980 resultados para learner‘s experience modeling
La modélisation de l’expérience de l’utilisateur dans les Interactions Homme-Machine est un enjeu important pour la conception et le développement des systèmes adaptatifs intelligents. Dans ce contexte, une attention particulière est portée sur les réactions émotionnelles de l’utilisateur, car elles ont une influence capitale sur ses aptitudes cognitives, comme la perception et la prise de décision. La modélisation des émotions est particulièrement pertinente pour les Systèmes Tutoriels Émotionnellement Intelligents (STEI). Ces systèmes cherchent à identifier les émotions de l’apprenant lors des sessions d’apprentissage, et à optimiser son expérience d’interaction en recourant à diverses stratégies d’interventions. Cette thèse vise à améliorer les méthodes de modélisation des émotions et les stratégies émotionnelles utilisées actuellement par les STEI pour agir sur les émotions de l’apprenant. Plus précisément, notre premier objectif a été de proposer une nouvelle méthode pour détecter l’état émotionnel de l’apprenant, en utilisant différentes sources d’informations qui permettent de mesurer les émotions de façon précise, tout en tenant compte des variables individuelles qui peuvent avoir un impact sur la manifestation des émotions. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé une approche multimodale combinant plusieurs mesures physiologiques (activité cérébrale, réactions galvaniques et rythme cardiaque) avec des variables individuelles, pour détecter une émotion très fréquemment observée lors des sessions d’apprentissage, à savoir l’incertitude. Dans un premier lieu, nous avons identifié les indicateurs physiologiques clés qui sont associés à cet état, ainsi que les caractéristiques individuelles qui contribuent à sa manifestation. Puis, nous avons développé des modèles prédictifs permettant de détecter automatiquement cet état à partir des différentes variables analysées, à travers l’entrainement d’algorithmes d’apprentissage machine. Notre deuxième objectif a été de proposer une approche unifiée pour reconnaître simultanément une combinaison de plusieurs émotions, et évaluer explicitement l’impact de ces émotions sur l’expérience d’interaction de l’apprenant. Pour cela, nous avons développé une plateforme hiérarchique, probabiliste et dynamique permettant de suivre les changements émotionnels de l'apprenant au fil du temps, et d’inférer automatiquement la tendance générale qui caractérise son expérience d’interaction à savoir : l’immersion, le blocage ou le décrochage. L’immersion correspond à une expérience optimale : un état dans lequel l'apprenant est complètement concentré et impliqué dans l’activité d’apprentissage. L’état de blocage correspond à une tendance d’interaction non optimale où l'apprenant a de la difficulté à se concentrer. Finalement, le décrochage correspond à un état extrêmement défavorable où l’apprenant n’est plus du tout impliqué dans l’activité d’apprentissage. La plateforme proposée intègre trois modalités de variables diagnostiques permettant d’évaluer l’expérience de l’apprenant à savoir : des variables physiologiques, des variables comportementales, et des mesures de performance, en combinaison avec des variables prédictives qui représentent le contexte courant de l’interaction et les caractéristiques personnelles de l'apprenant. Une étude a été réalisée pour valider notre approche à travers un protocole expérimental permettant de provoquer délibérément les trois tendances ciblées durant l’interaction des apprenants avec différents environnements d’apprentissage. Enfin, notre troisième objectif a été de proposer de nouvelles stratégies pour influencer positivement l’état émotionnel de l’apprenant, sans interrompre la dynamique de la session d’apprentissage. Nous avons à cette fin introduit le concept de stratégies émotionnelles implicites : une nouvelle approche pour agir subtilement sur les émotions de l’apprenant, dans le but d’améliorer son expérience d’apprentissage. Ces stratégies utilisent la perception subliminale, et plus précisément une technique connue sous le nom d’amorçage affectif. Cette technique permet de solliciter inconsciemment les émotions de l’apprenant, à travers la projection d’amorces comportant certaines connotations affectives. Nous avons mis en œuvre une stratégie émotionnelle implicite utilisant une forme particulière d’amorçage affectif à savoir : le conditionnement évaluatif, qui est destiné à améliorer de façon inconsciente l’estime de soi. Une étude expérimentale a été réalisée afin d’évaluer l’impact de cette stratégie sur les réactions émotionnelles et les performances des apprenants.
