982 resultados para lexical semantic


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Cette thèse constitue une étude systématique du lexique du déné sųłiné, une langue athabaskane du nord-ouest canadien. Elle présente les définitions et les patrons de combinatoire syntaxique et lexicale de plus de 200 unités lexicales, lexèmes et phrasèmes, qui représentent une partie importante du vocabulaire déné sųłiné dans sept domaines: les émotions, le caractère humain, la description physique des entités, le mouvement des êtres vivants, la position des entités, les conditions atmospheriques et les formations topologiques, en les comparant avec le vocubulaire équivalent de l'anglais. L’approche théorique choisie est la Théorie Sens-Texte (TST), une approche formelle qui met l’accent sur la description sémantique et lexicographique empiriques. La présente recherche relève d'importantes différences entre le lexique du déné sųłiné et celui de l'anglais à tous les niveaux: dans la correspondence entre la représentation conceptuelle, considérée (quasi-)extralinguistique, et la structure sémantique; dans les patrons de lexicalisation des unités lexicales, et dans les patrons de combinatoire syntaxique et lexicale, qui montrent parfois des traits propres au déné sųłiné intéressants.


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There is evidence that the explicit lexical-semantic processing deficits which characterize aphasia may be observed in the absence of implicit semantic impairment. The aim of this article was to critically review the international literature on lexical-semantic processing in aphasia, as tested through the semantic priming paradigm. Specifically, this review focused on aphasia and lexical-semantic processing, the methodological strengths and weaknesses of the semantic paradigms used, and recent evidence from neuroimaging studies on lexical-semantic processing. Furthermore, evidence on dissociations between implicit and explicit lexical-semantic processing reported in the literature will be discussed and interpreted by referring to functional neuroimaging evidence from healthy populations. There is evidence that semantic priming effects can be found both in fluent and in non-fluent aphasias, and that these effects are related to an extensive network which includes the temporal lobe, the pre-frontal cortex, the left frontal gyrus, the left temporal gyrus and the cingulated cortex.


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Three studies investigated the relation between symbolic gestures and words, aiming at discover the neural basis and behavioural features of the lexical semantic processing and integration of the two communicative signals. The first study aimed at determining whether elaboration of communicative signals (symbolic gestures and words) is always accompanied by integration with each other and, if present, this integration can be considered in support of the existence of a same control mechanism. Experiment 1 aimed at determining whether and how gesture is integrated with word. Participants were administered with a semantic priming paradigm with a lexical decision task and pronounced a target word, which was preceded by a meaningful or meaningless prime gesture. When meaningful, the gesture could be either congruent or incongruent with word meaning. Duration of prime presentation (100, 250, 400 ms) randomly varied. Voice spectra, lip kinematics, and time to response were recorded and analyzed. Formant 1 of voice spectra, and mean velocity in lip kinematics increased when the prime was meaningful and congruent with the word, as compared to meaningless gesture. In other words, parameters of voice and movement were magnified by congruence, but this occurred only when prime duration was 250 ms. Time to response to meaningful gesture was shorter in the condition of congruence compared to incongruence. Experiment 2 aimed at determining whether the mechanism of integration of a prime word with a target word is similar to that of a prime gesture with a target word. Formant 1 of the target word increased when word prime was meaningful and congruent, as compared to meaningless congruent prime. Increase was, however, present for whatever prime word duration. In the second study, experiment 3 aimed at determining whether symbolic prime gesture comprehension makes use of motor simulation. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation was delivered to left primary motor cortex 100, 250, 500 ms after prime gesture presentation. Motor Evoked Potential of First Dorsal Interosseus increased when stimulation occurred 100 ms post-stimulus. Thus, gesture was understood within 100ms and integrated with the target word within 250 ms. Experiment 4 excluded any hand motor simulation in order to comprehend prime word. The effect of the prior presentation of a symbolic gesture on congruent target word processing was investigated in study 3. In experiment 5, symbolic gestures were presented as primes, followed by semantically congruent target word or pseudowords. In this case, lexical-semantic decision was accompanied by a motor simulation at 100ms after the onset of the verbal stimuli. Summing up, the same type of integration with a word was present for both prime gesture and word. It was probably subsequent to understanding of the signal, which used motor simulation for gesture and direct access to semantics for words. However, gesture and words could be understood at the same motor level through simulation if words were preceded by an adequate gestural context. Results are discussed in the prospective of a continuum between transitive actions and emblems, in parallelism with language; the grounded/symbolic content of the different signals evidences relation between sensorimotor and linguistic systems, which could interact at different levels.


