996 resultados para learning cycles


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Purpose Performance heterogeneity between collaborative infrastructure projects is typically examined by considering procurement systems and their governance mechanisms at static points in time. The literature neglects to consider the impact of dynamic learning capability, which is thought to reconfigure governance mechanisms over time in response to evolving market conditions. This conceptual paper proposes a new model to show how continuous joint learning of participant organisations improves project performance. Design/methodology/approach There are two stages of conceptual development. In the first stage, the management literature is analysed to explain the Standard Model of dynamic learning capability that emphasises three learning phases for organisations. This Standard Model is extended to derive a novel Circular Model of dynamic learning capability that shows a new feedback loop between performance and learning. In the second stage, the construction management literature is consulted, adding project lifecycle, stakeholder diversity and three organisational levels to the analysis, to arrive at the Collaborative Model of dynamic learning capability. Findings The Collaborative Model should enable construction organisations to successfully adapt and perform under changing market conditions. The complexity of learning cycles results in capabilities that are imperfectly imitable between organisations, explaining performance heterogeneity on projects. Originality/value The Collaborative Model provides a theoretically substantiated description of project performance, driven by the evolution of procurement systems and governance mechanisms. The Model’s empirical value will be tested in future research.


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As a learning theory, the continuous improvement (CI) discourse has benefited countless manufacturing enterprises to improve and adapt their methods of production. As one of the pillars of total quality management, it has generally included a range of dynamic concepts from high involvement teamwork and production enablers, to other social and technical capabilities such as innovation techniques. Such methodologies have been promoted in the literature as potential manifestos that can transform existing capabilities from simple representations of capability, to dynamically integrated ones (often labelled “full CI capacity”). The latter term in particular deserves more attention in the literature. Since CI techniques cannot be separated from organisational learning methodologies, it follows that CI methods should underpin holistic learning. This paper explores whether CI methodologies have advanced far enough to be considered as integrated and holistic in their own right. If not, it follows that new theories, challenges and discourses should be considered for exploration in the CI literature.


