988 resultados para lithic resources exploitation
The 800 km coastline of Nigeria is a huge gateway to a supply of food and raw materials. But while immense fishery resource is perceived by many, its full exploitation is obstructed by how little is understood of the ocean processes necessary for effective utilisation. Much basic oceanographic research is needed as a prerequisite to evolving successful strategies for full application of Nigeria's marine fisheries resources
Throughout the world, pressures on water resources are increasing, mainly as a result of human activity. Because of their accessibility, groundwater and surface water are the most used reservoirs. The evaluation of the water quality requires the identification of the interconnections among the water reservoirs, natural landscape features, human activities and aquatic health. This study focuses on the estimation of the water pollution linked to two different environmental issues: salt water intrusion and acid mine drainage related to the exploitation of natural resources. Effects of salt water intrusion occurring in the shallow aquifer north of Ravenna (Italy) was analysed through the study of ion- exchange occurring in the area and its variance throughout the year, applying a depth-specific sampling method. In the study area were identified ion exchange, calcite and dolomite precipitation, and gypsum dissolution and sulphate reduction as the main processes controlling the groundwater composition. High concentrations of arsenic detected only at specific depth indicate its connexion with the organic matter. Acid mine drainage effects related to the tin extraction in the Bolivian Altiplano was studied, on water and sediment matrix. Water contamination results strictly dependent on the seasonal variation, on pH and redox conditions. During the dry season the strong evaporation and scarce water flow lead to low pH values, high concentrations of heavy metals in surface waters and precipitation of secondary minerals along the river, which could be released in oxidizing conditions as demonstrated through the sequential extraction analysis. The increase of the water flow during the wet season lead to an increase of pH values and a decrease in heavy metal concentrations, due to dilution effect and, as e.g. for the iron, to precipitation.
Homenaje a Ignacio Barandiarán Maestu / coord. por Javier Fernández Eraso, Juan Santos Yanguas
[ES] Exponemos en este trabajo los primeros resultados referentes a las áreas de aprovisionamiento de materiales silíceos en el sector oriental de la Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica durante el Pleistoceno superior y Holoceno. Se describen aquellos afloramientos cuyos sílex han sido identificados en varios yacimientos del periodo contemplado. Hemos constatado una transformación sustancial de las estrategias de aprovisionamiento, observable a fines del Paleolítico y especialmente significativa desde el Epipaleolítico. Asimismo, las pautas de ocupación del territorio reflejadas muestran indicios de un aprovechamiento rentable, estacional, de tierras en torno a los 600 m.s.n.m. durante el Pleistoceno superior, y con territorios de explotación probablemente de mayor extensión que los contemplados hasta el momento por la historiografía del Paleolítico cantábrico.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão de Empresas (MBA), 23 de Maio de 2016, Universidade dos Açores.
FAO regularly releases studies on the state of fish resources exploitation (The state of world fisheries and aquaculture)and the development of fisheries by geographic areas. The 1983 and 1985 editions provided interesting discussions on fisheries development trends in the world: the majority of sea-facing countries adopted legislation that extends the national jurisdiction on the waters off their coasts (usually indicated within 200 miles) and establishes exclusive economic zones (EEZs). The huge fluctuations in the abundance of some fish stocks are obstacles to fisheries development. This issue, as well as the need to improve research activities and management of fish stocks is also analyzed in this work. The author highlighted the situation of fisheries in the Western Indian Ocean, with particular attention to tuna fisheries and to inland water resources of Mozambique.
Based on the proven existence of large pelagic fish resources in the southern coast of Mozambique, an experimental fishing trolling program has been designed to study the possibility of resources exploitation through the introduction of trolling technique on artisanal vessels (Project FAO/TCP/MOZ/5653). Although operational problems occurred, the program carried out during the year 1957, provided a collection of data and knowledge. It allowed the preparation of present paper, which could serve as an indicator for a possible implementation of this fishing method in the Mozambican artisanal sector. Sharing this study, the author expects to give a further contribution to the development of a greater pelagic fishery in the waters of Mozambique.
