176 resultados para lengthening
In the present study we investigated tension regulation in the human soleus (SOL) muscle during controlled lengthening and shortening actions. Eleven subjects performed plantar flexor efforts on an ankle torque motor through 30 degrees of ankle displacement (75 degrees-105 degrees internal ankle angle) at lengthening and shortening velocities of 5, 15 and 30 degrees s(-1). To isolate the SOL from the remainder of the triceps surae, the subject's knee was flexed to 60 degrees during all trials. Voluntary plantar flexor efforts were performed under two test conditions: (1) maximal voluntary activation (MVA) of the SOL, and (2) constant submaximal voluntary activation (SVA) of the SOL. SVA trials were performed with direct visual feedback of the SOL electromyogram (EMG) at a level resulting in a torque output of 30% of isometric maximum. Angle-specific (90 degrees ankle angle) torque and EMG of the SOL, medial gastrocnemius (MG) and tibialis anterior (TA) were recorded. In seven subjects from the initial group, the test protocol was repeated under submaximal percutaneous electrical activation (SEA) of SOL (to 30% isometric maximal effort). Lengthening torques were significantly greater than shortening torques in all test conditions. Lengthening torques in MVA and SVA were independent of velocity and remained at the isometric level, whereas SEA torques were greater than isometric torques and increased at higher lengthening velocities. Shortening torques were lower than the isometric level for all conditions. However, whereas SVA and SEA torques decreased at higher velocities of shortening, MVA torques were independent of velocity. These results indicate velocity- and activation-type-specific tension regulation in the human SOL muscle.
1. The present study investigated the effects of lengthening and shortening actions on IT-reflex amplitude. H-reflexes were evoked in the soleus (SOL) and medial gastroenemius (MG) of human subject, during passive isometric, lengthening and shortening actions performed at angular velocities of 0, +/-2, +/-5 and +/- 15 deg s(-1). 2. H-reflex amplitude, in froth SOL and MG were significantly depressed during passive lengthening actions and facilitated during passive shortening actions, when compared with the isometric R-reflex amplitude. 3. Four experiments were performed in which the latencies front the onset of movement to delivery of the stimulus were altered. Passive H-reflex modulation during lengthening actions was found tee begin at latencies of less than 60 ms suggesting that this inhibition was due to peripheral and/or spinal mechanisms. 4. It is postulated that, the H-reflex modulation seen in the present study is related to the tunic discharge of muscle spindle afferents and the consequent effects of transmission within the la pathway. Inhibition of the H-reflex at less than 60 ms after the onset of muscle lengthening may he attributed to several mechanisms, which cannot be distinguished using the current protocol. These may include the inability to evoke volleys in la fibres that are refractory following muscle spindle discharge during; rapid muscle lengthening, a reduced probability of transmitter release front the presynaptic terminal (homosynaptic post.-activation depression) and presynaptic inhibition of la afferents from plantar flexor agonists. Short latency facilitation of the H-reflex may be attributed to temporal summation of excitatory postsynaptic potentials arising from muscle spindle afferents during rapid muscle lengthening. At longer latencies, presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents cannot be excluded as a potential inhibitory mechanism.
In experiments on isolated animal muscle, the force produced during active lengthening contractions can be up to twice the isometric force, whereas in human experiments lengthening force shows only modest, if any, increase in force. The presence of synergist and antagonist muscle activation associated with human experiments in situ may partly account for the difference between animal and human studies. Therefore, this study aimed to quantify the force-velocity relationship of the human soleus muscle and assess the likelihood that co-activation of antagonist muscles was responsible for the inhibition of torque during submaximal voluntary plantar flexor efforts. Seven subjects performed submaximal voluntary lengthening, shortening(at angular, velocities of +5, -5, +15, -15 and +30, and -30degrees s(-1)) and isometric plantar flexor efforts against an ankle torque motor. Angle-specific (90degrees) measures of plantar flexor torque plus surface and intramuscular electromyography from soleus, medial gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior were made. The level of activation (30% of maximal voluntary isometric effort) was maintained by providing direct visual feedback of the soleus electromyogram to the subject. In an attempt to isolate the contribution of soleus to the resultant plantar flexion torque, activation of the synergist and antagonist muscles were minimised by: (1) flexing the knee of the test limb, thereby minimising the activation of gastrocnemius, and (2) applying an anaesthetic block to the common peroneal nerve to eliminate activation of the primary antagonist muscle, tibialis anterior and the synergist muscles, peroneus longus and peroneus brevis. Plantar flexion torque decreased significantly (P<0.05) after blocking the common peroneal nerve which was likely due to abolishing activation of the peroneal muscles which are synergists for plantar flexion. When normalised to the corresponding isometric value, the force-velocity relationship between pre- and post-block conditions was not different. In both conditions, plantar flexion torques during shortening actions were significantly less than the isometric torque and decreased at faster velocities. During lengthening actions, however, plantar flexion torques were not significantly different from isometric regardless of angular velocity. It was concluded that the apparent inhibition of lengthening torques during voluntary activation is not due to co-activation of antagonist muscles. Results are presented as mean (SEM).
