991 resultados para left-handed materials
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Studies of the band gap properties of one-dimensional superlattices with alternate layers of air and left-handed materials are carried out within the framework of Maxwell's equations. By left-handed material, we mean a material with dispersive negative electric and magnetic responses. Modeling them by Drude-type responses or by fabricated ones, we characterize the n(ω) = 0 gap, i.e., the zeroth order gap, which has been predicted and detected. The band structure and analytic equations for the band edges have been obtained in the long wavelength limit in case of periodic, Fibonacci, and Thue-Morse superlattices. Our studies reveal the nature of the width of the zeroth order band gap, whose edge equations are defined by null averages of the response functions. Oblique incidence is also investigated, yielding remarkable results. © 2010 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
Neuromotor functioning - i.e., timed performance and quality of movements - was examined in 66 left-handed children and adolescents between 5 and 18.5 years by means of the Zurich Neuromotor Assessment. Quality of movements was assessed by the degree and the frequency of associated movements. Results were compared to normative data from 593 right-handers. The overall scores for timed motor performance were similar for left-handers and right-handers, while left-handers had more associated movements than right-handers with both sides. In agreement with previous studies in adults, we found that left-handed children were less lateralized than right-handers. They performed faster with their non-dominant side and slower with their dominant side. This finding was roughly independent of age, which may indicate that handedness does not reflect long-term effects of previous motor experience, but may be primarily attributed to genetic factors.
Most bacterial chromosomes contain homologs of plasmid partitioning (par) loci. These loci encode ATPases called ParA that are thought to contribute to the mechanical force required for chromosome and plasmid segregation. In Vibrio cholerae, the chromosome II (chrII) par locus is essential for chrII segregation. Here, we found that purified ParA2 had ATPase activities comparable to other ParA homologs, but, unlike many other ParA homologs, did not form high molecular weight complexes in the presence of ATP alone. Instead, formation of high molecular weight ParA2 polymers required DNA. Electron microscopy and three-dimensional reconstruction revealed that ParA2 formed bipolar helical filaments on double-stranded DNA in a sequence-independent manner. These filaments had a distinct change in pitch when ParA2 was polymerized in the presence of ATP versus in the absence of a nucleotide cofactor. Fitting a crystal structure of a ParA protein into our filament reconstruction showed how a dimer of ParA2 binds the DNA. The filaments formed with ATP are left-handed, but surprisingly these filaments exert no topological changes on the right-handed B-DNA to which they are bound. The stoichiometry of binding is one dimer for every eight base pairs, and this determines the geometry of the ParA2 filaments with 4.4 dimers per 120 A pitch left-handed turn. Our findings will be critical for understanding how ParA proteins function in plasmid and chromosome segregation.
Poly-L-alanine forms stable right-handed alpha-helices, whereas Poly-D-alanine is stable as left-handed alpha helices.
Negative refractive index materials and propagation of electromagnetic waves in them started to draw attention of scientists not so long ago. This review highlights historically important and recent papers on practical and theoretical aspects related to these issues. Namely, basic properties and peculiarities of such materials related to both their design and wave propagation in them, experimental verification of predictions theoretically made for them, possible practical applications and prospects in this area are considered.
We report on a procedure to improve the resolution of far-field imaging by using a neighboring high-index medium that is coated with a left-handed metamaterial. The resulting plot can also exhibit an enhanced transmission by considering proper conditions to retract backscattering. Based on negative refraction, geometrical aberrations are considered in detail since they may cause a great impact in this sort of diffraction-unlimited imaging by reducing its resolution power. We employ a standard aberration analysis to refine the asymmetric configuration of metamaterial superlenses. We demonstrate that low-order centrosymmetric aberrations can be fully corrected for a given object plane. For subwavelength-resolution imaging, however, high-order aberrations become of relevance, which may be balanced with defocus. Not only the point spread function but also numerical simulations based on the finite-element method support our theoretical analysis, and subwavelength resolution is verified in the image plane.
