23 resultados para lifecourse
Tese de doutoramento, Sociologia (Sociologia da Família, da Juventude e das Relações de Género), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2014
Interdependency and Care over the Lifecourse draws upon theories of time and space to consider how informal care is woven into the fabric of everyday lives and is shaped by social and economic inequalities and opportunities. The book comprises three parts. The first explores contrasting social and economic contexts of informal care in different parts of the world. The second looks at different themes and dynamics of caring, using fictional vignettes of illness and health, child care, elderly care and communities of care. The book examines the significance to practices of care throughout the lifecourse of: understandings and expectations of care emotional exchanges involved in care memories and anticipations of giving and receiving care the social nature of the spaces and places in which care is carried out the practical time-space scheduling necessary to caring activities. Finally the authors critically examine how the frameworks of caringscapes and carescapes might be used in research, policy and practice. A working example is provided. This book will be of interest to students and researchers of care work, health and social care, geography, sociology of the family and social policy as well as those in business and policy communities trying to gain an understanding of how work and informal care interweave
This working paper develops an approach to the analysis of care as it is evident in the policies and practices of employing organisations. We identify how notions of care are incorporated in myriad and multi-faceted ways that may support, survey and control workers, as well as having implications for employers, managers, employees and workers. Aspects of care can be found in a range of statutory duties, policies and related activities, including: health and safety, equality and diversity, parental leave, religious observance, bullying and harassment, personal development, voluntary redundancy, early retirement, employer pension schemes, grievance procedures, and dismissal. The conceptual framework of organisation carescapes is offered as an aid to the analysis of employee policies and services. These policies and services are transformed by shifts in supranational and national policies such as European Union (EU) economic strategies and national legislation on disability rights legislation, age discrimination and flexible working, and changes in labour market competitiveness. In conclusion, we consider how the framework of organisation carescapes is informing research design in our and our colleagues’ ongoing programme of research.
Os miomas uterinos (MU) são considerados os tumores mais comuns do sistema reprodutor feminino. Estudos norte-americanos demonstram que mulheres negras são mais acometidas pelos MU que as de outros grupos étnico-raciais. No entanto, as causas da desigualdade racial na ocorrência dos tumores permanecem desconhecidas e possíveis mecanismos são pouco explorados na literatura. Em outra direção, devido às características dos MU (crescimento lento e longo período de latência) parte considerável dos estudos epidemiológicos utilizam um delineamento transversal, o que pode gerar problemas metodológicos, como os relacionados à utilização da idade coletada transversalmente (posteriormente a ocorrência dos MU) como proxy da idade do surgimento dos tumores. Assim, este trabalho de tese foi dividido em três partes, como se segue. A primeira, com características descritivas, teve por objetivo estimar a ocorrência de MU autorelatados segundo categorias demográficas e sócio-econômicas na população de estudo (compôs o artigo 1). A segunda, com componente analítico, propôs-se a avaliar o papel da PSE ao longo da vida como mediadora do efeito da cor/raça na ocorrência de MU auto-relatados (compôs o artigo 2). A terceira, com caráter metodológico, teve por objetivo comparar medidas de associação, entre variáveis aferidas transversalmente, em análises que incluem a co-variável idade no momento da coleta de dados e análises que consideram a idade ao diagnóstico dos MU (compôs o artigo 3). Para tanto, foram analisados dados transversais da população feminina participante das duas etapas da linha de base do Estudo Pró-Saúde, referentes à história auto-relatada de diagnóstico médico de MU e ainda a características sócio-demográficas, da vida reprodutiva e de acesso a serviços de saúde. Os resultados evidenciaram o aumento de ocorrência de MU em mulheres de maior idade e com a cor da pele mais escura (artigo 1); que a PSE ao longo da vida não medeia as associações entre cor/raça e MU (artigo 2); e que apesar das diferenças de pequena magnitude, a idade referida no momento da coleta de dados parece ser menos indicada para fins de especificação dos modelos analíticos do que a idade ao diagnóstico dos MU(artigo 3).