To investigate the effect of earlier triceps surae (TS) surgical lengthening at knee kinematics in the stance phase in patients with cerebral palsy (CP). One thousand and thirty-nine participants from an eligible total of 1750 children with CP were referred to gait analysis laboratory from January 2000 to April 2007. Inclusion criteria were the diagnosis of diparetic spastic CP levels I to III (GMFCS) and complete kinematics documentation. Patients with an asymmetrical knee pattern at kinematics and with different types of TS management among sides were excluded. The patients were divided into two groups according to the mean minimum knee flexion (MMKF) in stance phase: group A (n = 253) MMKF >= 30 degrees and group B (n = 786) MMKF less than 30 degrees. For each group, the occurrence of following procedures for TS in the past: (i) earlier surgery, (ii) gastrocnemius lengthening (zone I), (iii) gastrocnemius and soleus lengthening (zone II), and (iv) calcaneous tendon lengthening (zone III), was investigated. A chi(2) test was applied to check if the number of procedures performed was different between groups. The level of significance was defined as P value of less than 0.05. The number of patients with no earlier surgeries at TS was higher in group B (51.8%) than in group A (39.1%), and this difference was significant (P<0.01). In addition, the number of procedures at the calcaneous tendon was more elevated in group A (36.8%) than in group B (27%), and this finding was statistically significant as well (P<0.02). The percentage of surgical lengthening at zones I and II was very similar between the groups A and B. This study has shown that patients without earlier surgical procedures at TS are more susceptible to reach better extension of the knees in the stance phase. Patients in a crouch gait had a higher number of calcaneous tendon lengthening performed in the past than patients with a more normal knee extension in the stance phase. J Pediatr Orthop B 19:226-230 (C) 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Patients with glioblastoma (GBM) have variable clinical courses, but the factors that underlie this heterogeneity are not understood. To determine whether the presence of the telomerase-independent alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALTs) mechanism is a significant prognostic factor for survival, we performed a retrospective analysis of 573 GBM patients. The presence of ALT was identified in paraffin sections using a combination of immunofluorescence for promyelocytic leukemia body and telomere fluorescence in situ hybridization. Alternative lengthening of telomere was present in 15% of the GBM patients. Patients with ALT had longer survival that was independent of age, surgery, and other treatments. Mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH1mut) 1 frequently accompanied ALT, and in the presence of both molecular events, there was significantly longer overall survival. These data suggest that most ALT+ tumors may be less aggressive proneural GBMs, and the better prognosis may relate to the set of genetic changes associated with this tumor subtype. Despite improved overall survival of patients treated with the addition of chemotherapy to radiotherapy and surgery, ALT and chemotherapy independently provided a survival advantage, but these factors were not found to be additive. These results suggest a critical need for developing new therapies to target these specific GBM subtypes.
Introduction: The Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) mechanism is a significant prognostic factor for longer survival in patients with GBM, irrespective of age. The reasons for this are unknown. We considered two possibilities; firstly that ALT identifies a subset of less aggressive GBMs, or alternatively, a group of tumours that respond more favourably to adjuvant therapy. Methods: ALT was determined by staining for ALT Associated PML Bodies (APBs) in archival tissue in a retrospective analysis of 573 GBM patients. IDH1 mutation was determined by immunohistochemistry in a subset of these. Results: We identified the presence of the telomerase-independent ALT in 15% of GBM patients and found that it correlated with survival (22% of ALT patients survive more than 2 years compared to 9% for non-ALT). This survival advantage was independent of surgery type (biopsy or full resection) and treatment (radiotherapy and chemotherapy). Interestingly ALT conferred a significant survival advantage for patients who only received surgery (13.3 months compared to 5.5 months) (19% vs 1% .2 year survival). This survival benefit was also observed in GBM patients who received surgery and radiotherapy (18.5% vs 2.4%. 2 year survival), but less so for chemotherapy (21% vs 17% . 2 year survival). For the ALT patients the fraction surviving more than 2 years did not improve significantly with adjuvant therapy. IDH1 mutation also associated with ALT. Conclusions: These data indicate ALT+ tumours are biologically distinct and associated with improved patient survival, probably due to less aggressive/invasive growth. However they respond poorly to current adjuvant treatment and therefore new therapies are urgently needed for this group.
