258 resultados para leachate


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The uncontrolled disposal of solid wastes poses an immediate threat to public health and a long term threat to the environmental well being of future generations. Solid waste is waste resulting from human activities that is solid and unwanted (Peavy et al., 1985). If unmanaged, dumped solid wastes generate liquid and gaseous emissions that are detrimental to the environment. This can lead to a serious form of contamination known as metal contamination, which poses a risk to human health and ecosystems. For example, some heavy metals (cadmium, chromium compounds, and nickel tetracarbonyl) are known to be highly toxic, and are aggressive at elevated concentrations. Iron, copper, and manganese can cause staining, and aluminium causes depositions and discolorations. In addition, calcium and magnesium cause hardness in water causing scale deposition and scum formation. Though not a metal but a metalloid, arsenic is poisonous at relatively high concentrations and when diluted at low concentrations causes skin cancer. Normally, metal contaminants are found in a dissolved form in the liquid percolating through landfills. Because average metal concentrations from full-scale landfills, test cells, and laboratory studies have tended to be generally low, metal contamination originating from landfills is not generally considered a major concern (Kjeldsen et al., 2002; Christensen et al., 1999). However, a number of factors make it necessary to take a closer look at metal contaminants from landfills. One of these factors relates to variability. Landfill leachate can have different qualities depending on the weather and operating conditions. Therefore, at one moment in time, metal contaminant concentrations may be quite low, but at a later time these concentrations could be quite high. Also, these conditions relate to the amount of leachate that is being generated. Another factor is biodiversity. It cannot be assumed that a particular metal contaminant is harmless to flora and fauna (including micro organisms) just because it is harmless to human health. This has significant implications for ecosystems and the environment. Finally, there is the moral factor. Because uncertainty surrounds the potential effects of metal contamination, it is appropriate to take precautions to prevent it from taking place. Consequently, it is necessary to have good scientific knowledge (empirically supported) to adequately understand the extent of the problem and improve the way waste is being disposed of


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In the 1970s, acid sulfate soils (ASS) distributed within about 720 ha of predominantly mangrove and salt pan wetlands at East Trinity in north Queensland were developed after the area was isolated from tidal flooding by a surrounding seawall and the installation of tidal gates on major drainage creeks. Following drainage and oxidation of these estuarine acidic sediments, resultant acid leachate caused considerable, ongoing environmental problems including regular fish kills. A rehabilitation program covering much of these former tidal wetlands commenced in 2000 using a lime-assisted tidal exchange management regime. Changes in the established populations of estuarine fish and crustaceans were monitored in the two creeks (Firewood and Hills Creeks) where tidal flows were reinstated. In Firewood Creek between 2001 and 2005, there was a progressive increase in fish species richness, diversity and abundance. The penaeid prawn Fenneropenaeus merguiensis was a major component of the cast net catches in the lower sections of both Firewood and Hills Creeks but its relative abundance decreased upstream of the tidal gates on the seawall. Well established stocks of predominantly juvenile, male Scylla serrata resident upstream of the tidal gates indicated suitable habitats with acceptable water and sediment quality and adequate availability of food. The regular fish kills that occurred prior to the management regime abated and, overall, the implementation of the rehabilitation program is yielding positive benefits for the local fisheries.


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Assessment of chemistry of groundwater infiltrated by pit-toilet leachate and contaminant removal by vadose zone form the focus of this study. The study area is Mulbagal Town in Karnataka State, India. Groundwater level measurements and estimation of unsaturated permeability indicated that the leachate recharged the groundwater inside the town at the rate of 1 m/day. The average nitrate concentration of groundwater inside the town (148 mg/L) was three times larger than the permissible limit (45 mg/L), while the average nitrate concentration of groundwater outside the town (30 mg/L) was below the permissible limit. The groundwater inside the town exhibited E. coli contamination, while groundwater outside the town was free of pathogen contamination. Infiltration of alkalis (Na+, K+) and strong acids (Cl-, SO4 (2-)) caused the mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type (60 %) and Na-Cl type (28 %) facies to predominate groundwater inside the town, while, Ca-HCO3 (35 %), mixed Ca-Mg-Cl type (35 %) and mixed Ca-Na-HCO3 type (28 %) facies predominated groundwater outside/periphery of town. Reductions in E. coli and nitrate concentrations with vadose zone thickness indicated its participation in contaminant removal. A 4-m thickness of unsaturated sand + soft, disintegrated weathered rock deposit facilitates the removal of 1 log of E. coli pathogen. The anoxic conditions prevailing in the deeper layers of the vadose zone (> 19 m thickness) favor denitrification resulting in lower nitrate concentrations (28-96 mg/L) in deeper water tables (located at depths of -29 to -39 m).


