1000 resultados para liquidity management
A szerző azt a kérdést vizsgálja, hogy a vállalat működése során a likvid eszközök mekkora arányát tartsa fenn. A kérdést a finanszírozás szemszögéből veti fel, mivel a hitelezés okozta korlátok jelentősen befolyásolják a likvid eszköz tartalékolásának motivációit. A cikk a vállalkozói-hitelezői információs kapcsolat háromféle esetében mutatja be az eszközfedezettel rendelkező hitelek adósságszolgálatát meghatározó tényezőket. Elsőként a teljes információs viszony melletti stratégiákkal meghatározott adósságszolgálatot vizsgálja, majd a második típusú információs kapcsolatban a nem megfigyelhető vállalkozói erőfeszítéseket feltételezve adja meg az adósságszolgálat fizetésének ex ante és ex post egyensúlyát. Harmadikként, a nem igazolható vállalati adatok feltevése mellett teljes és részleges eszközfedezetre is meghatározza az optimális vállalkozói likviditási politikát, és tárgyalja az itt fennálló ellentéteket. Megmutatja, hogy részleges eszközfedezet mellett 1. újratárgyalható a hitelszerződés, és a stratégiai adósságszolgálatot nem lehet elkerülni, 2. a likviditásoptimalizálásnak nincs ex post Pareto-egyensúlyi megoldása, ugyanis a hitelszerződésben részt vevő felek alkuereje határozza meg a vállalat likviditásának szintjét. / === / This paper investigates what the liquid asset ratio for firms should be. Financing constraints significantly influence motivations for liquidity hoarding. The article shows the determinants of secured debt services for three different information cases of a lender-borrower relationship. First, it examines the strategic debt service under full information, and then, assuming non-observable entrepreneurial efforts, it gives the ex ante and ex post equilibria of the strategic debt service. The third case supposes non-verifiable firm information; this provides the optimal corporate liquidity policy and explains the contrary propositions. It shows that under not fully secured collateral, 1. the debt contract is renegotiable; the lender cannot avoid the strategic debt service, 2. there is no ex post optimal Pareto efficient solution to liquidity policy, because the corporate liquidity ratio is determined by the bargaining power of the partners in the debt contract.
A cikk kiindulópontja, hogy a kettős könyvvitelt vezető vállalkozások által kötelezően elkészítendő éves pénzügyi kimutatások (számviteli beszámolók) olyan információbázist jelentenek, amelyek segítséget nyújthatnak egyrészről a vállalati likviditásmenedzsment támogatásához, másrészről a vállalkozások likviditási helyzetének megítéléséhez. A cikk első fele felvázolja a vállalkozások pénzügyi helyzetét bemutató adatok számviteli kereteit, bemutatja a likviditás fogalmának egyes értelmezéseit, majd részletesen kitér arra, hogy a likviditás utólagos vizsgálatához, illetve előrejelzéséhez milyen korrekciókat kell (lehet) végezni a számviteli beszámoló adatain. A cikk második fele az elemzés lehetséges módjait és eszközeit veszi számba, kitérve a statikus és dinamikus elemzés közötti különbségek bemutatására, az egyes mutatók számításának lehetséges módjaira és értelmezésükre, mindvégig szem előtt tartva az alkalmazás korlátait. ________ The study examines how information provided by accounting information systems could support companies’ liquidity management. The starting point is that compulsory financial statements prepared by economic entities embody an adequate information basis, which could help liquidity management as well as the judgement of liquidity. The first part of the study introduces the various interpretations of liquidity and gives a detailed description of the adjustments that need to be made on accounting data for an a posteriori examination of liquidity and to be able to forecast liquidity. The second part discusses the possible means and tools of analysis, including the differences between static and dynamic methods and the calculation and interpretation of the various ratios widely used by professionals. The conclusion is that there is no best-practice method or ratio, but rather a wide range of tools is to be used when one is willing to gain a complex and comprehensive insight about an entity’s liquidity.
