445 resultados para littorina littorea
The movement of the snail Littorina littoreaon the North Atlantic coast is poorly understood. Most research has concentrated on the vertical distribution of the snail, and suggests that it prefers the low intertidal zone where its food source is most plentiful. In the winter, this distribution is reinforced by a documented seaward migration of snails from the high intertidal zone in response to falling temperatures. From October 14, 2006 to January 22, 2007, I examined the individual movements and recovery of snails in response to the onset of winter. I proposed that falling water and air temperatures drive the majority of snail movement within the intertidal zone, and that water temperature had the greater effect. I also examined the possibility that, in addition to a seaward migration, winter weather patterns in the Gulf of Maine and their effect on the ocean may encourage the wintertime vertical distribution of snails. Finally, I examined the possibility that populations of snails in the comparatively inhospitable high intertidal zone may endure the winter if given access to proper resources.
We demonstrate that acidified seawater can have indirect biological effects by disrupting the capability of organisms to express induced defences, hence, increasing their vulnerability to predation. The intertidal gastropod Littorina littorea produced thicker shells in the presence of predation (crab) cues but this response was disrupted at low seawater pH. This response was accompanied by a marked depression in metabolic rate (hypometabolism) under the joint stress of high predation risk and reduced pH. However, snails in this treatment apparently compensated for a lack of morphological defence, by increasing their avoidance behaviour, which, in turn, could affect their interactions with other organisms. Together, these findings suggest that biological effects from ocean acidification may be complex and extend beyond simple direct effects.
In the future, marine organisms will face the challenge of coping with multiple environmental changes associated with increased levels of atmospheric Pco2, such as ocean warming and acidification. To predict how organisms may or may not meet these challenges, an in-depth understanding of the physiological and biochemical mechanisms underpinning organismal responses to climate change is needed. Here, we investigate the effects of elevated Pco2 and temperature on the whole-organism and cellular physiology of the periwinkle Littorina littorea. Metabolic rates (measured as respiration rates), adenylate energy nucleotide concentrations and indexes, and end-product metabolite concentrations were measured. Compared with values for control conditions, snails decreased their respiration rate by 31% in response to elevated Pco2 and by 15% in response to a combination of increased Pco2 and temperature. Decreased respiration rates were associated with metabolic reduction and an increase in end-product metabolites in acidified treatments, indicating an increased reliance on anaerobic metabolism. There was also an interactive effect of elevated Pco2 and temperature on total adenylate nucleotides, which was apparently compensated for by the maintenance of adenylate energy charge via AMP deaminase activity. Our findings suggest that marine intertidal organisms are likely to exhibit complex physiological responses to future environmental drivers, with likely negative effects on growth, population dynamics, and, ultimately, ecosystem processes.
Recent studies on the ecology of marine larvae suggest that retention near coastal areas and self-recruitment are probably much more common than previously thought. In light of this, the advective potential of pelagic stages can be partially determined by the timing of propagule release. We sampled the upper-shore levels of a subtropical coastline in southeastern Brazil to examine the temporal patterns of propagule release for the common barnacle Chthamalus bisinuatus and the periwinkle Nodilittorina lineolata. The release timing in both species was very consistent between sites a few kilometers apart. Barnacles released nauplii in a rhythmic pattern, mostly coinciding with neap tides, when the speed of tidal currents was lowest. There was no variation in propagule release in relation to diel or flood-ebb tidal cycles. Periwinkles released propagules in a very irregular pattern, which remarkably matched a time series of wave heights. Egg capsules were released during periods of rough seas, when onshore surface currents were expected to prevail. Eggs were released mostly during ebb tides, and there was no diel variation. Propagule release rhythms are usually viewed as a means to ensure fast offshore advection, thus avoiding presumed hazardous conditions for larvae. However, propagule release strategies in these upper-shore species would more likely contribute to the retention of offspring close to parental stocks.
Among the Pleistocene and Holocene units recorded near the marine cliffs of Cape Mondego (Figueira da Foz, West Central Portugal) stands out the Farol Deposit (Depósito do Farol), at an altitude of ±95 m above present sea level. It is a marine terrace with three exposures of interstratified conglomerates and sands, overlapped by calclititic-fanglomerates. This sedimentary setting indicates that deposition took place in a seashore environment influenced by the proximity of a marine palaeocliff. The deposit has an interesting subfossil fauna with abraded and fragmented shells of Nucella lapillus (LINNÉ, 1758), Patella vulgata (LINNÉ, 1758) and Littorina littorea (LINNÉ, 1758), suggesting the existence of an environment with colder surface seawater, when compared with the present day Portuguese seashore. These specimens belonged to marine communities adapted to live in intertidal rocky platforms, which have been exposed to the cyclic action of waves and tidal flows, on the swash and surf zones. The Farol Deposit can be related to an Early/Middle Pleistocene “cold-water” episode, earlier to the Isotopic Stages 7 and 11. This episode occurred before the deposition of the units Quiaios Sands (Areias de Quiaios) and Cantanhede Sands (Areias de Cantanhede) (Sicilian?), but later than the Arazede Sands (Areias de Arazede) and Marinha das Ondas Sands (Areias de Marinha das Ondas) (Early Pleistocene).
