997 resultados para leakage model


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Aim To evaluate the reactivity of different endodontic materials and sealers with glucose and to asses the reliability of the glucose leakage model in measuring penetration of glucose through these materials.Methodology Ten uniform discs (radius 5 mm, thickness 2 mm) were made of each of the following materials: Portland cement, MTA (grey and white), sealer 26, calcium sulphate, calcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)(2)], AH26,Epiphany, Resilon, gutta-percha and dentine. After storing the discs for 1 week at 37 degrees C and humid conditions, they were immersed in 0.2 mg mL(-1) glucose solution in a test tube. The concentration of glucose was evaluated using an enzymatic reaction after 1 week. Statistical analysis was performed with the ANOVA and Dunnett tests at a significant level of P < 0.05.Results Portland cement, MTA, Ca(OH)(2) and sealer 26 reduced the concentration in the test tube of glucose significantly after 1 week (P < 0.05). Calcium sulphate reduced the concentration of glucose, but the difference in concentrations was not significant (P = 0.054).Conclusions Portland cement, MTA, Ca(OH)(2) and sealer 26 react with a 0.2 mg mL(-1) glucose solution. Therefore, these materials should not be evaluated for sealing ability with the glucose leakage model.


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Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have shown great promise in modeling circuit parameters for computer aided design applications. Leakage currents, which depend on process parameters, supply voltage and temperature can be modeled accurately with ANNs. However, the complex nature of the ANN model, with the standard sigmoidal activation functions, does not allow analytical expressions for its mean and variance. We propose the use of a new activation function that allows us to derive an analytical expression for the mean and a semi-analytical expression for the variance of the ANN-based leakage model. To the best of our knowledge this is the first result in this direction. Our neural network model also includes the voltage and temperature as input parameters, thereby enabling voltage and temperature aware statistical leakage analysis (SLA). All existing SLA frameworks are closely tied to the exponential polynomial leakage model and hence fail to work with sophisticated ANN models. In this paper, we also set up an SLA framework that can efficiently work with these ANN models. Results show that the cumulative distribution function of leakage current of ISCAS'85 circuits can be predicted accurately with the error in mean and standard deviation, compared to Monte Carlo-based simulations, being less than 1% and 2% respectively across a range of voltage and temperature values.


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In the last decade, many side channel attacks have been published in academic literature detailing how to efficiently extract secret keys by mounting various attacks, such as differential or correlation power analysis, on cryptosystems. Among the most efficient and widely utilized leakage models involved in these attacks are the Hamming weight and distance models which give a simple, yet effective, approximation of the power consumption for many real-world systems. These leakage models reflect the number of bits switching, which is assumed proportional to the power consumption. However, the actual power consumption changing in the circuits is unlikely to be directly of that form. We, therefore, propose a non-linear leakage model by mapping the existing leakage model via a transform function, by which the changing power consumption is depicted more precisely, hence the attack efficiency can be improved considerably. This has the advantage of utilising a non-linear power model while retaining the simplicity of the Hamming weight or distance models. A modified attack architecture is then suggested to yield the correct key efficiently in practice. Finally, an empirical comparison of the attack results is presented.