O contributo da área de investigação Interacção Humano-Computador (HCI) está patente não só na qualidade da interacção, mas também na diversificação das formas de interacção. A HCI define-se como sendo uma disciplina que se dedica ao desenho, desenvolvimento e implementação de sistemas de computação interactivos para uso humano e estudo dos fenómenos relevantes que os rodeiam. Pretende-se, no âmbito desta tese de mestrado, o desenvolvimento de um Editor Gráfico de Layout Fabril a integrar num SAD para suporte ao Planeamento e Controlo da Produção. O sistema deve ser capaz de gerar um layout fabril do qual constam, entre outros objectos, as representações gráficas e as respectivas características/atributos do conjunto de recursos (máquinas/processadores) existentes no sistema de produção a modelar. O módulo desenvolvido será integrado no projecto de I&D ADSyS (Adaptative Decision Support System for Interactive Scheduling with MetaCognition and User Modeling Experience), melhorando aspectos de interacção referentes ao sistema AutoDynAgents, um dedicado ao escalonamento, planeamento e controlo de produção. Foi realizada a análise de usabilidade a este módulo com a qual se pretendeu realizar a respectiva avaliação, através da realização de um teste de eficiência e do preenchimento de um inquérito, da qual se identificaram um conjunto de melhorias e sugestões a serem consideradas no refinamento deste módulo.
The aim of this research is to provide insight into how middle school learners experience an inclusive multicultural learning environment. Increasing diversity is challenging European educational systems, which have the arduous task to foster inclusion of learners with diverse educational needs. In order to explore the participants’ descriptions, a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with six learners was employed. Learners’ positions in the educational scenery are central and unique; they are the main experts on their own situations and therefore precious contributors to educational research. Results have been discussed according to a sociocultural perspective. The analysis of my data suggests that the learners perceive their inclusive environment as beneficial. Moreover, they perceive their cultural diversity as strength, reckon social interaction and teamwork with peers as favorable conditions for learning, feel competent in multicultural communication and believe that respect and acceptance towards others are necessary common values. Some implications of multiculturalism in special education are discussed according to the results of a recent European study, which shows that in all the participating European countries, Sweden included, there is a consistent discrepancy in the proportions of learners with immigrant background within special education. Assessment methods developed for mono-cultural learners appear to be a valid reason why multicultural learners are over-or under-represented in special education. Research also shows that inclusion of diversity in educational environment enables the development of social skills in all learners.
The SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) program is an ambitious re-search and development initiative to design the future European air traffic man-agement (ATM) system. The study of the behavior of ATM systems using agent-based modeling and simulation tools can help the development of new methods to improve their performance. This paper presents an overview of existing agent-based approaches in air transportation (paying special attention to the challenges that exist for the design of future ATM systems) and, subsequently, describes a new agent-based approach that we proposed in the CASSIOPEIA project, which was developed according to the goals of the SESAR program. In our approach, we use agent models for different ATM stakeholders, and, in contrast to previous work, our solution models new collaborative decision processes for flow traffic management, it uses an intermediate level of abstraction (useful for simulations at larger scales), and was designed to be a practical tool (open and reusable) for the development of different ATM studies. It was successfully applied in three stud-ies related to the design of future ATM systems in Europe.
Regular classroom teachers, who often report that they lack adequate training and resources, increasingly find themselves supporting students with special education needs (Connelly & Graham, 2009). Teachers working in challenging environments can thrive in their role and continue to experience professional growth and passion about their work with students with exceptionalities (Perry, Brenner, Collie, & Hofer, 2015). Thriving is one framework of psychological wellness that can provide insight into the experiences of teachers working with exceptional learners (Spreitzer & Porath, 2014). Chronic stress from occupational demands such as heavy workload and insufficient resources can negatively affect the wellbeing of teachers and lead to poor mental health (Desrumaux et al., 2015). Burnout and compassion fatigue are two constructs of poor mental health that can inform our understanding of teachers’ social and emotional experiences. The purpose of this study was to explore the social and emotional experiences of teachers working with exceptional learners in regular classrooms. The objective of this study was to describe the elements within teachers’ professional roles that they report contribute to their social and emotional experiences understood through the lenses of thriving, burnout, and compassion fatigue. Interviews were conducted with five teachers: one full-time in-service teacher and four teachers who are pursuing graduate studies in education. The theme of thriving emerged as a significant component of the interview with all five participants. All five participants described experiences of vitality and learning as essential to their workplace satisfaction and overall thriving. Although the data from this study did not suggest that participants were experiencing burnout or compassion fatigue, elements of the two constructs did emerge as relevant to the social-emotional experiences of the teachers.