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Previous behavioral studies reported a robust effect of increased naming latencies when objects to be named were blocked within semantic category, compared to items blocked between category. This semantic context effect has been attributed to various mechanisms including inhibition or excitation of lexico-semantic representations and incremental learning of associations between semantic features and names, and is hypothesized to increase demands on verbal self-monitoring during speech production. Objects within categories also share many visual structural features, introducing a potential confound when interpreting the level at which the context effect might occur. Consistent with previous findings, we report a significant increase in response latencies when naming categorically related objects within blocks, an effect associated with increased perfusion fMRI signal bilaterally in the hippocampus and in the left middle to posterior superior temporal cortex. No perfusion changes were observed in the middle section of the left middle temporal cortex, a region associated with retrieval of lexical-semantic information in previous object naming studies. Although a manipulation of visual feature similarity did not influence naming latencies, we observed perfusion increases in the perirhinal cortex for naming objects with similar visual features that interacted with the semantic context in which objects were named. These results provide support for the view that the semantic context effect in object naming occurs due to an incremental learning mechanism, and involves increased demands on verbal self-monitoring.


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The aim was to analyse the growth and compositional development of the receptive and expressive lexicons between the ages 0,9 and 2;0 in the full-term (FT) and the very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) children who are acquiring Finnish. The associations between the expressive lexicon and grammar at 1;6 and 2;0 in the FT children were also studied. In addition, the language skills of the VLBW children at 2;0 were analysed, as well as the predictive value of early lexicon to the later language performance. Four groups took part in the studies: the longitudinal (N = 35) and cross-sectional (N = 146) samples of the FT children, and the longitudinal (N = 32) and cross-sectional (N = 66) samples of VLBW children. The data was gathered by applying of the structured parental rating method (the Finnish version of the Communicative Development Inventory), through analysis of the children´s spontaneous speech and by administering a a formal test (Reynell Developmental Language Scales). The FT children acquired their receptive lexicons earlier, at a faster rate and with larger individual variation than their expressive lexicons. The acquisition rate of the expressive lexicon increased from slow to faster in most children (91%). Highly parallel developmental paths for lexical semantic categories were detected in the receptive and expressive lexicons of the Finnish children when they were analysed in relation to the growth of the lexicon size, as described in the literature for children acquiring other languages. The emergence of grammar was closely associated with expressive lexical growth. The VLBW children acquired their receptive lexicons at a slower rate and had weaker language skills at 2;0 than the full-term children. The compositional development of both lexicons happened at a slower rate in the VLBW children when compared to the FT controls. However, when the compositional development was analysed in relation to the growth of lexicon size, this development occurred qualitatively in a nearly parallel manner in the VLBW children as in the FT children. Early receptive and expressive lexicon sizes were significantly associated with later language skills in both groups. The effect of the background variables (gender, length of the mother s basic education, birth weight) on the language development in the FT and the VLBW children differed. The results provide new information of early language acquisition by the Finnish FT and VLBW children. The results support the view that the early acquisition of the semantic lexical categories is related to lexicon growth. The current findings also propose that the early grammatical acquisition is closely related to the growth of expressive vocabulary size. The language development of the VLBW children should be followed in clinical work.


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Cette étude porte sur les différentes formalisations du sens linguistique dans le cadre de la théorie Sens-Texte (TST) ; elle s’intéresse notamment à la représentation sémantique, la représentation la plus importante dans la modélisation du sens d’énoncés et d’unités lexicales de la langue. Cette étude a trois objectifs : premièrement, décrire trois formalisations de la représentation sémantique existant dans la TST – les réseaux sémantiques, les définitions lexicographiques et les définitions de la BDéf (des définitions très formalisées) ; deuxièmement, identifier les disparités et les décalages entre les formalisations choisies ; troisièmement, proposer des modifications aux formalisations existantes pour réduire au maximum ces disparités.


