996 resultados para lote de fabricação
O método para rápido aumento da produtividade fabril, aplicável principalmente à indústria brasileira de manufatura (17% do PIB), fundamenta-se exclusivamente na redução ou eliminação do tempo inativo do homem, da máquina e do material, que é a grande causa da ineficiência. O método exige a utilização de apenas cinco das mais simples, elementares e conhecidas técnicas e é aplicável às vinte situações mais freqüentes (objetos de estudo) na indústria de manufatura. Nossa experiência atesta que o método pode proporcionar à produtividade fabril um aumento superior a 30%, em poucos meses e de forma perene. Sua aplicação e a implantação das medidas dele decorrentes são feitas com extrema facilidade e, por isto, os resultados surgem muito rapidamente. Atinge portanto seu objetivo: proporcionar aumento da produtividade fabril em curto espaço de tempo. Este artigo (terceiro e último da série) detalhará doze objetos de estudo (situações): 1. redução dos tempos inativos causados por troca de turno, por refeição e por troca de produtos; 2. redução dos tempos improdutivos acarretados por causas mais importantes, por espera pelo serviço de manutenção, por espera pelo serviço de preparação, por espera pelo operador e por causas não apontáveis pelos procedimentos usuais; 3. redução das atividades improdutivas e das produtivas executadas num ritmo improdutivo; e 4. redução do tempo de espera do material em processamento pela redução do tamanho do lote de fabricação e pelo aumento da velocidade de manufatura.
The food industry looks for new ways and strategies to standardize the marketing products in the customer market. The modification of the cornflour that are produced in the manufacturing of the cheese bread has been one of the these ways, since some raw materials that are used to make the cornflour present different features in each supplyed allotment. The present research had as a main purpose to analyse such features looking forward to improving the quality of the final product. Thus, some tests were done to verify the pH, humidity and acidity; it was checked the percentage of carbonyl and carboxylic groups and the power of expansion to five different allotments and to farina, for example: pre-gel, natural, expandex farina as the combination of the three cited kinds. After diversifying the allotments, different results were acquired, even to an unique kind of farina and it was not possible to correlate the results of acidity, the percentage of carbonyl and carboxylic groups and the power of expansion. The pH and humidity are proper for each kind of farina. This way, the raw materials that are used for each cheese bread manufacturing must be analysed in each allotment
The fermented cassava starch has been used as raw material for many products of the Brazilian culinary mainly in the biscuit manufacturing. Starch of arrowroot, english potato, baroa-potato and cassava were extracted and fermented in order to investigate other fermented starch sources for manufacturing biscuits. The fermented starch showed characteristics similar to those of commercial fermented cassava starch. The biscuits manufactured from the fermented starch of english potato didn?t expand and was very hard and the biscuits manufactured from the fermented starch of arrowroot and of baroa-potato were approved by the consumers and can be used in the biscuit manufacturing the same way as the fermented cassava starch.
Analysis at microenvironments, like single cells or in minute volumes (nL), is an area of great interest for analytical and biological sciences. Measurements at these experimental conditions demand analytical tools (microelectrodes) capable of monitoring with rapid response, good resolution and minimal perturbation of the system. The major drawbacks in producing these microscopic electrodes have been largely overcome, principally due to the development of new fabrication methods. In this review, these procedures are described with emphasis to those devoted to the construction of microelectrodes for application in microenvironments. Examples of our efforts to use these devices as effective electrochemical sensors are also addressed.
Secondary alcohol concentrations in sugar cane spirits from different origins were determined by gas chromatography. A great variation in the concentration of the secondary alcohols was found in these spirits. Of the 33 brands analyzed, 8 of them were found to be out of conformity with the legislation. Sec butanol, for which the maximum allowed concentration level is 100 mg.L-1 in absolute ethanol, was found within a concentration range between 5 mg.L-1, the limit of quantitation (LQ) and 408 mg.L-1 in absolute ethanol. Sugar cane samples from Salinas, MG, were the only ones that exhibited self similarity because of the low concentrations of n-butanol and n-amylic alcohol (< limit of detection LD).
In this study of articulation issues related to languages other than English (LOTE), "articulation" is defined and the challenges surrounding it are overviewed. Data taken from an independent school's admission documents over a 4-year period provide insights and reveal trends concerning students' preferences for language study, LOTE study continuity, and reasons for LOTE selection. The data also provides an accounting of some multiple LOTE learning experiences. The analysis indicates that many students who begin a LOTE in the early grades are thwarted in becoming proficient, because (1) continuation in the language is impossible due to unavailability of instruction; (2) expanded learning is hampered by teachers' inability to deal with a range of learners, (3) extended learning is hampered by administrative decisions or policies, or (4) students lose interest in the first LOTE and switch to another. Finally, a call is made for data gathering and research in local contexts to gain a better understanding of LOTE articulation challenges at the local, state, national, and international levels.
O autor revê um artigo publicado em maio de 1961, na RAE, sobre o tamanho do lote econômico de compras em tempo de inflação. Desde que a elevação de preços seja estável, é possível utilizar o conceito do lote econômico, valendo-se de um fator corretivo que leva em conta a inflação.