994 resultados para lamb production


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The influence of early weaning and concentrate supplementation strategies on sward characteristics, forage chemical composition and lamb productivity were evaluated in four production systems on Tifton-85 pasture: suckling lambs not supplemented until slaughter; suckling lambs supplemented with concentrate in creep feeding until slaughter; early-weaned lambs not supplemented until slaughter; and early-weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate until slaughter. Structural, morphological and productive characteristics of pasture were measured. The forage was chemically analyzed to estimate its composition. Lambs average daily gain and productivity were calculated. Sward height, forage and morphological components mass were lower in systems without weaning. Forage production was higher in systems with supplementation. Higher levels of neutral and acid detergent fiber were observed in forage ingested by lambs in creep feeding and by weaned and unsupplemented lambs. Average daily gain was higher for lambs in creep feeding (275 g/d) and lower for the weaned and unsupplemented animals (57 g/d). Productivity was higher for weaned and supplemented lambs (21 kg lamb body weight, BW gain/ha/d). Lower productivity was observed in systems without supplementation (5 kg lamb BW gain/ha/d on average). Ewes modify the sward conditions improving the pasture characteristics and the quality of forage produced. Changes in sward conditions affect the chemical composition of forage ingested by lambs. Early weaning may be an alternative to maximize pasture utilization in small areas. Concentrate supplementation may increase lamb performance and productivity in grazing systems. If the objective is to improve lamb individual performance, creep feeding should be used.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Realizou-se o presente estudo com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de sexo (machos inteiros x fêmeas) e de quatro pesos ao abate (28, 32, 36 e 40 kg) sobre o desempenho, os caracteres da carcaça e resultados econômicos de cordeiros mestiços ½ Ile de France x ½ Corriedale, terminados em sistema de confinamento. Quarenta animais (20 machos e 20 fêmeas) foram desmamados aos 60 dias e alimentados à vontade com uma ração contendo 16,46% de PB e 67,63% de NDT. Foram divididos em quatro grupos de machos (G1M, G2M, G3M e G4M) e quatro grupos de fêmeas (G1F, G2F, G3F, e G4F), sacrificados, respectivamente, com os pesos supra citados. Determinaram-se o ganho médio de peso diário (GMPD), o peso do corpo vazio (PCV), os pesos de carcaça quente (PCQ) e fria (PCF), as perdas ao resfriamento (PR), os rendimentos comercial (RC) e verdadeiro (RV) e o pH da carne em três momentos. Observou-se efeito de sexo para GMPD, com superioridade dos machos. Houve efeito de peso ao abate sobre PCQ e PCF e também de sexo, tendo as fêmeas superado os machos em G3 e G4, para PCQ, e em G2, G3 E G4, para PCF. Constataram-se maiores valores de RC e RV para as fêmeas, em G3 e G4. Todos os grupos apresentaram-se similares em relação ao pH da carne, o qual descreveu uma curva dentro dos padrões esperados. O estudo econômico destacou G1M como tendo apresentado melhor conversão alimentar e maior renda líquida/animal. Entre as fêmeas, G1F foi o melhor, destacando-se as rendas líquidas negativas constatadas em G3F e G4F. Concluiu-se que o melhor peso ao abate foi 28 kg, tanto para os machos, como para as fêmeas. No caso dos machos, tolerar-se-ia o peso de 32 kg, apesar de ter propiciado renda líquida 12,8% inferior a G1M.


