998 resultados para landfill gas


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The authors thank the research project CTQ2008-05520 from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science and PROMETEO/2009/043/FEDER from the Valencian Community Government (Spain) for the support provided.


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The technique of remote sensing provides a unique view of the earth's surface and considerable areas can be surveyed in a short amount of time. The aim of this project was to evaluate whether remote sensing, particularly using the Airborne Thematic Mapper (ATM) with its wide spectral range, was capable of monitoring landfill sites within an urban environment with the aid of image processing and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) methods. The regions under study were in the West Midlands conurbation and consisted of a large area in what is locally known as the Black Country containing heavy industry intermingled with residential areas, and a large single active landfill in north Birmingham. When waste is collected in large volumes it decays and gives off pollutants. These pollutants, landfill gas and leachate (a liquid effluent), are known to be injurious to vegetation and can cause stress and death. Vegetation under stress can exhibit a physiological change, detectable by the remote sensing systems used. The chemical and biological reactions that create the pollutants are exothermic and the gas and leachate, if they leave the waste, can be warmer than their surroundings. Thermal imagery from the ATM (daylight and dawn) and thermal video were obtained and used to find thermal anomalies on the area under study. The results showed that vegetation stress is not a reliable indicator of landfill gas migration, as sites within an urban environment have a cover too complex for the effects to be identified. Gas emissions from two sites were successfully detected by all the thermal imagery with the thermal ATM being the best. Although the results were somewhat disappointing, recent technical advancements in the remote sensing systems used in this project would allow geo-registration of ATM imagery taken on different occasions and the elimination of the effects of solar insolation.


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Decomposition of domestic wastes in an anaerobic environment results in the production of landfill gas. Public concern about landfill disposal and particularly the production of landfill gas has been heightened over the past decade. This has been due in large to the increased quantities of gas being generated as a result of modern disposal techniques, and also to their increasing effect on modern urban developments. In order to avert diasters, effective means of preventing gas migration are required. This, in turn requires accurate detection and monitoring of gas in the subsurface. Point sampling techniques have many drawbacks, and accurate measurement of gas is difficult. Some of the disadvantages of these techniques could be overcome by assessing the impact of gas on biological systems. This research explores the effects of landfill gas on plants, and hence on the spectral response of vegetation canopies. Examination of the landfill gas/vegetation relationship is covered, both by review of the literature and statistical analysis of field data. The work showed that, although vegetation health was related to landfill gas, it was not possible to define a simple correlation. In the landfill environment, contribution from other variables, such as soil characteristics, frequently confused the relationship. Two sites are investigated in detail, the sites contrasting in terms of the data available, site conditions, and the degree of damage to vegetation. Gas migration at the Panshanger site was dominantly upwards, affecting crops being grown on the landfill cap. The injury was expressed as an overall decline in plant health. Discriminant analysis was used to account for the variations in plant health, and hence the differences in spectral response of the crop canopy, using a combination of soil and gas variables. Damage to both woodland and crops at the Ware site was severe, and could be easily related to the presence of gas. Air photographs, aerial video, and airborne thematic mapper data were used to identify damage to vegetation, and relate this to soil type. The utility of different sensors for this type of application is assessed, and possible improvements that could lead to more widespread use are identified. The situations in which remote sensing data could be combined with ground survey are identified. In addition, a possible methodology for integrating the two approaches is suggested.


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Of the many sources of urban greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, solid waste is the only one for which management decisions are undertaken primarily by municipal governments themselves and is hence often the largest component of cities’ corporate inventories. It is essential that decision-makers select an appropriate quantification methodology and have an appreciation of methodological strengths and shortcomings. This work compares four different waste emissions quantification methods, including Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1996 guidelines, IPCC 2006 guidelines, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Waste Reduction Model (WARM), and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities- Partners for Climate Protection (FCM-PCP) quantification tool. Waste disposal data for the greater Toronto area (GTA) in 2005 are used for all methodologies; treatment options (including landfill, incineration, compost, and anaerobic digestion) are examined where available in methodologies. Landfill was shown to be the greatest source of GHG emissions, contributing more than three-quarters of total emissions associated with waste management. Results from the different landfill gas (LFG) quantification approaches ranged from an emissions source of 557 kt carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) (FCM-PCP) to a carbon sink of −53 kt CO2e (EPA WARM). Similar values were obtained between IPCC approaches. The IPCC 2006 method was found to be more appropriate for inventorying applications because it uses a waste-in-place (WIP) approach, rather than a methane commitment (MC) approach, despite perceived onerous data requirements for WIP. MC approaches were found to be useful from a planning standpoint; however, uncertainty associated with their projections of future parameter values limits their applicability for GHG inventorying. MC and WIP methods provided similar results in this case study; however, this is case specific because of similarity in assumptions of present and future landfill parameters and quantities of annual waste deposited in recent years being relatively consistent.


