927 resultados para lotic streams
The nature of the riparian and surrounding landscape has been modified by anthropogenic activities, which may subsequently alter the composition and functional structure of macroinvertebrate assemblages. The effect of these changes on function of benthic fauna is difficult to assess due to the scarce knowledge on functional structures in tropical streams. In this study we evaluate whether sites impacted and unimpacted by anthropogenic alterations differed in assemblage composition and density, richness and diversity of each functional feeding group. The selection of the sites was related to their distinct riparian characteristics, following the QBRy riparian quality index. Collector-gatherer was the dominant functional feeding group, comprising 91% of total density, whereas the proportion of shredders was very low, representing less of 0.5% of total density. Asemblage composition of macroinvertebrates differed between impacted and unimpacted sites. Predators were dominant in taxa number, representing about 60% of total taxa richness. In addition, the diversity and richness of collector-gatherers differed significantly between degraded and unimpacted sites, reflecting the sensitivity of this group to environmental changes and the utility to be used in the assessment of anthropogenic modifications. The results of this study reinforce the idea that riparian corridor management is critical for the distribution of macroinvertebrate assemblages as well as functional organization of lotic streams.
ABSTRACT This study investigated the assemblages attributes (composition, abundance, richness, diversity and evenness) and the most representative genera of Odonata, Anisoptera at Água Boa and Perobão Streams, Iguatemi River basin, Brazil. Both are first order streams with similar length that are impacted by riparian forest removal and silting. Quarterly samplings were conducted from March to December 2008 in the upper, intermediate and lower stretch of each stream. The Mantel test was used to check the influence of spatial autocorrelation on the Odonata composition. Spatial variations in the composition were summarized by the Principal Coordinates Analysis (PCoA) using Mantel test residuals. The effects of spatial correlation on richness and abundance were investigated by the spatial correlogram of Moranʼs I coefficients. The most representative genera in each stream were identified by the Indicator Value Method. The spatial variations in the attributes of the assemblages were assessed using analysis of variance of null models. We collected 500 immature individuals of 23 genera and three families. Among the attributes analyzed only the composition and abundance showed significant spatial differences, with the highest mean abundance found in the Perobão Stream. Miathyria and Zenithoptera were the indicator genera of the Água Boa Stream and Erythrodiplax, Libellula, Macrothemis, Progomphus and Tramea were the indicator genera of the Perobão Stream.
A hundred seventy two stream reaches from six distinct natural regions (parts of biomes or geological areas) in São Paulo State (Atlantic Rainforest, Cerrado, Hard Water regions, Northwest region, Subtropical Rainforest, and Tropical Rainforest) were searched for the most representative macroscopic Cyanophyceae of phytobenthic communities. Selected ecological parameters were analyzed in each stream segment: conductance, current velocity, oxygen saturation, pH, turbidity, and water temperature. Algal abundance was evaluated as percentage cover. Thirthy four cyanophyte taxa were identified and Phormidium retzii was the most widespread species throughout the State, occurring in all studied regions, except in hard water areas, and was negatively correlated to conductance. The subtropical Rainforest region presented the highest mean species richness per site, whereas the tropical Rainforest region had the highest abundance (percentage cover) of blue-green algae. Correlation tests revealed that conductance was significantly and negatively related to variations in abundance and richness of cyanophyte in streams of São Paulo State. This relationship probably reflects the ability of blue-green algae to grow at medium to low ion content and to take advantage under nutrient stress conditions.