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Previous functional imaging studies have shown that facilitated processing of a visual object on repeated, relative to initial, presentation (i.e., repetition priming) is associated with reductions in neural activity in multiple regions, including fusiforin/lateral occipital cortex. Moreover, activity reductions have been found, at diminished levels, when a different exemplar of an object is presented on repetition. In one previous study, the magnitude of diminished priming across exemplars was greater in the right relative to the left fusiform, suggesting greater exemplar specificity in the right. Another previous study, however, observed fusiform lateralization modulated by object viewpoint, but not object exemplar. The present fMRI study sought to determine whether the result of differential fusiform responses for perceptually different exemplars could be replicated. Furthermore, the role of the left fusiform cortex in object recognition was investigated via the inclusion of a lexical/semantic manipulation. Right fusiform cortex showed a significantly greater effect of exemplar change than left fusiform, replicating the previous result of exemplar-specific fusiform lateralization. Right fusiform and lateral occipital cortex were not differentially engaged by the lexical/semantic manipulation, suggesting that their role in visual object recognition is predominantly in the. C visual discrimination of specific objects. Activation in left fusiform cortex, but not left lateral occipital cortex, was modulated by both exemplar change and lexical/semantic manipulation, with further analysis suggesting a posterior-to-anterior progression between regions involved in processing visuoperceptual and lexical/semantic information about objects. The results are consistent with the view that the right fusiform plays a greater role in processing specific visual form information about objects, whereas the left fusiform is also involved in lexical/semantic processing. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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One of the cardinal features of semantic dementia (SD) is a steady reduction in expressive vocabulary. We investigated the nature of this breakdown by assessing the psycholinguistic characteristics of words produced spontaneously by SD patients during an autobiographical memory interview. Speech was analysed with respect to frequency and imageability, and a recently-developed measure called semantic diversity. This measure quantifies the degree to which a word can be used in a broad range of different linguistic contexts. We used this measure in a formal exploration of the tendency for SD patients to replace specific terms with more vague and general words, on the assumption that more specific words are used in a more constrained set of contexts. Relative to healthy controls, patients were less likely to produce low-frequency, high-imageability words, and more likely to produce highly frequent, abstract words. These changes in the lexical-semantic landscape were related to semantic diversity: the highly frequent and abstract words most prevalent in the patients' speech were also the most semantically diverse. In fact, when the speech samples of healthy controls were artificially engineered such that low semantic diversity words (e.g., garage, spanner) were replaced with broader terms (e.g., place, thing), the characteristics of their speech production came to closely resemble that of SD patients. A similar simulation in which low-frequency words were replaced was less successful in replicating the patient data. These findings indicate systematic biases in the deterioration of lexical-semantic space in SD. As conceptual knowledge degrades, speech increasingly consists of general terms that can be applied in a broad range of linguistic contexts and convey less specific information.


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No âmbito do Processamento Automático de Línguas Naturais (PLN), o desenvolvimento de recursos léxico-semânticos é premente. Ao conceber os sistemas de PLN como um exercício de engenharia da linguagem humana, acredita-se que o desenvolvimento de tais recursos pode ser beneficiado pelos modelos de representação do conhecimento, desenvolvidos pela Engenharia do Conhecimento. Esses modelos, em particular, fornecem simultaneamente o arcabouço teórico-metodológico e a metalinguagem formal para o tratamento computacional do significado das unidades lexicais. Neste artigo, após a apresentação da concepção linguístico-computacional de léxico, elucidam-se os principais paradigmas de representação do conhecimento, enfatizando a abordagem do significado e a metalinguagem formal vinculadas a cada um deles.


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Previous studies have shown both declining and stable semantic-memory abilities during healthy aging. There is consistent evidence that semantic processes involving controlled mechanisms weaken with age. In contrast, results of aging studies on automatic semantic retrieval are often inconsistent, probably due to methodological limitations and differences. The present study therefore examines age-related alterations in automatic semantic retrieval and memory structure with a novel combination of critical methodological factors, i.e., the selection of subjects, a well-designed paradigm, and electrophysiological methods that result in unambiguous signal markers. Healthy young and elderly participants performed lexical decisions on visually presented word/non-word pairs with a stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of 150 ms. Behavioral and electrophysiological data were measured, and the N400-LPC complex, an event-related potential component sensitive to lexical-semantic retrieval, was analyzed by power and topographic distribution of electrical brain activity. Both age groups exhibited semantic priming (SP) and concreteness effects in behavioral reaction time and the electrophysiological N400-LPC complex. Importantly, elderly subjects did not differ significantly from the young in their lexical decision and SP performances as well as in the N400-LPC SP effect. The only difference was an age-related delay measured in the N400-LPC microstate. This could be attributed to existing age effects in controlled functions, as further supported by the replicated age difference in word fluency. The present results add new behavioral and neurophysiological evidence to earlier findings, by showing that automatic semantic retrieval remains stable in global signal strength and topographic distribution during healthy aging.


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Behavioral studies suggest that women and men differ in the strategic elaboration of verbally encoded information especially in the absence of external task demand. However, measuring such covert processing requires other than behavioral data. The present study used event-related potentials to compare sexes in lower and higher order semantic processing during the passive reading of semantically related and unrelated word pairs. Women and men showed the same early context effect in the P1-N1 transition period. This finding indicates that the initial lexical-semantic access is similar in men and women. In contrast, sexes differed in higher order semantic processing. Women showed an earlier and longer lasting context effect in the N400 accompanied by larger signal strength in temporal networks similarly recruited by men and women. The results suggest that women spontaneously conduct a deeper semantic analysis. This leads to faster processing of related words in the active neural networks as reflected in a shorter stability of the N400 map in women. Taken together, the findings demonstrate that there is a selective sex difference in the controlled semantic analysis during passive word reading that is not reflected in different functional organization but in the depth of processing.