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Research was to investigate the effects of increasing levels of carbon dioxide addition to the combustion of methane with air. Using an atmospheric-pressure, swirl-stabilized dump combustor, emissions data and flame stability limitations were measured and analyzed.


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Estimation of the municipal solid waste settlements and the contribution of each of the components are essential in the estimation of the volume of the waste that can be accommodated in a landfill and increase the post-usage of the landfill. This article describes an experimental methodology for estimating and separating primary settlement, settlement owing to creep and biodegradation-induced settlement. The primary settlement and secondary settlement have been estimated and separated based on 100% pore pressure dissipation time and the coefficient of consolidation. Mechanical creep and biodegradation settlements were estimated and separated based on the observed time required for landfill gas production. The results of a series of laboratory triaxial tests, creep tests and anaerobic reactor cell setups were conducted to describe the components of settlement. All the tests were conducted on municipal solid waste (compost reject) samples. It was observed that biodegradation accounted to more than 40% of the total settlement, whereas mechanical creep contributed more than 20% towards the total settlement. The essential model parameters, such as the compression ratio (C-c'), rate of mechanical creep (c), coefficient of mechanical creep (b), rate of biodegradation (d) and the total strain owing to biodegradation (E-DG), are useful parameters in the estimation of total settlements as well as components of settlement in landfill.


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A geração de energia a partir do biogás do lixo em aterros sanitários é uma maneira de produzir energia elétrica renovável e limpa, reduzindo os impactos globais provocados pela queima dos resíduos sólidos urbanos. A contribuição ambiental mais relevante é a redução de emissões dos gases de efeito estufa (GEE), por meio da conversão do metano em dióxido de carbono, visto que o metano possui um potencial de aquecimento global cerca de 21 vezes maior, quando comparado ao dióxido de carbono (através da combustão do mesmo). De acordo com o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL), os países ricos podem comprar créditos de carbono (CERs) dos países em desenvolvimento (que possuam projetos sustentáveis) para cumprir suas metas ambientais. O objetivo é transformar um passivo ambiental (destinação final dos resíduos sólidos urbanos) em um recurso energético, além do estudo da alternativa de obtenção de recursos financeiros através dos CERs. São analisadas as tecnologias de conversão energética (tecnologia de gás de lixo, incineração, entre outras), com a seleção da melhor alternativa para a geração de energia através do biogás de lixo em aterros sanitários. A metodologia utilizada é a recomendada pela Agência de Proteção Ambiental dos Estados Unidos - USEPA (2005). Serão apresentadas outras duas metodologias de cálculo da geração de metano: a do Banco Mundial e a do IPCC (Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas). São apresentados estudos comparativos demonstrando quando as turbinas a gás, motores de combustão interna (ciclos Otto ou Diesel) ou outras tecnologias de conversão energética serão viáveis na área técnica e econômica para implantação de Unidades Termoelétricas a biogás. No caso do Aterro de Gramacho, o projeto é viável com a utilização de motores a combustão interna e a obtenção de receitas com a venda da produção de energia e créditos de carbono. Por fim, será apresentada a alternativa do uso do biogás como substituto do gás natural para fins energéticos ou outros fins industriais.


