990 resultados para leg edema
Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether an association of elastic stockings and walking for a short period in the late afternoon reduces leg edema. Methods. Volume changes of the legs of sixteen patients (32 limbs), who walked on a treadmill for 30 minutes using elastic compression stockings, were analyzed in a quantitative, cross-over randomized (in order of arrival at the clinic) study. They were submitted to volumetry using the water displacement technique and subsequently required to put on 20/30 made-to-measure compression stockings (Sigvaris). The patients walked on a treadmill for 30 minutes and after removing the stockings volumetry of the legs was again performed. Legs were assessed using the CEAP classification and divided into groups. Analysis of variance was used for statistical analysis with an alpha error of 5% being considered acceptable. Results. When participants walked wearing compression stockings, there was a reduction in leg volume. When the CEAP classification was evaluated, it was noted that there was a statistically significant difference for the CEAP C0, C1 and C2 categories of legs using stockings compared to those that did not use. Conclusion. Compression stockings have a synergistic effect with walking in the late afternoon thus reducing edema of the lower limbs. [Int Angiol 2012;31:490-3]
Background Leg edema is a common manifestation of various underlying pathologies. Reliable measurement tools are required to quantify edema and monitor therapeutic interventions. Aim of the present work was to investigate the reproducibility of optoelectronic leg volumetry over 3 weeks' time period and to eliminate daytime related within-individual variability. Methods Optoelectronic leg volumetry was performed in 63 hairdressers (mean age 45 ± 16 years, 85.7% female) in standing position twice within a minute for each leg and repeated after 3 weeks. Both lower leg (legBD) and whole limb (limbBF) volumetry were analysed. Reproducibility was expressed as analytical and within-individual coefficients of variance (CVA, CVW), and as intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). Results A total of 492 leg volume measurements were analysed. Both legBD and limbBF volumetry were highly reproducible with CVA of 0.5% and 0.7%, respectively. Within-individual reproducibility of legBD and limbBF volumetry over a three weeks' period was high (CVW 1.3% for both; ICC 0.99 for both). At both visits, the second measurement revealed a significantly higher volume compared to the first measurement with a mean increase of 7.3 ml ± 14.1 (0.33% ± 0.58%) for legBD and 30.1 ml ± 48.5 ml (0.52% ± 0.79%) for limbBF volume. A significant linear correlation between absolute and relative leg volume differences and the difference of exact day time of measurement between the two study visits was found (P < .001). A therefore determined time-correction formula permitted further improvement of CVW. Conclusions Leg volume changes can be reliably assessed by optoelectronic leg volumetry at a single time point and over a 3 weeks' time period. However, volumetry results are biased by orthostatic and daytime-related volume changes. The bias for day-time related volume changes can be minimized by a time-correction formula.
OBJECTIVE: Venous aneurysms of the lower limbs are rare. When they involve the deep venous system, they can be associated with deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. The authors report the case of a 63-year-old women evaluated by duplex imaging and venography, in the context of a pulmonary embolism, and detected bilateral large aneurysms of the femoral veins (5 cm in the right femoral vein and 4 cm in the left femoral vein). The aneurysms were located at the bifurcation of the common femoral vein with the superficial and profound veins. METHOD: The right aneurysm was partially thrombosed. The patient was asymptomatic in the lower-limb extremities. After a period of anticoagulation, the authors proceeded to surgically excise the right aneurysm and replaced the venous system using a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) graft with the construction of an a-v fistula. RESULT: The patient had no complications in the postoperative period and her 8-month follow-up examination revealed no symptoms, not even leg edema. The duplex scan showed patency of the graft. She continued with oral anticoagulation. The histologic examination revealed an eosinophilic inflammatory reaction of the vein wall, compatible with the diagnosis of Churg-Strauss syndrome. CONCLUSION: The authors conclude that they have probably described the first case in the international literature of a venous aneurysm with a Churg-Strauss syndrome and pulmonary embolism.