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Neste experimento, avaliou-se o efeito de sexo (macho e fêmea) e de quatro distintos pesos de abate (28, 32, 36, e 40 kg) sobre a morfometria da carcaça, os pesos dos cortes, a composição tecidual e os componentes não constituintes da carcaça, em cordeiros mestiços Ile de France x Corriedale, terminados em confinamento. Utilizaram-se 40 animais (20 machos e 20 fêmeas), desmamados aos 60 dias e alimentados, à vontade, com uma ração com 16,46% de PB e 67,63% de NDT. Foram divididos em quatro grupos de machos (G1M, G2M, G3M e G4M), sacrificados, respectivamente, com os pesos supracitados, e, da mesma forma, quatro grupos de fêmeas (G1F, G2F, G3F e G4F). Determinaram-se as medidas da carcaça e, de forma subjetiva, a condição corporal, o grau de conformação e o grau de gordura de cobertura. Calcularam-se os índices de compacidade da carcaça e da perna. Foram registrados os pesos e as porcentagens de sete cortes da meia carcaça, bem como as porcentagens de osso, músculo e tecido adiposo, avaliadas por meio de dissecção do lombo. A espessura da gordura de cobertura foi determinada na região lombar. O estudo morfométrico confirmou maior alongamento ósseo dos machos. de maneira geral, as carcaças apresentaram-se com bom acabamento, segundo os índices de compacidade verificados. Os cortes das carcaças das fêmeas foram mais pesados que os dos machos (exceto para o peso de 28 kg ao abate), principalmente em função dos maiores teores de gordura. Destaca-se a representabilidade dos pesos da pele e do conteúdo gastrintestinal na determinação do rendimento da carcaça. Pelos resultados obtidos, recomenda-se 28 kg como peso referência para sacrifício.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FCAV


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Many farm flocks in Nebraska are comprised of aged western ewes. They are easily obtained because of the state's geographical position with reference to the sheep-producing sections of the West and the leading feeder lamb markets. Nebraska ranks second in number of western lambs fed. This also tends to acquaint farmers with range sheep. This 1930 research bulletin discusses factors in early lamb production; objects of the experiment, experimental procedure, and experimental data of raising early lambs from aged western ewes.


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Petrifilm(R) (6410) was used directly on lamb carcasses to enumerate coliforms. 10 sites on 30 carcasses were sampled at each of 4 separate meat processing establishments (works). Coliform counts obtained by this technique were statistically analysed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) to select the optimum sampling sites on the carcass and to assess contamination of the carcass by gut flora at a particular establishment. There was a large variation between sites and between works. In general, works 3 and 4 produced cleaner carcasses than works 2, which in turn was cleaner than works 1. Works 1, 2 and 4 used conventional dressing techniques and works 3 used the inverted dressing method, therefore, the coliform counts found at works 3 and 4 are achievable regardless of dressing technique. Coliform bacteria were most concentrated around the posterior pelvic rim and less prevalent at the carcass extremities. The posterior pelvic rim (sites 3 and 4) had higher (P < 0.05) coliform counts than the exterior ventral flank area (sites 5, 6, 7 and 8), which in turn had higher (P < 0.05) counts than the proximal hind and proximal fore limbs (sites 1, 2, 9 and 10) across all works. With in-line routine testing it is recommended that the majority of carcasses sampled should give coliform counts of <50 cfu/20 cm2 for sites 4 and 8. Reprinted with permission from Journal of Food Protection. Copyright held by the International Association of Food Protection, Des Moines, Iowa, USA. Authors affifiation. J.A.Guthrie & K.J.Dunlop International Food Institute of Queensland, Department of Primary Industries, Rockhampton and G.A.Saunders Veterinary Public Health Division, Livestock and Meat Authority of Queensland, Emerald.


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The prenatal period is of critical importance in defining how individuals respond to their environment throughout life. Stress experienced by pregnant females has been shown to have detrimental effects on offspring behaviour, health and productivity. The sheep has been used extensively as a model species to inform human studies. However, in the farmed environment, the consequences for the lamb of the imposition of prenatal stresses upon the ewe have received much less attention. The stressors that pregnant ewes are most frequently exposed to include sub-optimal nutrition and those related to housing, husbandry and environment which may be either acute or chronic. A systematic review of the literature was adopted to identify material which had production-relevant maternal stressors and lamb outcomes. The current review focussed upon the lamb up to weaning around the age of 100 days and the results clearly demonstrate that stressors imposed upon the ewe have implications for offspring welfare and performance. Maternal under-nutrition (UN) in the last third of pregnancy consistently impaired lamb birth-weight and subsequent vigour and performance, while earlier UN had a variable effect on performance. Feeding the ewe above requirements did not have positive effects on lamb performance and welfare. Social and husbandry stressors such as transport, shearing, mixing and physiological treatments designed to mimic acute stress which would be considered disadvantageous for the ewe had positive or neutral effects for the lamb, highlighting a potential conflict between the welfare of the ewe and her lamb. This review also identified considerable gaps in knowledge, particularly in respect of the impact of disease upon the ewe during pregnancy and interactions between different stressors and the responses of ewe and lamb.