Building upon recent studies by geographers and social scientists on the everyday practices of (scientific) observation, this paper focuses on the role of two distinct, yet similar organisations that held observation as an essential and 'automatic' embodied skill. Utilising the examples of Home Guard camouflage and the Boy Scout Movement, the paper critically examines how these organisations sought to articulate the individual as both observer and observed, thereby exposing a much more complex entanglement of different visual positions and practices hitherto neglected in studies of observation. Moreover, the paper emphasises the importance of the act of 'not-being-seen' as a complementary and fundamental aspect of (non-)observational practice, accentuated and promoted by civic institutions in terms of duty and responsibility. Finally, the paper considers the evolutionary aspects of observation through the lifecourse, revealing a complex, relational geography of expertise, experience and skill that crossed age-distinctions. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Background Persistent and marked differences in adult morbidity and mortality between regions in the United Kingdom (UK) are often referred to as the north-south gradient (or divide) and the Scottish effect, and are only partly explained by adult levels of socioeconomic status (SES) or risk factors which suggests variation arising earlier in life. The aim of the current study was to examine regional variations in five health indicators in children in England and Scotland at birth and three years of age.
Methods Respondents were 10,500 biological Caucasian mothers of singleton children recruited to the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS). Outcome variables were: gestational age and weight at birth, and height, body mass index (BMI), and externalising behaviour at age three. Region/Country was categorised as: South (reference), Midlands, North, and Scotland. Respondents provided information on child, maternal, household, and socioeconomic characteristics when the cohort infant/child was aged nine months and again when aged three years.
Results There were no significant regional variations for gestational age or birthweight. However, at age three there was a north-south gradient for externalising behaviour and a north-south divide in BMI which attenuated on adjustment. However, a north-south divide in height was not fully explained by the adjusted model. There was also evidence of a ‘Midlands effect’, with increased likelihoods of shorter stature and behaviour problems. Results showed a Scottish effect for height and BMI in the unadjusted models, and height in the adjusted model. However, Scottish children were less likely to show behaviour problems in crude and adjusted models.
Conclusions Findings indicated no marked regional differences in children at birth, but by age three some regional health differences were evident, and though not distinct north-south gradients or Scottish effects, are evidence of health inequalities appearing at an early age and dependent on geographic location.
Death of a spouse is associated with increased mortality risk for the surviving partner (the widowhood effect), although the mechanisms driving the effect are poorly understood. After acute stress and grief have dissipated, mortality risk may be increased by loss of emotional and instrumental support for daily living and so we investigated whether social support at both the household and community levels moderated the influence of spousal bereavement on mortality risk.
We assembled death records from the Northern Ireland Mortality Study spanning almost nine years for a prospective cohort of 296,125 married couples enumerated in the 2001 Census. Presence of other adults within the household and urban/rural residence were used as measures of support at the household and community levels, with informal social support perceived to be strongest in rural areas. We used Cox proportional hazards models to estimate the effects of widowhood, sex, household composition and urban/intermediate/rural residence on all-cause mortality.
Elevated mortality risk during the first six months of widowhood was found in all areas and for both sexes (range of hazard ratios 1.24, 1.57). After more than six months the effect among men was attenuated in rural but not urban areas (HRs and 95%CIs 1.09 [0.99, 1.21] and 1.35 [1.26, 1.44] respectively). Among women the effect was attenuated in both rural and urban areas (HRs 1.06 [0.96, 1.17] and 1.09 [1.01, 1.17]). Mortality risk post bereavement was not associated with presence of other adults in the household.
We found some support for the hypothesis that informal social support is beneficial for reducing the impacts of spousal loss. Rural residence had a positive effect especially among men but presence of other adults in the household had no effect. The reasons for this discrepancy require further investigation and we identify men in urban areas as being at greatest risk in the long term.