March 19 - 22, 2006, São Paulo, BRAZIL World Congress on Computer Science, Engineering and Technology Education
This paper proposes a novel framework for modelling the Value for the Customer, the so-called the Conceptual Model for Decomposing Value for the Customer (CMDVC). This conceptual model is first validated through an exploratory case study where the authors validate both the proposed constructs of the model and their relations. In a second step the authors propose a mathematical formulation for the CMDVC as well as a computational method. This has enabled the final quantitative discussion of how the CMDVC can be applied and used in the enterprise environment, and the final validation by the people in the enterprise. Along this research, we were able to confirm that the results of this novel quantitative approach to model the Value for the Customer is consistent with the company's empirical experience. The paper further discusses the merits and limitations of this approach, proposing that the model is likely to bring value to support not only the contract preparation at an Ex-Ante Negotiation Phase, as demonstrated, but also along the actual negotiation process, as finally confirmed by an enterprise testimonial.
Background: An asynchronous eLearning system was developed for radiographers in order to promote a better knowledge about senology and mammography. Objectives: to assess the learners’ satisfaction. Methods: Target population included radiographers and radiogr aphy students, in order to assess eLearning satisfaction according to different experience levels in breast imaging. Satisfaction was measured through a questionnaire developed especially for eLearning systems, using a seven - point Likert scale. Main topics related are content, interface, personalization and learning community. Results: Overall, 85% of learners were satisfied with the course and 87,5% considered that the course is successful. Main areas that were evaluated by most learners in a positive way were interface and content (between six and seven - point); on the other hand, learning community presented a wider distribution of answers . Conclusions: The course provides an overall high degree of learner satisfaction, thus providing more effective knowle dge gain on breast imaging for radiographers.
According to recent studies, informal learning accounts for more than 75% of our continuous learning through life. However, the awareness of this learning, its benefits and its potential is still not very clear. In engineering contexts, informal learning could play an invaluable role helping students or employees to engage with peers and also with more experience colleagues, exchanging ideas and discussing problems. This work presents an initial set of results of the piloting phase of a project (TRAILER) where an innovative service based on Information & Communication Technologies was developed in order to aid the collection and visibility of informal learning. This set of results concerns engineering contexts (academic and business), from the learners' perspective. The major idea that emerged from these piloting trials was that it represented a good way of collecting, recording and sharing informal learning that otherwise could easily be forgotten. Several benefits were reported between the two communities such as being helpful in managing competences and human resources within an institution.
Most of the traditional software and database development approaches tend to be serial, not evolutionary and certainly not agile, especially on data-oriented aspects. Most of the more commonly used methodologies are strict, meaning they’re composed by several stages each with very specific associated tasks. A clear example is the Rational Unified Process (RUP), divided into Business Modeling, Requirements, Analysis & Design, Implementation, Testing and Deployment. But what happens when the needs of a well design and structured plan, meet the reality of a small starting company that aims to build an entire user experience solution. Here resource control and time productivity is vital, requirements are in constant change, and so is the product itself. In order to succeed in this environment a highly collaborative and evolutionary development approach is mandatory. The implications of constant changing requirements imply an iterative development process. Project focus is on Data Warehouse development and business modeling. This area is usually a tricky one. Business knowledge is part of the enterprise, how they work, their goals, what is relevant for analyses are internal business processes. Throughout this document it will be explained why Agile Modeling development was chosen. How an iterative and evolutionary methodology, allowed for reasonable planning and documentation while permitting development flexibility, from idea to product. More importantly how it was applied on the development of a Retail Focused Data Warehouse. A productized Data Warehouse built on the knowledge of not one but several client needs. One that aims not just to store usual business areas but create an innovative sets of business metrics by joining them with store environment analysis, converting Business Intelligence into Actionable Business Intelligence.
The ultimate goal of this research plan is to improve the learning experience of students through the combination of pedagogical eLearning services. Service oriented architectures are already being used in eLearning but in this work the focus is on services of pedagogical value, rather then on generic services adapted from other business systems. This approach to the architecture of eLearning platforms raises challenges addressed by this work, namely: conceptual modeling of the pedagogical eLearning services domain; interoperability and coordination of pedagogical eLearning service; conversion of existing eLearning systems to pedagogical services; adaptation of eLearning services to individual learners. An improved eLearning platform will incorporate learning tools adequate to the domains it covers and will focus on the individual learner that uses it. With this approach we expect to raise the pedagogical value of eLearning platforms.
