978 resultados para laser spectroscopy, ESR, bismuth, lithium-like, QED-test


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Die theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchung von wasserstoffähnlichen Systemen hat in den letzten hundert Jahren immer wieder sowohl die experimentelle als auch die theoretische Physik entscheidend vorangebracht. Formulierung und Test der Quantenelektrodynamik (QED) standen und stehen in engen Zusammenhang mit der Untersuchung wasserstoffähnlicher Systeme. Gegenwärtig sind besonders wasserstoffähnliche Systeme schwerer Ionen von Interesse, um die QED in den extrem starken Feldern in Kernnähe zu testen. Laserspektroskopische Messungen der Hyperfeinstrukturaufspaltung des Grundzustandes bieten eine hohe Genauigkeit, ihre Interpretation wird jedoch durch die Unsicherheit in der Größe der Kernstruktureffekte erschwert. Beseitigt werden können diese durch die Kombination der Aufspaltung in wasserstoff- und lithiumähnlichen Ionen des gleichen Nuklids. In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten scheiterten mehrere dadurch motivierte Versuche, den HFS-Übergang in lithiumähnlichen 209Bi80+ zu finden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde kollineare Laserspektroskopie bei etwa 70% der Lichtgeschwindigkeit an 209Bi82+ und 209Bi80+ -Ionen im Experimentier- Speicherring an der GSI in Darmstadt durchgeführt. Dabei wurde der Übergang im lithiumähnlichen Bismut erstmals beobachtet und dessen Übergangswellenlänge zu 1554,74(74) nm bestimmt. Ein eigens für dieses Experiment optimiertes Fluoreszenz-Nachweissystem stellte dabei die entscheidende Verbesserung gegenüber den gescheiterten Vorgängerexperimenten dar. Der Wellenlängenfehler ist dominiert von der Unsicherheit der Ionengeschwindigkeit, die für die Transformation in das Ruhesystem der Ionen entscheidend ist. Für deren Bestimmung wurden drei Ansätze verfolgt: Die Geschwindigkeit wurde aus der Elektronenkühlerspannung bestimmt, aus dem Produkt von Orbitlänge und Umlauffrequenz und aus dem relativistischen Dopplereffekt unter Annahme der Korrektheit des früher bestimmten Überganges in wasserstoffähnlichen Bismut. Die Spannungskalibration des Elektronenkühlers wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit erstmals kritisch evaluiert und bislang unterschätzte systematische Unsicherheiten aufgezeigt, die derzeit einen aussagekräftigen QED-Test verhindern. Umgekehrt konnte unter Verwendung der QED-Berechnungen eine Ionengeschwindigkeit berechnet werden, die ein genaueres und konsistenteres Resultat für die Übergangswellenlängen beider Ionenspezies liefert. Daraus ergibt sich eine Diskrepanz zu dem früher bestimmten Wert des Überganges in wasserstoffähnlichen Bismut, die es weiter zu untersuchen gilt.


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The subject of the presented thesis is the accurate measurement of time dilation, aiming at a quantitative test of special relativity. By means of laser spectroscopy, the relativistic Doppler shifts of a clock transition in the metastable triplet spectrum of ^7Li^+ are simultaneously measured with and against the direction of motion of the ions. By employing saturation or optical double resonance spectroscopy, the Doppler broadening as caused by the ions' velocity distribution is eliminated. From these shifts both time dilation as well as the ion velocity can be extracted with high accuracy allowing for a test of the predictions of special relativity. A diode laser and a frequency-doubled titanium sapphire laser were set up for antiparallel and parallel excitation of the ions, respectively. To achieve a robust control of the laser frequencies required for the beam times, a redundant system of frequency standards consisting of a rubidium spectrometer, an iodine spectrometer, and a frequency comb was developed. At the experimental section of the ESR, an automated laser beam guiding system for exact control of polarisation, beam profile, and overlap with the ion beam, as well as a fluorescence detection system were built up. During the first experiments, the production, acceleration and lifetime of the metastable ions at the GSI heavy ion facility were investigated for the first time. The characterisation of the ion beam allowed for the first time to measure its velocity directly via the Doppler effect, which resulted in a new improved calibration of the electron cooler. In the following step the first sub-Doppler spectroscopy signals from an ion beam at 33.8 %c could be recorded. The unprecedented accuracy in such experiments allowed to derive a new upper bound for possible higher-order deviations from special relativity. Moreover future measurements with the experimental setup developed in this thesis have the potential to improve the sensitivity to low-order deviations by at least one order of magnitude compared to previous experiments; and will thus lead to a further contribution to the test of the standard model.


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Laser spectroscopy studies are being prepared to measure the 1s ground state hyperfine splitting in trapped cold highly charged ions. The purpose of such experiments is to test quantum electrodynamics in the strong electric field regime. These experiments form part of the HITRAP project at GSI. A brief review of the planned experiments is presented. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The first direct observation of a hyperfine splitting in the optical regime is reported. The wavelength of the M1 transition between the F = 4 and F = 5 hyperfine levels of the ground state of hydrogenlike ^209 Bi^82+ was measured to be \lamda_0 = 243.87(4) nm by detection of laser induced fluorescence at the heavy-ion storage ring ESR at GSI. In addition, the lifetime of the laser excited F = 5 sublevel was determined to be \tau_0 = 0.351(16) ms. The method can be applied to a number of other nuclei and should allow a novel test of QED corrections in the previously unexplored combination of strong magnetic and electric fields in highly charged ions.