Formal and informal partnerships have become key features of education policy and practice in many countries and managing such collaborative arrangements is an important dimension of the role(s) of leaders of educational organizations. Recent research has shown both the tensions and conflict that can develop in partnerships as well as the opportunities and benefits of partnership working for organizations and individuals. This article focuses on the characteristics of partnerships that contribute to their effectiveness, sustainability and success, filling a gap in the literature on educational partnerships. The research data emanate from a qualitative study of partnership working in England. The study used a grounded approach and inductively linked characteristics of partnerships found in the partnership literature with empirical data from a case study of a subregional partnership of education and training organizations. This combined evidence is used to conceptualize partnership as a continuum of weak to strong forms of partnership and to develop a table of characteristics which underpin such partnerships. The findings reveal the extent to which trust, networks, norms and values support effective, sustained and successful partnerships. These characteristics are differentiated and may fluctuate during the lifecourse of a partnership but remain fundamental features of partnership working and significantly contribute to the strength and effectiveness of partnerships.
Hypertension is an important determinant of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality and has a substantial heritability, which is likely of polygenic origin. The aim of this study was to assess to what extent multiple common genetic variants contribute to blood pressure regulation in both adults and children and to assess overlap in variants between different age groups, using genome-wide profiling. Single nucleotide polymorphism sets were defined based on a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies on systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure performed by the Cohort for Heart and Aging Research in Genome Epidemiology (n=29 136), using different P value thresholds for selecting single nucleotide polymorphisms. Subsequently, genetic risk scores for systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were calculated in an independent adult population (n=2072) and a child population (n=1034). The explained variance of the genetic risk scores was evaluated using linear regression models, including sex, age, and body mass index. Genetic risk scores, including also many nongenome-wide significant single nucleotide polymorphisms, explained more of the variance than scores based only on very significant single nucleotide polymorphisms in adults and children. Genetic risk scores significantly explained ≤1.2% (P=9.6*10(-8)) of the variance in adult systolic blood pressure and 0.8% (P=0.004) in children. For diastolic blood pressure, the variance explained was similar in adults and children (1.7% [P=8.9*10(-10)] and 1.4% [P=3.3*10(-5)], respectively). These findings suggest the presence of many genetic loci with small effects on blood pressure regulation both in adults and children, indicating also a (partly) common polygenic regulation of blood pressure throughout different periods of life.
Alors que dans les sociétés de l’Afrique de l’Ouest, le mariage représente traditionnellement le point de départ de la séquence des événements démographiques associés à la formation de la famille, aujourd’hui cette séquence s’est complexifiée. Suite à l’effritement des modes traditionnels du passage à l’âge adulte, les jeunes citadins reportent leur mariage, le contexte de l’initiation sexuelle est plus fréquemment prénuptial et le nombre de naissances hors mariage semble augmenter. Peu d’études se sont penchées sur l’analyse de la séquence de ces événements sous l’angle du parcours individuel. L’objectif central de ce mémoire est d’explorer, de décrire et d’expliquer les changements survenus dans les parcours d’entrée en vie féconde des femmes durant leur jeunesse en utilisant comme unité d’analyse l’entièreté des parcours. Utilisant les données EDS du Burkina Faso, nous synthétisons en parcours, sous forme des séquences d’épisodes, les calendriers du premier rapport sexuel, de la première union et de la première naissance. Avec l’analyse séquentielle, nous identifions quatre catégories de parcours : nuptial, sexualité prénuptiale, maternité prénuptiale et célibataires. La méthode permet également une catégorisation plus fine des parcours et une visualisation de modèles de transitions. Nous analysons ensuite l’association entre les caractéristiques individuelles et les parcours suivis grâce à des modèles multinomiaux. Nos résultats confirment l’augmentation des parcours non nuptiaux auprès des jeunes. De plus, ils montrent qu’un niveau de scolarité plus élevé augmente la probabilité de suivre un parcours non-traditionnel, notamment chez les femmes urbaines, le milieu de socialisation à l’enfance ayant aussi un effet sur le choix du parcours.
