972 resultados para local project


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In the summer of 2009 a local Men’s group that met in St Helena’s thought that it might be a good idea to sow a wild garden on the site.  Then came the raised beds – 2 were placed in the garden area opposite the front door of the house and as it was winter there was not much happening and they were quickly renamed the ‘coffins’.  This was the start of ‘Daisy Roots’. Dublin City Council provided top soil and water butts.  An Taisce funded the start up phase of the project and now continue to provide funds for insurance and some development work.  At the right hand side of St Helena’s there is, what was the old stable yard of the ‘big house’.  This had been used to house a large ‘lock up container and a porta-cabin.  These have been now removed and this is where the main part of the garden is. Following a conference of Business in the Community Ireland, DX Ltd expressed an interest in getting involved in a local project.  Together DX staff and the volunteers reclaimed the old stables and gave them new roofs and new doors.  Paths were put in between the raised vegetable beds and new raised beds were built.  A seating area was developed.  The garden is now wheelchair accessible and there are wheelchair accessible flowerbeds in the garden also.  The newest projects in the garden are a memorial flowerbed and a propagator. Dublin City Council via Cherry Orchard Regeneration Board Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Dublin 11 Funding Dublin City Council via Cherry Orchard Regeneration Board Partner Agencies An Taisce Dublin City Council HSE Tolka Area Partnership


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Ce mémoire est une étude sur le développement local comme stratégie de lutte contre la pauvreté en Haïti. C'est une étude de cas sur une stratégie qui a été implantée par la WVI dans plusieurs communautés pauvres en Haïti, le Programme de Développement de zone (PDZ). Nous avons cherché à savoir comment le PDZ a permis de mettre en place un projet de développement local de lutte contre la pauvreté dans ces communautés. Plus spécifiquement, nous avons analysé, à l'aide de la perspective de Klein et al. (2011), le type de stratégie de développement local auquel le PDZ correspond et vu comment il implique les communautés visées. En effet, plusieurs dimensions, dont la majorité proposée par Klein et al. ont été analysées : le transfert de la stratégie aux leaders locaux ; le processus de leadership local (individuel, organisationnel et socio-territorial) ; la mobilisation des ressources endogènes et exogène ; l'utilisation créative des programmes publics ; la gestion locale des conflits et apprentissage collectif ; et la construction d'une identité positive et d'un sentiment d'appartenance. Ce mémoire fait ressortir une critique souvent adressée à l'endroit des interventions des ONGI, à savoir que la situation de dépendance qu'elles engendrent compte tenu de l'approche assistentialiste sur laquelle elles sont souvent échafaudées. Particulièrement, l'étude du PDZ, nous renseigne que dans un contexte de grande pauvreté, de cumulation de désavantages (en termes de ressources humaines, économiques, politiques), ou d'obstacles objectifs, le développement par initiatives locales soulève des défis et enjeux majeurs. Les données montrent que la stratégie du PDZ __ bien qu'elle soit parvenue à développer un leadership local ; à favoriser une circulation limité de ressources économiques ; à permettre la construction d'une identité positive chez certaines personnes ; __ ne permet pas une mobilisation locale co-construite qui viendrait maintenir les actions mises de l'avant en faveur des priorités dégagées par les communautés elles-mêmes. Enfin, à travers l'analyse nous avons pu conclure qu'elle correspond à un modèle top-down.


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The City of Remsen is proactively addressing an increase of nitrates in their public water supply before it becomes a financial catastrophe for them. An intensive assessment was conducted by the Iowa DNR Source Water Protection program as one of four pilot projects in the state. This assessment far surpassed standard desktop assessments and gathered monitoring information in-the-field led by a local watershed group. This was incorporated into a computer modeling program to help the local watershed group discuss alternatives. This comprehensive approach clearly identified the source of nitrate infiltration as a cropland area adjacent to the City well field. Many options were evaluated but only one option provided an economical, viable and secure answer to the water supply needs of Remsen for generations to come. The watershed planning group chose to seek the purchase of this critical area of cropland and convert it to a deep rooted mixture of native grasses. This WIRB funding is intended to be used to acquire a small area totaling 21.1 acres. It represents about 22% of the total local project effort. This will be added to the existing City well field of 40.2 acres and another piece of adjacent property, 35.34 acres, that the City recently acquired as part of an overall aggressive program to protect the community water supply. The City has a signed purchase agreement for 14.4 acres of the 21.1 and a strong verbal commitment to obtain the remaining 5.7 acres. This project has been very active for almost 2 years and is ready to implement immediately upon funding notification. The establishment of native grasses, funded by the local chapter of Pheasants Forever, will take approximately the next three years of operation & maintenance.