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Esta tese, com o intuito de contribuir para uma reflexão em torno da história da formação da língua portuguesa no Brasil, propõe como objetivo geral realizar um estudo do léxico no município de Cáceres-MT, tendo como base a discussão sobre manutenção, tendência à manutenção, desuso, tendência ao desuso e neologismo semântico de unidades lexicais extraídas de um manuscrito oitocentista. Os objetivos específicos são os seguintes: (i) compreender a história social da Capitania de Mato Grosso e do município de Cáceres, a partir das informações constantes no manuscrito Memoria, e aspectos que envolvam as condições de produção do documento e a biografia do autor; (ii) levantar o léxico do manuscrito, com recorte nos substantivos e adjetivos para servir de base na seleção das unidades lexicais a serem testadas in loco, e investigar a acepção registrada no documento das unidades lexicais, caracterizando, assim, o léxico do período oitocentista; (iii), fazer um cotejo lexicográfico abrangendo dicionários gerais dos séculos XVIII ao XXI; (iv) testar e identificar, a partir do corpus oral constituído por meio de pesquisa de campo na região urbana cacerense, o grau de manutenção, tendência à manutenção, desuso, tendência ao desuso e neologismo semântico em relação às unidades lexicais e suas respectivas acepções registradas no manuscrito. Dessa forma, toma-se como corpus de língua escrita de análise o manuscrito oitocentista Memoria sobre o plano de guerra offensiva e deffensiva da Capitania de Matto Grosso e, a partir das unidades lexicais selecionadas e extraídas dele, realizou-se a pesquisa de campo para o recolhimento do corpus de língua oral. Antes dessa recolha, tendo como base teórico-metodológica as disciplinas de Dialetologia e de Geolinguística, selecionou-se a localidade (município de Cáceres - MT) e os informantes (total de dezesseis); elaborou-se o questionário semântico-lexical, considerando fundamentalmente a proposta apresentada pelo Comitê Nacional do Projeto ALiB (2001); e realizou-se a pesquisa de campo e as transcrições das entrevistas. Para análise de natureza semântico-lexical dos corpora, recorreu aos estudos lexicográficos e lexicológicos. Tomando por base os resultados do estudo realizado, constatou-se que na realidade linguística do informante cacerense encontram-se unidades que já integravam o léxico oitocentista da língua portuguesa escrita no Brasil, ou seja, há uma memória semântico-lexical que se mantém no sistema lexical, provavelmente, devido às condições sócioculturais do município de Cáceres, Mato Grosso, cuja população, em grande parte, por quase duzentos anos, viveu na área rural. Todavia, vislumbrou-se um certo equilíbrio entre a manutenção do léxico oitocentista sem deixar de lado a inovação e o mecanismo polissêmico constitutivo do léxico.


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We investigated the ability to learn new words in a group of 22 adults with developmental dyslexia/dysgraphia and the relationship between their learning and spelling problems. We identified a deficit that affected the ability to learn both spoken and written new words (lexical learning deficit). There were no comparable problems in learning other kinds of representations (lexical/semantic and visual) and the deficit could not be explained in terms of more traditional phonological deficits associated with dyslexia (phonological awareness, phonological STM). Written new word learning accounted for further variance in the severity of the dysgraphia after phonological abilities had been partialled out. We suggest that lexical learning may be an independent ability needed to create lexical/formal representations from a series of independent units. Theoretical and clinical implications are discussed. © 2005 Psychology Press Ltd.


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Objects presented in categorically related contexts are typically named slower than objects presented in unrelated contexts, a phenomenon termed semantic interference. However, not all semantic relationships induce interference. In the present study, we investigated the influence of object part-relations in the blocked cyclic naming paradigm. In Experiment 1 we established that an object's parts do induce a semantic interference effect when named in context compared to unrelated parts (e.g., leaf, root, nut, bark; for tree). In Experiment 2) we replicated the effect during perfusion functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to identify the cerebral regions involved. The interference effect was associated with significant perfusion signal increases in the hippocampal formation and decreases in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. We failed to observe significant perfusion signal changes in the left lateral temporal lobe, a region that shows reliable activity for interference effects induced by categorical relations in the same paradigm and is proposed to mediate lexical-semantic processing. We interpret these results as supporting recent explanations of semantic interference in blocked cyclic naming that implicate working memory mechanisms. However, given the failure to observe significant perfusion signal changes in the left temporal lobe, the results provide only partial support for accounts that assume semantic interference in this paradigm arises solely due to lexical-level processes.