Dans le domaine des évaluations des performances des élèves en fin de scolarité obligatoire, et à côté des traditionnelles évaluations scolaires, s’est développé le Programme International pour le Suivi des Acquis (PISA), harmonisé par l’Organisation de Coopération et de Développements Économiques (l’OCDE). Ce programme a atteint une grande notoriété internationale et tente de s’imposer comme programme qui évalue les compétences des élèves. Ce mémoire explore dans quelle mesure les évaluations PISA permettent de prédire les performances scolaires des élèves lors de la transition de la fin des études secondaires vers les études collégiales au Québec. Nous avons construit une variable mesurant l’évolution des performances scolaires entre le secondaire et le Cégep. Nos résultats tendent à confirmer que les évaluations PISA sont en mesure de prédire en partie la continuité des bonnes performances scolaires après contrôle des variables contextuelles des parcours de vie. Cependant, les évaluations scolaires antérieures expliquent mieux cette continuité des bonnes performances scolaires réalisées en première année de postsecondaire que les évaluations PISA. Néanmoins, toujours après contrôle des variables contextuelles, les évaluations scolaires antérieures ne sont pas capables de prédire la différence entre des performances scolaires faibles et fortes lors de la transition secondaire-collégial. Seules les évaluations PISA conservent une faible part pour expliquer ces différences.
Le vieillissement de la main-d’œuvre canadienne entraîne diverses conséquences sur le marché du travail et sur les parcours de fin de vie active. C’est pourquoi cette recherche s’intéresse à la problématique des fins d’emploi de carrière et du passage vers un emploi de transition vers la retraite. À l’aide des données longitudinales de l’Enquête sur la dynamique du travail et du revenu de 2002 à 2007, l’objectif est de mener une analyse descriptive de cette trajectoire selon la profession, ce qui ne semble jamais avoir été fait dans la littérature canadienne. Les résultats montrent que certaines professions ont enregistré proportionnellement plus de fins d’emploi de carrière durant cette période, dont les enseignants et les occupants d’un poste de direction. Des analyses supplémentaires ont calculé la part des travailleurs ayant effectué leur transition dans une profession différente.
La présente recherche décrit et examine le cheminement émotionnel d’ex-contrevenants engagés dans un processus de justice réparatrice. Le cheminement émotionnel est appréhendé sous l’angle de l’analyse des « trajectoires de vie ». Nous avons rencontré quatre anciens contrevenants condamnés à une peine d’incarcération, et vivant dans la communauté au moment de nos entretiens. Afin d’établir leur trajectoire de vie émotionnelle, les entretiens ont été menés en profondeur et selon une approche non-directive. Les participants ont réalisé soit une expérience de Rencontre-Détenus-Victimes (RDV), soit une expérience de face-à-face avec une victime, ou une réparation directe avec leur victime. L’analyse de nos données empiriques met en évidence deux périodes émotionnelles distinctes chez les ex-contrevenants. Leur cheminement est d’abord caractérisé par un état de fermeture puis d’ouverture émotionnelle. Pour chaque état émotionnel, nous présentons les différentes composantes émotionnelles qui les constituent ainsi que les changements émotionnels qui en résultent. La transition entre le passage d’un état de fermeture à un état d’ouverture émotionnelle, ainsi que l’expérience de justice réparatrice, ont été minutieusement étudiées. De ces analyses a émergé le concept de « point tournant émotionnel », apparaissant comme la clé de voûte du cheminement réparateur des anciens contrevenants. Il ressort en effet qu’un point tournant émotionnel est considéré comme un préalable nécessaire à la participation à un programme réparateur, mais aussi comme le baromètre de l’effet réparateur des expériences.