In all actual clinical guidelines, dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (CCBs) belong to the recommended first line antihypertensive drugs to treat essential hypertension. Several recent large clinical trials have confirmed their efficacy not only in lowering blood pressure but also in reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hypertensive patients with a normal or high cardiovascular risk profile. In clinical trials such as ALLHAT, VALUE or ASCOT, an amlodipine-based therapy was at least as effective, when not slightly superior, in lowering blood pressure and sometimes more effective in preventing target organ damages than blood pressure lowering strategies based on the use of diuretics, beta-blockers and blockers of the renin-angiotensin system. One of the main clinical side effects of the first and second generation CCBs including amlodipine is the development of peripheral edema. The incidence of leg edema can be markedly reduced by combining the CCB with a blocker of the renin-angiotensin system. This strategy has now led to the development of several fixed-dose combinations of amlodipine and angiotensin II receptor antagonists. Another alternative to lower the incidence of edema is to use CCBs of the third generation such as lercanidipine. Indeed, although no major clinical trials have been conducted with this compound, clinical studies have shown that lercanidipine and amlodipine have a comparable antihypertensive efficacy but with significantly less peripheral edema in patients receiving lercanidipine. In some countries, lercanidipine is now available in a single-pill association with an ACE inhibitor thereby further improving its efficacy and tolerability profile.
We report on the results of a double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial comparing two preparations of ethinylestradiol and cyproterone acetate in the treatment of women of reproductive age presenting menstrual irregularities of hyper-androgenic origin. After obtaining informed consent, subjects were randomized to a 4-month treatment period consisting of one daily dose of 0.035mg ethinylestradiol + 2mg cyproterone acetate. The treatment regimen cycle consisted of one pill, once daily for 21 days, followed by a 7-day pill-free period. We compared the efficacy of two presentations of the drug combination after each treatment cycle (Visits 2, 3, 4, and 5) in establishment and maintenance of menstrual regulation, intensity of menstrual flow, and dysmenorrhea, as well as a comparison of the two presentations in terms of Global Satisfaction and Drug Satisfaction assessments performed by the patients and the investigating physician. At each study visit, drug compliance and use of concomitant medications, as well as incidence, severity and duration of adverse events were recorded. A total of 86 subjects were randomized to treatment, with 43 subjects in each treatment group. At Visit 2 and each subsequent visit, all patients in both treatment groups reported an episode of withdrawal bleeding during the 7-day hormone-free period. We observed a statistically significant (p<0.0001) decrease in the incidence of dysmenorrhea at each study visit in relation to the pretreatment assessment. There was a significant reduction (p<0.0001) in the number of subjects reporting intermenstrual bleeding at each study visit in both treatment groups. Global Satisfaction scores by the patient and physician increased significantly at each successive study visit in both treatment groups. There were no clinically significant changes in vital signs, weight, and body mass index throughout the study period in either group. The number of subjects reporting adverse events at each visit did not vary between treatment groups. The combined oral contraceptive pill containing ethinylestradiol and cyproterone acetate was found to be both effective and safe in the menstrual irregularities of hyper-androgenic origin (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and intermenstrual bleeding) assessed in this study. © Copyright Moreira Jr. Editora. Todos os direitos reservados.
I noted with interest the article by Drs Perrin and Guex, entitled &dquo;Edema and leg volume: Methods of assessment,&dquo; published in Angiology 51:9-12, 2000. This was a timely and comprehensive review of the various methods in clinical use for the assessment of peripheral edema, notably in the leg. I would like to take this opportunity to alert readers to a further technique useful for this purpose, namely, bioelectrical impedance analysis. An early reportl described its use for the measurement of edema in the leg, but other than its successful use for the assessment of edema in the arm following masteCtoMy,2,1 the potential of the method remains to be fully realized. This is unfortunate since the method directly and quantifiably measures edema.
