999 resultados para light flux


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Studies of the optical properties and catalytic capabilities of noble metal nanoparticles (NPs), such as gold (Au) and silver (Ag), have formed the basis for the very recent fast expansion of the field of green photocatalysis: photocatalysis utilizing visible and ultraviolet light, a major part of the solar spectrum. The reason for this growth is the recognition that the localised surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) effect of Au NPs and Ag NPs can couple the light flux to the conduction electrons of metal NPs, and the excited electrons and enhanced electric fields in close proximity to the NPs can contribute to converting the solar energy to chemical energy by photon-driven photocatalytic reactions. Previously the LSPR effect of noble metal NPs was utilized almost exclusively to improve the performance of semiconductor photocatalysts (for example, TiO2 and Ag halides), but recently, a conceptual breakthrough was made: studies on light driven reactions catalysed by NPs of Au or Ag on photocatalytically inactive supports (insulating solids with a very wide band gap) have demonstrated that these materials are a class of efficient photocatalysts working by mechanisms distinct from those of semiconducting photocatalysts. There are several reasons for the significant photocatalytic activity of Au and Ag NPs. (1) The conduction electrons of the particles gain the irradiation energy, resulting in high energy electrons at the NP surface which is desirable for activating molecules on the particles for chemical reactions. (2) In such a photocatalysis system, both light harvesting and the catalysing reaction take place on the nanoparticle, and so charge transfer between the NPs and support is not a prerequisite. (3) The density of the conduction electrons at the NP surface is much higher than that at the surface of any semiconductor, and these electrons can drive the reactions on the catalysts. (4) The metal NPs have much better affinity than semiconductors to many reactants, especially organic molecules. Recent progress in photocatalysis using Au and Ag NPs on insulator supports is reviewed. We focus on the mechanism differences between insulator and semiconductor-supported Au and Ag NPs when applied in photocatalytic processes, and the influence of important factors, light intensity and wavelength, in particular estimations of light irradiation contribution, by calculating the apparent activation energies of photo reactions and thermal reactions.


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This work comprises the photoactivity assessment of transparent sol–gel TiO2 coatings of various thickness using two test systems. The initial rates of both photocatalytic reactions, namely the oxidative bleaching of Acid Orange 7 (AO7) and the reductive bleaching of 2,6-dichlorindophenol (DCIP) increase linearly with increasing titania film thickness as well as with increasing absorbed light flux. The latter work revealed quantum yields (QY) of 0.19% and 92% for the AO7 and DCIP test system, respectively. The low QY for the AO7 oxidation is due to the combination of a slow irreversible reduction of oxygen and also for the oxidation of AO7, thus favouring the high efficiency for electron–hole recombination that is typical for aqueous organic pollutants. In contrast, the very high QY for the photocatalysed reduction of DCIP is due to the presence of a vast excess of glycerol which traps the photogenerated holes efficiently and so allow time for the slower reduction of dye to take place. Furthermore, the oxidation of glycerol results in the generation of highly reducing R-hydroxyalkyl radicals that are able to also reduce DCIP. As a consequence of this ‘current doubling’ effect, the observed QY (92%) is much higher than the apparent theoretical value of 50%.


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Two-photon absorption in methanol solutions of Rhodamine 6G is investigated by photoacoustics using the second harmonic of a pulsed Nd:YAG laser. Competition between one-photon and two-photon processes is observed, depending critically on the sample concentration and input light flux.


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We report the analysis of a uniform sample of 31 light curves of the nova-like variable UU Aqr with eclipse-mapping techniques. The data were combined to derive eclipse maps of the average steady-light component, the long-term brightness changes, and the low- and high-frequency flickering components. The long-term variability responsible for the ""low-brightness`` and ""high-brightness`` states is explained in terms of the response of a viscous disk to changes of 20%-50% in the mass transfer rate from the donor star. Low- and high-frequency flickering maps are dominated by emission from two asymmetric arcs reminiscent of those seen in the outbursting dwarf nova IP Peg, and they are similarly interpreted as manifestations of a tidally induced spiral shock wave in the outer regions of a large accretion disk. The asymmetric arcs are also seen in the map of the steady light aside from the broad brightness distribution of a roughly steady-state disk. The arcs account for 25% of the steady-light flux and are a long-lasting feature in the accretion disk of UU Aqr. We infer an opening angle of 10 degrees +/- 3 degrees for the spiral arcs. The results suggest that the flickering in UU Aqr is caused by turbulence generated after the collision of disk gas with the density-enhanced spiral wave in the accretion disk.