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A plasma gas bubble-in-liquid method for high production of selectable reactive species using a nanosecond pulse generator has been developed. The gas of choice is fed through a hollow needle in a point-to-plate bubble discharge, enabling improved selection of reactive species. The increased interface reactions, between the gas-plasma and water through bubbles, give higher productivity. H2O2 was the predominant species produced using Ar plasma, while predominantly NO3- and NO2 were generated using air plasma, in good agreement with the observed emission spectra. This method has nearly 100% selectivity for H2O2, with seven times higher production, and 92% selectivity for NO3-, with nearly twice the production, compared with a plasma above the water.


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Data from a multibreed commercial flock located at Mid-West of Brazil, supported by Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Caprinos e Ovinos de Corte (GENECOC), were used to estimate genetic parameters of traits related to ewe productivity by Average Information Restricted Maximum Likelihood method applied to an animal model. The analyzed traits were litter weight at birth (LWB) and at weaning (LWW), ewe weight at weaning (EW) and ewe production efficiency, estimated by WEE=LWW/EW 0.75. The heritabilities were 0.26±0.05, 0.32±0.06, 0.37±0.03 and 0.10±0.02 for LWB, LWW, EW and WEE, respectively. Significant effects for direct heterosis were observed for LWW and EW. Recombination losses were important for EW and WEE. Genetic correlations of LWB with LWW, EW and WEE were 0.68, 0.37 and 0.15, respectively; of LWW with EW and WEE were 0.30 and 0.34, respectively; and between EW and WEE was -0.25. Even though it is a low heritability trait, WEE can be indicated as a selection criteria for improving the ewe productivity without increasing the mature weight of animals due to its genetic correlations with LWW and other traits. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.


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The majority of beef cow herds in South America are constituted by Bos indicus females, which have particular reproductive features that contribute to reduced reproductive efficiency compared with that of B. taurus cohorts. Hence, several alternatives to enhance reproductive efficiency of B. indicus heifers and cows have been developed to address their inherent reproductive shortcomings. These research-based technologies are being described in detail within this chapter and have already made an impact on South American B. indicus-based production systems. These include the following: (a) hormonal protocols to induce puberty in nulliparous heifers or estrous cyclicity in postpartum cows to maximize their reproductive performance during the subsequent breeding season, (b) hormonal protocols to synchronize estrus and/or ovulation in B. indicus females to exploit their reproductive responses to artificial insemination, and (c) genetic and environmental factors that influence reproductive success in beef herds, including reproductive diseases and excitable temperament of B. indicus females, that have been investigated to support/promote the development of appropriate mitigation technologies.


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During the past two centuries there have been three major paradigm shifts in the management of Australian rainforests and the use of their timbers: from felling native forests towards growing plantations; from viewing forests and plantations as mainly providers of timber to viewing them as sources of multiple benefits (e.g. timber, biodiversity, carbon sequestration, catchment protection, recreation, regional economic development); and from timber plantations being developed mainly by government on public land towards those established by private citizens, companies, or joint venture arrangements, on previously-cleared freehold land. Rainforest timber plantations are increasingly established for varied reasons, and with multiple objectives. Landholders are increasingly interested in the biodiversity values of their plantations. However, there are few guidelines on the changes to plantation design and management that would augment biodiversity outcomes, or on the extent to which this might require a sacrifice of production. [Abstract extract]


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Acknowledgements Financial support for composing this article was obtained from the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB, Beef and Lamb), UK. Concept of review was also initiated from discussions originating from EU COST Action FA1201, Epiconcept: Epigenetics and Periconception Environment