Rising seawater temperature and CO2 concentrations (ocean acidification) represent two of the most influential factors impacting marine ecosystems in the face of global climate change. In ecological climate change research full-factorial experiments across seasons in multi-species, cross-trophic level set-ups are essential as they allow making realistic estimations about direct and indirect effects and the relative importance of both major environmental stressors on ecosystems. In benthic mesocosm experiments we tested the responses of coastal Baltic Sea Fucus vesiculosus communities to elevated seawater temperature and CO2 concentrations across four seasons of one year. While increasing [CO2] levels only had minor effects, warming had strong and persistent effects on grazers which affected the Fucus community differently depending on season. In late summer a temperature-driven collapse of grazers caused a cascading effect from the consumers to the foundation species resulting in overgrowth of Fucus thalli by epiphytes. In fall/ winter, outside the growing season of epiphytes, intensified grazing under warming resulted in a significant reduction of Fucus biomass. Thus, we confirm the prediction that future increasing water temperatures influence marine food-web processes by altering top-down control, but we also show that specific consequences for food-web structure depend on season. Since Fucus vesiculosus is the dominant habitat-forming brown algal system in the Baltic Sea, its potential decline under global warming implicates the loss of key functions and services such as provision of nutrient storage, substrate, food, shelter and nursery grounds for a diverse community of marine invertebrates and fish in Baltic Sea coastal waters.
The ingestion of microplastics has been shown for a great variety of marine organisms. However, benthic marine mesoherbivores such as the common periwinkle Littorina littorea have been largely disregarded in studies about the effects of microplastics on the marine biota, probably because the pathway for microplastics to this functional group of organisms was not obvious. In laboratory experiments we showed that the seaweed Fucus vesiculosus retains suspended microplastics on its surface. The numbers of microplastics that adhered to the algae correlated with the concentrations of suspended particles in the water. In choice feeding assays L. littorea did not distinguish between algae with adherent microplastics and clean algae without microplastics, indicating that the snails do not recognize solid nonfood particles in the submillimeter size range as deleterious. In periwinkles that were feeding on contaminated algae, microplastics were found in the stomach and in the gut. However, no microplastics were found in the midgut gland, which is the principle digestive organ of gastropods. Microplastics in the fecal pellets of the periwinkles indicate that the particles do not accumulate rapidly inside the animals but are mostly released with the feces. Our results provide the first evidence that seaweeds may represent an efficient pathway for microplastics from the water to marine benthic herbivores.
After detachment from benthic habitats, the epibiont assemblages on floating seaweeds undergo substantial changes, but little is known regarding whether succession varies among different seaweed species. Given that floating algae may represent a limiting habitat in many regions, rafting organisms may be unselective and colonize any available seaweed patch at the sea surface. This process may homogenize rafting assemblages on different seaweed species, which our study examined by comparing the assemblages on benthic and floating individuals of the fucoid seaweeds Fucus vesiculosus and Sargassum muticum in the northern Wadden Sea (North Sea). Species richness was about twice as high on S. muticum as on F. vesiculosus, both on benthic and floating individuals. In both seaweed species benthic samples were more diverse than floating samples. However, the species composition differed significantly only between benthic thalli, but not between floating thalli of the two seaweed species. Separate analyses of sessile and mobile epibionts showed that the homogenization of rafting assemblages was mainly caused by mobile species. Among these, grazing isopods from the genus Idotea reached extraordinarily high densities on the floating samples from the northern Wadden Sea, suggesting that the availability of seaweed rafts was indeed limiting. Enhanced break-up of algal rafts associated with intense feeding by abundant herbivores might force rafters to recolonize benthic habitats. These colonization processes may enhance successful dispersal of rafting organisms and thereby contribute to population connectivity between sink populations in the Wadden Sea and source populations from up-current regions.