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L’intégration des soins et des services de santé est vue autant, par les décideurs, par les professionnels que par les usagers, comme une nécessité pour assurer une meilleure accessibilité, pour favoriser la continuité et la coordination et pour améliorer la qualité des soins et services tout en contrôlant les coûts. Depuis près de deux décennies, des réseaux intégrés de soins et de services de santé se développent dans les pays de l’OCDE. Ce phénomène a généré une littérature plutôt abondante sur les conditions organisationnelles supportant l’intégration des soins et plus récemment, sur l’importance du rôle et de la place des professionnels dans ces structures. Les données empiriques et les écrits mettent en évidence que les infirmières ont joué un rôle important dans la mise en place des réseaux intégrés de services depuis leurs débuts. Cette étude vise à identifier les pratiques stratégiques des infirmières qui sont impliquées dans des réseaux intégrés de services de santé et de comprendre comment ces pratiques favorisent des apprentissages organisationnels permettant l’ajustement des pratiques de l’ensemble des intervenants dans le sens de l’intégration clinique. Elle vise aussi à mettre en évidence les facteurs individuels et organisationnels impliqués dans le développement de ces pratiques et dans le processus d’apprentissage organisationnel. Une revue des écrits sur les réseaux de services intégrés et sur l’intégration clinique, ainsi que sur l’apprentissage organisationnel et sur l’analyse stratégique a confirmé que ces écrits, tout en étant complémentaires, soutenaient les objectifs de cette étude. En effet, les écrits sur l’intégration présentent des déterminants de l’intégration sans aborder les pratiques stratégiques et sont discrets sur l’apprentissage organisationnel. Les écrits sur l’apprentissage organisationnel abordent le processus d’apprentissage, mais ne décrivent pas les pratiques favorisant l’apprentissage organisationnel et sont peu loquaces sur les facteurs influençant l’apprentissage organisationnel. Enfin, les écrits sur l’analyse stratégique discutent des systèmes et des processus dynamiques en incluant les conditions individuelles et organisationnelles, mais ne font pas allusion à l’apprentissage organisationnel. Afin de découvrir les pratiques stratégiques ainsi que les apprentissages organisationnels, et de comprendre le processus d’apprentissage et les facteurs impliqués dans celui-ci, nous avons eu recours à un devis d’étude de cas multiples où nous nous sommes attardés à étudier les pratiques d’infirmières évoluant dans quatre situations visant l’intégration clinique. Ces situations faisaient partie de trois réseaux intégrés de services de santé impliquant des professionnels de différentes disciplines rattachés soit, à un centre hospitalier ou à un centre local de services communautaires. Trois études de cas ont été rédigées à partir des informations émanant des différentes sources de données. Dans le cadre de cette étude, quatre sources de données ont été utilisées soit : des entrevues individuelles avec des infirmières, d’autres professionnels et des gestionnaires (n=60), des entrevues de groupe (n=3), des séances d’observations (n=12) et l’étude de documents d’archives (n=96). À l’aide des données empiriques recueillies, il a été possible de découvrir quinze pratiques stratégiques et de préciser la nature des apprentissages qu'elles généraient. L’analyse des cas a également permis de mieux comprendre le rapport entre les pratiques stratégiques et les apprentissages organisationnels et d’apporter des précisions sur le processus d’apprentissage organisationnel. Cette étude contribue à la pratique et à la recherche, car en plus d’offrir un modèle d’apprentissage organisationnel intégré, elle précise que le processus d’apprentissage organisationnel est propulsé grâce à des boucles d’apprentissages stimulées par des pratiques stratégiques, que ces pratiques stratégiques s’actualisent grâce aux ressources individuelles des infirmières et aux facteurs organisationnels et enfin, que ces apprentissages organisationnels favorisent des changements de pratiques soutenant l’intégration clinique.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Este trabalho apresenta os resultados da pesquisa sobre a gestão de Paulo Freire na Secretaria Municipal de Educação da Cidade de São Paulo. Foi utilizada a metodologia da história oral, entrevistamos professoras da rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo que atuaram durante o período em que Paulo Freire foi secretário de educação desse município. Paulo Freire foi principal teórico brasileiro no campo da educação e também desempenhou o papel de gestor público. Ficou a frente de programas de alfabetização de adultos de governos do nordeste do Brasil e participou da equipe do MEC que pretendia promover o Programa de Alfabetização de Adultos durante o governo João Goulart. Em 1989, participou do governo de Luiza Erundina na prefeitura de São Paulo. Ocupou o cargo de Secretario Municipal de Educação até maio de 1991. Algumas das marcas de sua gestão foram a luta pela construção de uma escola popular e democrática, a conquista de direitos para os professores como a criação do Estatuto do Magistério Municipal, o restabelecimento dos Conselhos de Escola, a organização dos Ciclos nas escolas de ensino fundamental. Durante a pesquisa, foram entrevistadas dez professoras, utilizando-se a metodologia da História Oral. As professoras apresentaram relatos autobiográficos destacando o período em que Freire foi secretário de educação em São Paulo. Assim, registramos visões amplas sobre os eventos ligados à reconstrução democrática que marcaram a sociedade brasileira naquele período. No que tange ao campo educacional, a pesquisa apresenta algumas reflexões acerca da imagem de Paulo Freire e aspectos sobre a memória docente relacionados às condições de trabalho e às relações no interior das escolas. As entrevistadas abordaram temas como participação da comunidade na escola, a relação dos professores e o governo, o funcionamento dos conselhos de escola, entre outros. A pesquisa ainda reflete sobre os impactos de políticas públicas sobre a população a partir da ótica das professoras.


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A implementação efectiva do Modelo por Competência nas instituições da educação constitui um dos maiores desafios do Ministério da Educação e Desenvolvimento Humano. Passa mais do que uma década que os currículos baseados em competência estão sendo implementados no Ensino Primário. Contudo, a qualidade de formação dos alunos nos diferentes ciclos de aprendizagem tem sido reclamada e/ou censurada por diferentes grupos sociais, incluindo professores, pais e encarregados de educação. É neste âmbito que o presente artigo pretende analisar o impacto e efeitos do desenvolvimento de competências na organização curricular moçambicana na qualidade de aprendizagens dos alunos do Ensino Primário do país. Para o efeito, foram eleitos os paradigmas quantitativo e qualitativo, a combinação de métodos bibliográficos, documental e de estudo de caso e ainda de técnicas como entrevista, questionário, observação e testes diagnósticos aplicados sobre uma amostra de (N=908) indivíduos (gestores, professores e alunos. O percurso investigativo permitiu que se chegasse à conclusão de que o modelo por competência está longe de ser implementado efectivamente nas escolas moçambicanas, uma vez que apenas 45% dos cerca de n=112 alunos testados é que desenvolveram as competências prescritas nos programas do Ensino Primário. Este facto deve-se à falta ou deficiente apropriação da filosofia e estratégias exigidas pelo currículo pelos dirigentes, gestores, professores e encarregados de educação, exiguidade de recursos infraestruturais, materiais e meios de ensino para efectiva implementação do currículo do Ensino Primário.


