997 resultados para lexical structures
Escolhas lexicais e iconicidade textual: uma análise do insólito no romance Sombras de Reis Barbudos
Esta tese dedicou-se a descrever e interpretar a tessitura textual dos fenômenos insólitos no romance Sombras de Reis Barbudos, de José J. Veiga, com base na associação entre a Teoria da Iconicidade Verbal e a Linguística de Córpus . Centrou-se, especificamente, nas marcas linguísticas que representam ideias ou conduzem o intérprete à percepção de que o insólito é construído no texto por meio itens léxicos que constituem pistas icônicas. Merecem especial interesse, sobretudo, os substantivos, que, por serem palavras com alta iconicidade, participam da construção/representação de fenômenos insólitos e criam, por meio da trilha léxica, o itinerário de leitura para o texto-córpus. Para que os resultados fossem significativos, análise apoiou-se nos recursos digitais da Linguística de Córpus (SARDINHA, 2004; 2009), que possibilitaram realizar uma pesquisa baseada em um córpus. A utilização da Linguística de Córpus como metodologia permitiu levantar, quantificar e tabular os signos que corroboram com a compreensão da incongruência e da iconicidade lexical dos fenômenos insólitos em um texto literário, identificando os substantivos-nódulos e seus colocados, para avaliá-los quanto à incompatibilidade das escolhas lexicais realizadas por José J. Veiga em relação às estruturas lexicogramaticais da Língua Portuguesa. Fundamentou-se a discussão no insólito como categoria essencial do fantástico modal (BESSIÈRE, 2009; COVIZZI, 1978, FURTADO, s.d.; PRADA OROPREZA, 2006); na Semiótica de extração peirceana, com enfoque na Teoria da Iconicidade Verbal (SIMÕES, 2007,2009) e na colocação lexical (BÉNJOINT, 1994; SINCLAIR, 1987, 1991, 2004; TAGNIN, 1989). A tese demonstra que a incongruência e a iconicidade lexical são identificadas a partir da seleção vocabular obtida pelo processamento digital e pelo confronto com o Córpus do Português. A análise comprova que os substantivos, como categorias linguísticas caracterizáveis semanticamente, têm a função designatória ou de nomeação na arquitetura de um texto em que se manifesta o insólito. Revela também que a incongruência lexical constitui-se em uma chave para a construção do ilógico, mágico, fantástico, misterioso, sobrenatural, irreal e suprarreal no texto-córpus
This work aims at under the cognitive-functional perspective describing, inside the vast domain of the linguistic prefabs, the structure and the functioning of the Idiomatic Verb Phrases (SVIs), produced by speakers of the Portuguese from Brazil, located in Natal (RN). From the functionalist presupposition that the language is used essentially to assist to communicative demands, it is observed that its morphologic-syntactic structure is conditioned to the inherent pragmatic vicissitudes to the verbal interaction of subjects, socially heterogeneous and historically established. It is focalized, in the composition of SVIs, the relationships VT + OD (transitive verb + direct object), characterizing the syntactic-semantic nature of the verb and of the respective verbal complement. Those verb combinations + complement can be interpreted as lexical structures, reflexes of the idiomaticity inherent to conventional constructions already systematized in the users' of the language cultural repertoire. It is sought, still, to glimpse the cognitive and discursive motivations pertinent to that linguistic phenomenon. In the investigative process, are analyzed exclusive data of speech collected in Corpus Discurso & Gramática a lingua falada e escrita na cidade do Natal, organized by Furtado da Cunha (1998). The adopted methodological procedures configure as methods of empiric analysis and use of the intuition, being emphasized the qualitative approach (explanatory) of the data with quantitative support of statistical indicators. It shows, finally, a grating of didactic suggestions on SVIs, for Portuguese's classes, as subsidies to the educational practice in the Medium Teaching and in the course of Letters.