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Ce document s’inscrit dans la foulée des préoccupations mondiales sur le devenir des villes au XXIe siècle. Il questionne les façons de faire qui contribuent à un développement de qualité des cadres de vie des citoyens. Les processus d’idéation de type atelier et charrette sont retenus en regard de leurs valeurs mobilisatrices et consensuelles qui répondent aux principes du développement durable. La problématique posée concerne l’adaptation de leur structure de fonctionnement au contexte local dans lequel il s’applique et de leur performance à induire les résultats escomptés. Une analyse comparative de trois études de cas révèle que le processus d’idéation se singularise en fonction des modalités de communication nécessaires pour progresser dans la démarche de planification des projets et conjointement à ceci, confirme que leur performance réside en leur capacité de rassembler l’ensemble des acteurs du projet en un même lieu. À l’issue de notre étude, nous fournissons un procédurier préliminaire pour diriger la mise en œuvre de processus d’idéation localement.


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If we want to evaluate the degree of local development that High-Speed Train (HST) provides in a city it is fundamental to observe the capacity of the actors of territory of organizing themselves to make use of their endogenous resources. Through the elaboration of a new methodology, the study of the process of development of three medium-sized cities with HST, Lérida (Spain), Avignon (France) and Novara (Italy), is suggested. As conclusion certain characteristic problems of intermediate city are shown in the execution of its local project, basically the existence of a troublesome multiscalar relationship and of a weak network of local actors. The fragility of this urban context is owed to the lack of correct processes of internal and external governance


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L'objectiu central de la tesi és estudiar els processos que permeten aconseguir un desenvolupament local a llarg termini de les ciutats mitjanes a partir de la implantació d'una gran infrastructura com el Tren d'Alta Velocitat (TAV). Es parteix de la hipòtesi que el desenvolupament local urbà a partir del TAV depèn de factors objectius i de factors subjectius (dels subjectes), uns factors que prenen una forma particular en el desenvolupament de les ciutats mitjanes. La tesi es divideix en una primera part teòrica i segona de més aplicada. Diversos autors han arribat a la conclusió que la relació tradicional que s'ha donat entre les infrastructures de transport i territori parteix d'uns paradigmes deterministes, que s'exemplifiquen amb una relació de "causa-efecte". Per aquest motiu, s'han criticat els estudis sobre els efectes socioeconòmics de les infrastructures de transport, així com el mateix concepte d'"efecte". Aquesta crítica es repeteix els estudis sobre el TAV i les ciutats mitjanes, que arriben a la conclusió que el desenvolupament econòmic no és un fet automàtic i que no es poden predir les conseqüències a mig i llarg termini del TAV. El desenvolupament local a partir del TAV, doncs, estaria relacionat amb tres elements principals. En primer lloc, entendre que la ciutat -i el territori- és un fenomen complex i, com a tal, cal abordar-lo des de la teoria dels sistemes complexos. En segon lloc, la gran infrastructura ha de convertir-se en un recurs endogen (interconnexió amb la xarxa local d'actors i territorialització en el milieu de la ciutat) per a que pugui contribuir al desenvolupament. En tercer lloc, la dinàmica de governance dels actors és primordial, i es divideix en la gestió interna de la xarxa local (projecte local) i la gestió multinivell de les administracions. En base als referents teòrics, es construeix una metodologia per avaluar el grau de desenvolupament local que ha comportat el TAV en tres ciutats mitjanes de l'arc mediterrani europeu, Lleida, Avinyó i Novara, situades respectivament a Espanya, França i Itàlia. La metodologia preveu l'estudi d'aspectes tècnics de la ciutat com els de transport (Posició territorial de la ciutat a partir del TAV, Característiques de l'estació TAV), urbanístics (Model urbanístic a escala municipal/urbana, Model urbanístic a escala de l'estació) i econòmics (Diferents projectes econòmics de la ciutat relacionats amb el TAV). També preveu l'estudi d'aspectes organitzatius externs (Els agents supralocals i els seus projectes, Grau de conflictivitat i cooperació en les relacions dels agents locals i supralocals) i interns (Capacitat de creació d'un projecte de ciutat a partir del TAV, Agents que participen en el projecte local i la seva dinàmica, Àmbit territorial dels projectes). Finalment s'efectua una avaluació del procés i dels resultats del desenvolupament local. Com a conclusió es demostra que el procés de desenvolupament local a partir de les grans infrastructures de transport depèn, en bon part, de la capacitat de governance. Depèn, per un cantó, de la capacitat dels agents locals d'elaborar un projecte de desenvolupament i liderar unes estratègies d'aprofitament i, de l'altre, de la capacitat dels agents del territori (estatals, regionals, locals) de crear aliances i cooperació per planificar la infrastructura de transport. Finalment es presenten un seguit de recomanacions a les ciutats que volen planificar l'arribada del TAV per a que contribueixi a un desenvolupament amb les característiques d'eficàcia, sostenibilitat, productivitat i equitat.


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Families living with autism often feel unable to attend social and cultural events largely due to the fear of their child attracting negative or even aggressive reactions from others. The ‘joint attention’ that is part of the theatre experience however may be a powerful factor in the development of social and communication skills for such children. ‘Relaxed performances’ offer an opportunity for them to access and engage with theatre by making special arrangements designed to reduce tensions associated with visits to public places. Aspects of the production such as the use of lighting and sound effects which may trigger adverse reactions are also adjusted. This paper reports on how one local theatre drew on the findings of a national project to mount a ‘relaxed performance’ of their annual pantomime. It discusses the theatre’s preparations and presents evidence of the impact the event had on local children with autism and their families. The success of both the national and this local project marks a new beginning for improved access to the theatre for an audience that has hitherto felt largely excluded.