Mestrado em Finanças
A 2007-ben kezdődő pénzügyi eredetű világgazdasági válság nyilvánvalóvá tette a kapcsolatot a likviditás két fajtája, a finanszírozási és a piaci likviditás között. A cikk megismertet a piaci likviditással kapcsolatos olyan alapvető fogalmakkal, mint order flow, ajánlati könyv, piaci struktúrák, bemutatja a piaci likviditás dimenzióit, a likviditás néhány mutatószámát és a piaci likviditás stilizált tényeit. A banki likviditáskezelés rövid összefoglalásán túl bevezetést nyújt a portfóliók likviditáskockázat melletti értékelésébe, végezetül összefoglalja, hogy az alapvetően finanszírozási likviditási kockázatnak kitett nem pénzügyi vállalatok hogyan vehetik figyelembe döntéseik meghozatalakor a piaci likviditást. _____________________ The global financial crisis starting in 2007 has showed that the connection between market liquidity and funding liquidity is apparent. This paper introduces the basic notions regarding market liquidity such as order flow, order book, and market structures. The article also presents the various dimensions of market liquidity, several measures of liquidity and the stylized facts of market liquidity. Besides a short description of liquidity management of banks it briefly introduces portfolio valuation in the presence of liquidity risk. Finally, the paper gives insight to non-financial companies, fundamentally exposed to funding liquidity risk, on how to consider market liquidity in their decisions.
When I started writing this paper, I thought I would only be writing about the parallel between the mathematical theory of inventory and production – as a familiar model of operations research – and liquidity management. And then during the writing process, predictably enough I must say, the scandals surrounding the Buda-Cash and Quaestor brokerages erupted. Likewise in this period, the debate about foreign currency lending gained fresh impetus; about who made which mistakes when, or whether there was anyone who didn’t make mistakes. The most surprising twist revealed in the Buda-Cash and Quaestor cases – beyond alleged losses running into several hundreds of billions of forints – was that all this could be accumulated in 15 years of selfless effort. And even if this information proves to be comment born of initial over-excitement, it still demands an explanation one way or another. If it’s true, then how can this be? And if it isn’t, then what made it appear as if this is what happened? The questions and contradictions are obvious. But the main questions are these: What do risk managers actually do? What do we pay them for? And how far can we trust them?
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli analysoida ja kehittää Lumon-yhtiöiden sisäisiä rahoitustoimintoja. Kehitettäviksi toiminnoiksi nousivat Lumon-yhtiöiden pääomarakenne, likviditeetin hallinta ja tilaus-toimitusketjun vertailu vanhan ja uuden toimintatavan välillä. Tarkastelutavaksi valittiin case-tutkimus. Tutkielman kohdeyritys Lumon-yhtiöt on teollisuusyritys, joka on erikoistunut lasi- ja alumiinirakentamiseen. Yrityksen pääomarakennetta tutkittiin haastattelemalla yrityksen johtohenkilöitä. Haastatteluiden perusteella laskettiin pääomarakenteen teorioiden mukaisia merkitseviä tekijöitä. Tuloksista havaittiin, että Lumon-yhtiöt hyötyisivät vieraan pääoman korkojen veroedusta ilman omavaraisuuden vaarantamista. Tätä ei kuitenkaan nähty tarpeelliseksi, koska rahoituksellisen joustavuuden säilyttäminen on merkitsevin pääomarakenteen tekijä. Tutkielmassa muodostettiin likviditeettiä ennustava malli, jonka avulla likviditeettiä voidaan seurata. Mallin pohjaaminen liikevaihtoennusteeseen ei täysin onnistunut, koska ennusteen tarkkuus ei ollut riittävä. Likviditeetin hallinnan osalta tutkittiin myös Lumon-yhtiöiden ulkomaisten tytäryhtiöiden kassavirtojen hallintaan liittyviä haasteita ja esitettiin niihin ratkaisuja. Tutkielmassa analysoitiin likviditeetin näkökulmasta vanhaa toimintatavan ja sitä verrattiin uuteen Lumon Express -toimintatapaan. Mittarina käytettiin käyttöpääomaa. Vertailu osoitti uuden toimintatavan pienentävän käyttöpääoman määrää 30 %.
EONIA is a market based overnight interest rate, whose role as the starting point of the yield curve makes it critical from the perspective of the implementation of European Central Bank´s common monetary policy in the euro area. The financial crisis that started in 2007 had a large impact on the determination mechanism of this interest rate, which is considered as the central bank´s operational target. This thesis examines the monetary policy implementation framework of the European Central Bank and changes made to it. Furthermore, we discuss the development of the recent turmoil in the money market. EONIA rate is modelled by means of a regression equation using variables related to liquidity conditions, refinancing need, auction results and calendar effects. Conditional volatility is captured by an EGARCH model, and autocorrelation is taken into account by employing an autoregressive structure. The results highlight how the tensions in the initial stage of the market turmoil were successfully countered by ECB´s liquidity policy. The subsequent response of EONIA to liquidity conditions under the full allotment liquidity provision procedure adopted after the demise of Lehman Brothers is also established. A clear distinction in the behavior of the interest rate between the sub-periods was evident. In the light of the results obtained, some of the challenges posed by the exit-strategy implementation will be addressed.