:水蚀风蚀交错带是黄土高原侵蚀最严重的地区和黄河下游河床粗泥沙的主要来源区 ,其生态环境脆弱、治理难度大 ,加之晋陕蒙能源基地的大规模开发 ,也带来了新的环境问题。鉴于治黄和煤田开发及生态环境整治的紧迫需要 ,以水蚀风蚀交错带六道沟小流域为试区 ,分析研究了该区水蚀风蚀时空分布规律及脆弱生态环境特征 ,提出以防治水蚀和风蚀为中心 ,以提高生态经济效益和持续发展为目标 ,以基本农田优化结构和高效利用及植被建设为重点 ,建立具有防蚀固沙兼高效生态经济功能的大农业复合生态系统综合治理模式 ,取得了良好的社会与经济效益
Ce mémoire de maîtrise traite d’un phénomène qui a gagné en importance dans les études sur l’Amérique latine : l’exploitation des ressources naturelles par des compagnies étrangères et l’augmentation des mouvements de résistance des populations locales contre l’implantation de ces compagnies. Délaissant l’accent généralement placé sur la naissance de ces mouvements, les impacts du temps sur les transformations du phénomène de résistance sont mesurés et analysés. Le cas de la compagnie minière canadienne Goldcorp Inc., exploitant de l’or dans la vallée de Siria, au Honduras, illustre à merveille les diverses techniques utilisées lors d’une lutte de longue haleine par une population rurale désirant résister à une compagnie transnationale au capital économique, politique et scientifique plus important. Ainsi, les dynamiques du mouvement de résistance soulignent des changements dans sa forme première à la suite de l’intrusion de nouveaux acteurs locaux et internationaux. Des identités, construites avec l’arrivée de la mine, sont aussi en jeu chez les groupes qui s’affrontent dans la région. L’étude d’un mouvement vers la fin de sa vie indique, de plus, le besoin de redéfinir la résistance et de sortir d’un schème purement actif vers un qui inclut aussi l’aspect discursif et moral dans sa définition.
Combiner le respect du milieu et le bien-être des personnes qui vivent de l’exploitation des ressources naturelles en Amazonie est une préoccupation qui est appelée à transformer les politiques d’exploitation du territoire. Je montre dans cette étude que les gains du développement économique, la protection de l’environnement et l’amélioration du niveau de vie des populations locales sont des objectifs compatibles. Toutefois, des tensions entre les trois piliers du développement durable subsistent et nécessitent une forme de négociation pour arriver à un équilibre des coûts et bénéfices du développement. En Amazonie, cette négociation prend la forme d’un encadrement du développement par les législations gouvernementales. Ces lois clarifient les droits de propriété et établissent un système de gestion de l’exploitation des ressources forestières tant sur les terres publiques que sur les terres privées. En analysant deux cas d’exploitation de ressources issues de la forêt, soit le bois d’œuvre et la baie d’açaí, j’explique les raisons pour lesquelles les populations locales vivant de l’exploitation des diverses ressources forestières sont peu intégrées dans le processus de développement. La régulation publique s’appliquant à l’exploitation du bois tend à criminaliser les activités pratiquées par les populations locales sans apporter d’alternative autre que les plans de gestion forestière. Dans le cas de la baie d’açaí, la coexistence de la culture et de la cueillette comme systèmes de production permet aux populations locales de continuer leurs activités traditionnelles et une répartition des coûts et bénéfices du développement plus équitable entre les acteurs.
In the last decades, the increase of industrial activities and of the request for the world food requirement, the intensification of natural resources exploitation, directly connected to pollution, have aroused an increasing interest of the public opinion towards initiatives linked to the regulation of food production, as well to the institution of a modern legislation for the consumer guardianship. This work was planned taking into account some important thematics related to marine environment, collecting and showing the data obtained from the studies made on different marine species of commercial interest (Chamelea gallina, Mytilus edulis, Ostrea edulis, Crassostrea gigas, Salmo salar, Gadus morhua). These studies have evaluated the effects of important physic and chemical parameters variations (temperature, xenobiotics like drugs, hydrocarbons and pesticides) on cells involved in the immune defence (haemocytes) and on some important enzymatic systems involved in xenobiotic biotransformation processes (cytochrome P450 complex) and in the related antioxidant defence processes (Superoxide dismutase, Catalase, Heat Shock Protein), from a biochemical and bimolecular point of view. Oxygen is essential in the biological answer of a living organism. Its consume in the normal cellular breathing physiological processes and foreign substances biotransformation, leads to reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation, potentially toxic and responsible of biological macromolecules damages with consequent pathologies worsening. Such processes can bring to a qualitative alteration of the derived products, but also to a general state of suffering that in the most serious cases can provoke the death of the organism, with important repercussions in economic field, in the output of the breedings, of fishing and of aquaculture. In this study it seemed interesting to apply also alternative methodologies currently in use in the medical field (cytofluorimetry) and in proteomic studies (bidimensional electrophoresis, mass spectrometry) with the aim of identify new biomarkers to place beside the traditional methods for the control of the animal origin food quality. From the results it’s possible to point out some relevant aspects from each experiment: 1. The cytofluorimetric techniques applied to O. edulis and C. gigas could bring to important developments in the search of alternative methods that quickly allows to identify