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O lixiviado gerado em aterro sanitário possui substâncias de difícil degradação e amônia, que dificulta o tratamento biológico. O tratamento do lixiviado gerado em aterros sanitários requer uma série de processos de elevado custo e, outras técnicas de tratamento têm sido investigadas no intuito de reduzir custos e aumentar a eficiência do tratamento. A evaporação do lixiviado é uma técnica que aproveita o gás de aterro como fonte de calor, e é utilizada na redução do volume a tratar; porém as emissões atmosféricas geradas durante essa evaporação indicam a presença de amônia, o que pode causar impactos negativos em torno do aterro. Desta forma, é importante a realização de estudos que aprimorem esta técnica, para que a evaporação torne-se ambientalmente e economicamente viável. A amônia presente em amostras com pH em torno de 8,0 e temperatura em torno de 25C, está na forma de íon amônio, o que favorece ao processo de troca iônica. A troca iônica é um processo que tem sido estudado por muitos pesquisadores e consiste na troca de um ou mais constituintes de uma fase fluida para a superfície de uma fase sólida (resinas poliméricas). Este trabalho apresenta a eficiência de quatro tipos diferentes de resinas poliméricas: Amberlyst 15 Wet, Lewatit VPOC 1800, Dowex Mac-3 e Purolite MN250 na remoção e posterior, recuperação do íon amônio presente nos vapores condensados da evaporação de lixiviados. A princípio foi investigado a quantidade e o momento em que o amônio é lançado durante o processo de evaporação. Em seguida, caracterizaram-se as resinas quanto à eficiência de remoção, o tempo de contato e a quantidade ideal da resina. Estão apresentadas neste estudo as isotermas de adsorção de Langmuir, Freundlich e Temkin em diferentes temperaturas (298-318 K) e as condições ideais do processo. Os resultados apontaram duas resinas com eficiência de remoção, em torno de 40%, para concentrações acima de 1000 mg dm-3 de amônio, utilizando 0,5 g de resina e um tempo de contato de 20 minutos. Diferentes modelos cinéticos foram aplicados: Pseudo-Primeira Ordem, Pseudo-Segunda Ordem, difusão intrapartícula, Elovich e o modelo cinético de difusão externa e os resultados discutidos. Foi possível tratar Através da condensação dos vapores emitidos durante a evaporação do lixiviado, foi possível tratar foi possível obter uma recuperação em torno de 70% do íon amônio contido no vapor condensado proveniente da evaporação do lixiviado.


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Esta pesquisa apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre as emissões de metano em aterros sanitários, os conceitos de geração de gases em aterros sanitários, movimentações de gases em aterro, apresenta os métodos de medição de gases in situ, tipos de cobertura finais para aterros e a oxidação do metano na camada de cobertura. A pesquisa também tem como objetivo medir as emissões de gases e avaliar a infiltração das águas pluviais através da camada de cobertura do aterro sanitário da CTR Nova Iguaçu. As medições foram realizadas nos meses de julho a novembro de 2010, na camada de cobertura monolítica existente e em outra construída sobre uma barreira capilar. Sensores para medir temperatura e umidade foram instalados em profundidade nas duas camadas. Foram realizados ensaios de placa de fluxo para medir a composição dos gases e o fluxo através dos dois tipos de camadas, e avaliadas duas situações: com os poços de extração de gás ativos e desligados. Os sensores indicaram que em período de baixa pluviosidade, a barreira capilar apresenta uma eficácia superior à camada monolítica, e com a intensificação das chuvas, as umidades medidas nos dois tipos de camadas aumentam, e na barreira capilar o gradiente estabelecido entre os sensores diminui, indicando uma possível tendência à saturação desta barreira capilar. Porém, com a paralisação das chuvas, recupera e retoma sua condição inicial. Os resultados de medidas dos gases demostraram a eficiência do sistema de extração de gás quando ativado, resultando em emissões quase nulas de metano e gás carbônico nos dois tipos de camadas. No entanto, quando o sistema está desativado, as emissões através da camada monolítica são cerca de 3 vezes maiores do que através da barreira capilar.


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Carbon stable isotope ((13)C) fractionation in chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) compounds arising from abiotic (chemical) degradation using zero-valent iron (ZVI) and biotic (landfill gas attenuation) processes is investigated. Batch tests (at 25 °C) for CFC-113 and CFC-11 using ZVI show quantitative degradation of CFC-113 to HCFC-123a and CFC-1113 following pseudo-first-order kinetics corresponding to a half-life (t(1/2)) of 20.5 h, and a ZVI surface-area normalized rate constant (k(SA)) of -(9.8 ± 0.5) × 10(-5) L m(-2) h(-1). CFC-11 degraded to trace HCFC-21 and HCFC-31 following pseudo-first-order kinetics corresponding to t(1/2) = 17.3 h and k(SA) = -(1.2 ± 0.5) × 10(-4) L m(-2) h(-1). Significant kinetic isotope effects of e(‰) = -5.0 ± 0.3 (CFC-113) and -17.8 ± 4.8 (CFC-11) were observed. Compound-specific carbon isotope analyses also have been used here to characterize source signatures of CFC gases (HCFC-22, CFC-12, HFC-134a, HCFC-142b, CFC-114, CFC-11, CFC-113) for urban (UAA), rural/remote (RAA), and landfill (LAA) ambient air samples, as well as in situ surface flux chamber (FLUX; NO FLUX) and landfill gas (LFG) samples at the Dargan Road site, Northern Ireland. The latter values reflect biotic degradation and isotopic fractionation in LFG production, and local atmospheric impact of landfill emissions through the cover. Isotopic fractionations of ?(13)C ~ -13‰ (HCFC-22), ?(13)C ~ -35‰ (CFC-12) and ?(13)C ~ -15‰ (CFC-11) were observed for LFG in comparison to characteristic solvent source signatures, with the magnitude of the isotopic effect for CFC-11 apparently similar to the kinetic isotope effect for (abiotic) ZVI degradation.