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Dissertação de mest. em Observação e Análise da Relação Educativa, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2004


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Time and space are fundamental to human language and embodied cognition. In our early work we investigated how Lingodroids, robots with the ability to build their own maps, could evolve their own geopersonal spatial language. In subsequent studies we extended the framework developed for learning spatial concepts and words to learning temporal intervals. This paper considers a new aspect of time, the naming of concepts like morning, afternoon, dawn, and dusk, which are events that are part of day-night cycles, but are not defined by specific time points on a clock. Grounding of such terms refers to events and features of the diurnal cycle, such as light levels. We studied event-based time in which robots experienced day-night cycles that varied with the seasons throughout a year. Then we used meet-at tasks to demonstrate that the words learned were grounded, where the times to meet were morning and afternoon, rather than specific clock times. The studies show how words and concepts for a novel aspect of cyclic time can be grounded through experience with events rather than by times as measured by clocks or calendars


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There is a growing trend to offer students learning opportunities that are flexible, innovative and engaging. As educators embrace student-centred agile teaching and learning methodologies, which require continuous reflection and adaptation, the need to evaluate students’ learning in a timely manner has become more pressing. Conventional evaluation surveys currently dominate the evaluation landscape internationally, despite recognition that they are insufficient to effectively evaluate curriculum and teaching quality. Surveys often: (1) fail to address the issues for which educators need feedback, (2) constrain student voice, (3) have low response rates and (4) occur too late to benefit current students. Consequently, this paper explores principles of effective feedback to propose a framework for learner-focused evaluation. We apply a three-stage control model, involving feedforward, concurrent and feedback evaluation, to investigate the intersection of assessment and evaluation in agile learning environments. We conclude that learner-focused evaluation cycles can be used to guide action so that evaluation is not undertaken simply for the benefit of future offerings, but rather to benefit current students by allowing ‘real-time’ learning activities to be adapted in the moment. As a result, students become co-producers of learning and evaluation becomes a meaningful, responsive dialogue between students and their instructors.


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The weaknesses of ‗traditional‘ modes of instruction in accounting education have been widely discussed. Many contend that the traditional approach limits the ability to provide opportunities for students to raise their competency level and allow them to apply knowledge and skills in professional problem solving situations. However, the recent body of literature suggests that accounting educators are indeed actively experimenting with ‗non-traditional‘ and ‗innovative‘ instructional approaches, where some authors clearly favour one approach over another. But can one instructional approach alone meet the necessary conditions for different learning objectives? Taking into account the ever changing landscape of not only business environments, but also the higher education sector, the premise guiding the collaborators in this research is that it is perhaps counter productive to promote competing dichotomous views of ‗traditional‘ and ‗non-traditional‘ instructional approaches to accounting education, and that the notion of ‗blended learning‘ might provide a useful framework to enhance the learning and teaching of accounting. This paper reports on the first cycle of a longitudinal study, which explores the possibility of using blended learning in first year accounting at one campus of a large regional university. The critical elements of blended learning which emerged in the study are discussed and, consistent with the design-based research framework, the paper also identifies key design modifications for successive cycles of the research.


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The current understanding of students’ group metacognition is limited. The research on metacognition has focused mainly on the individual student. The aim of this study was to address the void by developing a conceptual model to inform the use of scaffolds to facilitate group metacognition during mathematical problem solving in computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments. An initial conceptual framework based on the literature from metacognition, cooperative learning, cooperative group metacognition, and computer supported collaborative learning was used to inform the study. In order to achieve the study aim, a design research methodology incorporating two cycles was used. The first cycle focused on the within-group metacognition for sixteen groups of primary school students working together around the computer; the second cycle included between-group metacognition for six groups of primary school students working together on the Knowledge Forum® CSCL environment. The study found that providing groups with group metacognitive scaffolds resulted in groups planning, monitoring, and evaluating the task and team aspects of their group work. The metacognitive scaffolds allowed students to focus on how their group was completing the problem-solving task and working together as a team. From these findings, a revised conceptual model to inform the use of scaffolds to facilitate group metacognition during mathematical problem solving in computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments was generated.


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The current study examined the conceptions of learning held by upper primary children in government schools in Brunei. Previous studies have shown that the conceptions of learning held by students influence the ways in which they approach learning tasks and, in turn, impact on their learning outcomes. However, the majority of these studies were carried out with university and secondary school students, with little research involving primary school children. A phenomenographic research approach was used to describe the qualitatively different ways in which a group of sixteen upper primary children experienced learning in two government schools in Brunei. Data were gathered using scenariobased semi]structured interviews. Iterative cycles of analysis revealed three categories of description depicting three qualitatively different ways in which the children experienced the phenomenon. The three categories of description were: learning as acquiring information (Category 1), learning as remembering information (Category 2) and learning as doing hands]on activities (Category 3). These categories indicate a variation in the ways in which upper primary children experience learning in government schools in Brunei. The conceptions of learning held by the children provide a platform from which educators and policy]makers can consider possibilities for meaningful learning in government schools in Brunei.