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The spatial and temporal variation of microphytobenthic biomass in the nearshore zone of Martel Inlet (King George Island, Antarctica) was estimated at several sites and depths (10-60 m), during three summer periods (1996/1997, 1997/1998, 2004/2005). The mean values were inversely related to the bathymetric gradient: higher ones at 10-20 m depth (136.2 +/- A 112.5 mg Chl a m(-2), 261.7 +/- A 455.9 mg Phaeo m(-2)), intermediate at 20-30 m (55.6 +/- A 39.5 mg Chl a m(-2), 108.8 +/- A 73.0 mg Phaeo m(-2)) and lower ones at 40-60 m (22.7 +/- A 23.7 mg Chl a m(-2), 58.3 +/- A 38.9 mg Phaeo m(-2)). There was also a reduction in the Chl a/Phaeo ratio with depth, from 3.2 +/- A 3.2 (10-20 m) to 0.7 +/- A 1.0 (40-60 m), showing a higher contribution of senescent phytoplankton and/or macroalgae debris at the deeper sites and the limited light flux reaching the bottom. Horizontal differences found in the biomass throughout the inlet could not be clearly related to hydrodynamics or proximity to glaciers, but with sediment characteristics. An inter-summer variation was observed: the first summer presented the highest microphytobenthic biomass apparently related to more hydrodynamic conditions, which causes the deposition of allochthonous material.


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Stable isotope ratios of nitrate preserved in deep ice cores are expected to provide unique and valuable information regarding paleoatmospheric processes. However, due to the post-depositional loss of nitrate in snow, this information may be erased or significantly modified by physical or photochemical processes before preservation in ice. We investigated the role of solar UV photolysis in the post-depositional modification of nitrate mass and stable isotoperatios at Dome C, Antarctica, during the austral summer of 2011/2012. Two 30 cm snow pits were filled with homogenized drifted snow from the vicinity of the base. One of these pits was covered with a plexiglass plate that transmits solar UV radiation, while the other was covered with a different plexiglass plate having a low UV transmittance. Samples were then collected from each pit at a 2–5 cm depth resolution and a 10-day frequency. At the end of the season, acomparable nitrate mass loss was observed in both pits for the top-level samples (0–7 cm) attributed to mixing with the surrounding snow. After excluding samples impacted by the mixing process, we derived an average apparent nitrogen isotopic fractionation (15" app/of role in driving the isotopic fractionation of nitrate in snow.We have estimated a purely photolytic nitrogen isotopic fractionation (15"photo) of -55.8 12.0 ‰ from the difference in the derived apparent isotopic ractionations of the two experimental fields, as both pits were exposed to similar physical processes except exposure to solar UV. This value is in close agreement with the 15" photo value of -47.9 6.8 ‰ derived in a laboratory experiment simulated for Dome C conditions (Berhanu et al., 2014). We have also observed an insensitivity of 15" with depth in the snowpack under the given experimental setup. This is due to the uniform attenuation of incoming solar UV by snow, as 15" is strongly dependent on the spectral distribution of the incoming light flux. Together with earlier work, the results presented here represent a strong body of evidence that solar UV photolysis is the most relevant post-depositional process modifying the stable isotope ratios of snow nitrate at low-accumulation sites, where many deep ice cores are drilled. Nevertheless, modeling the loss of nitrate in snow is still required before a robust interpretation of ice core records can be provided.


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The regulation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco) activity by 2-carboxyarabinitol 1-phosphate (CA1P) was investigated using gas-exchange analysis of antisense tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants containing reduced levels of Rubisco activase. When an increase in light flux from darkness to 1200 μmol quanta m−2 s−1 was followed, the slow increase in CO2 assimilation by antisense leaves contained two phases: one represented the activation of the noncarbamylated form of Rubisco, which was described previously, and the other represented the activation of the CA1P-inhibited form of Rubisco. We present evidence supporting this conclusion, including the observation that this second phase, like CA1P, is only present following darkness or very low light flux. In addition, the second phase of CO2 assimilation was correlated with leaf CA1P content. When this novel phase was resolved from the CO2 assimilation trace, most of it was found to have kinetics similar to the activation of the noncarbamylated form of Rubisco. Additionally, kinetics of the novel phase indicated that the activation of the CA1P-inhibited form of Rubisco proceeds faster than the degradation of CA1P by CA1P phosphatase. These results may be significant with respect to current models of the regulation of Rubisco activity by Rubisco activase.