with precision the origin of a specific sample, contributing to oppose possible alimentary frauds, in this case for example related to presence of a different species, also under a qualitative profile, but morpholgically similar. A concrete perspective for the application in the inspective field of this method has to be confirmed by further laboratory tests that take also in account in vivo experiments to evaluate the effect in the whole organism of the factors evaluated only on haemocytes in vitro. These elements suggest therefore the possibility to suit the cytofluorimetric methods for the study of animal organisms of food interest, still before these enter the phase of industrial working processes, giving useful information about the possible presence of contaminants sources that can induce an increase of the immune defence and an alteration of normal cellular parameter values. 2. C. gallina immune system has shown an interesting answer to benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) exposure, dose and time dependent, with a significant decrease of the expression and of the activity of one of the most important enzymes involved in the antioxidant defence in haemocytes and haemolymph. The data obtained are confirmed by several measurements of physiological parameters, that together with the decrease of the activity of 7-etossi-resourifine-O-deetilase (EROD linked to xenobiotic biotransformation processes) during exposure, underline the major effects of B[a]P action. The identification of basal levels of EROD supports the possible presence of CYP1A subfamily in the invertebrates, still today controversial, never identified previously in C. gallina and never isolated in the immune cells, as confirmed instead in this study with the identification of CYP1A-immunopositive protein (CYP1A-IPP). This protein could reveal a good biomarker at the base of a simple and quick method that could give clear information about specific pollutants presence, even at low concentrations in the environment where usually these organisms are fished before being commercialized. 3. In this experiment it has been evaluated the effect of the antibiotic chloramphenicol (CA) in an important species of commercial interest, Chamelea gallina. Chloramphenicol is a drug still used in some developing countries, also in veterinary field. Controls to evaluate its presence in the alimentary products of animal origin, can reveal ineffective whereas the concentration results to be below the limit of sensitivity of the instruments usually used in this type of analysis. Negative effects of CA towards the CYP1A- IPP proteins, underlined in this work, seem to be due to the attack of free radicals resultant from the action of the antibiotic. This brings to a meaningful alteration of the biotransformation mechanisms through the free radicals. It seems particularly interesting to pay attention to the narrow relationships in C. gallina, between SOD/CAT and CYP450 system, actively involved in detoxification mechanism, especially if compared with the few similar works today present about mollusc, a group that is composed by numerous species that enter in the food field and on which constant controls are necessary to evaluate in a rapid and effective way the presence of possible contaminations. 4. The investigations on fishes (Gadus morhua, and Salmo salar) and on a bivalve mollusc (Mytilus edulis) have allowed to evaluate different aspects related to the possibility to identify a biomarker for the evaluation of the health of organisms of food interest and consequently for the quality of the final product through 2DE methodologies. In the seafood field these techniques are currently used with a discreet success only for vertebrates (fishes), while in the study of the invertebrates (molluscs) there are a lot of difficulties. The results obtained in this work have underline several problems in the correct identification of the isolated proteins in animal organisms of which doesn’t currently exist a complete genomic sequence. This brings to attribute some identities on the base of the comparison with similar proteins in other animal groups, incurring in the possibility to obtain inaccurate data and above all discordant with those obtained on the same animals by other authors. Nevertheless the data obtained in this work after MALDI-ToF analysis, result however objective and the spectra collected could be again analyzed in the future after the update of genomic database related to the species studied. 4-A. The investigation about the presence of HSP70 isoforms directly induced by different phenomena of stress like B[a]P presence, has used bidimensional electrophoresis methods in C. gallina, that have allowed to isolate numerous protein on 2DE gels, allowing the collection of several spots currently in phase of analysis with MALDI-ToF-MS. The present preliminary work has allowed therefore to acquire and to improve important methodologies in the study of cellular parameters and in the proteomic field, that is not only revealed of great potentiality in the application in medical and veterinary field, but also in the field of the inspection of the foods with connections to the toxicology and the environmental pollution. Such study contributes therefore to the search of rapid and new methodologies, that can increase the inspective strategies, integrating themselves with those existing, but improving at the same time the general background of information related to the state of health of the considered animal organism, with the possibility, still hypothetical, to replace in particular cases the employment of the traditional techniques in the alimentary field.