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Comunidades de Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera e Trichoptera (EPT) em substrato rochoso foram estudadas em dois riachos do Parque Estadual Intervales. Coletas com um amostrador de Surber (10 subamostras aleatórias, 1 m²) foram feitas mensalmente de setembro de 1999 a setembro de 2000 e trimestralmente de dezembro de 2000 a setembro de 2001 nos Ribeirões Bocaina e Água Comprida. A fauna de EPT do Ribeirão Bocaina foi mais diversificada e mais abundante do que a do Ribeirão Água Comprida. A fauna de EPT foi bastante diferente entre os dois riachos, tanto do ponto de vista da composição faunística quanto do ponto de vista funcional. Os resultados indicaram que não houve um padrão sazonal claro da variação temporal da densidade.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Macroalgal species richness and diversity were analysed along a longitudinal profile in small and large scales during Spring, Fall and Winter, respectively in a small stream and a mid size river in the northwest region of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil (20 degrees 23'-20 degrees 49'S, 49 degrees 26'-51 degrees 19'W). Longitudinal variation in species richness and diversity in small scale was strongly associated with incident light. Microhabitat distribution (from data taken by quadrat technique) revealed no significant correlations. Principal coordinates analysis (PCO) indicated no consistent groupings among sampling sites in distinct seasons (Spring, Fall and Winter). Longitudinal analysis in large scale revealed different patterns in the two seasons sampled (Spring and Winter), whereas species diversity presented a consistent tl end: high upstream, low in mid reaches and higher downstream. It was associated with type of substratum in Spring, rocky substrata presenting the highest values for species richness and diversity. Weak correlations were observed in Winter. Microhabitat distribution showed significant correlations between species abundance and the following variables: positive for rocky substrata and current velocity and negative for sandyclayish substratum and macrophyte-dominated substratum. PCO delineated only one consistent grouping formed by the two headwater sites. Small scale macroalgal distribution corroborated the longitudinal pattern predicted by the River Continuum Concept, whereas the large scale approach showed a distribution more associated with substratum type than to light availability. These results showed an opposite trend in relation to the expected distributional pattern. Longitudinal distribution in macroalgal community structure has yet to be better documented, particularly for tropical streams and no generalization is possible at this stage.
Microhabitat distribution was investigated in five populations of Characeae (two of Chara guairensis, two of Nitella subglomerata and one of Nitella sp.) to determine the distributional patterns, the morphometric and reproductive adaptations to varying environmental conditions and niche width on a scale of few centimeters. Variations in physical variables revealed some general trends of microhabitat distribution for the Characeae populations studied, with occurrence under the following conditions: slow and narrow current velocities; substrata predominantly composed of small particle size (sand-clay); variable and generally low depths. In terms of morphological adaptations, we found some general patterns: plants with longer whorl branchlets also had longer internodes in all populations studied, whereas longer plants had also thicker axis. The former were generally associated with higher biomass (percent cover). Few correlations of morphological characters were observed with environmental variables (e.g. plant length with irradiance: negative in two populations and positive in one population). Despite the general patterns of occurrence mentioned above, our results also indicated that each population differed in its responses to environmental variables and had particular morphological and reproductive adaptations. The Characean populations occurred under a narrower range of microhabitat conditions than other macroalgae from lotic habitats, particularly lower current velocity (6.7-9.8 cm s(-1)) and a more specific substratum type (sand-clay). Niche width values (0.60-0.99) of the Characeae populations studied indicate a high degree of habitat specialization and are among the highest yet found in lotic macroalgae. The relatively narrow variations in microhabitat conditions and high niche widths here reported for Characean populations, suggest a lower tolerance to variations in current velocity, depth, irradiance and substratum type. These characteristics probably explain the relatively restricted distribution of Characeae species in streams of S (a) over tildeo Paulo State with low frequency of records in most regions.