The aim of this study was to clinically and radiographically evaluate acute bone shortening followed by gradual lengthening in the treatment of large segmental tibia defects induced in seven clinically normal dogs. A circular external fixator was assembled with one proximal 5/8-circle ring, one middle ring and one distal ring connected with three rods. Thirty per cent of the tibia and fibula were removed in the middle and distal parts of the diaphyses, between the middle and distal rings. Acute bone shortening with compression of proximal and distal segments was performed. A subperiosteal osteotomy was performed between the half-ring and middle ring. Bone distraction started 7 days after surgery; after lengthening, the apparatus was left in place for 14 weeks for consolidation of regenerated bone. The frame was removed at the end of this period, and the dogs observed for four more weeks. Functional results were considered excellent in two, good in three and fair in the other two dogs. Bone regeneration within the distraction gap was obtained 14 weeks after neutral fixation period. We concluded that acute bone shortening followed by gradual lengthening by Ilizarov method can be used to treat extensive tibial defects in dogs, although it presents limb temporary abnormal limb shape and unequal length as early disadvantages.
A 3-year-old, male crossbred dog with osteomyelitis of the radius and ulna was treated using Ilizarov's method. Two centimeters of infected bone was resected, then acute bone shortening and subsequent lengthening of a healthy bone site were performed. The infection was eradicated, but a residual leg-length discrepancy was present.
Background: Excessive gingival display (EGD) has a negative impact on a pleasant smile. Minimally invasive therapeutic modalities have become the standard treatment in many dentistry fields. Therefore, the aim of this study is to compare the clinical outcomes of open-flap (OF) and minimally invasive flapless (FL) esthetic crown lengthening (ECL) for the treatment of EGD.Methods: A split-mouth randomized controlled trial was conducted in 28 patients presenting with EGD. Contralateral quadrants received ECL using OF or FL techniques. Clinical parameters were evaluated at baseline and 3, 6, and 12 months post-surgery. The local levels of receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay at baseline and 3 months. Patients' perceptions regarding morbidity and esthetic appearance were also evaluated. Periodontal tissue dimensions were obtained by computed tomography at baseline and correlated with the changes in the gingival margin (GM).Results: Patients reported low morbidity and high satisfaction with esthetic appearance for both procedures (P > 0.05). RANKL and OPG concentrations were increased in the OF group at 3 months (P < 0.05). Probing depths were reduced for both groups at all time points, compared with baseline (P < 0.05). There were no differences between groups for GM reduction at any time point (P > 0.05).Conclusions: FL and OF surgeries produced stable and similar clinical results up to 12 months. FL ECL may be a predictable alternative approach for the treatment of EGD.
CONTEXT: Failure of a colorectal anastomosis represents a life-threatening complication of colorectal surgery. Splenic flexure mobilization may contribute to reduce the occurrence of anastomotic complications due to technical flaws. There are no published reports measuring the impact of splenic flexure mobilization on the length of mobilized colon viable to construct a safe colorectal anastomosis. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of two techniques for splenic flexure mobilization on colon lengthening during open left-sided colon surgery using a cadaver model. DESIGN: Anatomical dissections for left colectomy and colorectal anastomosis at the sacral promontory level were conducted in 20 fresh cadavers by the same team of four surgeons. The effect of partial and full splenic flexure mobilization on the extent of mobilized left colon segment was determined. SETTING: University of Sao Paulo Medical School, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil. Tertiary medical institution and university hospital. PARTICIPANTS: A team of four surgeons operated on 20 fresh cadavers. RESULTS: The length of resected left colon enabling a tension-free colorectal anastomosis at the level of sacral promontory achieved without mobilizing the splenic flexure was 46.3 (35-81) cm. After partial mobilization of the splenic flexure, an additionally mobilized colon segment measuring 10.7 (2-30) cm was obtained. After full mobilization of the distal transverse colon, a mean 28.3 (10-65) cm segment was achieved. CONCLUSION: Splenic flexure mobilization techniques are associated to effective left colon lengthening for colorectal anastomosis. This result may contribute to decision-making during rectal surgery and low colorectal and coloanal anastomosis.