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The stability of a bioreactor landfill slope is influenced by the quantity and method of leachate recirculation as well as on the degree of decomposition. Other factors include properties variation of waste material and geometrical configurations, i.e., height and slope of landfills. Conventionally, the stability of slopes is evaluated using factor of safety approach, in which the variability in the engineering properties of MSW is not considered directly and stability issues are resolved from past experiences and good engineering judgments. On the other hand, probabilistic approach considers variability in mathematical framework and provides stability in a rational manner that helps in decision making. The objective of the present study is to perform a parametric study on the stability of a bioreactor landfill slope in probabilistic framework considering important influencing factors, such as, variation in MSW properties, amount of leachate recirculation, and age of degradation, in a systematic manner. The results are discussed in the light of existing relevant regulations, design and operation issues.


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In this study, a combination of enzyme-linked receptor assay (ELRA) and yeast estrogen screen (YES) assay was firstly applied to determine whether automobile tires immersed in fresh water can leach chemicals, which display estrogenic activity. We optimized ELRA substituting the chromogene substrate by a luminescent one, and found that luminescent ELBA was more sensitive to 17 beta-estradiol (17 beta-E2) with a detection limit of 0.016 mu g/l, compared to 0.088 mu g/l in the chromogene version. In ELRA, all tire leachates obviously showed estrogenic activity, which was increased with duration of immersion. Moreover, the leachate from hackled tires showed more potent estrogenicity than that from the whole ones. In comparison to ELRA, no detectable estrogenic activity was found in all tire leachates with YES assay. The results from YES assay further evidenced that antiestrogenic compounds can be leached from tires. As tire leachates contain estrogenic compounds, they could be important pollution sources, potentially harmful to wildlife and human health. Thus, use of shredded tires as road fill or in landfill sites should arouse our attention.


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Leachate may be defined as any liquid percolating through deposited waste and emitted from or contained within a landfill. If leachate migrates from a site it may pose a severe threat to the surrounding environment. Increasingly stringent environmental legislation both at European level and national level (Republic of Ireland) regarding the operation of landfill sites, control of associated emissions, as well as requirements for restoration and aftercare management (up to 30 years) has prompted research for this project into the design and development of a low cost, low maintenance, low technology trial system to treat landfill leachate at Kinsale Road Landfill Site, located on the outskirts of Cork city. A trial leachate treatment plant was constructed consisting of 14 separate treatment units (10 open top cylindrical cells [Ø 1.8 m x 2.0 high] and four reed beds [5.0m x 5.0m x 1.0m]) incorporating various alternative natural treatment processes including reed beds (vertical flow [VF] and horizontal flow [HF]), grass treatment planes, compost units, timber chip units, compost-timber chip units, stratified sand filters and willow treatment plots. High treatment efficiencies were achieved in units operating in sequence containing compost and timber chip media, vertical flow reed beds and grass treatment planes. Pollutant load removal rates of 99% for NH4, 84% for BOD5, 46% for COD, 63% for suspended solids, 94% for iron and 98% for manganese were recorded in the final effluent of successfully operated sequences at irrigation rates of 945 l/m2/day in the cylindrical cells and 96 l/m2/day in the VF reed beds and grass treatment planes. Almost total pathogen removal (E. coli) occurred in the final effluent of the same sequence. Denitrification rates of 37% were achieved for a limited period. A draft, up-scaled leachate treatment plant is presented, based on treatment performance of the trial plant.