Photosynthetic characteristics in response to irradiance were analysed in 42 populations of 33 macroalgal species by two distinct techniques (chlorophyll fluorescence and oxygen evolution). Photosynthesis-irradiance (PI) curves based on the two techniques indicated adaptations to low irradiance reflected by low saturation values, high to moderate values of photosynthetic efficiency (alpha) and photoinhibition (beta), for Bacillariophyta and Rhodophyta, which suggests they are typically shade-adapted algae. In contrast, most species of Chlorophyta were reported as sun adapted algae, characterized by high values of I-k and low of alpha, and lack of or low photoinhibition. Cyanophyta and Xanthophyta were intermediate groups in terms of light adaptations. Photoinhibition was observed in variable degrees in all algal groups, under field and laboratory conditions, which confirms that it is not artificially induced by experimental conditions, but is rather a common and natural phenomenon of the lotic macroalgae. Low values of compensation irradiance (I-c) were found, which indicate that these algae can keep an autotrophic metabolism even under very low irradiances. High ratios (>2) of photosynthesis/respiration were found in most algae, which indicates a considerable net gain. These two physiological characteristics suggest that macroalgae may be important primary producers in lotic ecosystems. Saturation parameters (I-k and I-s) occurred in a relatively narrow range of irradiances (100-400 mumol photons m(-2) s(-1)), with some exceptions (higher in some filamentous green algae or lower in red algae). These parameters were way below the irradiances measured at collecting sites for most algae, which means that most of the available light energy was not photochemically converted via photosynthesis. Acclimation to ambient PAR was observed, as revealed by lower values of I-k and I-c and higher values of alpha and quantum yield in algae from shaded streams, and vice versa. Forms living within the boundary layer (crusts) showed responses of shade-adapted species and had the highest values of P-max, alpha and quantum yield, whereas the opposite trend was observed in gelatinous forms (colonies and. laments). These results suggests adaptation to the light regime rather than functional attributes related to the growth form.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The present study evaluated the relative growth and allometry of Massartella brieni Lestage and Thraulodes sp. (Leptophlebiidae: Ephemeroptera). The morphometric analysis was based on 23 measurements and was conducted using a multivariate approach. Throughout postembryonic ontogeny, all of the head measurements, including those of the mouthparts, exhibited negative allometric growth. The mesothorax and wing pad exhibited positive allometric growth. The hind legs lengths in M. brieni and the fore and hind legs lengths in Thraulodes sp. exhibited positive allometry. The abdominal length in these two species exhibited positive allometric growth. Positive allometry was also observed along the abdomen width for M. brieni, and isometry was observed for Thraulodes sp. The relative strengthening of the thorax (in preparation for the winged stage) and the relative increase in the abdomen (which may be related to the development of the reproductive structures) during growth indicate that many of the structures that exhibit positive allometric growth are related to the transition from the aquatic to the adult stage of development.
Stream discharge-concentration relationships are indicators of terrestrial ecosystem function. Throughout the Amazon and Cerrado regions of Brazil rapid changes in land use and land cover may be altering these hydrochemical relationships. The current analysis focuses on factors controlling the discharge-calcium (Ca) concentration relationship since previous research in these regions has demonstrated both positive and negative slopes in linear log(10)discharge-log(10)Ca concentration regressions. The objective of the current study was to evaluate factors controlling stream discharge-Ca concentration relationships including year, season, stream order, vegetation cover, land use, and soil classification. It was hypothesized that land use and soil class are the most critical attributes controlling discharge-Ca concentration relationships. A multilevel, linear regression approach was utilized with data from 28 streams throughout Brazil. These streams come from three distinct regions and varied broadly in watershed size (< 1 to > 10(6) ha) and discharge (10(-5.7)-10(3.2) m(3) s(-1)). Linear regressions of log(10)Ca versus log(10)discharge in 13 streams have a preponderance of negative slopes with only two streams having significant positive slopes. An ANOVA decomposition suggests the effect of discharge on Ca concentration is large but variable. Vegetation cover, which incorporates aspects of land use, explains the largest proportion of the variance in the effect of discharge on Ca followed by season and year. In contrast, stream order, land use, and soil class explain most of the variation in stream Ca concentration. In the current data set, soil class, which is related to lithology, has an important effect on Ca concentration but land use, likely through its effect on runoff concentration and hydrology, has a greater effect on discharge-concentration relationships.