Background Retraction, atrophy and fatty infiltration are signs subsequent to chronic rotator cuff tendon tears. They are associated with an increased pennation angle and a shortening of the muscle fibers in series. These deleterious changes of the muscular architecture are not reversible with current repair techniques and are the main factors for failed rotator cuff tendon repair. Whereas fast stretching of the retracted musculotendinous unit results in proliferation of non-contractile fibrous tissue, slow stretching may lead to muscle regeneration in terms of sarcomerogenesis. To slowly stretch the retracted musculotendinous unit in a sheep model, two here described tensioning devices have been developed and mounted on the scapular spine of the sheep using an expandable threaded rod, which has been interposed between the retracted tendon end and the original insertion site at the humeral head. Traction is transmitted in line with the musculotendinous unit by sutures knotted on the expandable threaded rod. The threaded rod of the tensioner is driven within the body through a rotating axis, which enters the body on the opposite side. The tendon end, which was previously released (16 weeks prior) from its insertion site with a bone chip, was elongated with a velocity of 1 mm/day. Results After several steps of technical improvements, the tensioner proved to be capable of actively stretching the retracted and degenerated muscle back to the original length and to withstand the external forces acting on it. Conclusion This technical report describes the experimental technique for continuous elongation of the musculotendinous unit and reversion of the length of chronically shortened muscle.
Callus massage after distraction osteogenesis using the concept of lengthening then dynamic plating.
Correction of complex deformities is a challenging procedure. Long-term wearing of a fixator after correction and lengthening are inconvenient and has a high rate of complication. The goals of the surgical treatment in the presented case were: (1) correction of the deformity and lengthening of the left leg by the Taylor spatial frame (TSF, Smith and Nephew, Marl, Germany); (2) reduction in the time the patient wears the TSF by changing the fixation system to a plate (lengthening then plating-LTP) and using a locking compression plate in conjunction with the 5.0 dynamic locking screws in order to accelerate bone healing.
BACKGROUND Complex proximal femoral deformities, including an elevated greater trochanter, short femoral neck, and aspherical head-neck junction, often result in pain and impaired hip function resulting from intra-/extraarticular impingement. Relative femoral neck lengthening may address these deformities, but mid-term results of this approach have not been widely reported. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES Do patients who have undergone relative femoral neck lengthening show (1) less hip pain and greater function; (2) improved radiographic parameters; (3) significant complications requiring subsequent surgery; and (4) progression of osteoarthrosis (OA) or conversion to total hip arthroplasty (THA) at mid-term followup? METHODS We retrospectively reviewed 40 patients (41 hips) with isolated relative femoral neck lengthening between 1998 and 2006 with sequelae of Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease (38 hips [93%]), slipped capital femoral epiphysis (two hips [5%]), and postseptic arthritis (one hip [2%]). During this time, the general indications for this procedure included a high-riding greater trochanter with a short femoral neck with abductor weakness and symptomatic intra-/extraarticular impingement. Mean patient followup was 8 years (range, 5-13 years), and complete followup was available in 38 patients (39 hips [95%]). We evaluated pain and function with the impingement test, limp, abductor force, Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score, and range of motion. Radiographic parameters included trochanteric height, alpha angle, and progression of OA. Subsequent surgeries, complications, and conversion to THA were summarized. RESULTS The proportion of positive anterior impingement tests decreased from 93% (38 of 41 hips) preoperatively to 49% (17 of 35 hips) at latest followup (p = 0.002); the proportion of limp decreased from 76% (31 of 41 hips) to 9% (three of 35 hips; p < 0.001); the proportion of normal abductor strength increased from 17% (seven of 41 hips) to 91% (32 of 35 hips; p < 0.001); mean Merle d'Aubigné-Postel score increased from 14 ± 1.7 (range, 9-17) to 17 ± 1.5 (range, 13-18; p < 0.001); mean internal rotation increased to 25° ± 15° (range, 0°-60°; p = 0.045), external rotation to 32° ± 14° (range, 5°-70°; p = 0.013), and abduction to 37° ± 13° (range, 10°-50°; p = 0.004). Eighty percent of hips (33 of 41 hips) showed normal trochanteric height; alpha angle improved to 42° ± 10° (range, 27°-90°). Two hips (5%) had subsequent surgeries as a result of lack of containment; four of 41 hips (10%) had complications resulting in reoperation. Fourteen of 35 hips (40%) showed progression of OA; four of 40 hips (10%) converted to THA. CONCLUSIONS Relative femoral neck lengthening in hips with combined intra- and extraarticular impingement results in reduced pain, improved function, and improved radiographic parameters of the proximal femur. Although lack of long-term complications is gratifying, progression of OA was not prevented and remains an area for future research.