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‘By drawing a diagram, a ground plan of a house, a street plan to the location of a site, or a topographic map, one draws a “logical two dimensional picture”. A “logical picture” differs from a natural or realistic picture in that it rarely looks like the thing it stands for.’
A Provisional Theory of Non-Sites, Robert Smithson (1968)

Between design and ground there are variances, deviations and gaps. These exist as physical interstices between what is conceptualised and what is realised; and they reveal moments in the design process that resist the reconciliation of people and their environment (McHarg 1963). The Machinist Landscape interrogates the significance of these variances through the contrasting processes of coppice and photovoltaic energy. It builds on the potential of these gaps, and in doing so proposes that these spaces of variance can reveal the complexity of relationships between consumption and remediation, design and nature.
Fresh Kills Park, and in particular the draft master plan (2006), offers a framework to explore this artificial construct. Central to the Machinist Landscape is the analysis of the landfill gas collection system, planned on a notional 200ft grid. Variations are revealed between this diagrammatic grid measure and that which has been constructed on the site. These variances between the abstract and the real offer the Machinist Landscape a powerful space of enquiry. Are these gaps a result of unexpected conditions below ground, topographic nuances or natural phenomena? Does this space of difference, between what is planned and what is constructed, have the potential to redefine the dynamic processes and relations with the land?
The Machinist Landscape is structured through this space of variance with an ‘entropic grid’, the under-storey of which hosts a carefully managed system of short-rotation coppice (SRC). The coppice, a medieval practice related to energy, product, and space, operates on theoretical and programmatic levels. It is planted along a structure of linear bunds, stabilized through coppice pole retaining structures and enriched with nutrients from coppice produced bio-char. Above the coppice is built an upper-storey of photovoltaic (PV); its structures fabricated from the coppiced timber and the PV produced with graphene from coppice charcoal processes.


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Multivariate statistical methods were used to investigate file Causes of toxicity and controls on groundwater chemistry from 274 boreholes in an Urban area (London) of the United Kingdom. The groundwater was alkaline to neutral, and chemistry was dominated by calcium, sodium, and Sulfate. Contaminants included fuels, solvents, and organic compounds derived from landfill material. The presence of organic material in the aquifer caused decreases in dissolved oxygen, sulfate and nitrate concentrations. and increases in ferrous iron and ammoniacal nitrogen concentrations. Pearson correlations between toxicity results and the concentration of individual analytes indicated that concentrations of ammoinacal nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, ferrous iron, and hydrocarbons were important where present. However, principal component and regression analysis suggested no significant correlation between toxicity and chemistry over the whole area. Multidimensional Scaling was used to investigate differences in sites caused by historical use, landfill gas status, or position within the sample area. Significant differences were observed between sites with different historical land use and those with different gas status. Examination of the principal component matrix revealed that these differences are related to changes in the importance of reduced chemical species.


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The current technological development made by the absorption refrigeration system is an economic and ambient alternative in comparison to the vapor cycle, possessing an advantage that uses thermal energy that is less noble. Chillers of absorption are used widely in the air conditioned industries, because they can be set in motion through hot water vapors that burn natural gas, solar energy, biomasses amongst others instead of electricity. These systems allow it to reduce the tips of electric demand and balance the rocking of energy demand. This work has had a main objective to simulate a absorption refrigeration cycle with lithium-water bromide solution using biogas of sanitary landfill, and mixtures of this with natural gas. These results shown to the energy viability of the system burning biogas and its mixtures with natural gas in the generator, when compared with equipments that uses traditional fuels (natural gas, oil diesel, amongst others), for operation the commercial chillers with 15 kW of the refrigeration capacity and temperature of the water in the entrance of 14°C and the exit of 7°C.