El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir los enfoques principales del debate sobre el tratamiento que debe dar la economía al impacto ambiental. El tema se relaciona con toda la discusión sobre el desarrollo y sobre la relación entre territorio y desarrollo, y atraviesa la problemática de la geografía económica y regional en cuestiones como la planificación regional o el análisis de impacto, sobre todo en territorios con fuerte influencia de la explotación de recursos naturales. Se analiza la manera de incorporar el problema en las bases de la economía neoclásica aceptando sus principios y utilizando sus instrumentos. Luego se aborda la economía ecológica desde el trabajo de Georgescu-Roegen de 1971, el primero que intenta introducir en el razonamiento económico las leyes de la irreversibilidad de los procesos, por fuera de la visión neoclásica y fundando una corriente heterodoxa. Más allá de estas posiciones, están las visiones que analizan la relación entre ambiente y desarrollo manteniendo el concepto de centro-periferia o asumiendo la necesidad de construir discursos contra-hegemónicos, enmarcando la cuestión ambiental en esa lógica: se mencionan la postura del marxismo y el aporte del poscolonialismo -este último, fundamental, por la importancia que asigna a la necesidad de reconstruir la perspectiva ambiental desde las identidades y el territorio-. Las conclusiones plantean el desafío de retomar este tipo de puntos de vista -lo que limita enormemente el uso del herramental de la economía ambiental- y también algunas propuestas neoinstitucionalistas de la economía ecológica
El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir los enfoques principales del debate sobre el tratamiento que debe dar la economía al impacto ambiental. El tema se relaciona con toda la discusión sobre el desarrollo y sobre la relación entre territorio y desarrollo, y atraviesa la problemática de la geografía económica y regional en cuestiones como la planificación regional o el análisis de impacto, sobre todo en territorios con fuerte influencia de la explotación de recursos naturales. Se analiza la manera de incorporar el problema en las bases de la economía neoclásica aceptando sus principios y utilizando sus instrumentos. Luego se aborda la economía ecológica desde el trabajo de Georgescu-Roegen de 1971, el primero que intenta introducir en el razonamiento económico las leyes de la irreversibilidad de los procesos, por fuera de la visión neoclásica y fundando una corriente heterodoxa. Más allá de estas posiciones, están las visiones que analizan la relación entre ambiente y desarrollo manteniendo el concepto de centro-periferia o asumiendo la necesidad de construir discursos contra-hegemónicos, enmarcando la cuestión ambiental en esa lógica: se mencionan la postura del marxismo y el aporte del poscolonialismo -este último, fundamental, por la importancia que asigna a la necesidad de reconstruir la perspectiva ambiental desde las identidades y el territorio-. Las conclusiones plantean el desafío de retomar este tipo de puntos de vista -lo que limita enormemente el uso del herramental de la economía ambiental- y también algunas propuestas neoinstitucionalistas de la economía ecológica
El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir los enfoques principales del debate sobre el tratamiento que debe dar la economía al impacto ambiental. El tema se relaciona con toda la discusión sobre el desarrollo y sobre la relación entre territorio y desarrollo, y atraviesa la problemática de la geografía económica y regional en cuestiones como la planificación regional o el análisis de impacto, sobre todo en territorios con fuerte influencia de la explotación de recursos naturales. Se analiza la manera de incorporar el problema en las bases de la economía neoclásica aceptando sus principios y utilizando sus instrumentos. Luego se aborda la economía ecológica desde el trabajo de Georgescu-Roegen de 1971, el primero que intenta introducir en el razonamiento económico las leyes de la irreversibilidad de los procesos, por fuera de la visión neoclásica y fundando una corriente heterodoxa. Más allá de estas posiciones, están las visiones que analizan la relación entre ambiente y desarrollo manteniendo el concepto de centro-periferia o asumiendo la necesidad de construir discursos contra-hegemónicos, enmarcando la cuestión ambiental en esa lógica: se mencionan la postura del marxismo y el aporte del poscolonialismo -este último, fundamental, por la importancia que asigna a la necesidad de reconstruir la perspectiva ambiental desde las identidades y el territorio-. Las conclusiones plantean el desafío de retomar este tipo de puntos de vista -lo que limita enormemente el uso del herramental de la economía ambiental- y también algunas propuestas neoinstitucionalistas de la economía ecológica