Pseudowords with inconsistent vs. consistent spellings (e.g., nurch, with rhyme neighbours search, lurch & perch, vs. mish, with neighbours dish, wish) were presented with definitions for naming either twice or 6 times. In an oral spelling test, there were main and interactive effects of consistency and the number of training trials on accuracy and main effects only on response latency, with the improvement in accuracy from 2 to 6 training trials greater for the more poorly learned inconsistent items. Of most interest, the smaller effect of training on accuracy in the consistent condition was reliable; contrary to the most obvious prediction of dual route spelling models that the sublexical procedure should produce correct spellings for consistent items early in training. In a second task students wrote spellings of multisyllabic words containing unstressed indeterminate (schwa) vowels. In their errors on the schwa vowel, students showed sensitivity to the most common spelling overall but also they were influenced by differences in schwa spellings in English words as a function of the number of syllables and schwa position. These results indicate that dual route models of spelling will need to accommodate the consistency of spellings within categories defined by lexical structure variables.
We show that children’s syntactic production is immediately affected by individual experiences of structures and verb–structure pairings within a dialogue, but that these effects have different timecourses. In a picture-matching game, three- to four-year-olds were more likely to describe a transitive action using a passive immediately after hearing the experimenter produce a passive than an active (abstract priming), and this tendency was stronger when the verb was repeated (lexical boost). The lexical boost disappeared after two intervening utterances, but the abstract priming effect persisted. This pattern did not differ significantly from control adults. Children also showed a cumulative priming effect. Our results suggest that whereas the same mechanism may underlie children’s immediate syntactic priming and long-term syntactic learning, different mechanisms underlie the lexical boost versus long-term learning of verb–structure links. They also suggest broad continuity of syntactic processing in production between this age group and adults.
This thesis concerns artificially intelligent natural language processing systems that are capable of learning the properties of lexical items (properties like verbal valency or inflectional class membership) autonomously while they are fulfilling their tasks for which they have been deployed in the first place. Many of these tasks require a deep analysis of language input, which can be characterized as a mapping of utterances in a given input C to a set S of linguistically motivated structures with the help of linguistic information encoded in a grammar G and a lexicon L: G + L + C → S (1) The idea that underlies intelligent lexical acquisition systems is to modify this schematic formula in such a way that the system is able to exploit the information encoded in S to create a new, improved version of the lexicon: G + L + S → L' (2) Moreover, the thesis claims that a system can only be considered intelligent if it does not just make maximum usage of the learning opportunities in C, but if it is also able to revise falsely acquired lexical knowledge. So, one of the central elements in this work is the formulation of a couple of criteria for intelligent lexical acquisition systems subsumed under one paradigm: the Learn-Alpha design rule. The thesis describes the design and quality of a prototype for such a system, whose acquisition components have been developed from scratch and built on top of one of the state-of-the-art Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) processing systems. The quality of this prototype is investigated in a series of experiments, in which the system is fed with extracts of a large English corpus. While the idea of using machine-readable language input to automatically acquire lexical knowledge is not new, we are not aware of a system that fulfills Learn-Alpha and is able to deal with large corpora. To instance four major challenges of constructing such a system, it should be mentioned that a) the high number of possible structural descriptions caused by highly underspeci ed lexical entries demands for a parser with a very effective ambiguity management system, b) the automatic construction of concise lexical entries out of a bulk of observed lexical facts requires a special technique of data alignment, c) the reliability of these entries depends on the system's decision on whether it has seen 'enough' input and d) general properties of language might render some lexical features indeterminable if the system tries to acquire them with a too high precision. The cornerstone of this dissertation is the motivation and development of a general theory of automatic lexical acquisition that is applicable to every language and independent of any particular theory of grammar or lexicon. This work is divided into five chapters. The introductory chapter first contrasts three different and mutually incompatible approaches to (artificial) lexical acquisition: cue-based queries, head-lexicalized probabilistic context free grammars and learning by unification. Then the postulation of the Learn-Alpha design rule is presented. The second chapter outlines the theory that underlies Learn-Alpha and exposes all the related notions and concepts required for a proper understanding of artificial lexical acquisition. Chapter 3 develops the prototyped acquisition method, called ANALYZE-LEARN-REDUCE, a framework which implements Learn-Alpha. The fourth chapter presents the design and results of a bootstrapping experiment conducted on this prototype: lexeme detection, learning of verbal valency, categorization into nominal count/mass classes, selection of prepositions and sentential complements, among others. The thesis concludes with a review of the conclusions and motivation for further improvements as well as proposals for future research on the automatic induction of lexical features.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação: área de especialização em Animação da Leitura.
Clustering of Protein Structures Using Hydrophobic Free Energy And Solvent Accessibility of Proteins