3D engineered modeling is a relatively new and developing technology that can provide numerous benefits to owners, engineers, contractors, and the general public. This manual is for highway agencies that are considering or are in the process of switching from 2D plan sets to 3D engineered models in their highway construction projects. It will discuss some of the benefits, applications, limitations, and implementation considerations for 3D engineered models used for survey, design, and construction. Note that is not intended to cover all eventualities in all states regarding the deployment of 3D engineered models for highway construction. Rather, it describes how one state—Iowa—uses 3D engineered models for construction of highway projects, from planning and surveying through design and construction.
Turtle Mountain in Alberta, Canada has become an important field laboratory for testing different techniques related to the characterization and monitoring of large slope mass movements as the stability of large portions of the eastern face of the mountain is still questionable. In order to better quantify the volumes potentially unstable and the most probable failure mechanisms and potential consequences, structural analysis and runout modeling were preformed. The structural features of the eastern face were investigated using a high resolution digital elevation model (HRDEM). According to displacement datasets and structural observations, potential failure mechanisms affecting different portions of the mountain have been assessed. The volumes of the different potentially unstable blocks have been calculated using the Sloping Local Base Level (SLBL) method. Based on the volume estimation, two and three dimensional dynamic runout analyses have been performed. Calibration of this analysis is based on the experience from the adjacent Frank Slide and other similar rock avalanches. The results will be used to improve the contingency plans within the hazard area.
OBJECTIVES: Blood pressures in persons of African descent exceed those of other racial/ethnic groups in the United States. Whether this trait is attributable to the genetic factors in African-origin populations, or a result of inadequately measured environmental exposures, such as racial discrimination, is not known. To study this question, we conducted a multisite comparative study of communities in the African diaspora, drawn from metropolitan Chicago, Kingston, Jamaica, rural Ghana, Cape Town, South Africa, and the Seychelles. METHODS: At each site, 500 participants between the age of 25 and 49 years, with approximately equal sex balance, were enrolled for a longitudinal study of energy expenditure and weight gain. In this study, we describe the patterns of blood pressure and hypertension observed at baseline among the sites. RESULTS: Mean SBP and DBP were very similar in the United States and South Africa in both men and women, although among women, the prevalence of hypertension was higher in the United States (24 vs. 17%, respectively). After adjustment for multiple covariates, relative to participants in the United States, SBP was significantly higher among the South Africans by 9.7 mmHg (P < 0.05) and significantly lower for each of the other sites: for example, Jamaica: -7.9 mmHg (P = 0.06), Ghana: -12.8 mmHg (P < 0.01) and Seychelles: -11.1 mmHg (P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: These data are consistent with prior findings of a blood pressure gradient in societies of the African diaspora and confirm that African-origin populations with lower social status in multiracial societies, such as the United States and South Africa, experience more hypertension than anticipated based on anthropometric and measurable socioeconomic risk factors.
In the last decade, an important debate has arisen about the characteristics of today"s students due to their intensive experience as users of ICT. The main belief is that frequent use of technologies in everyday life implies that competent users are able to transfer their digital skills to learning activities. However, empirical studies developed in different countries reveal similar results suggesting that the"digital native" label does not provide evidence of a better use of technology to support learning. The debate has to go beyond the characteristics of the new generation and focus on the implications of being a learner in a digitalised world. This paper is based on the hypothesis that the use of technology to support learning is not related to whether a student belongs to the Net Generation, but that it is mainly influenced by the teaching model. The study compares behaviour and preferences towards ICT use in two groups of university students: face-to-face students and online students. A questionnaire was applied to a sample of students from five universities with different characteristics (one offers online education and four offer face-to-face education with LMS teaching support). Findings suggest that although access to and use of ICT is widespread, the influence of teaching methodology is very decisive. For academic purposes, students seem to respond to the requirements of their courses, programmes, and universities. There is a clear relationship between students" perception of usefulness regarding certain ICT resources and their teachers" suggested uses of technologies. The most highly rated technologies correspond with those proposed by teachers. The study shows that the educational model (face-to-face or online) has a stronger influence on students" perception of usefulness regarding ICT support for learning than the fact of being a digital native.