Tämän Pro gradu -tutkielman aiheena on tutkia suomalaisten päivittäistavarakaupan alan yritysten likviditeetin hallintaa vuosina 2009 - 2013. Tutkielmassa tutkitaan, millä tavalla suomalaisten päivittäistavarakaupan alan yritysten käyttöpääoman hallinta on muuttunut rajatulla ajanjaksolla. Lisäksi työssä tutkitaan millä tavoin valikoitujen yritysten kannattavuus, maksuvalmius ja vakavaraisuus ovat muuttuneet vuosina 2009 - 2013. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös, miten suomalainen päivittäistavarakauppa on kehittynyt tarkasteluajanjaksolla. Tutkimus on rajattu koskemaan neljää suurinta suomalaista päivittäistavarakaupan, pois lukien Lild Suomi Ky taloudellisten tietojen puuttumisen takia, alan ryhmittymää käyttäen kriteerinä vuoden 2013 päivittäistavaramyyntiä sekä markkinaosuuksia. Edellä mainittujen kriteerien perusteella tutkimukseen valikoitui seuraavat ryhmittymät: S-ryhmä, K-ryhmä, Suomen Lähikauppa Oy sekä Stockmann Oyj Abp.Teoriapohjaan tutkimuksessa käytetään aikaisempaa kirjallisuutta ja julkaistuja akateemisia tutkimuksia toimitusketjun ja sen hallinnasta, sekä käyttöpääomasta ja sen hallinnasta. Valikoitujen yritysten tilinpäätöstiedot on koottu Virre -tietokannasta ja toimiala tiedot tilastokeskuksen ohjelmalla PC -Axis 2008. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin käyttöpääomaprosentin ja quick ratio - tunnusluvun välillä pieniä yhtymäkohtia. Kun käyttöpääomaprosentti pienenee, quick ratio -tunnusluku paranee. Käyttöpääomaprosentin muutoksilla oli negatiivinen korrelaatio koko pääoman tuottoprosenttiin sekä liikevoittoprosenttiin. Tutkimuksen kohdeyritykset ovat pystyneet pitämään käyttöpääomaprosentin erilaisilla tehostamistoiminnoilla hyvin tasaisena tiukasta taloustilanteesta huolimatta.
This paper examines the extent to which the valuation of partial interests in private property vehicles should be closely aligned to the valuation of the underlying assets. A sample of vehicle managers and investors replied to a questionnaire on the qualities of private property vehicles relative to direct property investment. Applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique the relative importance of the various advantages and disadvantages of investment in private property vehicles relative to acquisition of the underlying assets are assessed. The results suggest that the main drivers of the growth of the this sector have been the ability for certain categories of investor to acquire interests in assets that are normally inaccessible due to the amount of specific risk. Additionally, investors have been attracted by the ability to ‘outsource’ asset management in a manner that minimises perceived agency problems. It is concluded that deviations from NAV should be expected given that investment in private property vehicles differs from investment in the underlying assets in terms of liquidity, management structures, lot size, financial structure inter alia. However, reliably appraising the pricing implications of these variations is likely to be extremely difficult due to the lack of secondary market trading and vehicle heterogeneity.
O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa é investigar a oferta de crédito comercial durante períodos de crise financeira em seis países diferentes: Brasil, França, Alemanha, Itália, Espanha e Reino Unido, foram utilizadas informações de empresas de capital aberto entre 2000 e 2011. A literatura internacional documenta que durante o pico de crises financeiras a oferta de crédito comercial aumenta pois as companhias usam o crédito comercial como substituto e/ou complemento ao crédito bancário, apesar de após o momento de pico esta oferta diminui significantemente porque as empresas enfrentam problemas de liquidez causado por escassez de crédito. Mesmo que somente existam evidências pontuais de que a oferta de crédito comercial aumentou durante a crise financeira global de 2008, o efeito pós-crise é perceptível durante a crise Europeia de 2011, pois as empresas europeias diminuíram a oferta de crédito comercial, também evidenciando que estas companhias estavam confrontando problemas de administração de liquidez. Em relação ao uso de crédito comercial como ferramenta de transmissão de capital, nenhuma evidência foi encontrada para provar sua existência em tempo de crise financeira.