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Landfills are the primary option for waste disposal all over the world. Most of the landfill sites across the world are old and are not engineered to prevent contamination of the underlying soil and groundwater by the toxic leachate. The pollutants from landfill leachate have accumulative and detrimental effect on the ecology and food chains leading to carcinogenic effects, acute toxicity and genotoxicity among human beings. Management of this highly toxic leachate presents a challenging problem to the regulatory authorities who have set specific regulations regarding maximum limits of contaminants in treated leachate prior to disposal into the environment to ensure minimal environmental impact. There are different stages of leachate management such as monitoring of its formation and flow into the environment, identification of hazards associated with it and its treatment prior to disposal into the environment. This review focuses on: (i) leachate composition, (ii) Plume migration, (iii) Contaminant fate, (iv) Leachate plume monitoring techniques, (v) Risk assessment techniques, Hazard rating methods, mathematical modeling, and (vi) Recent innovations in leachate treatment technologies. However, due to seasonal fluctuations in leachate composition, flow rate and leachate volume, the management approaches cannot be stereotyped. Every scenario is unique and the strategy will vary accordingly. This paper lays out the choices for making an educated guess leading to the best management option.


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Leachate from an untreated landfill or landfill with damaged liners will cause the pollution of soil and ground water. Here an attempt was made to generate knowledge on concentrations of all relevant pollutants in soil due to municipal solid waste landfill leachate and its migration through soil and also to study the effect of leachate on the engineering properties of soil. To identify the pollutants in soil due to the leachate generated from municipal solid waste landfill site, a case study on an unlined municipal solid waste landfill at Kalamassery has been done. Soil samples as well as water samples were collected from the site and analysed to identify the pollutants and its effect on soil characteristics. The major chemicals in the soil were identified as Ammonia, Chloride, Nitrate, Iron, Nickel, Chromium, Cadmium etc.. Engineering properties of field soil samples show that the chemicals from the leachate of landfill may have effect on the engineering properties of soil. Laboratory experiments were formulated to model the field around an unlined MSW landfill using two different soils subjected to a synthetic leachate. The Maximum change in chemical concentration and engineering property was observed on soil samples at a radial distance of 0.2 m and at a depth of 0.3 m. The pollutant (chemicals) transport pattern through the soil was also studied using synthetic leachate. To establish the effect of pollutants (chemicals) on engineering properties of soil, experiments were conducted on two types soils treated with the synthetic chemicals at four different concentrations. Analyses were conducted after maturing periods of 7, 50, 100 and 150 days. Test soils treated with maximum chemical concentration and matured for 150 days were showing major change in the properties. To visualize the flow of pollutants through soil in a broader sense, the transportation of pollutants through soil was modeled using software ‘Visual MODFLOW’. The actual field data collected for the case study was used to calibrate the modelling and thus simulated the flow pattern of the pollutants through soil around Kalamassery municipal solid waste landfill for an extent of 4 km2. Flow was analysed for a time span of 30 years in which the landfill was closed after 20 years. The concentration of leachate beneath the landfill was observed to be reduced considerably within one year after closure of landfill and within 8 years, it gets lowered to a negligible level. As an environmensstal management measure to control the pollution through leachate, permeable reactive barriers are used as an emerging technology. Here the suitability of locally available materials like coir pith, rice husk and sugar cane bagasse were investigated as reactive media in permeable reactive barrier. The test results illustrates that, among these, coir pith was showing better performance with maximum percentage reduction in concentration of the filtrate. All these three agricultural wastes can be effectively utilized as a reactive material. This research establishes the influence of leachate of municipal solid waste landfill on the engineering properties of soil. The factors such as type of the soil, composition of leachate, infiltration rate, aquifers, ground water table etc., will have a major role on the area of influence zone of the pollutants in a landfill. Software models of the landfill area can be used to predict the extent and the time span of pollution of a landfill, by inputting the accurate field parameters and leachate characteristics. The present study throws light on the role of agro waste materials on the reduction of the pollution in leachate and thus prevents the groundwater and soil from contamination