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O presente estudo objetivou testar experimentalmente a existência da possível correlação entre a penetração de cimento nos túbulos dentinários e a qualidade do selamento. Foram utilizados 60 incisivos centrais superiores humanos que formaram um único grupo experimental. Após a eliminação das porções coronárias, as raízes foram padronizadas em 13 mm de comprimento. A instrumentação dos canais foi realizada no sentido coroa-ápice, e o comprimento de trabalho estabelecido a 1 mm aquém do forame apical. Como solução irrigadora foi empregado o NaOCl a 5,25% e ao final, EDTA a 17%. Em seguida, todos os canais foram obturados com guta-percha e cimento AH Plus marcado com um corante fluorescente. Para determinar a qualidade do selamento das obturações endodônticas, as amostras foram submetidas ao modelo de infiltração de glicose sob pressão. As raízes foram montadas em um dispositivo de dupla-câmara selada para permitir a infiltração da glicose. Como controle negativo foram utilizados 4 dentes hígidos, e como controle positivo, 2 dentes instrumentados porém, não obturados. Foram utilizados 0,75 mL de solução de glicose a 1 mol/L na câmara superior e 0,75 mL de água deionizada na câmara inferior. Os dispositivos foram conectados a um sistema de distribuição de pressão desenvolvido com o objetivo de permitir a infiltração de 32 amostras em uma mesma etapa. A solução de glicose foi forçada apicalmente sob uma pressão de 15 psi durante 1 hora. Uma alíquota de 50 L foi coletada da câmara inferior para quantificar a glicose infiltrada. A concentração de glicose foi determinada através de um método enzimático com o auxílio do Kit Glucose HK e de um espectrofotômetro em um comprimento de onda de 340 nm. Na sequência, as amostras foram desacopladas dos corpos de prova, embutidas em resina epóxi e cortadas em 3 secções transversais. Uma sequência de preparação metalográfica padrão foi realizada para permitir a observação da penetração de cimento nos túbulos dentinários por meio de microscopia confocal e óptica. Os dados obtidos nos 2 experimentos foram cruzados pelo teste de correlação de Spearman, o qual revelou a inexistência de qualquer possibilidade de correlação (r = 0,12). Com base nesses resultados, o presente trabalho concluiu que, dentro das condições experimentais usadas, a quantidade de cimento presente dentro dos túbulos dentinários não teve relação com a qualidade do selamento produzido.


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar a qualidade do selamento promovido por 3 cimentos reparadores endodônticos: Ceramicrete, iRoot-BP Plus e BioAggregate, com o ProRoot MTA branco, utilizando o modelo de infiltração de glicose sob pressão. 64 incisivos centrais superiores, recém-extraídos e sem tratamento endodôntico foram selecionados. A instrumentação do canal radicular foi realizada em todos os dentes com brocas Gates-Glidden e limas K-Flexofile (Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues Suíça), 1mm aquém do ápice. A patência foraminal foi confirmada a cada instrumento usado. Os dentes tiveram suas coroas removidas padronizando-os em 15mm de comprimento. Foi realizada apicetomia a 3mm do ápice e o preparo da cavidade retrógrada com o auxílio do ultrassom Various 350 (NSKNakanishi Inc., Tóquio, Japão) e da ponta E32D (NSKNakanishi Inc., Tóquio, Japão). As raízes foram distribuídas, randomicamente, em quatro grupos experimentais (n=15): G1Ceramicrete, G2iRoot BP Plus, G3BioAggregate e G4ProRoot MTA branco. Como controle negativo (n=2) foram utilizados dentes hígidos, e como controle positivo (n=2), dentes acessados e com patência confirmada. Os cimentos reparadores foram manipulados seguindo as recomendações do fabricante e inseridos na cavidade retrógrada utilizando a mesma ponta ultrassônica usada no preparo. As amostras foram mantidas na presença de umidade por 72h para o completo endurecimento dos materiais. As raízes foram montadas em um dispositivo de dupla-câmara selada para a infiltração da glicose. Foram utilizados 0,75ml de solução de glicose a 1Mol/L na câmara superior e 0,75ml de água destilada na câmara inferior. Os dispositivos foram conectados a um sistema de distribuição de pressão, que permitiu a infiltração de 32 amostras em uma mesma etapa. A solução de glicose foi forçada apicalmente sob uma pressão de 15psi durante 1 hora. Uma alíquota de 10l foi coletada da câmara inferior para quantificar a glicose infiltrada. A concentração de glicose foi determinada com o auxílio do Kit GlucoseHK (Megazyme, Wicklow, Irlanda) e de um espectrofotômetro de luz visível (Campsec M330, Cambridge, Reino Unido) em um comprimento de onda de 340nm. O teste não-paramétrico Kruskal-Wallis e o teste Dunns foram utilizados na análise estatística. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram que houve diferença significativa entre os grupos experimentais (p=0,0036). O BioAggregate apresentou a maior concentração de glicose-1,85(g/L), seguido do ProRoot MTA-1,2; IRoot BP-0,85 e Ceramicrete-0,75. Não houve diferença entre os três novos cimentos reparadores e o material padrão-ouro (p>0,05). Não houve diferença entre Ceramicrete e iRoot BP Plus (p>0,05), porém estes foram estatisticamente diferentes do BioAggregate (p<0,05). Diante dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que: nenhum dos cimentos testados foi capaz de promover selamento hermético; os três novos cimentos testados não revelaram o mesmo padrão de selamento; os três novos cimentos testados revelaram um padrão de selamento semelhante a do ProRoot MTA branco; e o Ceramicrete e o iRoot BP Plus apresentaram padrão de selamento superior em comparação com o BioAggregate.