The aim of this study was to investigate the rate of occupational leg swelling depending on the time period of the working day Volumetric variations of the legs of 70 hospital employees, enrolled in three groups, were evaluated. Group I: 35 morning shift workers; Group II: 35 afternoon shift workers; and Group III: 15 individuals randomly selected from Groups I and II, who were evaluated on the day they worked 12 hours consecutively. Volumetry was performed before and after each shift for both legs of the participants in Groups I and II. For Group III volumetry was performed early in the morning, at noon and in the evening, For statistical analysis, the Student`s t-test and Mann-Whitney test were used with an alpha error of 5%. being considered acceptable (P value < 0.05). Significant increases in volume were recorded for the limbs in all three groups (P value < 0.001). On comparing Groups I and II, the accumulation of fluids was significantly higher in the morning than in the afternoon (P value < 0.003). Asymptomatic workers may present with oedema of the legs during their work with the rate of oedema being different for morning and afternoon shifts. The possibility of wearing compression stockings should be considered for this type of work.
Current noninvasive techniques for the routine and frequent quantification of peripheral lymphedema in patients are total limb volume measurement (by water immersion or by circumferential measurements) and bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). However both of these techniques require standardizing the measurement using a contralateral measurement from the unaffected limb, Hence these techniques are essentially restricted to unilateral lymphedema. This paper describes the results from a preliminary study to investigate an alternative approach to the analysis of the data from multiple frequency BIA to produce an index of lymphedema without the need for normalization to another body segment. Twenty patients receiving surgical treatment for breast cancer were monitored prior to surgery and again after diagnosis with unilateral lymphedema. The data recorded were total limb volume, by circumferential measurements; and BIA measurements of both limbs. From these measurements total limb volumes and extracellular fluid volumes were calculated and expressed as ratios of the affected limb to that of the unaffected limb. An index of the ratio of the extracellular fluid volume to the intracellular fluid volume was determined. This ECW/ICW index was calculated for both the affected and unaffected limbs at both measurement times. Results confirmed that the established techniques of total limb volume and extracellular fluid volume normalized to the unaffected contralateral limb were accurate in the detection of lymphedema (p < 10(-6)). Comparison of the ECW/ICW index from the affected limb after diagnosis with that from the pre-surgery measurement revealed a significant (p< 10(-6)) and considerable (75%) increase. The results of this pilot study suggest that by using multiple frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis, an index of the ECW/ICW ratio can be obtained and this index appears to have an equal, or better, sensitivity, than the other techniques in detecting lymphedema. More importantly, this index does not require normalization to another body segment and can be used to detect all types of peripheral edema including both unilateral and bilateral lymphedema.
É descrita uma enfermidade caracterizada por manifestações relacionadas aos sistemas nervoso e cardiovascular, que afeta bovinos no oeste de Santa Catarina e noroeste do Rio Grande do Sul. Os animais apresentam "morte súbita" ou edemas de declive, veias jugulares ingurgitadas e pulso venoso positivo, precedida ou não de apatia, letargia e cegueira. A doença atinge bovinos com mais de um ano, principalmente no outono e inverno, com morbidade de 10 a 60% e mortalidade chegando a 95%. As lesões macroscópicas consistem de áreas esbranquiçadas e firmes no miocárdio, principalmente nas proximidades dos vasos coronários e no septo interventricular. Em parte dos animais, o fígado apresenta-se aumentado de volume e com aspecto de noz-moscada. Alterações histológicas incluem tumefação e necrose de miofibras cardíacas, fibrose e infiltrado de macrófagos no interstício do músculo cardíaco e marcada congestão centrolobular e leve fibrose no fígado. No encéfalo dos bovinos com quadro clínico de letargia, a substância branca apresenta degeneração esponjosa (status spongiosus). A doença com manifestações de letargia e cegueira foi reproduzida em bovinos com o fornecimento de folhas de Ateleia. glazioviana no cocho, na dose única de 40 e 50 g/kg e em doses fracionadas de 2,5, 5,0, 7,5 e 10 g/kg. Lesões cardíacas crônicas foram reproduzidas com doses fracionadas de 2,5, 5,0 e 7,5 g/kg por longo período e com dose inicial de 1 g/kg, acrescida de 1g/kg/dia até atingir 15 g/kg, num total de 120 g/kg.