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When the visual (striate) cortex (V1) is damaged in human subjects, cortical blindness results in the contralateral visual half field. Nevertheless, under some experimental conditions, subjects demonstrate a capacity to make visual discriminations in the blind hemifield (blindsight), even though they have no phenomenal experience of seeing. This capacity must, therefore, be mediated by parallel projections to other brain areas. It is also the case that some subjects have conscious residual vision in response to fast moving stimuli or sudden changes in light flux level presented to the blind hemifield, characterized by a contentless kind of awareness, a feeling of something happening, albeit not normal seeing. The relationship between these two modes of discrimination has never been studied systematically. We examine, in the same experiment, both the unconscious discrimination and the conscious visual awareness of moving stimuli in a subject with unilateral damage to V1. The results demonstrate an excellent capacity to discriminate motion direction and orientation in the absence of acknowledged perceptual awareness. Discrimination of the stimulus parameters for acknowledged awareness apparently follows a different functional relationship with respect to stimulus speed, displacement, and stimulus contrast. As performance in the two modes can be quantitatively matched, the findings suggest that it should be possible to image brain activity and to identify the active areas involved in the same subject performing the same discrimination task, both with and without conscious awareness, and hence to determine whether any structures contribute uniquely to conscious perception.


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We fabricated a phosphor-conversion white light using an InGaN laser diode that emits 445 nm and phosphor that emits in the yellow region when excited by the blue laser light. At 500 mA injection current the luminous flux and the luminous efficacy were 113 lm and 44 lm/W, respectively. The relationship of the luminous flux and the luminous efficacy of the white light with an injection current were discussed. Based on the evaluation method for luminous efficacy of light sources established by the Commission International de I'Eclairage (CIE) and the phosphor used in this experiment, a theoretical analysis of the experiment results and the maximum luminous efficacy of this white light fabrication method were also presented.


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Filtration membrane technology has already been employed to remove various organic effluents produced from the textile, paper, plastic, leather, food and mineral processing industries. To improve membrane efficiency and alleviate membrane fouling, an integrated approach is adopted that combines membrane filtration and photocatalysis technology. In this study, alumina nanofiber (AF) membranes with pore size of about 10 nm (determined by the liquid-liquid displacement method) have been synthesized through an in situ hydrothermal reaction, which permitted a large flux and achieved high selectivity. Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) are subsequently doped on the nanofibers of the membranes. Silver nanoparticles can strongly absorb visible light due to the surface plasmon resonance (SPR) effect, and thus induce photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes, including anionic, cationic and neutral dyes, under visible light irradiation. In this integrated system, the dyes are retained on the membrane surface, their concentration in the vicinity of the Ag NPs are high and thus can be efficiently decomposed. Meanwhile, the usual flux deterioration caused by the accumulation of the filtered dyes in the passage pores can be avoided. For example, when an aqueous solution containing methylene blue is processed using an integrated membrane, a large flux of 200 L m-2 h-1 and a stable permeating selectivity of 85% were achieved. The combined photocatalysis and filtration function leads to superior performance of the integrated membranes, which have a potential to be used for the removal of organic pollutants in drinking water.


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Purpose: We investigated the interaction between adapting field size and luminance on pupil diameter when cones alone (photopic) or rods and cones (mesopic) were active. Method: Circular achromatic targets (1o to 24o diameter) were presented to eight young participants on a rectangular projector screen. The accommodative influence on pupil diameter was minimized using cycloplegia in the fixing right eye and the consensual pupil reflex was measured in the left eye. Target luminance was adjusted for each stimulus such that corneal flux density (product of field area and luminance) was constant at 3600 cd.deg2m-2 (photopic condition) and 1.49 cd.deg2m-2 (mesopic condition). Results: There were no statistically significant effects of adaptive field size on pupil diameter for either condition. Conclusion: If corneal flux density is kept constant, there will be no change in pupil diameter as the size of the stimulus field increases at either mesopic or photopic lighting levels up to at least 24°.


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Oxygen flux between aquatic ecosystems and the water column is a measure of ecosystem metabolism. However, the oxygen flux varies during the day in a “hysteretic” pattern: there is higher net oxygen production at a given irradiance in the morning than in the afternoon. In this study, we investigated the mechanism responsible for the hysteresis in oxygen flux by measuring the daily pattern of oxygen flux, light, and temperature in a seagrass ecosystem (Zostera muelleri in Swansea Shoals, Australia) at three depths. We hypothesised that the oxygen flux pattern could be due to diel variations in either gross primary production or respiration in response to light history or temperature. Hysteresis in oxygen flux was clearly observed at all three depths. We compared this data to mathematical models, and found that the modification of ecosystem respiration by light history is the best explanation for the hysteresis in oxygen flux. Light history-dependent respiration might be due to diel variations in seagrass respiration or the dependence of bacterial production on dissolved organic carbon exudates. Our results indicate that the daily variation in respiration rate may be as important as the daily changes of photosynthetic characteristics in determining the metabolic status of aquatic ecosystems.