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This paper describes an experimental investigation of tip clearance flow in a radial inflow turbine. Flow visualization and static pressure measurements were performed. These were combined with hot-wire traverses into the tip gap. The experimental data indicates that the tip clearance flow in a radial turbine can be divided into three regions. The first region is located at the rotor inlet, where the influence of relative casing motion dominates the flow over the tip. The second region is located towards midchord, where the effect of relative casing motion is weakened. Finally a third region exists in the exducer, where the effect of relative casing motion becomes small and the leakage flow resembles the tip flow behaviour in an axial turbine. Integration of the velocity profiles showed that there is little tip leakage in the first part of the rotor because of the effect of scraping. It was found that the bulk of tip leakage flow in a radial turbine passes through the exducer. The mass flow rate, measured at four chordwise positions, was compared with a standard axial turbine tip leakage model. The result revealed the need for a model suited to radial turbines. The hot-wire measurements also indicated a higher tip gap loss in the exducer of the radial turbine. This explains why the stage efficiency of a radial inflow turbine is more affected by increasing the radial clearance than by increasing the axial clearance.


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Most cryptographic devices should inevitably have a resistance against the threat of side channel attacks. For this, masking and hiding schemes have been proposed since 1999. The security validation of these countermeasures is an ongoing research topic, as a wider range of new and existing attack techniques are tested against these countermeasures. This paper examines the side channel security of the balanced encoding countermeasure, whose aim is to process the secret key-related data under a constant Hamming weight and/or Hamming distance leakage. Unlike previous works, we assume that the leakage model coefficients conform to a normal distribution, producing a model with closer fidelity to real-world implementations. We perform analysis on the balanced encoded PRINCE block cipher with simulated leakage model and also an implementation on an AVR board. We consider both standard correlation power analysis (CPA) and bit-wise CPA. We confirm the resistance of the countermeasure against standard CPA, however, we find with a bit-wise CPA that we can reveal the key with only a few thousands traces.


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With the emergence of new filling materials with different properties and behaviors, the approach of endodontic treatment must be readjusted so that the appropriate result can be achieved. New endodontic sealers include methacrylate resin-based, plant resin-based and the evolution of epoxy-based sealers. This study verified the behavior of new materials that presents controversial results in the literature, about coronal bacterial leakage. That for, 56 single-rooted human teeth were prepared in the direction crown-apex and filled with gutta-percha points with taper of 4% using the single cone technique. Roots were divided randomly into 4 groups according to the sealer (Apexit Plus, AH Plus, EndoREZ and Polifil). After filling, the roots were incorporated in a leakage model, which upper chamber contained a suspension of Streptococcus mutans, and lower chamber a broth, leaving 3 mm of root apical portion immersed. Leakage was assessed for turbidity in lower chamber every day for 60 days. Survival analysis was performed using the nonparametric Kaplan- Meier method (p<0,05). All experimental groups presented leakage during the study’s period, however the maximum time achieve was 22 days. The medium time of leakage was: Apexit Plus 6,3 days, AH Plus 6,3 days and Polifil 5,1 days, but in EndoREZ all specimens infiltrated in the first day, presenting shorter capacity of impermeabilization compared to the other groups. Concluding that none of the sealers tested was able to prevent coronal bacterial leakage