Relata-se um surto espontâneo de intoxicação em suínos pela ingestão de sementes de Aeschynomene indica e a reprodução da doença nessa espécie animal. O surto espontâneo ocorreu numa propriedade de criação de suínos localizada na região central do Rio Grande do Sul. Nessa propriedade havia 100 suínos (20 matrizes e 80 suínos jovens de várias categorias). Os suínos eram alimentados com uma ração feita na propriedade pela mistura de 50% farelo de milho, 25% de farelo de soja, 5% de um suplemento vitamínico-mineral de origem comercial e 20% quirera de arroz contaminada por 40% de sementes de A. indica. Embora aparentemente todos os suínos tenham recebido a mesma ração, apenas os suínos de 45 dias de idade foram afetados; as taxas de morbidade, mortalidade e letalidade foram respectivamente 25%-40%, 8,5%-20% e 25%-66%. Os sinais clínicos apareceram cerca de 24 horas após o início da administração da ração contendo sementes de A. indica e incluíam vários graus de incoordenação no andar, quedas, decúbito esternal com membros pélvicos posicionados afastados entre si, decúbito lateral e morte. Não foi possível determinar quantos suínos se recuperaram e quanto tempo levou a recuperação. Um suíno foi submetido à eutanásia e necropsiado na propriedade. A doença foi reproduzida em 5 suínos jovens (A-E) alimentados com uma ração contendo 10% (Suíno A), 15% (Suíno B) e 20% (Suínos C-E) de sementes de A. indica e em um suíno mais velho (Suíno F) que recebeu uma ração com 16,5% de sementes de A. indica. Os sinais clínicos foram semelhantes aos observados nos suínos do surto espontâneo. Os Suínos A, B e F foram submetidos à eutanásia e os Suínos C-E morreram de uma doença aguda respectivamente 16, 21 e 24 horas após o início do experimento. Os achados de necropsia incluíam acentuada hiperemia das leptomeninges em todos os suínos, grandes quantidades de sementes de A. indica no estômago e avermelhamento transmural da parede do intestino e conteúdo intestinal sanguinolento nos Suínos C-E. Um hematoma foi observado no pulmão do Suíno C. Os achados histopatológicos no encéfalo dos suínos alimentados com as maiores concentrações (20%) de sementes de A. indica (C-E) consistiram em áreas focais e simétricas de congestão, edema, hemorragia e tumefação do endotélio vascular em diversos núcleos e no córtex telencefálico. Nos Suínos A e B, que receberam menores concentrações das sementes de A. indica, e no Suíno F, caso espontâneo da doença, as alterações histológicas no encéfalo consistiam de áreas bem definidas de malacia focal simétrica; nessas áreas a neurópila normal era obliterada por numerosos macrófagos espumosos dispostos em estreita aposição, astrocitose e capilares com endotélios tumefeitos. Os focos de malacia focal simétrica em suínos intoxicados com sementes de A. indica afetavam os núcleos cerebelares e vestibulares, a substância negra, o putâmen e os núcleos mesencefálicos, oculomotor e núcleo vermelho. Esses dados indicam que a ingestão de sementes de A. indica é responsável por essa condição neurológica, que a doença pode ser fatal e que parece afetar igualmente suínos jovens e adultos. O desenlace clínico e as alterações patológicas são dependentes da dose e as lesões encefálicas progridem de danos vasculares a edema vasogênico, hemorragia e malacia.
O pastejo de plantas leguminosas que provocam fermentação excessiva pode causar surtos de timpanismo e mortes em ruminantes. Em uma propriedade no município de São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul, oito bovinos de um total de 66 morreram subitamente, ao haverem sido transferidos de um potreiro de campo nativo, para outro cuja pastagem era composta por Trifolium repens e Trifolium pratense. Os animais foram encontrados mortos no amanhecer do dia seguinte à transferência, não foram observados sinais clínicos prévios. Os principais achados macroscópicos incluíram aumento de volume abdominal, protrusão de vagina e língua, distensão ruminal, fígado de coloração pálida e aumento do baço. Na histologia, havia congestão e edema pulmonares e hiperplasia linfóide difusa e acentuada no baço. A evidência de ingestão das leguminosas associada aos achados patológicos e à ausência de microrganismos no exame bacteriológico confirmaram o diagnóstico de timpanismo.