A great deal of attention has recently been focused on a new class of smart materials-so-called left-handed media-that exhibit highly unusual electromagnetic properties and promise new device applications. Left-handed materials require negative permeability ν, an extreme condition that has so far been achieved only for frequencies in the microwave to terahertz range. Extension of the approach described in ref. 7 to achieve the necessary high-frequency magnetic response in visible optics presents a formidable challenge, as no material-natural or artificial-is known to exhibit any magnetism at these frequencies. Here we report a nanofabricated medium consisting of electromagnetically coupled pairs of gold dots with geometry carefully designed at a 10-nm level. The medium exhibits a strong magnetic response at visible-light frequencies, including a band with negative ν. The magnetism arises owing to the excitation of an antisymmetric plasmon resonance. The high-frequency permeability qualitatively reveals itself via optical impedance matching. Our results demonstrate the feasibility of engineering magnetism at visible frequencies and pave the way towards magnetic and left-handed components for visible optics. © 2005 Nature Publishing Group.
Low perceptual familiarity with relatively rarer left-handed as opposed to more common right-handed individuals may result in athletes' poorer ability to anticipate the former's action intentions. Part of such left-right asymmetry in visual anticipation could be due to an inefficient gaze strategy during confrontation with left-handed individuals. To exemplify, observers may not mirror their gaze when viewing left- vs. right-handed actions but preferentially fixate on an opponent's right body side, irrespective of an opponent's handedness, owing to the predominant exposure to right-handed actions. So far empirical verification of such assumption, however, is lacking. Here we report on an experiment where team-handball goalkeepers' and non-goalkeepers' gaze behavior was recorded while they predicted throw direction of left- and right-handed 7-m penalties shown as videos on a computer monitor. As expected, goalkeepers were considerably more accurate than non-goalkeepers and prediction was better against right- than left-handed penalties. However, there was no indication of differences in gaze measures (i.e., number of fixations, overall and final fixation duration, time-course of horizontal or vertical fixation deviation) as a function of skill group or the penalty-takers' handedness. Findings suggest that inferior anticipation of left-handed compared to right-handed individuals' action intentions may not be associated with misalignment in gaze behavior. Rather, albeit looking similarly, accuracy differences could be due to observers' differential ability of picking up and interpreting the visual information provided by left- vs. right-handed movements.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
We have studied the ability of the histone (H3-H4)2 tetramer, the central part of the nucleosome of eukaryotic chromatin, to form particles on DNA minicircles of negative and positive superhelicities, and the effect of relaxing these particles with topoisomerase I. The results show that even modest positive torsional stress from the DNA, and in particular that generated by DNA thermal fluctuations, can trigger a major, reversible change in the conformation of the particle. Neither a large excess of naked DNA, nor a crosslink between the two H3s prevented the transition from one form to the other. This suggested that during the transition, the histones neither dissociated from the DNA nor were even significantly reshuffled. Moreover, the particles reconstituted on negatively and positively supercoiled minicircles look similar under electron microscopy. These data agree best with a transition involving a switch of the wrapped DNA from a left- to a right-handed superhelix. It is further proposed, based on the left-handed overall superhelical conformation of the tetramer within the octamer [Arents, G., Burlingame, R. W., Wang, B. C., Love, W. E. & Moudrianakis, E. N. (1991) Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA 88, 10148-10152] that this change in DNA topology is mediated by a similar change in the topology of the tetramer itself, which may occur through a rotation (or a localized deformation) of the two H3-H4 dimers about their H3-H3 interface. Potential implications of this model for nucleosome dynamics in vivo are discussed.
Helically twisted fibers can be produced by electrospinning liquid-crystalline cellulose solutions. Fiber topographies are studied by atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (see figure) and polarized optical microscopy. The fibers have a nearly universal pitch-to-diameter ratio and comprise both right- and left-handed helices.
From Rational Design of Drug Crystals to Understanding of Nucleic Acid Structures: Lamivudine Duplex
A DNA-like duplex of nucleosides is probable to exist even without the 5`-phosphate groups needed to assemble the chain backbone. However, double-stranded helical structures of nucleosides are unknown. Here, we report a duplex of nucleoside analogs that is spontaneously assembled due to stacking of the neutral and protonated molecules of lamivudine, a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NTRI) widely used in anti-HIV drug combinatory medication. The left-handed lamivudine duplex has features similar to those of i-motif DNA, as the face-to-face base stacking and the helix rise per base pair. Furthermore, the protonation pattern on alternate bases expected for it DNA-like duplex stabilized by pairing of neutral and protonated cytosine fragments was observed for the first time in the lamivudine double-stranded helix. This structure demonstrates that hydrogen bonds can substitute for covalent phosphodiester linkage in the stabilization of the duplex backbone. This interesting example of spontaneous molecular self-organization indicates that the 5`-phosphate group could not be a requirement for duplex assembly.
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