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Els lixiviats d'abocadors urbans són aigües residuals altament contaminades, que es caracteritzen per les elevades concentracions d'amoni i el baix contingut de matèria orgànica biodegradable. El tractament dels lixiviats a través dels processos de nitrificació-desnitrificació convencionals és costós a causa de la seva elevada demanda d'oxigen i la necessitat d'addició d'una font de carboni externa. En els darrers anys, la viabilitat del tractament d'aquest tipus d'afluents per un procés combinat de nitritació parcial-anammox ha estat demostrada. Aquesta tesi es centra en el tractament de lixiviats d'abocador a través d'un procés de nitritació parcial en SBR, com un pas preparatori per a un reactor anammox. Els resultats de l'estudi han demostrat la viabilitat d'aquesta tecnologia per al tractament de lixiviats d'abocador. El treball va evolucionar des d'una escala inicial de laboratori, on el procés va ser testat inicialment, a uns exitosos experiments d'operació a llarg termini a escala pilot. Finalment, la tesi també inclou el desenvolupament, calibració i validació d'un model matemàtic del procés, que té com a objectiu augmentar el coneixement del procés.


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This study was undertaken to investigate the performance of aerobic thermophilic membrane bioreactor (MBR) treating raw landfill leachate from two landfill sites in Thailand (Pathumthani site and Ram Indra site). The leachates from these sites were mixed in different proportions to produce a BOD/COD ratio of 0.39, 0.57, and 0.65, which was investigated in 3 experimental runs. The COD, ammonia, and TKN composition of the mixed leachate was 12,000, 1700 and 1900 mg/L, respectively. BOD was supplemented with glucose and soy protein. The system was operated at 45 degrees C and at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 24 hrs. The membrane used was a ceramic membrane with an ‘‘outside-in’’ flow mode and consisted of 22 open fibres with an inner diameter of approximately 2 mm. The COD removal rate increased from an average value of 62–79% while ammonia removal efficiency decreased from 75 to 60% with gradual increase in BOD. Furthermore, a high BOD removal efficiency (97–99%) was also observed. This clearly indicates that thermophilic system is highly suitable for COD and BOD removal especially at elevated organic loading. However, the system does not favor high nitrogen content wastewaters as the ammonia removal efficiency dropped with increasing BOD/COD ratio. Similar trends were found in TKN analysis as well. However, this system could serve as a pretreatment in removing ammonia. The concentrations of soluble and bound extra-cellular polymeric substances (EPS) found in thermophilic MBR were higher when compared to the corresponding concentrations in a mesophilic MBR, which led to a higher rate of fouling in the thermophilic membrane.


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Urban solid residues are constituted of food remaining, grass leaves, fruit peelings, paper, cardboard, rubber, plastic, etc. The organic fraction formed represents about 50% during the decomposition yields biogas and leachate, which are sources of pollution. Residue samples were collected from the landfill in different and cells from several ages and the corresponding leachate, both after treatments, were submitted to thermal analysis. Kinetic parameters were determined using Flynn-Wall-Ozawa method. The linear relation between the two kinetic parameters (ln A and E) was verified for organic residue urban's samples, but not for leachate's sample. The occurred difference can be attributed to the constituents present in leachate.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Leachate samples from a sanitary landfill of Araraquara city and composting usine of Vila Leopoldina, São Paulo, Brazil were lyophilized to remove the water content. TG/DTG curves at different heating rates were recorded. The second step of the thermal decomposition of leachate from the Araraquara landfill (CB1), from the composting usine from Vila Leopoldina (CB2) from the organic phase extracted (FO) and aqueous phase (FA) were all kinetically evaluated using the non-isothermal method.By Flynn-Wall isoconversional method the following values were obtained: E=234 +/- 3.65 kJ mol(-1) and logA=29.7 +/- 0.58 min(-1) for CB1; E=129 +/- 1.66 kJ mol(-1) and logA=11.8 +/- 0.10 min(-1) for CB2; E=51.6 +/- 1.35 kJ mol(-1) and logA=6.09 +/- 0.09 min(-1) for FO and E=76.91 +/- 6.33 kJ mol(-1) and logA=8.88 +/- 0.7 min(-1) for FA with 95% confidence level. Applying the procedures of Malek and Koga, SB kinetic model (Sestak-Berggren) is the most appropriate to describe the decomposition of CB1, CB2, FO and FA.