Relata-se necrose hepatocelular em suínos após consumo de ração que continha grãos de sorgo-granífero (Sorghum bicolor) acidentalmente contaminado com sementes de Crotalaria spectabilis. Morreram 76 suínos em quatro propriedades no município de Juscimeira, MT. Os sinais clínicos iniciaram-se 24-48 horas após o consumo da ração contaminada e foram caracterizados por depressão, letargia, apatia, inapetência, vômito, mucosas ictéricas ou pálidas, ascite, decúbito esternal, decúbito lateral com movimentos de pedalagem e convulsões, a evolução clínica foi de 48-60 horas seguida de morte. As Principais alterações macroscópicas foram fígado aumentado de tamanho com evidenciação do padrão lobular, ascite e hidrotórax com líquido de coloração amarelo avermelhado contendo filamentos com aspecto de fibrina, linfonodos aumentados e edema pulmonar interlobular. A doença foi reproduzida utilizando-se 16 suínos divididos em seis grupos que receberam sementes de C. spectabilis em diferentes doses. Necrose hepatocelular ocorreu em sete suínos, sendo dois que receberam doses diárias 2,5g/kg e cinco que receberam doses únicas de 5,0 e 9,5g/kg. Dez doses diárias de 0,5 e 1,25g/kg causaram fibrose hepática.
Type 1 neurofibromatosis is a relatively common inherited disease of the nervous system, with a frequency of almost 1 in 3000. It is associated with neurofibromas of various sites. Our case report is about the surgical management of a giant neurofibroma of the right gluteal fold in a 46-year-old male with NF1. The patient presented with increasing edema and accelerated growth of the mass; he underwent percutaneous embolization of lesion vessels that induced necrosis of the neurofibroma. The patient was taken to the operating room, where surgical resection of the bulk of the lesion was undertaken. The postoperative course was complicated by delayed wound closure managed with antibiotics and vacuum-assisted wound closure. Giant neurofibromas similar to this tumor require complex preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative management strategies. Surgical debulk is best managed with preoperative percutaneous embolization that help to avoid surgical bleeding. Postoperative delayed wound closure was managed with the application of negative pressure in a closed environment that triggers granulation and tissue formation.
Neurogenic pulmonary edema is a rare and serious complication in patients with head injury. It also may develop after a variety of cerebral insults such as subarachnoid hemorrhage, brain tumors and after epileptic seizures. Thirty six patients with severe head injury and four patients with cerebrovascular insults treated in Intensive Care Unit of HC-UNICAMP from January to September 1995 were evaluated. In this period there were two patients with neurogenic pulmonary edema, one with head injury and other with intracerebral hemorrhage. Diagnosis was made by rapid onset of pulmonary edema, severe hypoxemia, decrease of pulmonary complacence and diffuse pulmonary infiltrations, without previous history of tracheal aspiration or any other risk factor for developement of adult respiratory distress syndrom. In the first case, with severe head trauma, neurogenic pulmonary edema was diagnosed at admission one hour after trauma, associated with severe systemic inflammatory reaction, and good outcome in three days. The second case, with hemorragic vascular insult, developed neurogenic pulmonary edema the fourth day after drenage of intracerebral hematom and died.
To examine the effect of long lasting practice on pedal behavior in sport, we compared experienced adult soccer players and nonsoccer players on leg preference in motor tasks requiring general mobilization, soccer related mobilization, and body balance stabilization. We also evaluated performance asymmetry between the right and left legs in static and dynamic unipedal body balance based on center of pressure displacement, and correlated that with kg preference in balance stabilization tasks. Results revealed (a) a distinct leg preference between mobilization and stabilization tasks, which were significantly different between Mayers and nonplayers, (b) similar balance stability between the right and left legs, (c) greater stability of experienced players compared with nonplayers in static and dynamic balance, and (d) absence of a significant kg preference correlation with interlateral balance asymmetry. These results suggest an effect of extensive soccer skill practice on establishing leg preference for specific mobilization tasks and overall balance control.