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The aim of this paper was to consider the impact on psychologists of one component of the Australian Government's Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care (BOiMHC) program, namely the Access to Allied Psychological Services (ATAPS) component. This supports psychologists and general practitioners (GPs) to work together to provide optimal mental health care, via 102 projects being conducted by Divisions of General Practice. The paper was informed by data from five sources: a project-based minimum dataset; local project evaluation reports; a forum; a survey of projects: and a survey of Australian Psychological Society (APS) members. Taken together, the data from these sources showed that a significant number of psychologists are providing services through the projects, and the majority are finding it a positive and professionally rewarding experience. There is considerable variability regarding models of retaining, locating and referring to psychologists, and there are pros and cons associated with each. The major problem identified by psychologists is the level of remuneration. BOiMHC is currently moving into a new phase of continuation and expansion, and consideration was given to whether the data point to any changes that could be made to the ATAPS projects during this period of transition. In the main, the data suggest that the status quo should be retained, but the issue of remuneration must be addressed.


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To reveal the theories and practices that linked education to the development within the cities of Boston and Buenos Aires, and in turn to the development of US and Argentina nationalism, “Cosmopolitan Imperialism” centers on two education reformers, Horace Mann (1776-1859) and Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1811-1888). Mann and Sarmiento formed part of a supra-national community where liberal intellectual elites created a republic of letters, or perhaps better said, a republic of schools. As different versions of education branched out from a common Atlantic origin during the nineteenth century, Mann and Sarmiento searched for those ideas that better fit their national projects, a local project that started in the cities and moved to the interior parts of the country. In Boston and Buenos Aires, modern nationalism intertwined with imperial projects. This dissertation thus analyzes nationalism and reform in the nineteenth-century as an imperial project led by cosmopolitan intellectual elites. While we might expect to find Mann and Sarmiento’s ideas on education to be centered on their national experiences, looking to Europe for inspiration, this dissertation shows that it was quite the opposite. Educational ideas developed within an interconnected network and traveled within the North-South axis connecting Boston with Buenos Aires. This framework moves the focus from the interchange of ideas between America and Europe and places it within the American continent. At the same time, it allows us to consider Latin American and the US as both creators and recipients of educational ideas. There is a traditional way of talking about nationalism and reform in the nineteenth-century, especially in terms of education and educational policies. It is common to imagine that in the US, and even more certainly in Latin America, educated elites looked to the so-called West for inspiration. The argument is that they ended up adapting foreign models to their local and internal contexts. This dissertation challenges that idea and shows that different versions of education developed from a shared Atlantic milieu in which reformers in certain cities saw themselves as part of the same cosmopolitan empires.


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As demand for electricity from renewable energy sources grows, there is increasing interest, and public and financial support, for local communities to become involved in the development of renewable energy projects. In the UK, “Community Benefit” payments are the most common financial link between renewable energy projects and local communities. These are “goodwill” payments from the project developer for the community to spend as it wishes. However, if an ownership stake in the renewable energy project were possible, receipts to the local community would potentially be considerably higher. The local economic impacts of these receipts are difficult to quantify using traditional Input-Output techniques, but can be more appropriately handled within a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) framework where income flows between agents can be traced in detail. We use a SAM for the Shetland Islands to evaluate the potential local economic and employment impact of a large onshore wind energy project proposed for the Islands. Sensitivity analysis is used to show how the local impact varies with: the level of Community Benefit payments; the portion of intermediate inputs being sourced from within the local economy; and the level of any local community ownership of the project. By a substantial margin, local ownership confers the greatest economic impacts for the local community.


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This paper presents a pilot project (INTERNORM) funded by the University of Lausanne (2010 - 2013) to support the involvement of civil society organisations (CSO) in international standard setting bodies such as the ISO. It analyses how a distinct participatory mechanism can influence the institutional environment of technical diplomacy in which standards are shaped. The project is an attempt to respond to the democratic deficit attested in the field of international standardisation, formally open to civil society participation, but still largely dominated by expert knowledge and market players. Many international standards have direct implications on society as a whole, but CSOs (consumers and environmental associations, trade unions) are largely under-represented in negotiation arenas. The paper draws upon international relations literature on new institutional forms in global governance and studies of participation in science and technology. It argues that there are significant limitations to the rise of civil society participation in such global governance mechanisms. The INTERNORM project has been designed as a platform of knowledge exchange between CSO and academic experts, with earmarked funding and official membership to a national standardisation body. But INTERNORM cannot substitute for a long- established lack of resources in time, money and expertise of CSOs. Despite high entry costs into technical diplomacy, participation thus appears as less a matter of upstream engagement, or of procedure only, than of dedicated means to shift the geometry of actors and the framing of socio-technical change.