirtomatkojen käytön. Käynnissä olevassa tutkimushankkeessa käsitellään vaihtoehtoa, jossa tasajännitettä käytettäisiin 20 kV:n verkon ja kuluttajan välisessä tehonsiirrossa ja kuluttajalla sijaitseva vaihtosuuntaaja muodostaisi tasasähköstä standardien mukaista yksi- tai kolmivaiheista vaihtosähköä. Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään tehoelektroniikan soveltamista kuluttajalle sijoitetussa vaihtosuuntaajassa. Työssä tarkastellaan yksivaiheisia invertteritopologioita, niiden ohjausta ja soveltamista erilaisissa vaihtosuuntaajaratkaisuissa sekä LC- ja LCL-suotimien soveltuvuutta invertterin lähtöjännitteen suodatukseen. Lisäksi esitellään erilaisia rakenneratkaisuja vaihtosuuntauksen toteutukseen ja tarkastellaan näiden järjestelmien vikatilanteita ja sähköturvallisuutta. Lopuksi käsitellään koko järjestelmän häviöitä ja hyötysuhdetta eri suodinkomponenteilla sekä kytkentätaajuuksilla ja esitellään laboratorioprototyyppi. Työssä saatiin selville, että puolisiltainvertteri ei sovellu suurten kondensaattorien vuoksi syöttämään verkkotaajuista kuormaa, vaan joudutaan käyttämään kokosiltainvertteriä. Kokosiltainvertterin ja LC- tai LCL-suotimen käsittävää kokonaisuutta tarkasteltaessa havaittiin, että pienimmät häviöt saavutetaan LC-suotimella 5 %:n ja LCL-suotimella 1 %:n särövaatimuksella. Hyötysuhdekäyrää tarkasteltaessa saatiin sama tulos läpi koko invertterin tehoalueen. Suotimen häviöiden tarkka laskenta on kuitenkin erittäin haasteellista, joten tulokset ovat suuntaa-antavia.
Technical analysis of Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC) distribution systems shows that in LVDC transmission the customer voltage quality is higher. One of the problems in LVDC distribution networks that converters both ends of the DC line are required. Because of the converters produce not pure DC voltage, but some fluctuations as well, the huge electrolytic capacitors are required to reduce voltage distortions in the DC-side. This thesis master’s thesis is focused on calculating required DC-link capacitance for LVDC transmission and estimation of the influence of different parameters on the voltage quality. The goal is to investigate the methods of the DC-link capacitance estimation and location in the transmission line.
The demand for electricity is constantly growing in contemporary world and, in the same time, quality and reliability requirements are becoming more rigid. In addition, renewable sources of energy have been widely introduced for power generation, and they create specific challenges for the network. Consequently, new solution for distribution system is required, and Low Voltage Direct Current (LVDC) system is the proposed one. This thesis focuses on the investigation of specific cable features for low voltage direct current (LVDC) distribution system. The LVDC system is public ±750 VDC distribution system, which is currently being developed at Lappeen-ranta University of Technology. The aspects, considered in the thesis, are reliable and economic power transmission in distribution networks and possible power line communication in the LVDC cable.
Diplomityössä tarkastellaan tapausta, jossa tasasähköverkon vaihtosuuntaaja toteutetaan kolmella yksivaiheisella suuntaajalla yhden kolmivaiheisen sijaan. Modulaarinen rakenne mahdollistaa sen, että osa vaiheista voitaisiin sammuttaa kun kuormitus on erittäin pientä eikä kuorma ole kolmivaiheista. Galvaaninen erotus oletetaan tehtävän erottavalla DC-DC -konvertterilla, joka mahdollistaa samalla vaihtosuuntaajan DC-syöttöjännitteen muuttamisen. Työssä tutkitaan, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat DC-syöttöjännitteen valintaan sekä tehdään valinta kyseisen jännitteen arvolle. Valittua jännitetasoa käytetään vaihtosuuntaajan suunnittelemiseen. Vaihtosuuntaajan rakennetta tarkastellaan vaihtosuuntaussillan kytkinkomponenttien sekä lähtöjännitteen suotimen osalta. Yksivaiheiselle moduulille määritetään optimaalinen teholuokka investointi- ja käyttökustannusten kannalta. Tarkastelu pitää sisällään erilaisten transistoritekniikkojen, kytkentätaajuuksien sekä kahden suodintyypin vaikutuksen kustannustehokkuuteen.
Tässä kandidaatintyössä selvitetään kirjallisuustutkimuksena, minkälaista tutkimusta maailmalla on tehty liittyen pienjännitteiseen tasasähkönjakeluun, sekä missä sovelluskohteissa sitä hyödynnetään. Työssä esitetään yleisimmät järjestelmärakenteet ja sovelluskohteet sekä organisaatiot, joiden on havaittu tutkivan tasasähkönjakelua kiinteistöissä, microgrideissä tai julkisessa sähkönjakelussa. Katsauksen perusteella havaittiin, että maailmalla on tehty erityisesti laskennallisia tutkimuksia ja simulointeja liittyen pienjännitteiseen tasasähkönjakeluun. Näkökulma on pääasiassa ollut kiinteistöissä ja microgrideissä, vähäisemmässä määrin myös julkisissa sähkönjakeluverkoissa. Pienjännitteistä tasasähkönjakelua hyödynnetään, tai ainakin voitaisiin hyödyntää näissä kohteissa. Pääasiassa konseptilla on pyritty hakemaan kustannussäästöjä ja toisaalta parantamaan hyötysuhdetta. Ympäri maailmaa on käynnissä pilottihankkeita sekä kiinteistöihin, että julkiseen sähkönjakeluun liittyen. Bipolaarinen ratkaisu näytti olevan yleisempi. Käytetyt ja tutkitut jännitetasot vaihtelivat riippuen sovelluskohteesta – kiinteistön sisällä oli käytössä tasot pienoisjännitteestä aina 350–400 VDC jännitetasoon asti, ja sama 350–400 VDC oli selvästi suosittu jännitealue myös jakeluverkossa, mutta myös korkeampia jännitteitä, kuten 700–750 VDC, oli käytössä.
Today, renewable energy technologies and modern power electronics have made it feasible to implement low voltage direct current (LVDC) microgrids (MGs) ca-pable to island operation. Such LVDC networks are particularly useful in remote areas. However, there are still pending issues in island operated LVDC MGs like electrical safety and controlled operation, which should be addressed before wide-scale implementation. This thesis is focused on the overall protection of an island operated LVDC network concept, including protection against electrical shocks, mains equipment protection and protection of photovoltaic (PV) power sources and battery energy storage systems (BESSs). The topic is approached through ex-amination of the safety hazards and the appropriate methods to protect against them, comprising considerations for earthing system selection and realisation of the protection system.