60 resultados para luncheon
A program for the Twenty-Third Annual Management Achievement Awards Luncheon on February 7th, 2003 at The Windsor. Mr. Ziraldo is to be presented an award for his achievement in Management during the luncheon ceremony. Also, listed are the names of recipients of the award for the past twenty three years.
I hope you all had the opportunity to see the first issue of University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension’s Connect newsletter. It contains a quote that strikes me as so powerful that I can’t imagine there is a single extension-specialist or educator in this state who wouldn’t walk around with a big grin on their faces because of this wonderful comment.
Good afternoon. I am so pleased to be here with you today. I welcome this opportunity to talk with you about how University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension, part of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, works with Nebraska’s at-risk families. I’m extremely proud of our work to help families meet their needs and develop and strengthen skills they can use to better share in Nebraska’s good life.
What a pleasure it is to come together here to recognize and celebrate Outstanding work of members of our IANR community. It is even more of a treat to have three reasons to celebrate today as we recognize excellence with two IANR Exemplary Service Awards, two Dinsdale Family Faculty Awards, and the IANR Team Award.
What a treat it is to be here today at this distinguished fellowship awards luncheon to recognize and celebrate our 18 graduate students who are recipients of this year's awards. For each of you, I see your award as a wonderful recognition of your talent and promise. We are so pleased to have you learning and working with us in your chosen departments in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and on behalf of all of us in the Institute, I extend the heartiest of congratulations to each of you.
It seems to me the best way to start off any congratulatory remarks is to say, quite simply - congratulations.
Today we celebrate and honor the 2006 recipients of the Dinsdale Family Faculty Awards, made possible by the generosity of the Dinsdale family.
What a pleasure it is to come together to recognize and celebrate Outstanding work of members of our IANR community. Today we celebrate excellence as we present two Dinsdale Family Faculty Awards, as well as our IANR Team Award.
What a terrific day this is! First, we have the pleasure of recognizing those of you who are receiving fellowship awards, and that always is a treat. Second, we are so very pleased today to initiate the Darrell Nelson Excellence in Graduate Student Advising Award, named in honor of our recently retired Agricultural Research Division dean and director. Yes, this is a very good day!
Folks, we're just delighted to have you on campus with us, and I greatly appreciate this opportunity to speak with you.
Thank you for inviting me to be here with you today - it is a real treat. I am a big supporter of the Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management program and have great expectations for it. In fact, I expect this program will grow and grow and grow, because I know from past experience what a program like this can do.
What a pleasure it is to come together here to recognize and celebrate outstanding work of members of our IANR community.
What a great pleasure it is to see everyone gathered for this distinguished fellowship awards luncheon. My heartiest congratulations to each of you who is a fellowship recipient. I know all of us here today are so pleased for you, and so pleased to have you with us.
In the past two years you've had a number of opportunities to explore and strengthen your own, personal leadership abilities. You've also been able to observe and study the leadership styles of people working at the state, national, and international levels.
It's a true pleasure to see everyone here today as we gather for this distinguished fellowship awards luncheon. On behalf of everyone present, I extend heartiest congratulations to each of you who is an award recipient. We are so pleased for you, who are being honored, and we are so delighted to have you with us.