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Estimating the magnitude of Agulhas leakage, the volume flux of water from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean, is difficult because of the presence of other circulation systems in the Agulhas region. Indian Ocean water in the Atlantic Ocean is vigorously mixed and diluted in the Cape Basin. Eulerian integration methods, where the velocity field perpendicular to a section is integrated to yield a flux, have to be calibrated so that only the flux by Agulhas leakage is sampled. Two Eulerian methods for estimating the magnitude of Agulhas leakage are tested within a high-resolution two-way nested model with the goal to devise a mooring-based measurement strategy. At the GoodHope line, a section halfway through the Cape Basin, the integrated velocity perpendicular to that line is compared to the magnitude of Agulhas leakage as determined from the transport carried by numerical Lagrangian floats. In the first method, integration is limited to the flux of water warmer and more saline than specific threshold values. These threshold values are determined by maximizing the correlation with the float-determined time series. By using the threshold values, approximately half of the leakage can directly be measured. The total amount of Agulhas leakage can be estimated using a linear regression, within a 90% confidence band of 12 Sv. In the second method, a subregion of the GoodHope line is sought so that integration over that subregion yields an Eulerian flux as close to the float-determined leakage as possible. It appears that when integration is limited within the model to the upper 300 m of the water column within 900 km of the African coast the time series have the smallest root-mean-square difference. This method yields a root-mean-square error of only 5.2 Sv but the 90% confidence band of the estimate is 20 Sv. It is concluded that the optimum thermohaline threshold method leads to more accurate estimates even though the directly measured transport is a factor of two lower than the actual magnitude of Agulhas leakage in this model.


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In this paper a non-isothermal two-phase model for oil-R134a refrigerant mixture flow is presented to predict the R134a leakage through the radial clearance of rolling piston compressors. The flow is divided in a liquid single-phase region and in a two-phase region, in which the homogeneous model is used to simulate the flow. The refrigerant leakage is determined using the mixture mass flow rate and the refrigerant mass fraction variation along the flow. The results are obtained for inlet pressures varying from 200 to 700 kPa, inlet temperatures ranging from 40 to 60 degrees C, and minimal clearances between 10 and 60 mu m. The results are firstly compared to existing isothermal model data, showing that there is a significant difference between the leakage flow rates predicted by isothermal and non-isothermal models. Finally, a useful general equation for compressor designers is proposed to calculate the refrigerant leakage for a large range of operation conditions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE Leakage is the most common complication of percutaneous cement augmentation of the spine. The viscosity of the polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement is strongly correlated with the likelihood of cement leakage. We hypothesized that cement leakage can be reduced by sequential cement injection in a vertebroplasty model. METHODS A standardized vertebral body substitute model, consisting of aluminum oxide foams coated by acrylic cement with a preformed leakage path, simulating a ventral vein, was developed. Three injection techniques of 6 ml PMMA were assessed: injection in one single step (all-in-one), injection of 1 ml at the first and 5 ml at the second step with 1 min latency in-between (two-step), and sequential injection of 0.5 ml with 1-min latency between the sequences (sequential). Standard PMMA vertebroplasty cement was used; each injection type was tested on ten vertebral body substitute models with two possible leakage paths per model. Leakage was assessed by radiographs using a zonal graduation: intraspongious = no leakage and extracortical = leakage. RESULTS The leakage rate was significantly lower in the "sequential" technique (2/20 leakages) followed by "two-step" (15/20) and "all-in-one" (20/20) techniques (p < 0.001). The RR for a cement leakage was 10.0 times higher in the "all-in-one" compared to the "sequential" group (95 % confidence intervals 2.7-37.2; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS The sequential cement injection is a simple approach to minimize the risk for leakage. Taking advantage of the temperature gradient between body and room temperature, it is possible to increase the cement viscosity inside the vertebra while keeping it low in the syringe. Using sequential injection of small cement volumes, further leakage paths are blocked before further injection of the low-viscosity cement.