A literatura acadêmica sobre o comportamento do investidor financeiro é bastante escassa. A pesquisa sobre o processo de decisão, em geral, aborda tradeoffs na aquisição de produtos e pouco se discute o processo de decisão de investimento. Esta tese pretende contribuir para a redução deste gap ao discutir fatores determinantes para a tomada de decisão do investidor pessoal em produtos financeiros. A decisão de investimento é complexa, envolve, entre outros, o tradeoff entre renunciar o consumo presente pela possibilidade de maior bem estar no futuro. Adicionalmente, em muitas situações, existe possibilidade real de perda dos recursos financeiros investidos. Para investigar os percursos desta decisão foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com executivos ligados ao setor de fundos de investimento e ao de distribuição de produtos de investimento dos maiores bancos brasileiros atuantes no segmento de varejo. Os conhecimentos recolhidos e a revisão de literatura efetuada subsidiaram a elaboração do questionário de pesquisa aplicado em plataforma web junto a potenciais investidores. Os atributos rentabilidade, possibilidade de perda (proxy de risco), liquidez, taxa de administração e recomendação do gerente foram identificados como os mais relevantes para a decisão do investidor. Para construção dos estímulos e decomposição da utilidade da decisão foi utilizada a técnica conjoint based choice (CBC) que simula uma decisão real. Os resultados apontaram ser a recomendação do gerente o atributo mais importante para a formação da preferência por uma alternativa de investimento, resultado que, por si só, indica que fatores não racionais exercem influência na decisão. Estudou-se, então, o impacto da aversão ao risco e do estilo cognitivo do investidor. Os resultados denotam que os mais avessos e os mais intuitivos são mais suscetíveis à recomendação do gerente, mas que seus efeitos são independentes entre si. As evidências sugerem que os mais intuitivos utilizam o gerente para alcançar conforto cognitivo na decisão e que os mais avessos para mitigar a sensação de risco associada ao produto. Uma análise de cluster indicou ser possível segmentar a amostra em dois grupos, um mais propenso à recomendação do gerente e outro aos atributos do produto. A recomendação do gerente mostrou ser o atributo mais forte na distinção dos grupos. Os resultados indicam que uma segmentação de mercado baseada na propensão à recomendação do gerente pode ser efetiva para direcionar a construção de uma estratégia de relacionamento que busque incrementar os resultados de longo prazo.
Many studies have been conducted in corporate finance regarding long-term investment and financing decisions. However, short-term asset investments play a significant role in the balance sheet of companies. Moreover, financial managers dedicate significant amounts of time and effort to the subject of working capital management, balancing current assets and liabilities. This paper provides insights regarding the key factors of working capital management by exploring the internal variables of a number of companies. This study used data from 2,976 Brazilian public companies from 2001 to 2008, and found that debt level, size and growth rate can affect the working capital management of companies.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Auditoria, sob orientação do Mestre Fernando Teixeira Pinto
This thesis aims to develop an alternative active managed portfolio strategy based on companies‟ Fundamental and Technical Analysis and analyze its finals results. There is a big distinction between the two approaches and the main objective is to understand if it is possible to take advantage of both. With this in mind a Hybrid investment strategy for the US stock market, due to its dimension and liquidity, which was able to outperform the S&P 500 index, the benchmark, during both Bear and Bull Markets between 2000 and 2015.
A growing literature integrates theories of debt management into models of optimal fiscal policy. One promising theory argues that the composition of government debt should be chosen so that fluctuations in the market value of debt offset changes in expected future deficits. This complete market approach to debt management is valid even when the government only issues non-contingent bonds. A number of authors conclude from this approach that governments should issue long term debt and invest in short term assets. We argue that the conclusions of this approach are too fragile to serve as a basis for policy recommendations. This is because bonds at different maturities have highly correlated returns, causing the determination of the optimal portfolio to be ill-conditioned. To make this point concrete we examine the implications of this approach to debt management in various models, both analytically and using numerical methods calibrated to the US economy. We find the complete market approach recommends asset positions which are huge multiples of GDP. Introducing persistent shocks or capital accumulation only worsens this problem. Increasing the volatility of interest rates through habits partly reduces the size of these simulations we find no presumption that governments should issue long term debt ? policy recommendations can be easily reversed through small perturbations in the specification of shocks or small variations in the maturity of bonds issued. We further extend the literature by removing the assumption that governments every period costlessly repurchase all outstanding debt. This exacerbates the size of the required positions, worsens their volatility and in some cases produces instability in debt holdings. We conclude that it is very difficult to insulate fiscal policy from shocks by using the complete markets approach to debt management. Given the limited variability of the yield curve using maturities is a poor way to substitute for state contingent debt. The result is the positions recommended by this approach conflict with a number of features that we believe are important in making bond markets incomplete e.g allowing for transaction costs, liquidity effects, etc.. Until these features are all fully incorporated we remain in search of a theory of debt management capable of providing robust policy insights.