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Collinear laser spectroscopy has been used as a tool for nuclear physics for more than 30 years. The unique possibility to extract nuclear properties like spins, radii and nuclear moments in a model-independent manner leads to important physics results to test the predictive power of existing nuclear models. rnThis work presents the construction and the commissioning of a new collinear laser spectroscopy experiment TRIGA-LASER as a part of the TRIGA-SPEC facility at the TRIGA research reactor at the University of Mainz. The goal of the experiment is to study the nuclear structure of radioactive isotopes which will be produced by neutron-induced fission near the reactor core and transported to an ion source by a gas jet system. rnThe versatility of the collinear laser spectroscopy technique will be exploited in the second part of this thesis. The nuclear spin and the magnetic moment of the neutron-deficient isotope Mg-21 will be presented, which were measured by the detection of the beta-decay asymmetry induced by nuclear polarization after optical pumping. A combination of this detection method with the classical fluorescence detection is then used to determine the isotope shifts of the neutron-rich magnesium isotopes from Mg-24 through Mg-32 to study the transition to the ''island of inversion''.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of two different irradiation times with 85mW/cm(2) 830nm laser on the behavior of mouse odontoblast-like cells. Background data: The use of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to stimulate pulp tissue is a reality, but few reports relate odontoblastic responses to irradiation in in vitro models. Methods: Odontoblast-like cells (MDPC-23) were cultivated and divided into three groups: control/nonirradiated (group 1); or irradiated with 85mW/cm(2), 830nm laser for 10 sec (0.8 J/cm(2)) (group 2); or for 50 sec (4.2 J/cm(2)) (group 3) with a wavelength of 830 nm. After 3, 7, and 10 days, it was analyzed: growth curve and cell viability, total protein content, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, calcified nodules detection and quantification, collagen immunolocalization, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression, and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for DMP1 gene. Data were analyzed by Kruskall-Wallis test (alpha = 0.05). Results: Cell growth was smaller in group 2 (p < 0.01), whereas viability was similar in all groups and at all periods. Total protein content and ALP activity increased on the 10th day with 0.8 J/cm(2) (p < 0.01), as well as the detection and quantification of mineralization nodules (p < 0.05), collagen, and VEGF expression (p < 0.01). The expression of DMP1 increased in all groups (p < 0.05) compared with control at 3 days, except for 0.8 J/cm(2) at 3 days and control at 10 days. Conclusions: LLLT influenced the behavior of odontoblast-like cells; the shorter time/smallest energy density promoted the expression of odontoblastic phenotype in a more significant way.


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Application of ultrafast lasers to chemistry and biology has been an active area of research in the international scene for over a decade for physical and biophysical chemists. Perhaps, ultrafast laser spectroscopy is one of the most versatile tools available today to experimentally study structure and dynamics in the time domain of nanoseconds (10(-9) sec) to femtoseconds (10(-15) sec). In this article we attempt to highlight some of the recent developments in ultrafast laser spectroscopy with particular reference to vibrational spectroscopy, viz. infrared and Raman spectroscopy, in the above time domain.


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An overview on high-resolution and fast interrogation of optical-fiber sensors relying on laser reflection spectroscopy is given. Fiber Bragg-gratings (FBGs) and FBG resonators built in fibers of different types are used for strain, temperature and acceleration measurements using heterodyne-detection and optical frequency-locking techniques. Silica fiber-ring cavities are used for chemical sensing based on evanescent-wave spectroscopy. Various arrangements for signal recovery and noise reduction, as an extension of most typical spectroscopic techniques, are illustrated and results on detection performances are presented.


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We have studied the dynamics of warm dense Li with near-elastic x-ray scattering. Li foils were heated and compressed using shock waves driven by 4-ns-long laser pulses. Separate 1-ns-long laser pulses were used to generate a bright source of 2.96 keV Cl Ly-alpha photons for x-ray scattering, and the spectrum of scattered photons was recorded at a scattering angle of 120 degrees using a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystal operated in the von Hamos geometry. A variable delay between the heater and backlighter laser beams measured the scattering time evolution. Comparison with radiation-hydrodynamics simulations shows that the plasma is highly coupled during the first several nanoseconds, then relaxes to a moderate coupling state at later times. Near-elastic scattering amplitudes have been successfully simulated using the screened one-component plasma model. Our main finding is that the near-elastic scattering amplitudes are quite sensitive to the mean ionization state Z and by extension to the choice of ionization model in the radiation-hydrodynamics simulations used to predict plasma properties within the shocked Li.


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Near-infrared spectroscopy can be a workhorse technique for materials analysis in industries such as agriculture, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and polymers. A near-infrared spectrum represents combination bands and overtone bands that are harmonics of absorption frequencies in the mid-infrared. Near-infrared absorption includes a combination-band region immediately adjacent to the mid-infrared and three overtone regions. All four near-infrared regions contain "echoes" of the fundamental mid-infrared absorptions. For example, vibrations in the mid-infrared due to the C-H stretches will produce four distinct bands in each of the overtone and combination regions. As the bands become more removed from the fundamental frequencies they become more widely separated from their neighbors, more broadened and are dramatically reduced in intensity. Because near-infrared bands are much less intense, more of the sample can be used to produce a spectra and with near-infrared, sample preparation activities are greatly reduced or eliminated so more of the sample can be utilized. In addition, long path lengths and the ability to sample through glass in the near-infrared allows samples to be measured in common media such as culture tubes, cuvettes and reaction bottles. This is unlike mid-infrared where very small amounts of a sample produce a strong spectrum; thus sample preparation techniques must be employed to limit the amount of the sample that interacts with the beam. In the present work we describe the successful the fabrication and calibration of a linear high resolution linear spectrometer using tunable diode laser and a 36 m path length cell and meuurement of a highly resolved structure of OH group in methanol in the transition region A v =3. We then analyse the NIR spectrum of certain aromatic molecules and study the substituent effects using local mode theory