Die Bodentiergemeinschaft des Wattenmeeres ist von Frühjahr bis Herbst eines jeden Jahres durch extrem hohe Dichten von Jungtieren charakterisiert. Die Kenntnisse über die Ansiedlung von fplanktischen Larven im Wattenmeer, sowie die Dynamik postlarvaler Stadien sind aufgrund der üblicherweise verwendeten, großen Siebmaschenweiten gering. Gerade aber diesen Altersstadien kommt möglicherweise eine besondere Stellung im Energiefluß des Wattenmeeres zu. An 5 Stationen (von NWL bis HWL, B1-B5) im Rückseitenwatt der ostfriesischen Insel Borkum wurden 1986 Ansiedlung, räumliche Verteilung, Wachstum, Mortalität und Produktion der Altersklasse 0 von Macoma balthica, Mya arenaria und Cerastoderma edule untersucht. Um die Ansiedlung der planktotrophen Larven dieser Arten zu beschreiben, wurden ihre Dichten in Plankton und Bodenproben miteinander verglichen. Die Untersuchungen zur Dynamik der benthischen Stadien wurden mit zwei in der Probenfläche und der Siebmaschenweite unterschiedlichen Probenserien durchgeführt. Die Drift postlarvaler Stadien wurde durch bodennahe Planktonfänge innerhalb des Eulitorals nachgewiesen. Parallel zu den Untersuchungen an der Endofauna wurden das Vorkommen und die Größe epibenthischer Räuber im Untersuchungsgebiet erfaßt. Die Hauptansiedlung von M. balthica- und M. arenaria-Larven erfolgte nahezu gleichzeitig Ende Mai/Anfang Juni. Die meisten Larven beider Arten gingen an der prielnächsten (tiefsten) Station (B1) zum Bodenleben über, gefolgt von der nächst höher gelegenen Station B2. Während frühe Bodenstadien von M. arenaria nicht im oberen Bereich des Watts (B3,B4) gefunden wurden, ist eine geringfügige Erstansiedlung von M. balthica in diesem Gebiet nicht auszuschließen. Ein die Ansiedlung limitierender Einfluß der relativ dichten Mya arenaria-Siedlung an den Stationen B1 und B2 sowie der Alttiere von M. balthica konnte nicht festgestellt werden. Die Ähnlichkeit des Ansiedlungsprozesses bei beiden Arten, die sich im Zahlenverhältnis Larvenangebot zu Anzahl der ersten Bodenstadien widerspiegelt, kann ein Hinweis auf eine überwiegend passive Ansiedlung der Larven am Boden sein. Der Ort der Hauptansiedlung von C. edule wurde durch den Transekt nicht erfaßt. Die Station B2 war zwar durch ein Herzmuschelfeld charakterisiert, dieses war aber nach zwei Eiswintern nahezu vollständig eliminiert. Der Abundanz der planktischen Larven zufolge war der Hauptansiedlungszeitraum ebenfalls Ende Mai/Anfang Juni. Zu dieser Zeit wurden nur vereinzelt frühe Bodenstadien an den Stationen B1 und B2 gefunden, keine an den Stationen B3 und B4. Während die frühen postlarvalen Stadien von M. arenaria überwiegend am Ort der Ansiedlung blieben, verbreiteten sich die von M. balthica bis in den oberen Bereich des Untersuchungsgebietes (B3-B5). Analog zu der Besiedlung dieser Gebiete durch postlarvale M. balthica wurde die im Verlauf des Untersuchungsjahres stattfindende Kolonisierung der Station B1 durch C. edule ebenfalls postlarvalem Transport zugeschrieben. Demzufolge spielt bei beiden Muschelarten postlarvaler Transport eine wichtige Rolle bei der Besiedlung von Habitaten. Planktonfänge innerhalb der bodennahen Wasserschicht bestätigten, daß im Untersuchungsgebiet M. balthica die am stärksten verdriftende Muschelart war, gefolgt von C. edule. Mortalität, Wachstum, mittlere Biomasse, Produktion und P/B-Verhältnis wurden für M. balthica an den Stationen B1, B3 und B4 sowie für M. arenaria an der Station B1 bestimmt. Wachstum und damit auch Produktion beider Arten erwiesen sich hier - wie an den höher gelegen Stationen (nur M. balthica) - als durch größenselektiven Feinddruck beeinflußt. Der Effekt postlarvalen Transports auf Wachstum wird diskutiert. Übergreifend über die auf Artebene diskutierten Ergebnisse wird die Bedeutung der Dispersion postlarvaler Stadien und die Wirkung epibenthischen Feinddrucks im Wattenmeer erörtert. Der Vergleich postlarvalen Transportes mit der Dispersion planktischer Larvenstadien, der Dispersion von Meiofauna und der Mobilität adulter Stadien der Makrofauna verdeutlicht, daß es sich hierbei um eine Strategie handeln kann, innerhalb eines unvorhersagbaren Biotops freiwerdende Ressourcen zu nutzen und dadurch Konkurrenz zu vermeiden. Es wird die Hypothese aufgestellt, daß Initialansiedlung und Immigration einerseits sowie Feinddruck und Emigration andererseits einen Regelkreis darstellen, der in verschiedenen Teilbereichen des Watts mit unterschiedlicher Geschwindigkeit abläuft.